Both Jimin and Yoongi woke up at the exact same time in each other's arms. They both stared at each other and it made Jimin uncomfortable.
Yoongi though was comfortable and didn't want to move, he wanted to stay there staring at Jimin. He admired his friend's beauty and was in awe of his attractive qualities.
Jimin pulled away from Yoongi's embrace and fell off of the couch. He quickly popped up and ran off, not caring about embarrassing himself in front of Yoongi.
"What is wrong with him?"
Yoongi stared after him and furrowed his eyebrows, worried about Jimin. He wasn't normally like this, Jimin usually cuddled Yoongi until they both had to go to school.
Yoongi sighed missing Jimin's presence but brushed it off and got up from the couch. Stretching and yawning Yoongi slowly trudged to his room, getting ready to go to school.
Jimin sat on his bed with his head in his hands. After running away from Yoongi and getting ready for school, he had collapsed on his bed. He was confused with his feelings right now and he just wanted to stop his emotions.
Was what he realised last night true? No. Jimin refused to actually believe he was falling for his best friend. The love he felt was just brotherly, nothing more, nothing less, that's what Jimin decided.
He was going to prove that he was right. He wasn't gay. He wasn't falling for his best friend. He wasn't in love with Yoongi. No. That was a huge no. Jimin's head popped up as an idea popped in in his head. He was going to get a girlfriend, forget about these thoughts and Yoongi for the day.
So Jimin stood up and fixed his looks before leaving his room, his house and his feelings behind. He was going to come back refreshed and with a girlfriend.
But who was he kidding, he was lying to himself and being delusional.
Jimin arrived at school and entered it, his held high. He felt his phone vibrate constantly in his pocket, it was probably Jin, Yoongi and Taehyung scolding him for leaving them behind. Ignoring it though he walked towards a girl with short black hair.
The girls seemed to get nervous once she saw Jimin walking towards her. She was frozen and contemplating why her crush was walking towards her.
"You and I, we, are now dating!"
"Why the fuck did he fucking leave us fucking behind?! The fuckhead!!"
Yoongi raised and eyebrow as Jin swore for the sixteenth time already. He shook his head, disappointed in Jin. It was unusual for Jin to swear and he always scolded anyone of his dongsaengs if they swore, but when it came to Jin swearing it was like an angel kissing a demon. It was just damn well not okay, wrong and just confusing.
"And you complain when we swear."
Taehyung was just staring at Jin completely baffled at his hyung. He was not used to this side of Jin and was amazed at how many times Jin could say 'fuck' in one sentence.
Jin though didn't care and was sick and tired of his younger brothers disrespecting him, ignoring him and being damn well annoying as fuck. He was going to smack Jimin and yell at him for leaving all three of them behind.
Yoongi just completely ignored Jin's meltdown who was know saying how young people are just rude spoilt brats and that they deserve spankings all the time. He now wished he didn't get up today to go to school, the regret was strong.
But, for some odd reason, Yoongi wanted to be there for Jimin. He wanted to make sure Jimin was okay, he just wanted to be near Jimin. If that was a crime than they should just take him right here and now, and lock him up.So he had to suck up his regret and just be happy that he gets to be around Jimin more.
All three of them walked into school, scanning the school for Jimin. After searching for most of the school day, being scolded for not being in class and nearly collapsing from the amount of walking they were doing they still hadn't managed to find Jimin. It was like he disappeared off of the face of the earth.
"Yah!!!! Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook, have you seen Jimin anywhere?!"
Yoongi shouted out to his brothers, they had just rounded the corner appearing infront of the three. Namjoon rose an eyebrow, Hoseok shook his head from side to side and Jungkook stood there confused.
Jin and Yoongi sighed in frustration just wanting to find Jimin before the end of the school day. Why they couldn't find him, they didn't know and that pissed them both off.
Taehyung though didn't really care and dragged Jungkook away from the rest of the boys. He of course was done with looking for Jimin and hanging out with the two grumpy hyungs.
The bell rang signalling it was time to go home, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin and Yoongi all groaned in annoyance. They still hadn't found the stupid young male.
Jin and Yoongi parted ways with Namjoon and Hoseok as they live in different houses on different sides of the town. Jin frustratedly kicked his car, angry that Jimin just fanished.
Yoongi hopped into the unlocked car waiting for Jin to stop being a drama queen. He had decided to text Jimin for the eighteenth time already.
Yoongi <3: where are you? For fuck sake.
Jiminnie: somewhere... Come find me ;)
Yoongi <3: You hoe, I've been looking for you all day >:(
Jiminnie: yeah I heard.... :')
Yoongi <3: Jin's gonna smack your ass
Jiminnie: Shit I'll be home in 30 minutes
Yoongi <3: you're fucked.
Chapter 2 is done. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
That picture above literally does not go with this chapter at all but it's so cute. I think most of the pictures I put up are gonna be just random.
I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading.
Love, Alyssa.
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