Chapter 6
[Name] pov:
"Deluxe bed aquaired!" Reo yelled as him and Nagi jumped on th high quallity bed, making me let out a sigh with a small smile on my face. "He's as childish as ever." I mumbled while watching my two seniors enjoy themselves. "Hm... I'll join too." I heard Zantetsu said, making me look at him, only to see his glasses flying towards me, luckily I manage to catch it before it could even hit me. "Zantetsu giant slalom!" He yelled as the others laughed. "Bahahaha! Damn you! You do know that this is a bed, right?" Reo laughed as I placed Zantetsu's glasses on his futon.
"Wait, where are your glasses? Can you see without them?" Nagi asked as I sat down on the high quallity bed. "Of course he can. He's been wearin' fake glasses all this time." I said, making Nagi and Reo look at me with slightly wide eyes.
"For real?!"
"For real."
"Does that mean that the glasses Zantetsu was wearing during the match is fake too?"
"Yep, I wear them to look smart."
"He's a fucking idiot~!" Reo teased as Nagi lay his head on my lap and buried his face in my stomach. "[Name]~ pamper me~." Nagi cooed, making me chuckle and play with his hair. "Hey, my four lordships over there! What about the meating? I've sumarized the data of our next opponent, Team X. Team X's ace is this guy, Barou Shouei." One of our teammates exclaimed, making the four of us look at him. "His weapoms are exeptional charge dribble, and long range middle shots."
"Ah... yeah, yeah... don't worry, don't worry~!" Reo said and wrapped his arms around my neck while leaning onto me as Zantetsu placed his hands on Reo's shoulder. "The four of us are unbeatable!" "We are peerless!" Both Zantetsu and Reo exclaimed, before Reo raised his right arm and kept his left around my neck. "Let's go win them all Team V!!!" Reo yelled, making the rest of the team cheer. "Ugh... y'all are gettin' ahead of yerselves." I mumbled while Nagi still lay his head on my lap.
[First Stratum CENTER FIELD]
[Team V vs Team X]
"Well then, let's quickly wrap this up with a win!"
"Whatever ya say, Reo-senpai."
"We are peerless."
"Yeah, yeah."
Once Barou Shouei got the ball, he started running forward on his own. We were clearly aware that he would rather play on his own, rather than sorking together with his teammates. The plan was for Zantetsu to slow him down and for me to take the ball away from Barou and pass it to Nagi so that Reo could score.
Zantetsu ran towards Barou according to plan and tried to slow him down, but he seemed like he was struggling keeping Barou in place, so I immediately went into action and ran towards them. "Good work, Zantetsu-senpai. Wattup leek bastard." I greeted before kicking the ball away from Barou's grasp. "Did ya really think that ya could beat us by yerself?" I taunted and watch the ball land on Nagi's feet before he kicked it towards Reo, who manage to catch it with his chest before kicking the ball into the net, scoting our first point.
Reo then ran towards me and Nagi and wrapped both his arms aroumd our neck while he high fived with Zantetsu.
"Stop being stubborn, king!"
"How much longer are you gonna drag us down with your selfish plays?!"
The players from Team X yelled, catching our attention and looked towards them.
"Looks like the other team is fighting."
"Oh, they hate him alright."
The other Team X players then started telling Barou to pass the ball to them since he was already the top scorer, but... "Do I look like I give a fuck, you peasants? Why should a King take care of his servants corpses?" Barou said with a dark aura around him. "You all have no issiue leeching off my talent when the going was smooth. But now the ship looks like it's about to sink, it's suddenly the kings fault? You lot have no right to call yourselves a human. You've come this far because of me, now offer yourselves up to me." He finished as his teammates looked at him with a horrified expression.
"What a tryant." Zantetsu said and I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm glad that I ain't on that team..." I mumbled, but Reo only let out a chuckle at the scene in front of him. "Haha, but it's egoists like him who will pass." Reo exclaimed. "King... Barou..." Nagi mumbled.
Barou passed the ball to his teammate, expecting him to pass it back, but... "We'll win this without Barou! Link up passes and go to the goal!" He yelled, making Barou look at him in shock. Team X then started passing the ball to each other, avoiding passing to Barou. "Oh? They started working together." Nagi exclaimed, while looking at the desparate Team X players. "For real? But still an easy win for us!" Reo said and I nodded in agreement before doing a bit of stretching. "Yeah, even if they started workin' together, it's just a bunch of noboddies. Let's go Zantetsu-senpai!" I called out and he nodded. "OK." (A/N: The underlined words are them talking in english!)
"Go! Zantetsu! [Lastname]!"
One of our teammates yelled and passed the ball to Zantetsu, both of us then used the same strategy from our match against Team W. We ran at different directions while passing the ball to each other and having the same speed. Zantetsu sends one final pass to me and I kicked the ball into the net, scoring our second goal. Both of us then did a high five with small smiles on our face.
"Nice pass!"
"Nice goal."
"As long as there's a shiver of hope... fight on!!" One of the opposing players yelled, making me stare at them for a while. 'Why do they even keep fighting...? It's already obvious that they're goin' to lose... are they that desparate?' I thought and snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Reo yell. "Bonus time!! Get your deluxe bed too, Nagi! [Name]!" Reo yelled and kicked the ball towards Nagi, but Barou took it instead, making my eyes widen in shock. "Sorry, Nagi... [Name]...!! I let my giard down..."
Barou then said something to Nagi, before getting passed him and run towards our goal. Reo and Zantetsu then went in front of him to try and pincer Barou, but Barou immediately accelarated and got passed them. "Shit! Stop him, [Name]!!" Reo yelled and I nodded. I went in front of Barou and glared at him. "Looks like we meet again, King." I muttered as I ran towards him. "Out of my way. You're nothing but a desparate slave who's looking for something that you don't even know what. You're not worthy enough to stand in a Kings way!" He suddenly yelled at me, making me even more angrier. "You know nothin' about me! You violent shithead!!" I yelled back and tried to take the ball from him, but he threw me off course and scored. Before I could even hit the ground, Nagi manage to catch me and carried me in his arms
(A/N: bridal style). And I subcounsiously wrapped my arms atound his neck.
"I'm not a slave, I'm Reo and [Name]'s partner." Nagi suddenly said, making me look at him in shock. "Ah? Why don't you scram before you get your ass kicked, you peace-loving softie. To be the world's best player, you stand alone as king. Your buddy-buddy act ain't gonna cut it at this level, you bottom feeding slaves." Barou shot as Reo started running towards us with a worried look on his face. Before Reo could even respons, Nagi handed me to him. "Carry [Name] for me for a sec, Reo." Nagi mumbled as Reo wrapped his arms under my back and tighs, while looking at Nagi in confusion.
"To be perfectly honest with you, I don't give a rats ass about football. Talking all kinds of trash and beating up Reo and [Name]. I just got pissed at your violent methods, shithead." Nagi shot back, while Reo immediately put my back on my feet.
"You mother... you wanna get your ass kicked you good-for-nothing slave?"
"Alright, let's calm down Nagi-kun! Besides, we're still winning. Forget this good-for-nothing king." Reo exclaimed as both of us went in front of Nagi to prevent him and Barou from beating each other up. "Nagi-senpai, let's just show him that we're stonger in the second-half." I said and held his hand tightly, as he stared at me for a while before responding. "Yes ma'am."
(A/N: Barou didn't hear Nagi's respons you y'all are safe!)
[Second half]
The second half started, and this time my position was a forward. Nagi passed the ball to me and I immediately ran forwards and dribbled passed players before passing the ball to Reo. "Score one goals each! And get your own deluxe beds!" Reo yelled and passed the ball to me. "Got it captain." I mumbled and started running forward as I dribbled past many players.
"What's up with that guys dribblings?!"
"A monster..."
"Shit! He's about to score!!"
"Stop him!!"
The Team X players yelled as I manage to kick the ball towards the net, but Barou suddenly grabbed hold of my shoulder and shoved me to my side, luckly I manage to score the fifth goal. Hitting my shoulder on the ground first making me wince in pain and clench my right shoulder.
"Hey! VAR!! That was a fucking foul!!" Reo yelled at the speaker that stayed quiet, while most of my team ran towards me in worry.
"Hey, [Lastname]! Where does it hurt?!
"[Lastname]-kun are you okay?!"
"What the heck is your problem king?!" Reo yelled and stomped his way towards Barou to give him a piece of his mind, but Zantetsu immediately stopped him. "It's not my fault that he can't keep his place with a small push." Barou simply answered, making Reo even angrier. ""Small push"? You literally shoved him to his side, you bastard!" Reo yelled in anger.
I then slowly sat up with the help of Nagi and looked at Reo. "Reo-senpai, I'm fine. I can still play." I said, making Reo look at me with a worried expression. "Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded as I lightly held my right shoulder. "My shoulder slightly hurts, but I can still play. Ya don't have to worry." I softly said, calming him down a little. "Fine, I'll let it slide. But the next time you hurt [Name], I'll kill you." Reo glared directly at Barou who glared back at him.
[Small timeskip]
The score was 4-2, Barou manage to score on his own, by stealing a pass from his own teammate. I noticed Nagi staring at the Team X players who are arguing about giving Barou the ball and play without him.
"Don't worry 'bout 'em, Nagi-senpai. Team X's finished. No matter how strong a player is, a team with no unity will never win. Alright, it's yer turn to score the final goal, and end this game once and for all." I said as the whistle was heard.
Nagi then passed the ball to me, but instead of waiting for my signal Nagi immediately started running forward, making both mine and Reo's eyes widen. "Eh? Nagi-senpai?! What're ya...!" I immediately shut my mouth after noticing that he deriberately went at Barou, and immediately realized what he wanted, making me slightly smirk. "Alright, I'll give ya what ya want. But ya better make it worth it, senpai!" I said and kicked the ball straight at him, performing a high ground pass. But after kicking the ball, Nagi didn't turn around to get the pass, making me confuse. "Nagi-senpai! The pass is comin' yer way!!" I yelled, but he still didn't turn around, instead, he performed a back heel trap and said something to Barou. Suddenly, Barou harshly grabbed Nagi, making my eyes widen.
"Bastard! What do ya think yer doing to Nagi-senpai?!"
"Hey! That's another fucking foul penalty!!"
Me and Reo yelled, and watch Nagi grab Barou by the shoulder and kicked the ball into the net, scoring our final goal. My anger was immediately washed away and immediately ran towards to Nagi with a bright smile on my face. But before I could even say anything, I heard Nagi spoke up.
"That goal was for [Name]... there's no way I'll forgive you for hurting him..." Nagi said to Barou as he slowly sat down. I stared at him for a while before I continued to run towards him and pulled his head to my chest, giving him a tight hug. "Thank you... Seishiro-senpai..."
Soon the others joined in and started showering Nagi with compliments. I slowly let go of Nagi and let them ruffle his hair. "Oi Nagi! That was a badass goal for someone who's as lazy as you! And all for me?!" Reo yelled and continued ruffling Nagi's hair. "Eh, not really."
"That was amazing! You totally skinned Barou a new one!" Zantetsu exclaimed while looking at Nagi with sparkling eyes. "You mean ripped him a new one?" Nagi corrected. "Hahahaha! Even though we've been correcting ya with words, yer still our stupid Zantetsu!" I laughed as Reo pulled me and Nagi into a hug. "With that, we're a perfect 3-0 victory!" Reo happily yelled and ruffled my hair.
[Stratum Five Cafeteria]
"Yer surprisin' clingy after the match against Team X. Somethin' happened?" I asked while Nagi just cuddled his head on my neck. Reo and Zantetsu were out to get some steak for me and Nagi, they said that they'll a while, so Reo told us to find a place to sit on. "Earlier after we won... you called me by my name..." Nagi mumbled, making me look at him. "Huh? I guess I did. Did ya not like that?" Instead of recieving a respons, I instead recieved a kiss on the lips, making my eyes go wide and lightly push him away. "N-Nagi-senpai, what're you- mph!" Nagi cut me off by pressing his lips against mine again, after a few minutes, he finally pulled away after he felt me patting his back as a signal that I need to catch my breath.
"Hah... hah... N-Nagi-senpai... hah... that was t-to sudden..." I said and started taking deep breaths. "Sorry... I'm just happy that you called me by my name... could you say it again? Pretty please?" Nagi asked and gave me the most adorable puppy eyes that I've ever seen, making me blush. "S-S-Sei... S-Seishiro-senpai..."
I let out a laugh and softly looked at my albino-haired senior. "What's up with you all of a sudden, Seishiro-senpai? Do you really want to hear me say your name many times? Well as long as it's you, I don't mind." I said and sended him a soft smile, making him stare at me for a while, before placing a hand at the back of his neck. "For some reason... my face started feeling hot..." Nagi mumbled, his face red as a tomatoe, making me panic. "E-Eh?! Did you catch a fever?!"
"Nagi! [Name]! We're back with the steaks!" Reo happily said and walked over to our table. "Huh? Why do you look so flustered [Name], Nagi?" Reo asked making me flinch and avoid eye contact. "Maybe it's just you, Reo-senpai..." I quickly defended ourselves. "Really?"
{♡A few minutes of eating later♡}
"Hey, Nagi."
"I'm tired. So tired."
"We bought you here because you said you wanted to eat meat. So we used our points to get you some." "Geez, I shouldn't have used my goal points if you aren't even gonna eat." Reo and Zantetsu said as I cleaned my glasses with my clothes before wearing them again. I then felt Nagi wrap his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "[Name]~, feed me~." Nagi whinned as Reo gave him a look. "Feed yourself you lazy ass bum. And stop acting like a baby in front of [Name]!" Reo scolded, making Nagi whine even more.
"Just eat some."
"C'mon Nagi-senpai, it's delisious."
"Guess it can't be helped."
The three of us said as we took a bite of a piece of steak. 'Hmm... I wonder what team will we be facing next? Since we already played against three teams... that means we only need to beat one more.' I thought, before I heard footsteps coming towards us, making me look up and saw a slightly beaten up dude with brown hair. "Hey you four from Team V!" He called out, making my three friends look at him. "I'm Kuon Wataru from Team Z! We're gonna play you guys in the next match! Would you guys be interested in making some sort of deal?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face.
"Who the hell are you?"
"It's a super great deal for Team V!" Kuon exclaimed as Reo sat down beside me, while Zantetsu sat down beside Nagi. "Like a win win?" Zantetsu asked and Kuon nodded. "Yeah! It's a win win type of deal! Simply put, I'll tell you all our strategies and data, while Team V wins via as clean as sheet! To put it simply... blah... blah... blah... blah... blah..."
'This guy... is he that desparate that he'd betray his teammates just to win by himself? And using other teams to do the work for him...? What a coward.' I thought and lazily looked at the brown-haired male. Once he finished explaining his plan he looked at us with a big grin on his face. "So?! How about it?! Let's team up!!"
"I'll pass."
"What a pain."
"Sounds boring."
"Yer just waitin' yer time."
"Even though yer our next opponent, ya just betrayed yer teammates just to win and leave them behind, I hate those kinds of guys, so I'll refuse yer stupid offer. Ya coward." I said in a cold tone, sending shivers down his spine as Zantetsu nodded in agreement
"What "merit" is there to be add if we follow this plan you devised? It would be "unmeritable". In other words, we are to "register" our own "methods" in a "proactive" manner... did I get that right? If not, [Name] could you tell me what I said wrong?" Zantetsu asked as he turned to look at us who only gave him a look. "Absolutely not." We responded as Reo placed his hand on my head and started ruffling my hair.
"Just stop. Stupid Zantetsu. Stop acting as the smart one if you aren't, dumbass. And who are you to order [Name] around? I get that our mom always tell us that sharing is caring, but I'm not gonna share someone that belongs to me." Reo said as he pulled me closer to his side before looking at the male in front of us. "Anyhow I hate lame and boring guys, and you're both." Reo mocked, making Nagi let out a sigh.
"Come on Reo, [Name]. I'm over this conversation. Even chewing is a pain. Let's go... and carry me..." Nagi said as Reo gave him a piggyback ride. "Nagi! We bought you here cuz you said you wanted to eat!" Reo exclaimed looking at our albino-haired friend. "Sorry, but I'm over it now." Nagi lazily responded, making me sigh. "Well that's Seishiro-senpai for ya. He doesn't even look like he has some appetite, I'm jealous." I mumbled, making Reo chuckle and we both started walking back to our dorm, with Zantetsu following from behind.
"W-Wait! Just hear me out..." Kuon called out, making us look at him. "Hey Reo, [Name], why is this guy so desparate?" Nagi asked while looking at Kuon with no interest.
"Cuz he wants to win."
"'Cause he wanna win."
Me and Reo simultaniously responded, also looking at Kuon with an uninterested look. "Hmm... weak guys who try hard to win... are such a pain. I'd rather quit playing... hey Reo, [Name], is football that fun that you'd still keep playing it even if you lose?" Nagi asked
"Hey... wait." We heard a voice said, making us look at our right, and I saw a familiar blue-haired male. 'I-Isagi-senpai...?' I looked at him with my slightly widen at his sudden apperance. "And you are?" Reo asked, but Isagi just ignored him and pointed an accusing finger at Nagi.
"Don't underestimate football!"
Isagi yelled, making me look at him in confusion and raised a brow at him. "Like I said, who the fuck are you?" Reo asked again.
"Team Z's Isagi Yoichi the team who will bring you down!"
(A/N: This image is a spoiler for the next chapter of
{☆UNKNOWN DESIRE☆}!!! And pls don't steal my art! Ask for permission to me first if you want to use it!)
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