Chapter 5
[Name] pov:
After our match against Team Y, Nagi immediately used his three goal s to get his phone back. Earlier Reo said that the futons were too hard, so his next aim was to score one or three goals to get the high quality bed. But now, the whole team was inside the cafeteria and our teammates have crazy appetites. Reo created somekind of food exchange, so that the team could get along with each other. He asked me if he wanted to join, but I obviously decline and sat down on my own since Nagi was buisy playing his games.
"Ah, Zantetsu-senpai~! Wanna eat with me?" I asked, making the said male look at me and nod before sitting down beside me. "Why aren't you sitting with that smarty pants and the other dude?" He asked, while I took a bite of my Tempura Soba. "Reo-senpai is buisy makin' a cult and Nagi-senpai is buisy playin' games. I don't wanna interup 'em." I explained and took another bite of my food as Zantetsu hummed and took a bite of his yakisoba. "Then why do you play football? Is it because of those two? I heard earlier that you said that you don't like football, plus you got mad when he said that your eyes are pretty." He said.
"Yer right about that, The reson why I hate it when they compliment my eyes is because of my dad." I exclained and took another bite of my food. "Why is that?" "I had an abusive father, he would always beat me up when I messed up on something that's why. And I have no memorise of my mom." I explained and stopped a bit before I continued.
"But Reo-senpai and Nagi-senpai aren't the only reason why I play, I once lived in Kyoto. I met this guy who also doesn't like football, but still plays it. We're quite the same, but he's only playin' 'cause of his parents. Both of us get along well and met a dude who's very observant. The three of us were inseprable, until I have to leave Kyoto to go to my new school. But even so I still adore them." I finished ate my food.
"So you favor them more than the other two?" He aske dand I immediately shook my head. "Nuh-uh! I don't have any favorites! I adore Reo-senpai and Nagi-senpai just as much as I adore the other two!" I quickly defended myself and formed an "X" with my hands. "What 'bout ya? What's yer story?" I asked and he started explaining his reason on why he plays football.
"At first I didn't like you." Zantetsu suddenly said, making me look at him with an offended look. "But. Now that I've talked to you properly, I'm sure that you aren't a bad person." Zantetsu finished, making me stare at him for a while before smiling at him. "Thanks. I guess ya ain't half bad."
"Hmm... must be nice having such a loving parents." I mumbled before hearing Reo yell, making both me and Zantetsu look at him. "There's still plenty of hamburger steak left!!! Whoever wants some raise your hand!!!" He yelled with a scary aura around him, making our teammates go crazy, while I sweatdrop at the sight. "Reo-senpai's scary..." I mumbled. "Pipe down so I could eat in peace. Your petty tricks won't work on me, Mikage Reo." Zantetsu suddenly said, making me look at him in shock. "Oh? You wanna join the nagotiations too, don't you Zantetsu? You gotta be sick and tired of Yakisoba right now."
"Hmp! Your taunts are meaningless! Yakisoba is the bast!" Zantetsu exclaimed and took a bite of his Yakisoba, while Reo looked at him angrily and started walking towards us, making me sweatbullets. "Huh?! Fine then, I don't care either! I only like cool and interesting guys anyways! I don't give a damn about stubborn idiots like you! Especially if you're going to ignore my benovelence!" Reo yelled at Zantetsu's face. "What does "benovelence" mean?!" Zantetsu yelled back.
"This is why you're an idiot! Idiot!"
"Don't call me an idiot! And what does "benovelence" mean?!"
They continued to yell at each other while I quietly walked away from them and started walking to the exit of the cafeteria. "Hah... just why do those two never get along? It's a real' pain in the ass." I mumbled, before I heard footsteps coming my way.
"Bachira wait! You're gonna bump into someone!" I heard someone yell, making me turn my head to my right, only to feel someone crash onto me and we both fell to the ground.
I then let out a groan and noticed that the person was lying on top of me. He then slowly lifted himself up and looked down at me. "Oh? I never knew that Blue Lock accepts pretty girls!" He yelled, making me flinch. Suddenly a someone pulled him off of me and started scolding him for not looking at where he is going. I then sat diwn and noticed that the one that pulled the person off of me was the person who started running first after Ego's speech on the first day. The dark blue-haired male then snapped his head towards me with a worried look on his face and immediately helped me get up on my feet.
"I'm so sorry about him! Are you alright?" He asked in a worried tone and I just smiled at him. "Ah, ya don't need to apologize on his behalf. I wasn't lookin' where I was goin' either." I softly said as his friend looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Waaaaah~! Kansai accent! Are you from kyoto?!" He happily asked while the dark blue-haired male sweatdropped. "Yep, I'm from kyoto. My name is [Lastname][Name], a frirst year it's nice to meet ya uhm..."
"Ah- right, I'm Isagi Yoichi, a second year." Isagi said as I shook hands with him, still keeping the smile on my face. I then looked at his friend and also smiled at him. "And yer?"
"The name's Bachira Meguru! A second-year! It's nice to meet you [Lastname]-chan! I forgot to mention this before, but... you have such beautiful eyes, [Lastname]-chan!" Bachira exclaimed, but hearing someone say those words again, it makes me sick. I took out my glasses and weared them, making the two look at me in confusion. "Thanks... it's really nice to meet both of you, Isagi-san, Bachira-san. But I have to get going now."
"Oh, uhm, okay. See you around [Lastname]-kun." Isagi said and we both waved good bye at each other. I started walking back to our room, but I could still feel their gaze on me.
Isagi pov:
"Isagi, what's wrong?" Bachira asked, while giving me a confused look.
"It's nothing... it's just that... when I look at him in the eye, I feel like there's something wrong... but I don't know what." I explained as he placed a hand on his chin.
"Hmm... well, whatever it is, let's just ask [Lastname]-chan when we see him!" He sudggested, making me nod in agreement, but I still feel worried for the h/c male. "Yeah... we should eat now, we might be late for our meeting."
[Team V room]
[3:30 am]
[Name] pov:
"Yer useless!"
"Why can't ya just raise yer score?!"
"I should have never had a daughter like ya!"
"Yer just like yer mother! Stubborn and useless!!"
My eyes shot open as I immediately sat up and covered my right eye. 'Why do I keep rememberin' those words... I should be thankful that he got arrested.' I thought as "father's" words jept repeating in my head. I then had enough and stood up from my futon and started walking out of the room, making sure to not wake up anyone. I went to the bathroom and opened the sink, letting the cold water run down to my head. I turned off the sink and looked at myself in the mirror with a frustraded expression. I stormed out of the bathroom and started walking back to our room. 'Get out of my head, get out of my head, get out of my head.' I kept repeating as I reached the room.
I laid down on my futon beside Reo and stared up the sealing. I let out a frustrated sigh, before covering my eyes using my arm. "Can't sleep?" I heard a familoar voice say, making me look at Reo, who was already looking at me. "Are you okay?" He asked with a worried expression. "Yeah, I just keep havin' a bad dream, that's all." I said, making him sigh and lift up his blanket. "Come here, your hair is wet so you'll get cold." Reo exclaimed, making me look at him in confusion, but still did as he told me and lied down next to him. He then put the blanket down and hugged me close, making me blush. "R-Reo-senpai... w-what're ya doin'...?!" I whispere yell. "Just sleep, we have a match tommorow, if you get tired in the match and hurt yourself, we definitely won't win." He mumubled, making me freez in shock, before finally relaxing myself and eventually fall asleep.
[Match Field]
"Let's continue our hot streak, Nagi, [Name]!" Reo said while tying his hair up to a ponytail. "Since the team is united now, you don't need me anymore, right?" Nagi asked, making me sigh. "Not allowed, ya gotta fight Nagi-senpai." I said while stretching my arms. "Yeah, yeah." Nagi lazily responded.
The plan was plain and simple, Reo will take care of lil bro Wamina, the others will take care of big bro Wamina together, while I avoid players and wait for a pass from Reo.
Suddenly, two players went between me and stopped me in my tracks, making my eyes widen in shock. 'Huh?! They're targetin' me?! At this point the plan won't work!' I thought and looked behind me, only to see the Wamina brothers score a goal. The players blocking me then left me alone after they witness the goal, so I started my making my way back to Reo and the others. But, on my way to my position, I heard Reo spoke up
"We need go start playing as a team too...!"
"I refuse."
"Sounds like a pain."
"Do as I say rook, bishop and knight!"
At this rythm... we'll lose!! Nagi!! [Name]!! Zantetsu!!" Reo yelled, while Nagi passed the ball to him as I started forward running, but the same players came to block me again making me click my tounge in annoyance. Reo passed the ball to Nagi as he trapped it using his heel before passing it towards me. I immediately got passed the two players trying to block me and caught the ball, before passing it to Zantetsu. "Hey, [Name]! Why did you pass it?!" Reo yelled but I ignored him.
"What are you... planning on using me for?" Zantetsu asked while raising a brow at me. "Don't sweat it, Glasses-kun." I simply responded. "...Hmm, your words have convinced me." Zantetsu then ran past many players, and was about to score until the Wamina borthers messed up his shot, meaning that he missed.
"That was a close one." I mumbled before I heard Reo call me out. "Hey [Name]! Why did you pass the ball to that idiot Zantetsu?! If you wanted to, you should have passed the ball to me instead!" Reo exvlaimed, making me look at him with a slight pout on my face. "Both ya and Zantetsu-senpai have the same dream. And I figured that it's 'bout time both of ya work together as an actual team. And me and Nagi-senpai would love to leave the scoring of goals to the combination of Reo × Zantetsu." I explained and Nagi nodded in agreement, while Reo just gave me and Nagi a shocked expression.
"Why would I have to follow my dream with this bespectable idiot?" Reo asked as Zantetsu looked at him with a angry expression. "That is my line, it would not be fragrant." Zantetsu said, making me and Nagi look at him in confusion. "Why not?" "Yeah, why? Reo-senpai's talented and intelligent isn't he?" Both of us asked. "I don't know, I like you two, but I hate this guy." Zantetsu said while pointing at Reo, who angrily responded. "What are you saying, idiot."
"It'd be a waste Reo."
"Yeah, you have to recognize Zantetsu-senpai's abilities, Reo-senpai."
Both me and Nagi said as Reo looked away and mumbled a "no". But what he said next, made me quite happy. "Fine, I'll tell you what you could observe from your shot, and what you need to win." Reo finally gave in. "Not interested." Zantetsu mumbled and tried to look away, but Nagi held his head in place. "Listen." Nagi sternly said. Reo then started explaining what Zantetsu could improve from his shot and giving him a bit of advise to succede, but suddenly...
"I don't care."
"I will never listen to those who call me an idiot. Your story was boring!" Zantetsu exclaimed, snapping the final string of Reo. "FOR FUCKS SAKE THIS IS WHY I HATE THIS MASSIVE IDIOT!!! USE YOUR HEAD A LITTLE!! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! SOCIATY'S LOSER!!! COME ON [NAME]!! JUST IGNORE THAT IDIOT AND FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON ME!!" Reo yelled and started dragging me away from the two males.
Reo then kicked the ball towards me, catching Team W's attention and immediately pressed against me to keep me from jumping up to het the ball. "We won't let you jump freely!" Yelled lil bro Wamina, but I wasn't planning on jumping anyways, instead, I kicked the ball towards Zantetsu's range.
"Huh?! A pass to where there are no players?!"
"How could you mess up so badly?! What an idiot!!"
"That space... is Zantetsu's range..."
They said, but I paid no mind to it and looked at Zantetsu. "Yer good at runnin', right? Instead of usin' yer head... do what Reo-senpai told ya, super accelaration boy." I mumbled, loud enough for Zantetsu to hear. He then started running towards the ball, making everyone in Team W panic and start running towards Zantetsu.
"If [Name] insist so much, then I'll listen. "Shoot at an angle the keeper cannot reach"." Zantetsu repeated Reo's words before finally kicking the ball into the net, scoring our first goal. "Yes... good boy, Zantetsu-senpai."
Our other tammates ran towards Zantetsu to tackle him to a hug, but before the could, Zantetsu started running yowards Reo and asked him to help out on how to dominate his range. Reo grins at him and teased him that he finally listened, while me and Nagi watched them from afar.
""Thanks for the sudggestion". Zantetsu should be more honest." Nagi exclaimed making me chuckle and pat his back. "Well, while they try and understand each other, they can work together. So let's just let them be for the time being." I said and he just hummed in respons and let me drag him back into position.
Author pov:
Lil bro Wamina passed the ball to big bro Wamina who was immediately marked by Reo. Reo then started running towards big bro Wamina to distract him so that Zantetsu could get the ball. Once Zantetsu had possesion of the ball, he passed the ball to Nagi, who immediately passed the ball to [Name], who dribbled past players before passing the ball to Reo and kicked the ball into the net, scoring their second point.
Reo walked up to the h/c girl with a grin on his face and ruffled her hair. "Nice pass." He said, while [Name] only nodded in respons before Reo spoke up again. "[Name], we're gonna need you and Zantetsu for our next plan! Hey! Zantetsu! Come here for a sec!" Reo called out and the said male started jogging his way towards Reo and [Name].
From afar, big bro Wamina was watching them, with a horrified look on his face. 'This guy, his dangerous! Their their combination is starting to click! If we try to stop #10(Zantetsu), #11(Nagi) runs wild, if we try to stop #11, #9(Reo) is open, if we try to stop #9, #8([Name]) will outrun us and with his horrifying speed and dribbling to score. A high-level diamond defence, where their personalities intersect.' Big bro Wamina thought.
Lil bro passed the ball to big bro Wamina, who passed the ball back and started running. But suddenly, three players from Team V marked lil bro Wamina and kicked the ball away from him, before another player passed the ball to [Name], with Zantetsu beside her.
"Ya ready, Zantetsu-senpai?" She asked which the black-haired male nodded to. "Yeah, a Win Win." He responded before both of them ran forward with increadible speed.
"The plan is plain and simple! Since the two of you are the fastest here, then it's an easy win! All you need to do is run together with the same tempo, before splitting up and running in different directions while passing the ball to each other to get passed the opposing players until you reach the goal." Reo explained before he continued to speak. "Once you're close to the goal, the closes one to it, will score." Reo finished.
{♡End of flashback♡}
[Name] pov:
"Are they attacking together?!"
"Quickly! We need more players to stop them!"
The opposing team said, while me and Zantetsu looked at each other and nodded, before both of us ran to different directions and kept passing the goal to each other, while keeping our speed the same and getting passed many players. Once we were near the goal, Zantetsu sended one final pass to me, before I kicked the ball into the net scoring our third goal. Zantetsu then walked towards me as botj of us did a high five.
"Nice goal!"
"Nice pass! Yer really amazin', Zantetsu-senpai! I real' admire everythin' 'bout ya!"
Author pov:
'Those days where all I did was run... maybe they really weren't in vain. There's someone who thinks I'm great. There's someone who knows how to use me. And there's someone who really admires me. They make me feel this way... "Blue Lock" is really fun!!' Zantetsu thought and kicked the ball towards the net, but the Wamina brothers manage to block his shot.
The three Team V players watched, as the ball landed on... Nagi. "Oh... to me... ah, I'm all sweaty." Nagi mumbled before lightly kicking the ball into the net, scoring Team V's winning goal. Reo then jumped on Nagi's back, who high fived with Zantetsu and [Name].
Even though it was a bit of a struggle for them at the start, they manage yo work together and win the match against Team W. However, will they be able to win their next 2 matches? Will have to see next time, at the next chapter.
{The three little pigs and The big bad wolf!}
"What the heck are ya three idiots doing?" [Name] asked while crossing her arms at her three teammates. "Entertaining ourselves." Reo casually responded as him, Nagi and Zantetsu watch Nagi play on his phone. "Yer only watchin' Nagi-senpai play! More importantly... wash yer clothes will ya!" [Name] angrily said while pointing at their dirty laundry.
"Ehhh, how are we suppose to wash them?" Nagi lazily asked. "At the washin' machine obviously!" I yelled, finally making them look at me.
"I don't know how to use one..."
"I never tried to use one since our maids wash our clothes."
"What's a "watching matching"?"
{We'll be right back!!}
"Alright, now you have to press this button." [Name] explained as the three boys followed her instructions and pressed the button. After getting hit in the head hard, they took note to never make [Name] mad again. The washing machine then started spinning, making the three boys flinch and hide behind the h/c. "Is it suppose to be spinning like that?" Reo asked and [Name] nodded. "Yeah, now do ya know how to wash yer clothes?" [Name] asked, recieving a thumbs up from both Reo and Zantetsu, while Nagi just watch his clothes spin around inside the washing machine.
"Good, now all ya have to do is ti dry yer clothes after ya finished washin' 'em."
"Uhm, about that... I don't know how to..."
"Our maids do it for us, so..."
"How do you "extremely" dry clothes?"
[Name] mentally facedpalmed at their stupid responses and lets out a long sigh. "Why are you guys even older than me..."
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