Halloween Party and Hollow Invitation
Here is a chapter to this book. I'm not sure where this book will go or how often I'm going to update it but enjoy.
Yoshiro's POV
I can't believe Ukitake kicked Ichigo out of Soul Society. Ukitake motioned for me to take him back home. Gently picking the orange haired man up I open the gate and summon my Hell Butterfly to lead us through. We landed in his room and I settled him on his bed before I wrote a to tell him I was sorry. We were actually pretty good friends and it pains me to stay away from him since it is now forbidden. I opened a portal home and left.
Ichigo's POV
Groaning I woke up. I had this awful migraine that I just can't shake. I noticed a letter on my bed with my name in perfect writing. The only writing I knew one person has. Toshiro Hitsugaya.
To Ichigo:
Dear Ichigo,
I'm sorry this all had to happen. The council has put it to a vote saying you were getting to powerful and we had to stop you. Kenpachi, Byukuya, and I tried to sway the votes in your favor so you can stay but we were out voted. I really tried and I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. I didn't know they were going to take all of your soul reaper powers. If I did, I would have warned you. This will be the last time you will be hearing from me. They made it forbidden to talk to you. They said you were going to turn rogue and is using that to tell all the others. I know it's not true but they are being very thorough about making sure you get killed on sight of you head back to Soul Society. I'm sorry my friend.
Your friend forever,
I felt Ulquiorra's and Grimmjow's reishi nearby but was too sad to care. "ICHIIIIIIGOOOOOOOO!" My dad tried to kick me out my window. I only moved out of the way.
"What?" I mutter. I didn't want to deal with this right now.
"Don't be so mean to daddy Ichigo. You need to get ready for our Halloween party. It's in an hour." Isshin frowned at me. I turned away.
"Fine." I glare at the ground. Isshin frowned again and opened his mouth to say something but I glared at him, saying him to ask. After all, he used to be the Captain of the 10th Division in the Gotei 13. He shut his mouth and left the room. I laid back down on my bed and covered my eyes with an arm as silent tears tracked their way down my face.
"I'm sorry King. I think I might have been the cause of that. Only because I'm here in you." Hichigo apologized.
"It's not your fault. It's theirs. They lost their most valuable weapon. When I see them next time, I'm going to kill them. I'll kill them all. Except for Toshiro, Kenpachi, and Byukuya." I giggled a little in an odd manner. One of my eyes turned Hollow and a hole appeared on my chest. My mall covered half of my face and the other half had a Hollow's jawbone like Grimmjow does. My skin got paler. Time to get down their I guess. Sighing I walk down the stairs to see my sisters friends are already over and they were all chatting happily. My body tensed as I seen my dad eye me with caution and suspicion. I growl a little under my breath and continue to look around the room. In one corner was Ulquiorra and Grimmjow. They belonged me over and I joined them.
"I like the new look Ichigo." Grimmjow laughed.
"Thanks. I do too." I smile sadly.
"We heard what happened. Aizen wants to talk to you." Ulquiorra interrupted.
"Sure. But I can't right now. Isshin is watching me right now." I smile. Grimmjow laughed.
"Mind if we stay until the party is over?" He asked.
"Sure. Just try to stay near me so Isshin isn't calling for reinforcements. After all, there is two Espada here and his son is talking with them." I said motioning to the couch. Grimmjow sat on an end seat and Ulquiorra took the other end seat forcing me to sit in the middle. Out of nowhere a Garganta opened.
"ICHIIIIIIGOOOOOOOO!" Nelliel in her adult form yelled as she came out and glomped me. I feel back into Ulquiorra as she pressed her big breasts into my face.
"Nel?" I asked in confusion. "What are you doing here?" I ask her as Grimmjow peeled her off of me.
"I wanted to see you!" Nel cried as she was held in Grimmjow's grip like a mother cat holding her kitten by their scruff.
"Nevermind me being the cause. It was probably her." Hichigo said.
"Go back Nelliel." Ulquiorra said as he shoved me off of him gently.
"You can't give me orders Ulquiorra. You forget who you are speaking to." She growled threateningly.
"Calm down Nel." I sighed.
"Yes Nel. Calm down." Grimmjow smirked and shook her. She hissed at him.
"Are they always like this?" I turn to Ulquiorra waiting for his answer. Nel pushed me into him again as she went to hit Grimmjow.
"Yes... " Ulquiorra breathed, his breath minty. Our faces were inches apart.
"Nice going King." Hichigo whistled. I blushed a little and pulled away, Ulquiorra's green cat slit eyes never leaving my face.
(Timeskip because I am lazy)
Nel pulled me to the Garganta she had made in excitement. Ulquiorra and Grimmjow following us and we stepped through and into Hueco Mundo.
So here is this chapter. Comment what you thought about this chapter. Ulquiorra-sama out! Ciao!
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