Chapter 2
[Name] pov:
It's been two days since my encounter with Nagi and Reo. Even though I refused to play with them...
"[Name]! Have you changed your mind yet?!"
This grapehead just won't give up! For the past two days, he's been following me around like a lost puppy!
(Before classes)
"Hey [Name], have you changed your mind about joining?!"
(After classes)
"So~ have you changed your mind yet?"
"[Name]-kun~ don't ignore me~!
(Outside school gates)
"Ah! [Name]! Me and Nagi have been waiting for you! Have you changed your mind yet?!"
{♡Flashback end♡}
'Just what is this guys problem?! He's been followin' me around school non stop!!' I yelled in my mind before lettin' out a sigh and looked at Reo and Nagi with a tired smile. "Good mornin' to you too Mikage-senpai..." I greeted, makin' him grin and wrap an arm around my shoulder. "So~ about my question earlier, have you changed your mind??" He innocently asked, while his albino-haired friend looked at me with pity, feelin' bad about me getting followed by Reo all the time.
"You still won't give up?" I asked, still keeping a smile on my face. "I won't give up as long as you agree on playing soccer with me and Nagi! Plus... I get to see your beautiful eyes!" When Reo said those words, my smile immediately drops, so I took out my glasses and weared them. Reo and Nagi seemed to notice that everytime someones says that my eyes were beautiful, my smile would often drop and I'll wear my glasses immediately and how uncomfortable I looked.
"Hey, [Name]..." Nagi called out, making me turn my attention to him. "Do you not like it... when people compliments your eyes?" He asked making me look at him in shock before looking straight ahead. "I had a father... but he never showed me love and care..."
"Ya are a failure! Ya can't even score more goals!"
"But, father I did my best!"
"Father" then slapped me hard, making me fall to the ground. "Yer best?! You think you did your best?! Ya can't even get passed oneof the players!! Why do ya always have to be a pathetic child like your mother?!"
"Don't talk bad about mother!"
"And ya shouldn't talk back to me! Show some respect ya brat!! I wish ya were never my child!"
[Flashback end]
"I have the same colored eyes as my father... I hated it." After explaining the whole story to them Reo gave me a hug while Nagi patted my head catching me off guard. "I'm sorry... I never knew what you've been through... I'm really sorry..." Reo mumbled while I just patted his head. "No need to apologize Mikage-senpai. You didn't know." I said and pulled away from his hug and walked forward.
"And about your question..." I started before I stopped walking and looked at them with a real smile this time. "I'll consider joinin' if ya manage to impress me, Mikage-senpai~! And ya too Nagi-senpai~!" I happily said and sended them a wink, stoping them in their tracks and looked at me in shock. I let out a light chuckle before proceding to walk forward.
{♡The next day♡}
"I know I said that I'll consider joinin' ya guys if ya manage to impress me but... why do I have to go with ya guys if yer just goin' to by some cleats in Harajuku?!" I yelled while lookin' at Reo with an irratated look, and pointed an accusing finger at him. "Plus, how did ya know the location of my apartment?! I was just enjoyin' some peace and quiet when ya two barged in!!"
"We just asked the principal where you live, that's all... it's not like we're stalking you... it's such a hassle." Nagi nonchalantly responded while Reo nodded in agreement.
"Plus, there might be a chance where we get to impress you while walking around! It's a great opportunity of you joining the team!" Reo happily said, makin, me sweatdrop. I then let out a sigh in defeat and look at them with a tired expression. "Well, where're we going to buy some cleats?" I asked as we started walking while chatting.
"We're definitely going to beat Dadada high!" Reo suddenly said, catchin' my attention. "Ya already have a match after just startin' the soccer club?" I asked in a mix of shock and confusion. "Well, my shitty old man went and set us up with an insanely stong opponent! If we don't win my dream won't come true!" Reo yelled while rausing his fist upwards.
"Huh... sounds like a hassle... can't you just quit playing soccer?" Nagi suddenly asked makin' Reo give him an irratated look, while telling him not to say that when they're buying some cleats as a good luck charm.
"By the way, [Name]. Why did you keep playing soccer if you don't even like it?" Reo asked, but I didn't spare a glance at him and proceded to walk. "I don't know... I don't know why I keep playin'... but it's like I have a unknown desire... that's keepin' me from quitin' soccer." I explained with a slight frown on my face. "That's why I decided to find that unknown desire of mine... I want answers on why I keep playin'." I explained while both of them listened attentively.
Soon we arrived at the shop and Reo started bablin' about how amazin' all the cleats are. "He sure has a lot of energy just by buyin' somethin' so simple." I said and Nagi nodded in agreement. "That's Reo for you... always not giving up on something. For some reason, he started fangirling over you... he said you were so cute and pretty... almost like a girl." Nagi exclaimed makin' me laugh and scratch the back of my head. "Haha... I get that a lot! People keep sayin' that I look like a girl in a good way!" I laughed while Nagi only stared at me before kneeling down to my height to look at my face.
"They aren't wrong though... you really are pretty..." Nagi mumbled makin' me blush and push his face away. "Don't get too clingy with me now, Nagi-senpai." I mumbled, before Reo called us out. "Hey you two! Come pick one for yourselves!" Nagi then walked up to Reo and started checking out the cleats while I just watch them interact.
'I wonder... why are they so attentive to get me to play with them... even though they just saw me kick a ball once. But for some reason... I feel like I want to keep both of them safe...' I thought, but snapped out of my thoughts when Reo called me out. "Hey, [Name]! Come pick one for yourself, too!" Reo yelled but I just scratched the back of my head and let out a tired sigh. "I haven't joined yet. So why're ya tellin' me to also pick one?" I asked and he just grinned at me. "Well, I just thought that you should also get one so that you're all prepared when you join the team!" Reo happily said making, me sigh and walked ovef to them and looked at the cleats, but one caught me eye.
"I guess I'll be takin' this ruby colored one."
"Ooohh~, nice choice!"
Reo then paid for the cleats and the three of us went out of the store with Reo smaking Nagi in the face with the one he picked and Reo just handed mine gently, while I thanked him. I then noticed a candied fruit store, that is similar to where I usually buy some in Kyoto. "Hey Mikage-senpai, Nagi-senpai, I wanna eat there!" I said while pointing at the candied fruit store. "Hm? What is that place?" Reo asked. "It's a candied fruit store, it's real' similar to where I usually buy some back in Kyoto!"
"I didn't know you liked these kinds of stuffs, [Name]~!" Reo teased, making me huff. "I just like eatin' sweet and juicy fruits, that's all." I responded making Reo chuckle and ruffle my hair.
"I was just teasing you~! I'll get the grape and strawberry one! What about you guys?"
"Ehh... I think I'll get the orange one..."
"I wanna get the candied apple."
After we got our treats we started making our way to a near by park. But there's always been something on my mind, if Reo wanted me to join the team because of my talent then... "Hey, Mikage-senpai... what would ya do if I ain't any good at soccer?" I asked, catching Reo and Nagi's attention. "Oh, I wanted to ask that too..." Nagi said while Reo took a bite of his candied fruit. "Well, that's out of the blue... I never really thought about it, but... hmm... if you guys started suck at playing soccer then, I'd... abandon you."
"Wow~... I never knew yer real' cold, Mikage-senpai." I said, while Nagi nodded in agreement, making him chuckle and ruffle my hair. "Well, that doesn't matter! Because one things for sure... no one can ever replace both you and Nagi!! That's my gut feeling!" Reo happily exclaimed makin' me look at him in shock, before I bumped into someone, making me look up to see who it is, and saw a dude with dark green hair and he had some underlashes. "Ah... sorry 'bout that." But just as I apologized I lost grip of my candied apple, but with fast reactions, Reo was able to tap it up. "Get it Nagi!"
Nagi nodded and went after the candied apple in the air. "[Name]'s candied apple..." Nagi mumbled and tried to trap it, but it just bounced right off. I went after it next and kicked it with the back of my heel, but it was real' hard to control. "[Name], if I make this... you'll join me and Nagi in playing soccer!!" Reo yelled and kicked the ball up again, while I looked at him in shocked.
'Why...? Even if I refuse everytime, he'll still keep on tellin' me to join... is he that desparate? Well, whatever... because that's what interestin' 'bout them... Mikage Reo... Nagi Seishiro... ya successfully impressed me! So, in return...' I ran forward towards my candied apple and jumped as high as I can and manage to grab it, before landing in front of Reo and stood up and extended my candied apple towards him. "I accept yer offer! Mikage Reo... Nagi Seishiro... I am here to congrats ya for successfully impressing me! That's why I'm proud to announce that... the contract is seeled!!" I happily said with a big smile on my face, making Reo and Nagi look at me in awe.
Suddely, *Thwack!* Reo's candied fruit shatered on top of my head, making them let out a laugh.
"What're ya laughin' at Mikage-senpai?!"
"It's just that your happy look on face immediately went away when my candied fruit landed on your head!!"
"Nothin' ain't funny!! Right Nagi-senpai?!"
"Well... it is kinda funny..."
(At sunset)
After spending time with Reo and Nagi, they insisted that they'll walk me back to my apartment. When we arrived at the front of my apartment, I stood still for a while before speaking up.
"Mikage-senpai... Nagi-senpai..." I called out, making them look at me, waiting for me to say more. "I wanna tell ya guys somethin' but ya gotta keep it a secret, okay?" I said without looking at them, waiting for their answers. "Sure, we'll keep it a secret! Si, what do you want to tell us?" Reo asked, making me smule before turning my head to look at them with a charming smile on my face. "I'm... a girl."
I let out a chuckle at their reaction before wavin' them good bye. "See ya tommorow, senpai's~!" I said in a sing song tone and entered my apartment, leaving them there standing in a mix of shocked and confusion.
{♡The next day♡}
"[Lastname]-kun, someone's looking for you!" One of my male classmates said, makin' me look at him, before excusing myself to the girls. I walked towards our class room door, before opening it, and saw Reo with his albino-haired friend behind him.
"Ah, good mornin' Mika-"
Before I could even finish my sentence, I was quickly dragged out of the classroom by Reo, while Nagi was also bein' dragged by Reo. Once we were outside, Reo started looking around to see if there were people around. Once that it was confirmed that no one else is around he started draging me and Nagi to a corner and grabbed both of my shoulders. "Are you... really a girl? You're not lying, right?" Reo asked and I just nodded my head.
"Why would I lie to ya guys? I'm completely honest with ya and Nagi-senpai." I said, before I felt Reo's hand on my chest and started squizing it, making me blush and slap him in the face. "Don't touch me there! Ya perv!" I yelled while Reo winced in pain and rubbed his now red cheek. After a while, he looked at me again with a shocked expression.
"You really are a girl..."
"Of course I am! I already told ya didn't I?!"
"Reo... was it soft?"
"Don't ya dare ask such question, Nagi-senpai!"
After me and Reo had calmed down, I started explaining why I decided to dress up as a boy, while they both listened attentively. "But I don't really care if ya see me as a girl or a boy. Infact I don't really care if you don't want to pla-" I was cut off by Reo who swung an arm around me with a grin on his face. "Well, as long as you are still acting as a boy, the three of us can still play together! There's no need to worry! Me and Nagi will keep your secret hidded, right Nagi?!" Reo said as he turned his attention to his albino haired friend who nodded and patted my head.
"I won't tell anyone about it... it's such a hassle if I did." Nagi mumbled, making Reo laugh. But I only kept quiet, looking at the two of them in awe before smiling and hugging both of them, catching them off guard. "[Name]?" "... Thank ya. I'm real' glad that I could have such reliable senpais like ya." I softlh exclaimed making them blush(mostly Reo), before hugging me back. "Of course! Anything for you! And from now on call me "Reo-senpai"!" Reo happily exclaimed making me laugh with a nod.
"Alright, Reo-senpai, Nagi-senpai... could y'all tell me who we're up against?"
"Nagi-senpai~ it's time to wake up~!" I cooed while shaking my "lazy ass spoiled brat senior" to wake him up, so that we could get ready for the practice match against Dadada high. Nagi just let's out a groan and looked at me before hugging me by the waist and shook his head. "Nooooo... it's such a hassle to walk..." He mumbled and nuzzled his face into my stomach, making me sigh and bonk his head. "Reo-senpai's goin' to keep complainin' if ya don't come. The only reason I'm here is to pick ya up for the practice match."
"Ugh... what a hassle." Nagi mumbled before standing up and letting out a yawn. I let out another sigh and grabbed his hand and started to drag him out of his classroom. "C'mon now, we don't wanna be late." I said and he just hummed in respons. While walking, people started whispering and glancing at us.
"Hey isn't that guy Reo-sama always hangs out with?"
"Yeah, and isn't that [Name]-kun?"
"Why is [Name]-kun holding his hand?"
"First Reo-kun and now [Name]-kun too?"
"Just what do they see in that sloppy looking guy?"
I was about to give them a piece of their mind, but Nagi stopped me, making me look at him in confusion. "Don't worry about it... it doesn't bother me. I'm already used to it." He nonchalantlu said making me frown. "But still-" I was cut off by Nagi, shoving a piece of melon bread in my mouth. "There, I can tell that you haven't eaten yet, so I'll share you my melon bread." He said while I swallowed the melon bread he fed me. I looked at him for a while before mumbling a small "thank you", making him hum and hold my hand again and walked forward. "Let's go... I don't wanna hear Reo complain... it's such a hassle."
I then let out a chuckle at this before giving him a teasing grin. "Don't ya always find everythin' a hassle?" I teased making him stutter and look away. "W-Well... you and Reo aren't a hassle... so I can't say that I find everything is a hassle." He quietly said, making me laugh. "Hahaha! Sure~ whatever ya say, senpai~!" I laughed as Nagi gently tighten his hold on my hand.
'I want this moment to last forever... you aren't a hassle at all, [Name].' Is what my albino-haired male thought, while he just listened to my babling.
"They're here!"
Two of our teammates exclaimed, making the rest of us look at them and saw the opposing walking in. The others looked scared of them, but I just frowned at how the dudes have so much ego, even though they aren't even strong. I then went beside Reo and slightly glared at the opposing team.
"Hey coach, why do we have to play against these weaklings?" Nameoka Ryo(the captain of Dadada High) said. I then felt an irk mark form into my fore head when he called us "weaklings". I then folded my sleeves and was ready to show them who the real weaklings are, but Reo stopped me by extending his arm in front of me.
"It's adult stuff! Last night was increadable!"
"You were bought off, right? That's for sure."
"We're being forced to go along with the hobbies of the rich aren't we... well, whatever..." Nameoka then started walking towards me and Reo, with a look on his face to try and intimidate us, but guess what? It's definitely not working on us.
"I'll shater these naive kids fantacies into tiny pieces. Nice to meet you sheltered boys." He mocked.
"Pfft- Bahahahaha!!" I laughed, making the bothe teams look at me with confusion. "Ahaha... sorry, sorry. It's just funny watchin' ya talk about yer future. Yer the naive ones here, and yer fantacies are the ones going to be shattered, ya blockheads." I said with a sly smirk on my face, making them look at me with a pissed off expression. "Hah? You got a big mouth or someone who's so short and scrawny, your nothing but a little weakling!" Nameoka shot back but I just sended him a mocking grin.
"I ain't weak, yer just not worthy for me to waste my time on." I shot back, making him even more pissed and grab me by my collar.
"You wanna fight? You good-for-nothing-little shit?" He asked with a dark aura around him, but I just kept my grin on my face. "And yer a mosquito that everyone hates, what's more yer fuckin' useless." I shot back, cutting the final string. He then raised his arm and was about to punch me, but Reo grabbed his arm and glared at him.
"Hey, don't even try to hit [Name]. If you do, then I'll make sure to make you regret being alive. Don't talk about me or [Name] in your insignificant calimber, simpletons." Reo shot, and now the opposing team is glaring at him. "You guys, still don't know who the "real geniuses" are." Reo said, and the opposing team just laughed at him. Making me look at Reo with a smile on my face, while we just walked away frpm the idiots.
"Permission to punch 'em."
"Absolutely denied. More importantly..."
Reo then raised his hand in front of me and flicked my fore head, making me flinch and wince in pain. "Ouch! What was that for?!" I yelled while rubbing the spot where it stings. "That's for being reckless. You could've gotten hurt if I didn't stop that guy from punching you." He scolded and I just pouted.
"Still, they're lookin' down on you, Reo-senpai... It really made me mad. I can't just stand there and do nothin'." I said, and Reo was sure that love arrows were shot through his heart, because how can someone be so cute. Reo then patted my head and let out a sigh of defeat.
"Well, whatever. I'm just glad that I was able to protect my favorite kohai, other wise I won't deserve it when you keep calling me senpai." Reo exclaimed, before looking at the opposing team. "Plus we still have a match to finish, so let's do our best! Okay?"
I then ran towards Nagi, who was just laying on the ground doing nothing. I crouched down beside him and started patting his stomach. "Nagi-senpai~ it's time to get to position." I said and he just whinned. "Don't wanna..." He mumbled before turning his back on me, making me sweatdrop. I then crossed my arms and looked at him with a frown.
"Fine then... if you don't play with us right now, then I won't pamper you for a week!" I yelled, making him flinch and immediately looked at me with his usual (•×•).
"You're lying."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"I'm serious."
Eventually Nagi agreed to play, and now we are in our positions, ready to start the game.
Once the opposing team started running towards us, our team immediately formed a triangle formation to try and stop Nameoka. The opposing team saw through this and formed a triangle formation of their own by destroying our formation.
Just as one of the players of the opposing team is about to pass the ball to Nameoka, Reo immediately went in front of him and took it instead, making their eyes widen in shock.
"Let's go Hakuho!!"
Reo yelled and we immediately went to our next plan. Both wings will run in different directions, leaving the center open, meaning that it'll be much more easier to pass the ball to each other. The plan worked perfectly, our team can freely pass the ball to each other. And once the ball was on Reo's feet again, he immediately passed the ball to me.
"It's time to show off your skills, [Name]!"
I then caught the ball using my heel and once I landed one of my teammates shouted. "They're coming in behind you [Name]-kun!" They yelled but I only kept a smile on my face. "Oh, don't ya worry, I can tell." I said before performing an aerial rush turn and got passed them.
"Huuuuuh?! This guys dribbling is insane!!"
I then kept running forward, keeping the smile on my face, while three players started running towards me. "G-Get him, even if you die!! With the pride of Aomori Dadada on the line!!!" Nameoka yelled, but I paid no mind to it and increased my speed, making the others eyes widen in shock.
"That pipsqueak not only has an insane dribbling but he's insanely fast too!" I heared one of them said, but I paid no mind to it and just recalled what Reo told me and Nagi.
"One more rule, Nagi, [Name]."
"Whaaa... I'm tired, dude..." Nagi complained and I lightly smacked the back of his head. "Listen." I said and Reo nodded in agreement. "Yeah! Listen Nagi! This is important!" Reo yelled before taking a deep breath and looked at me and Nagi, sternly.
"Nagi, you need to be somewhere you can score from and wait for [Name]'s pass." Reo exclaimed and me and Nagi tilted our heads to the side. "Hey, Reo-senpai, football is a game where ya play as a team of 11." I said and Nagi nodded in agreement before leaning his head on top of mine. "Yeah, so is it okay to be self-centered?" Nagi asked.
"Yeah it's fine. I'm going to show the world, that both you and [Name] are the bast there is. So all both of you have to do... is to play football and only trusting in me!"
{♡Flashback End♡}
I then glanced at where Nagi was and smiled at him.
"Good boys."
"Yes boss."
"Aye, aye boss."
I then perfomed a roullete and did a high pass towards Nagi, but Nameoka appeared out of no where and slammed his shoulder onto Nagi's. Nameoka then started taunting Nagi, but soon regreted it when Nagi amazingly trap the ball using his heel, performing a scorpion trap. After that Nagi turned around and performed a roullete volley, scoring our fist goal.
I let out a light chuckle, before feeling someone carry me and started running towards Nagi. I looked up and saw Reo smiling brightly, he then puts me down on my feet again and pulled me and Nagi into a hug. He then started laughing and ruffled both mine and Nagi's hair.
Author pov:
"You call that "true geniuses"...? As if that's accurate... they're a trio of abnormal monsters...!" Nameoka exclaimed while watching the said trio in horror.
Little did they know a certain pink haired girl was watching in the sidelines. "I came to observe the match for the Aomori Dadada team, but... on the opposing team, I found and extraordinary trio..!" She happily exclaimed before she continued to speak.
"One had the dexterity to go above avarage in every role... Mikage Reo. And one with a superhuman ability and increadible shot... Nagi Seishiro. And lastly a male who amazingly has pro teir dribbling skills and is also very fast... [Lastname][Name]. Yes! Ego-san... I want to invite these three... to the Blue Lock project!"
Hello, hello! How's everyone doing? Jia-san and Hana-chan here! I just wanted to know what you guys think of this book so far? I did try to stop myself from making this but I just have so much ideas coming in my mind of this book!
Thanks to Hana-chan here, I was able to make this book!
Hana: You still have to finish your school.
I know, I know! But let me know if you guys want to know something about our new friend here! Welp, that's all thank you for reading!!
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