It Wasn't Your Fault
I instantly feel Moon's absence as she races off to defeat another enemy. It's a feeling I'll never become use to, but I focus my attention on the cackling demon in front of me. I don't wait till she stops laughing to charge at her. The time for waiting has ended. The moment I move she becomes silent. It's only for an instant, but I see her scaly become corpse-like, human skin. Her now blue, light-less eyes staring back at me. Her grey, chapped lips singing a soft song turn my surroundings into a black void. I stop, completely frozen as my sword lightly presses against her chest. Her transformation doesn't stop there though. A rope drops from the sky, curling around her neck. It pulls her up from the ground, her feet dangling. With sickening crack, her neck rests at an awkward angle. She just hung herself.
I fall to the ground as memories rush back into my head. My sword makes a clatter as it falls beside me. "Did you really think you could forget about your family?" the hanging woman sneers. Even while she speaks, the song doesn't stop. No, in fact, it intensifies.
"You thought you could forget about your sins, didn't you?" says another voice beside me. I whip around to see a little boy. His hair is a mass of uncombed, dark brown hair. His eyes are just as dark and stare at me accusingly. I look away as I see his starved form, his skin clinging to his bones. I make an attempt to move from him only to slam into someone else.
"You can't forget us. You can't forget your wrongdoings," the man I ran into says. He has wrinkles beyond his years and brown hair that constantly falls from his head. His eyes are lifeless in a way that tells me that his very soul has died. "You must repent." he continues, nodding towards my sword
"You must end your own life," they say in unison. I gaze at the sword almost numbly, my hand hovering over the blade. They're right. I can only forget for a short time. After all, they're my family. Maybe it's time to join them. Maybe it really is the time for repentance...
Seeing Night on her knees, I make a move to help her, but I am quickly stopped as I feel something wrap around my leg. Then, before I can do anything to stop it, I'm yanked into the sky. Hanging upside down, I see the smirking face of Widow. "You really shouldn't take your eyes off your opponent," she taunts cruelly.
I feel betrayal just at the sight of her. "You lied to me," I blurt out. I don't want to play games. I want her to know my pain. "You used me." I continue on, too hurt to stop. I expect some remorse, some guilt, but she only laughs. She truly is a demon.
"I'm a succubus. It's my nature. I get what I want and leave. My species doesn't do relationships. I thought as a man you'd understand," Widow states as if it obvious.
"You thought that just because I'm a man that I'd understand why you tricked me into thinking that you liked me just so you could enslave the human race?" I yell.
"Oh please, don't sound so self-righteous. I see the way men treat their women. They do the same thing just for different reasons. Not that I'm really complaining, its makes things complicated if they want a relationship," she responds.
"All men aren't like that! Some men want to fall in love!" I answer, angered by her arrogance.
"I know that, but I also know that you are not one of those men. You got bored of Night and cheated on her. You didn't even bother to break up her. So don't act like you're better than me when we're actually the same," Widow says, her voice becoming a growl. "Love doesn't exist for people like us." Then, I feel her tail release me and I'm suddenly plummeting from the sky. I do my best to make a thick bed of grass and flowers to catch my fall, but I still feel it when I land. Soon, she is beside me again. Bending down to meet my gaze, she says: "Lust is closest thing to love we can ever hope for and that's what I feel for you. So instead of leaving you, I'm going to keep. You're going to be my personal slave at the end of this fight. The choice is yours: come willing or by force."
"The only way I'm coming with you is in chains," I answer.
Through all the fighting, I see wall of earth rising up from the ground to separate us from the leopards and the possessed. The strain of the wall is evident on Shane's face, but I force myself not to worry. The demon in front of me is the only thing I need to worry about right now. He looks so human compared to his comrades. His fair, human skin is covered by a fancy suit and matching fedora. Brown, soft-looking hair sits upon his head. However, the blood lust in his brown eyes ruins his disguise. He stalks towards me. I hold my ground as he titles my chin up to look into his eyes.
"Do you know what I am? I am an Encantado. A demon to you people, but to the people back home, they call me the enchanted one. Its shame to think I got so dressed up to fight a brat like you, but that's beside the point. I also have another name: Boto river dolphin. It's believed if you kill one or even sometimes look them in the eye, you'll suffer nightmares for the rest of your life. I guess you'll see if it's true." With those words, he lets go of my chin. The moment he stops touching me, sleepiness invades my body. It's so strong that I begin to fall backwards. The last thing I see before darkness overcomes me is his smirking face.
I can tell we're losing. I can feel it. I can also feel just how close death is everything that demon attempts to scratch me. Her claws are inches away from piercing my skin. The blood beginning to soak my shirt tells me she hasn't missed every time, but I'm not the only bleeding. I see blood staining everyone, including the demon. It seems she can't always dodge my bullets. That thought gives me a glimmer of hope, but it quickly dies when I see the last clone fall unconscious. Julie and I exchange glances and I wordlessly promise to take the risking of helping the clone.
I escape from the battle and rush towards the unconscious woman. I hesitate, glancing at my brother with worry. I shouldn't have brought him... I shake off the unnecessary thoughts. I need to focus! I promised Julie I would save the clone. Without any interruptions, I begin to drag the unconscious body to safety, noting just how heavy she is.
"Where do you think you're going, Mary? We're not done yet," Alice growls, her tail starting to lash with excitement. She bursts past Julie, scratching her in the process. Building strength in her legs, she lunges at me. It's not me, however, who feels the force of her claws. I wish it was me though. Jermaine, who was using his body as a shield to protect me, falls into my arms. Everything disappears. I only see Jermaine. The sound of Julie furiously shooting at Alice melts into background noise.
"Jermaine...?" is all I manage to say. I struggle to stop the bleeding pouring from the wounds in his chest. My endless tears fall on his increasingly pale face. He doesn't try to wipe them off. No, he just lies in my arms with the calmest smile. It's as if he expected to die. He weakly raises a hand to wipe away my tears.
"Don't cry...Mary.... I'm be...with the rest...of," he says, his voice becoming weaker and weaker.
"You can't leave me. You're my only family. I was supposed to make you better and keep you safe," I ramble.
" more than...just blood... You have...Julie...and even Shane..." Jermaine continued. "You can't...fix me... I'm...too broken..."
"Not to me! You were never too broken to me!" I object. My words cause his smile to grow bigger.
"I love you, Mary," he responds. I can do nothing as the light leaves his eyes and his hand limply falls to his side.
"Jermaine... Jermaine. Jermaine!" I say, my voice growing louder with each time I call his name. He doesn't answer and he never will again. The stillness of the chest proves that. I pull him closer to me, cradling him long after his body has become cold.
"I should have died, not you," I whisper to no one, but myself. I have lost everything.
I can just barely see over the wall, but it's too high to get a good shot. Looking over my sniper rifle, I see the bloody body of Jermaine. Guilt stings my heart from his loss. I only allow myself a moment of grief. He may have been a traitor, but he was too young to die.
All too soon, I've refocused my priorities and pushed his death to the back of my mind with the rest of my unchecked grief. I let out a frustrated sigh as the wall once again blocks my shot. Being too focused on my task, I don't hear the sound of multiple footsteps creeping towards me. Before I can even resist, I feel several hands grab me. My training kicks in, but they have already overpowered me. Then with a final shove, they throw me off the building. In seconds, I realize this how I will die.
I feel air surrounding me as I fall closer and closer to the ground. It feels like hours despite being only seconds. Moments of my life flash before me in slow motions. First, I see my childhood, which consisted mostly of military training; next, my years as a soldier and the night I got my scar flash by. After that, I see myself meeting David and falling in love. Finally, I am shown my precious son and Jermaine, but the image is shattered by the impact of the ground. I feel the wind knock all the air out my body; pain filling every inch of my being. Then as quickly as it appears, it disappears. My life has ended.
"Mommy, it's time to go," I hear a voice behind me say. Turning around, I see my son in perfect health. He holds out his hand. A smile I only reserved for certain people spreads across my features. Tears of joy flow from my eyes like a stream as I take his hand. My fight ends here.
I scold myself for not being fast enough to save Delta, but grief powers my legs as I lunge at the wolf who killed her and many others. He possessed those innocent civilians and then ordered them to kill other innocent people. He deserves to die and I will be the one to send him to his grave. Before I can do that, however, he pushes me off. I skid to halt, my eyes slightly widen as I get a good look at him.
I am a wolf as well, but he greatly surpassed me in size, strength, and speed. My instincts tell me I'm no match for a demonic wolf, but I ignore them. I have to keep fighting or everyone who has died will have died in vain. "What? Are you getting scared?" he taunts. I'm knocked out of my thoughts by his words. I let pure determination replace my fear. No matter what I have to do, I will win this fight.
I charge at him again, successfully getting on top of him. I ferociously snap at his neck and I dig my claws into anything I can reach. I notice his breathing becoming heavier as he finally pushes me off. I feel savage delight as I watch blood stain his white fur. All the adrenaline pumping through my veins hides the pain from my own wounds. He looks worn out, but not defeated. The strain of controlling so many people takes its toll on him, but that doesn't stop him from aiming some bites at my legs and neck.
Suddenly, I'm knocked off my feet as Ari slams into me from the side. I howl in agony as his jaws clamp down on my neck. He makes one mistake though. He leaves his stomach unprotected and I take full advantage of that. I rack my sharp claws down his soft underbelly. Moments later, his blood coats my fur. He gives me a look of shock before falling on his side. Not wanting to admit it, but I feel a pang of guilt as I watch his life slowly escape his body.
"I'm sorry," I say quietly.
"No apologies...this is...war," Ari growls back, giving me an angry glare. With one last, weak growl, he dies.
I give him a final apologetic glance and turn away, looking down at the possessed people becoming free once again. Any victory I felt from that is snatched from me as I see Night. She raises her sword not to strike the demon in front of her, but instead herself. I growl to myself, knowing exactly what lies the demon is feeding her. I howl this as loudly as possible:
"Night, it wasn't your fault!"
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