The Choice
I watch the news, barely paying attention to a reporter talking about another leopard escaping. It did effectively distract me from my irritation at Jermaine sleeping over at my house for the third night in a row. His excuse was always the same: "the nightmares aren't as bad when I sleep here." I grumble inside my head. Well, I don't care. You're not a child anymore.
"....Yesterday, this government building behind me saw what can only be described as a slaughter," the reporter says, grabbing my attention again. I watch the reporter step into a noticeably damaged building. I instantly recognize it as the building that Jermaine's sister works in. Now, I am interested. "I've been told that prisoners, Zach and his accomplice, Mia killed at least 6 soldiers and injured more than 4 others. The four soldiers immediately fled the scene after being wounded. It also seems that one of them was a...Hunter. Yes, after years of thinking that the government had wiped them out, one has appeared. Although, both people involved in the bloodshed were shot and killed by a priest named James," the reporter continues. I watch someone run up to the reporter and whisper in her ear. The reporter gasps and returns to the camera. "As you just saw, I was informed that among the injured is Night. If you remember, 6 years ago she destroyed part of a town. She is in critical condition, but the doctors seem optimistic that she will survive. Furthermore, we are hoping to get a interview with one of the top agents, Mary. But for now, that is all. Back to you, Tom," the reporter concludes and the television switches to a man. By then I have already lost interest, too busy thinking about Night. Just the mention of her name brings me back to the moment my son died. I can remember all her features. Her pale skin covered in my baby's blood. Her dark hair that matched the blackness in her soul. Finally, those eyes... I will never forget those cold, blue depths devoid of remorse.
Breaking away from my memories, I stand up. No more waiting. No more preparing. It time for revenge. I know what my parents would think about attacking an injured opponent, but I don't need a fair fight. I need Night dead.
I sit in my car, debating whether or not to check on Delta. A strong feeling of guilt urges me to go to her, but I hesitate because I know she doesn't want me there. I sigh in frustration at my indecision and lay my head on the steering wheel. I want to leave, but guilt traps me in my car. Guilt over leaving Delta and guilt over...cheating on her. All signs seem to point at our marriage ending, even without the death of our only child and the affair, but it doesn't make me feel any better. I wanted it to end on better terms than this... "I'm sorry, Delta..." I say to myself. At the sound of my voice, a little girl run over to me. Her African-American hair flops around behind her. Leaning into the open window, I hear her say:
"Daddy, are you talking to yourself again?"
"Yes, daddy got busted!" I laugh. She laughs with me, but slowly her smile begins to fade.
"Daddy...are you going to see Delta again?" she asks. I pause, feeling a little surprised. I finally answer by saying:
I get out of the car and follow her inside. I am greeted by the woman I use to call mistress, but now is called wife. Goodbye, Delta...
I search the house, finding Jermaine in the bathroom. He stands in front of the mirror with his shirt off, admiring each of his tattoos. The strangest smile on his lips. I step back out of embarrassment and...nervousness. "Do you want to know why I got these tattoos or even why I went to prison? You never asked," Jermaine asks with a chilling tone in his voice, his eyes never leaving the glass.
"No, its none of my business," I answer, keeping strength in my words. He finally turns to look at me, beginning to laugh. Nervousness shifts to irritation as I stand a little straighter. I open my mouth to lash out, but the look in his eyes keeps me silent. His brown eyes shine with a odd, yellow tint and has the coldness of a killer. "Jermaine, what's wrong-" I begin, but I am quickly interrupted.
"Each tattoo is a trophy. Each tattoo is a reason why I went to prison," he interrupts. I look at him confused, not understanding his cryptic words. Seeing this, he continues to explain. This time he makes his word chillingly clear. "Every time I would kill a Spirit Dancer, I would get a tattoo of their Spirit Animal. I can remember each one clearly; like which one put up fight or which one just sat there and begged for their life. You're probably wondering why I did it...aren't you? I did it because I knew it would make me stronger. I mean, they're all scum. So it doesn't matter if one more dies, right?" he says, keeping his eyes glued to mine. My partner is a psychopath. I break away from his gaze to look at the sheer amount of tattoos on his chest. "There's 20. I've killed 20 people. But only more person needs to die: Night. I even saved her spot," he chuckles darkly, revealing a bare part on his back. It seems like the more he talks about it, the more his eyes glow. I should have asked him why he went to prison. Well, it doesn't matter now. After today, I won't have to talk to him ever again. I take a deep breath to steady myself. Then, I rush towards him, grabbing his face in my hands. He immediately tenses.
"I don't care what you did. I care about what you're going to do. Night is injured and I know exactly which hospital she's staying in. You're going to quit acting like some creepy horror movie character and get the job done," I order, letting go of him. "Now, get ready to go. We leave in 10 minutes."
Then, I leave, not wanting to waste another minute. Though, I don't leave fast enough to miss his next words: "Thank you...she almost won." I don't even want to know who "she" is.
I open my eyes, happy to be conscious again. The pain radiating from my stomach says good morning to me. I feel Moon snuggle closer to me, lending me some much needed comfort. The memories of how I got here flood my mind, making me wince. I lost to a...Hunter? He even took me out with one hit! How do I expect myself to defeat a demon?
"Don't be so hard on yourself. Its natural for a Hunter to be stronger than a Spirit Dancer," Moon says to me telepathically.
"I know, but I should have been more guarded..." I reply.
"Don't think like that. Just focus on getting better," Moon says. I nod, sleep tugging at my eyes. I move my body carefully to avoid any extra pain, but before I can settle in to rest, I hear a sound that forces me awake. Its a sound I know well. The sound of fighting. I hear a struggle, a pained groan, and silence. Then, footsteps walking towards my room, coming closer and closer. I quickly move to a position where I can defend myself, summoning my weapon in the process. My body screams at me to lay back down, but I won't let myself die in this room. Moon is as ready as I am, growling softly. Then, the footsteps just stop one step away from the doorway, hiding it's face for a moment longer.
"Who are you?" I demand.
"I'm the one who's going to kill you," the voice chuckles, stepping into the doorway. My eyes widen as my body freezes up. Jermaine.
Night wobbles over to me, raising her sword her to end my life before I end hers. I grasp her blade in my hand, feeling no pain has it cuts into my palms. I grab unto it tighter, wrenching it away from her and throwing it on the ground far from her reach. I waste no time doing a counterattack. I plunge my closed fist into her healing wound. She gasps in pain, hunched over as I punch again and again. Each punch causes more raw blood lust to rise within me. I might as well have my fun before I deliver her to Delta. Finally, my throbbing fist causes me to stop. Blood pours from the cuts on palms, but its not just my blood staining my hands. Night's blood coats my knuckles. She falls to the ground as soon as I stop. She desperately holds her stomach, a pool of blood forming underneath her. I must has opened her wound. I don't feel an ounce of remorse for her though. In fact, I almost feel angry at how weak she is. I grab a fist full of her black hair, yanking her head to look at me.
"Do you know why I'm here?" I growl.
"Yes..." she croaks.
"Why?" I ask, raising my voice.
"Because I...I killed your family," Night answers, the guilt evident in her voice. Its not enough. Her guilt, her regret is not enough to appease my revenge. Only her life is enough. In my rage I don't hear the sound of footsteps or the clicking of a gun.
"Jermaine, get away from her!" I hear a voice order me. I look up to see my sister pointing a gun to my head, but her expression tells me that she will never be able to pull the trigger. I hear a voice that is not my own echo in mind. I recognize it instantly as the woman or better called the demon who has been haunting my dreams. She says:
"Kill Mary. What good is a witness? Then, you can finish Night." I shake my head, trying to force her words out of my mind. "Come on, do it. I can help you. I can make you stronger." she continues. She takes my blood lust as an invitation, forcing her way into my mind, stealing my very soul. I can only watch as she makes my hands knock the gun from Mary's grasp. I can't even struggle as she forces me to wrap my fingers around my sister's throat, squeezing the life out of her body. I can only feel calming numbness as she possesses me, drowning my pain in see of black. Laughing, she says: "I knew you would accept me. Now, I'm going to make suffer for resisting me."
I'm not Jermaine anymore. I am merely the perfect host for a demon.
I watch as Jermaine completely abandons his pursuit of Night and turns on his own sister. I knew he would have a hard time letting me kill Night, but this is something my mind hadn't even thought of. Though, one look in his eyes tells me that man in there is not Jermaine, but a demon. His once human eyes shining a gruesome yellow. I make a decision as I see Night crawling towards her sword. I need to move now. My time is running out. I swing my rifle sniper around my shoulder and make my hand gun more reachable. I run out of the building and towards the hospital.
I make it to Night's room just in time to save Mary's life. I kick Jermaine's knees, causing him to fall to the ground. Before he can even react, I point a gun to his head. He faces me, but I see no resemblance of the old Jermaine. "Snap out of it! Look at what you've done! You almost killed your sister, your only family!" I yell. I point at Mary, who's slumped against a wall, her chest barely moving. His eyes follow my finger and just for moment I see emotions swirl in his empty eyes. "We came here to kill Night not her." I see no change and debate whether to kill him or not. My debating is interrupted as he hunches over, vomiting violently. A smooth, black substance leaves his mouth. The yellow light slowly leaving his eyes.
"I'm...sorry...." Jermaine stammers weakly, the substances dripping down his chin. I say nothing in return, turning away to finish off Night. I feel a tug on my shirt, looking down I see a exhausted Jermaine holding onto me. "Delta...this isn't right... She possessed me...because I wanted revenge... Killing Night won't give us back what we lost... It'll only make us lose more....I almost lost my sister..." he pleads. I wrench away from his grasp, furious over his words.
"No...that's not me. That's you. This is my choice," I growl. I turn to Night, who's fallen down from blood loss and exhaustion. I say the words I wanted to say for the last 6 years: "You're going to die for the murder of my son. He was only six-years-old and you stole his life. That's not the only person you killed. You killed Jermaine's family and many others. You should have got the death penalty, but didn't. Now, I'm your executioner. This doesn't give me any honor, but it gives me justice."
Before I can pull the trigger, everything goes black.
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