I look out the window to see a woman standing over Shane. The stench rushes into my nostrils and threatens to suffocate me. I barely stop myself from gagging. She stinks of demon. My body tenses, ready to take action, but I stop. I don't have enough evidence. Just because she smells like a demon, doesn't mean she is a demon. It could be a misunderstanding. The only way to prove my theory is to provoke her, but provoking her here would be ludicrous. Civilians might be injured or worse, killed. The last thing the government needs is a dead citizen. What should I do?
"Use me," the voice whispers.
"Never," I growl in return, telepathically. I feel it pulsing in rage, sending stabbing pain through my head.
"You're so stubborn! Why can't you be more like Zach?" The voice yells in frustration.
"Shut up! I told never to say that name again!" I shout, clutching my head. Mary and the others give me concerned looks. Crap... I must have spoke out loud.
"You can't keep running forever. The past always catches up," the voice says solemnly. The pain rises, I stumble. The only thing keeping me on my feet is my acquaintances. Their voices sounding distant.
"I'm not running... It wasn't my fault," I protest faintly. My body goes limp, the people around struggling to keep me upright.
"He collapsed! Call 911!" I hear Julie shout. I reach out towards her.
"" I groan.
"You need medical help!" Julie panics.
"No, he says he doesn't need a hospital," Mary says sternly.
"Mary..." Julie says doubtfully. Mary ignores her, looking for someone else to boss around. Finding her next victim, she calls out to him.
"Hey, you! Yeah, you! Come here," Mary shouts. The man jumps at her voice. Hiding his dread, he marches over to her.
"Yes...?" He asks with a fake smile.
"Take this man to room 304. If the doctors ask, tell them I sent you, got it?" Mary orders. The man nods, his face grim. Without another word, the man drags me away.
"" I mumble. I guess people can be kind...
"Where is he taking him?" Julie asks, concerned for the priest. Hmm...does she like him? I study her, but push the thought away. I have better things to do.
"Room 304 is a medical facility. Sometimes, hospitals are just The clones are getting treatment there. You should visit them," I answer. I watch her fidget uncomfortably at my last comment. Why does she try to hide? Life always finds you...
"Maybe later... I'm swamped with work," she lies. I shake my head disapprovingly, but I say nothing.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket; I give Julie a look to say this conversation is over. I walk away to get some privacy, but I know its futile because Summer can just look through my memories. Physics are almost as annoying as Spirit Dancers. I glance at the number in my hand and groan.
"What, Allen?" I growl into the phone.
"I'm not excited either, Mary," he says, just as annoyed.
"What do you want? I'm busy, you know," I snap.
"Busy? You don't even have any leads," Allen scoffs.
"I do have leads! I'm hanging up," I reply angrily.
"Wait!" He exclaims frantically. I stop, surprised by his panic.
"I'm listening," I reply. I hear him sigh loudly.
"I need your help capturing a Hunter. He's already killed five of my men. Normal people can't beat him," Allen explains, sounding a little embarrassed.
"I thought Hunters were extinct," I say.
"Well, this one is definitely alive. So can you help me?" he asks.
"Yeah, I can help you. When do you need me?" I question.
"Now," he replies immediately.
"Okay. One more question," I say.
"What?" Allen groans.
"What's his name?" I ask.
"Zach," he answers impatiently.
"I'll be there. Text me the coordinates," I say, hanging up.
I turn to look at my team, feeling a little overwhelmed. Night and Shane are still not getting along. Shane just had a melt down! Julie has clones! Jermaine out of prison and unemployed... James collapsed and refuses to go to a real hospital. Now we have to capture a Hunter? Can things become more complicated? Calm down... Let's just get through today.
"Everyone, we're going on a field trip. Get in the car," I order.
I knock on door, looking at the house's dull exterior. Excitement distracts me from the muffled ache in my head. The strange dream following me into the morning, but a part of me knows it was no dream. Out of sheer impatience, I knock on the door again. I can hear footsteps from inside the house.
"I'm coming," says a voice from behind the door. I recognize the voice instantly; both unfriendly and emotionless. The door swings open, I barely avoid being hit. A woman stands in front of me; her greying, blonde hair packed into a military style bun. Her body ready for battle, despite being middle-aged. Blackish bags hang from her tired eyes. Her expression hostile, telling me without words to go away. The perfect soldier!
"Who are you?" she growls.
"I'm Jermaine, its pleasure to finally meet you," I smile. Her expression remains as aggressive as before, leaving me no hint whether or not she believes me. She steps forward, grabbing my arm roughly. I did not resist as she pulls up my shelve and stares at my tattoos. Each tattoo is a trophy, a reminder of why I was in prison. A special spot is saved for when I get my final trophy, Night's life. Without saying anything, she lets go.
"Come in," she says, walking away.
"You know, you kinda remind me of my sister. She doesn't smile either," I laugh. My laughter is short-lived because she doesn't say anything, but I bounce back quickly.
The inside of the house is as dull as the outside of the house. Its white walls bare, but holes dotted the surface, suggesting that pictures once hung there. I studied the woman, thinking she doesn't look like a grieving mother, but a soldier without a war. Maybe, she wants revenge because fighting is the only thing she knows how to do.
"How do I know you're Delta," I ask, only to be a jerk.
The woman eyes me quietly. Then, she lifts up her shirt, revealing a ragged scar that raced up her stomach to her breasts. It looks aged, but still painful. I restrain myself from reaching out and touching it. "Enough proof, kid?" she asks.
"I knew it was you, I just wanted to see your scar in person. It looks really cool," I admit, eyeing the scar excitedly.
"I almost died," Delta answers grimly.
"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine," I tease.
"And you're a psychopath," Delta retorts.
"So, I've been told," I laugh.
I climb out of the car, realizing we are one teammate short. We left Shane behind, but was it really an accident? Who cares? I push Shane out of my mind and instead think about the extra mission, but there isn't much to think about. Mary didn't give us any information, expect the basics. Why did Mary give us such an easy job? I have more important things to do than arrest a civilian.
"This is a...bloodbath," I hear Summer mutter beside me.
"What?" I ask, following Summer's gaze. My body goes rigid as I see what she sees.
A long abandoned house stands before me. Armed trucks surround the decaying home, but not even the government can hide what's going on. The stench of blood radiates from the front yard, where five bodies litter the ground. Their blood staining the dead grass crimson. Stepping over the corpses is a man; a girl, barely thirteen, follows behind him. The man's eyes are as red as the blood that covers his skin. Laughing hysterically, he wields a scythe; its blade a deep red. His eyes locks onto mine, pure terror floods my body. He isn't human, but he isn't a Spirit Dancer either.
"He's insane...completely insane," I whimper. He's the thing I fear most. He's a monster.
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