Grimmjow's Prey
Sorry Fanficlover909925 , it's been a little longer than a week. Enjoy the chapter
After Coyote punches Grimmjow away, the blue haired Espada landed somewhere else. He sat up, rubbing his head. "Ow." Grimmjow muttered, looking around before noticing a short shinigami standing there her sword out and standing in a defensive position. Grimmjow narrowed his eyes. "Oh. It's you." He sneered.
"Where is the traitor?" The small, short haired, flat chested, Shinigami asked.
"And you care...why?" Grimmjow rolled his eyes, before laying down on the ground, perfectly fine with the ground at the moment.
The shinigami girl, Rukia, he thinks her name is, pointed her sword at him and moved closer. "He is a traitor. He turned his back on us and became a hollow. We are here to kill him." Rukia hissed, eyes narrowing in irritation at the sixth Espada.
"Nah." Grimmjow yawned. "If I remember correctly, he became a hollow after you puny shinigami betrayed him. He is much more happy here and is actually our leader. And he gave us permission to kill you invaders. Of course, I don't really feel like moving right now. Coyote packs a mean punch."
Rukia was startled by the fact that he was giving her some important information like it was nothing. She decided to push her luck. "And where is Toshiro Hitsugya? He turned traitor and ran here. He needs to be caught and executed."
Grimmjow rolled his eyes. "He's probably with Ulquiorra dealing with Ichigo, that strawberry headed bastard." Grimmjow grumbled.
Rukia put away her sword. "For that information, you shall be spared. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go kill some traitors." She turned and started to walk away.
Grimmjow was up in a blink of an eye and shoved his own sword through her back. "Now, now. Did I say that you can leave to go kill my, dare I say, friends?" He whispered in her ear as she coughed up blood.
"You... Bastard!" Rukia shouted, before he twisted his sword in her stomach, carving a much bigger hole and rendering a loud scream to rip from her throat.
"You see, that information that I told you is true. I only told you that because I knew I would kill you before you could do anything with it. Now here is how we are going to do this. You can either die the easy and less painful way, or you can die the most painful and difficult way possible." He ran a hand through his blue hair. "Either way, it would still be entertaining to me." He shrugged.
"Who is a lowly hollow to tell me, a great shinigami, what to do?" She gasped, stabbing her sword backwards and into Grimmjow's arm.
He blinked at it. "Oh would you look at that. I've been impaled." She tried to stab him again but he pushed her to the ground, another cry of pain escaping her lips as he stabbed her in her arm. "For such a great shinigami, you seem awfully weak." Grimmjow teased.
In a last attempt, she concentrated on trying to freeze him using her bankai. However, luck was not on her side because she couldn't freeze him quickly enough. As soon as his feet started to freeze, he stabbed her again in the leg, twisting the blade for more effect and breaking her concentration. "Bastard!" She screamed.
"I don't like puny things messing with my friends and invading my home. So goodbye weakling." Grimmjow raised his sword back up one more time.
"P-please! S-spare me!" She cried.
"Goodbye!" Grimmjow grinned widely, bringing his sword down and piercing her heart. She went limp. He put his sword away and rubbed his hands together. "Now that that trash has been taken care of, I wonder if I can go bother Ichigo and Ulquiorra."
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