Play With Me
The man charges at Night, bursting through the barricade. The scythe dangerously close to striking Night, but she remains frozen. Even the mist that surrounds her legs have gone rigid. Why isn't she moving? Instincts kick in, panic forces me to move faster. With only my mind, I shove her to the ground. The man slices through air, looking slightly confused. His head tilts at an odd angle, eyes staring at me with pure madness.
"Are you going to play with me too?" the man giggles. I find myself speechless, without a sarcastic resort. He drags himself towards me. "I'm so lucky! I get two new playthings," Move, Summer! I can't freeze up! I have to win!
"I'm not your new plaything," I growl. My words cause him to burst out laughing, clearly enjoying himself. Without warning, he sprints toward me with inhuman speed. Using my supernatural powers, I pull a car in front of me to use as a shield. Too focused on him, I forget he has a partner. Suddenly, the girl from before materializes behind me. She presses one of her dueling swords to my neck. A fox circles around me, growling fiercely. Its eyes as green as the forest. She's a Spirit Dancer. Her short hair a bright orange and her fair skin covered with freckles. Her green eyes didn't mirror the insanity of her partner, but a need to be noticed.
"Zach, I got her pinned! Do you want me to kill her or do you want to? Did I do good?" she babbles excitedly.
"No, you can kill her, Mia. I can kill the other one," Zach answers, so calmly its sickening. Is he talking about Night?
"Thank you, Zach! I won't fail!" Mai squeals. If I want to live, I need to do something now. I bring my finger to her temple, she jumps at my touch, but its too late. She falls back, landing on the ground with a thud. Her spirit animal's solid form dissipates.
"Mai? Are you okay?" the man asks, but his voice lacks remorse.
"She's asleep, but if you don't stop, I can make sure she never wakes up," I threaten.
"Go ahead," he responds instantly. "Because I'm not stopping," With a slice of his scythe, the car breaks in half. Nothing stands between us, he shakes off every single one of my mental attacks. He raises his weapon to strike me. Is this the end? Am I going to die?
"I just wanted my parents to love me," I mumble.
Waking up, I find myself in an unfamiliar room. Men and woman shuffle from bed to bed, tending to patients away from my view. A white sheet hangs from the ceiling, separating me from them. It smells like a hospital, despair and medicine. Though, I know I'm not in a real hospital.
I feel my forehead, the last of the pain fading away. Memories of before I collapse fill my mind. Their definitely going to want some answers. What do I say? And is it safe to be here anymore? I might have to pack up and return to my church. No...I can't. The government promised to fund my church if I worked here. They need the money.
"You think too loudly, human. Its annoying," echoes a voice in my head. It is different from the usual voice; more indifferent than threatening. I realize that the other patients are Julie's clones. Time to get some answers.
"You better keep looking cause I'm not giving you any answers," the clone intrudes.
"I just want to know more about Julie, like how she can suddenly have thousands of clones?" I ask, preying on their love for Julie. The clone doesn't answer right away, contemplating whether or not to tell me.
"You won't understand even if I tell you," she says, against her best judgment. Everyone has a weakness, even the clones, and their weak point is Julie.
"Try me," I shrug.
"The scientists asked Julie for a map of her DNA. She gave it to them, thinking it was the only way to stay with Mary. The scientists promised to get her a spot on the force if she cooperated. They wanted to create something more powerful than Physics," the clone explains.
"I know that, tell me something new. There's always more to the story. Like why were you in such bad shape? Why does Julie hate being around you? How long has Julie had clones? Why did she keep it a secret? How many of you are out there? Why were you really created?" I answer, pouring on question after question.
"Too many questions," she replies.
"Finish what you started," I say simply.
"Human curiosity is such an nuisance," her words are cold, but at the same time they are completely indifferent.
"After Julie gave them her DNA map, she was sworn to secrecy. In the beginning, she would visit us. Unfortunately, after she walked in on one of our experiments, she stopped visiting. Eventually, the experiments stopped getting funds and we were left behind. Why were we created? Because the government needed something as strong as Physics, but less independent. We are weapons," the clone describes.
"You forget some questions," I say.
"I guess I did. The experiments have been going on for about five years and I have no idea how many of us exist. Maybe the ones here and maybe thousands more. Are you happy now?" she responds coolly.
"One more question. Why do you love Julie?" I ask.
"When she use to visit us, she would treat us differently. She would act like we were normal people. Not only that, but she is the most complex, confusing person I know. Her personality can change instantly and then go back to being the same in seconds. Its amazing," the clone fawns. Just like before, her words are full of passion, but her voice is without emotion.
"I'm pretty sure that's called two-faced," I laugh.
"Two-faced? Julie has one face," she replies.
"Never mind," I sigh. For someone who's suppose to surpass Physics, she still has a lot to learn. Ignorance isn't always bliss.
I'm sorry, everyone... Tears escape from my closed eyes. My body is clenched in fear, ready for my impending death. The sound of metal clashing with meal makes me open my eyes. I fall back in surprise; Night stands in front of me, her sword holding back his scythe. "Night..!" I gasp. Zach jumps back, barely avoiding her blade.
"Are you finally ready to play with me?" he giggles.
"What are you? You're neither human nor Spirit Dancer?" Night growls. This causes the man to hesitate, his grin disappearing. He almost looks human, but its only for a moment. Just as quickly as his smile disappeared it reappeared.
"I'm a Hunter," he grins.
"Hunter?" Night breaths.
"It doesn't matter, Night! We need to kill him!" Moon barks frantically. I look at Moon in surprise, still not used to her talking normally and not telepathically. Night looks conflicted and the man uses her hesitance to his advantage. Shaking off the fear, I ram into him, knocking him off his feet. Before he can get up, Julie and Mary is upon him, pointing their guns to his head.
"I'll kill you if you resist, understand me?" Mary threatens.
"That's no fun! I want to play some more," the man whines. He looks like he might resist, but the moment Mary reaches out to drag him to his feet, he stops. I watch as shock consumes his face. Then, his insane grins grows even wider. "Maybe this will be fun..."
They handcuff him and quickly stuff him in the surviving armored truck. The soldiers drag the girl's lifeless body behind him. I contemplate waking her up, but decide against it. She would flip out. My eyes unwillingly make eye contact with Zach. Dread fills every part of my being and regret pulls at my conscience.
"That was way too easy...." I mutter to myself.
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