Chapter 15
Hiori pov:
'Even though I always spend time with [Lastname]-kun, I still don't know that much about him...' I thought as I let out a long sigh. I was currently leaning against my table, thinking about the time where I followed Karasu, and the time where he decided to decieve me into going to someones house, telling me that it's his. 'Should I secretly follow [Lastname]-kun, too? But I might scare him like I did with Karasu-kun.' I thought before letting out another sigh and closed my eyes, leaning my head on my table, I opned my eyes and glanced up the window. "I wanna know more about [Lastname]-kun..." I mumbled with a slight frown on my face.
{♡After class♡}
"Hey, whats up? Ya've been sigh-ing for the past 30 minutes." Karasu said as he walked towards me, making me let out a light laugh, before scratching the back of my head.
"I was? Well, I wanted to know more about [Lastname]-kun, but I don't know if I should follow him, or ask him." I admitted, making Karasu raise a brow. "Why not just ask him instead? If ya follow him like what ya did with me, then yer gonna scare the shit outta him." Karasu bluntly said, making me let out the 100th sigh and nodded.
"Yeah, but I don't wanna ask him somethin' sensitive without me knowing. It happened before ya know? He was pretty sad when I asked on what his thoughts on soccer was." I explained and remembered the look on [Lastname]'s face when I asked him that time. I didn't want to sadden the poor boy again, he's got daddy issues too. "Oh, I remember now. Ya mentioned that he hadded some daddy issues. Maybe I'd be best to follow him..." Karasu said, mumbling the last part and placed a hand on his chin.
"Hiori-senpai~! I've come to pick ya up for lunch~!"
A familiar voiced said in a sing song tone, making me and Karasu turn our heads towards the door and saw a h/c male waving at me, with his usual smile on his face. For some odd reason, I would feel myself calm down a little whenever I see him. I don't know why I feel this way, but it felt comforting. I stood up from my seat and started walking towards my cute kouhai, sending him a smile back. "Hello, [Lastname]-kun! Ya don't have to always come here to pick me up, ya know? It me as a senpai who should be doin' that." I said, making him let out a laugh.
"Well in my defence, senpai always takes so long to get to my class." He teased, making me laugh and flick his fore head. "That was just one time, and it's cuz I was doin' somethin'."
"Ouchy! That hurts senpai!"
"Ya asked for it!"
"Hey, mind if I eat lunch with both of ya?"
Both me and [Name] looked at Karasu, who had a grin on his face. I looked down at [Name], asking if it's okay with him. He stared at Karasu for a while, before sending him a smile. "Sure! It's good to have a new person join us for lunch! By the way, thanks for invitin' me at the Korean restaurant last time!" [Name] cheerfuly said, making Karasu laugh and scratch the back of his head. "Haha! Ya don't have to thank me, it was my fault for saying those words to ya, so I wanted to make ya feel better!" Karasu said as they started talking to each other, its almost like they've met 5 years rather than 1 week. I let out a sigh and watch their interaction, with a smile on my face.
'I'm glad I met both of them...'
"All right, "Operation: Get to know [Lastname]" has started." Karasu mumbled as both of us started secretly following the h/c male, of course both of us were wearing a hat, so that he wouldn't recognize us. "I wonder what he'll do..." I quietly said, making Karasu nod, watching [Name] walk down the streets. We continued following him and saw him go inside a grocery store.
"Is he gonna bye food?"
After a few minutes, [Name] went out of the store with a onigiri in his hand and started opening it, before throwing the plastic wrap on a near by trash. He took a bite and started walking again, as both me and Karasu continued to follow him.
"He's surrounded by cats..."
"I heard that orange cats are totally stupid..."
We both said as we watch [Name], who was surrounded by cats, wanting to be petted by him. "It seems like his pretty good with gettin' along with animals." I said and let out a quiet giggle. "Lucky him, all animals hate me." Karasu said and looked at the h/c male in envy.
"Huh? He's turning towards a dark corner." I mumbled and watch [Name] turn towards a slightly dark corner. Me and Karasu also went inside, but only saw that [Name] was no where to be found, plus it was a dead end! Me and Karasu both started looking around for the h/c male, but couldn't find a trace of him.
"This can't be right, we both saw him go here."
"Well, it's not like he magicaly disapeared, he's gotta be here somewhe-"
Before Karasu could even finish his sentence, [Name] appeared out of no where and kicked Karasu at the back, sending him flying and falling face first on the ground, making my eyes widen in shock. "Karasu-kun?!"
[Name] then grabbed onto my colar and started shaking me back and forth. "Stupid stalkers! Ya really think ya can kidnapp me so easily because of my height?! Why ya little-"
"W-Wait! [Lastname]-kun, it's just us!" I yelped and took off my cap and raising both my arms on my side. "Eh? Hiori-senpai?!" He yelled in shock while I nervously nodded. "Yeah, and that right there is Karasu-kun..." I said and pointed at the said male, who was holding onto his back where [Name] had kicked him. [Name] quickly let go of me and helped Karasu get up to his feet. "Seriously?! Sorry Karasu-senpai! It's cuz both of ya scared the shit outa me!" [Name] apologized and bowed down many times to me and Karasu, to show how sorry he was. But Karasu just waved his arm at him.
"Don't worry 'bout it, it's our fault for scarin' ya after all."
"Yeah, we're the ones who should say sorry! We just wanted to get to know ya better! So we secretly followed ya! I'm sorry!"
[Name] pov:
After explaining things, we agreed to go out to the arcade to get to know each other. I spotted a claw machine which had a bunch of crow stufftoys inside. The three of us bought tokens and I immediately started running towards the claw machine I just saw and inserted a token.
"Hm? Yer gonna try and get the crow one?" Hiori asked as both him and Karasu stood beside me. "Yep, crows are actually my favorite animal." I said before pressing down the button. Just as I was about to get the crow stufftoy, the crow fell out of the claws grip. "But I've always sucked when it comes to claw machines..." I mumbled with a frown on my face, making Hiori chuckle. He then asked me to move a little, before inserting another token. I watch him get the crow on the first try, and Karasu started to clap his hands with a grin on his face. "Nice, got it on the first try! Unlike someone." Karasu said while eyeing me, making me huff.
"Like ya can do any better!" I taunted and crossed my arms, making Karasu laugh and ruffle my hair. "Haha! C'mon now! I was only teasin'!" Karasu laughed, before Hiori handed me the crow stufftoy.
"Here, ya wanted it, right?"
"Thanks, Hiori-senpai!"
"Hey, I saw a shootin' game over there. Wanna try?"
The three of us started playing more games, laughing, smiling all night. I pretty much won most shooting games, while Karasu lost most of the shooting games. Hiori gave me all the prizes he got, telling me that he got all of them for me, so I can't deny. The three of us ate at a fast food restaurant next, talking about random things and laughing around.
When it was finally time for me to go home, they said that they could walk me there, but they insisted and I eventually gave up on refusing. The only reason on why I don't want them to walk me home is because of father, so I just told them that I'll walk by myself when we were a few blocks near.
While walking, Karasu spoke up. "[Lastname]... are ya... a girl?" Karasu suddenly asked, making me flinch and stop in my tracks, while Hiori gave him a confuse look. "Huh? What're ya talkin' 'bout, Karasu-kun?" Hiori asked in confusion, while I nervously looked at him. "Y-Yeah... what're ya talkin' 'bout, Karasu-senpai...?"
"Ya don't have to lie to me. Yer actions can fool others, but ya can't fool me. The way ya walk, the way ya would refuse to wash up with us after practice, and yer voice... yer good at changing the tone of yer voice, so ya could easily make it sound like a males voice, not too low and not too high. But there's still a hint of a womans tone in yer voice... let me ask ya one last time. [Lastname], are ya a girl?" Karasu explained, and I couldn't even say anything back, since everything he said was true. I hold no argument against him. My grip onto my bag got tighter, as I looked down on the ground, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah... yer right. I am a girl. But I've got my own reasons in dressin' up like this!" I said, making Karasu nod. "Right, I figured. It's because of yer dad, right? His forcin' ya to play soccer, and he's forcin' ya to do things ya don't want to do. And much worse... he's hurtin' ya, isn't he? I saw some bruise' on yer right arm earlier." Karasu explained, but I only stayed quiet, and kept staring at the ground, not wanting to meet their gazes. I then felt a hand on my shoulders, making me look up and saw Hiori with a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry, I've already known you for 5 months, yet I still didn't notice what ya've been goin' through... I'm such a horrible senpai..." Hiori said before giving me a tight hug. "Girl or not... yer still, the first ever person I care about in my whole life." Hiori exclaimed and pulled away from the hug. "Yer secret is safe with me, and I'm sure Karasu-kun won't tell anyone, right?"
Hiori said and looked at Karasu, who nodded in respons. "Yeah, yer secret is also safe with me. We'll find a enough evidence to get that stupid dad of yers arrested!" Karasu said before placing a hand on my shoulder. "Just wait for us, okay? As long as both of us are here, yer safe..." Karasu said in a soft tone, while I stared both of them in shock.
For the very first time, it felt like I was finally loved again... this is the time where I finaly found someone, no. Two people who I will always adore, and I won't let anything hurt both of them.
They're the only people who'll understand me... no one else...
Or so I thought.
I felt someone slightly shake me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up, and saw Kurona and Reo, giving me a worried look, with Kurona's hand placed on my shoulder. I gave them a small smile, telling them that I was fine, before looking to where Shidou was at.
"Don't mess with me! What did you do to Kunigami?!" Isagi snapped at Shidou, it seems like Shidou pissed someone off again. "As I said... it doesn't even matter. Like your own story!" Shidou jumped up, and was about to kick Isagi's head off, but I immediately ran towards both of them and pulled Shidou by the back of his collar, while a certain redhead pulled Isagi down to dodge Shidou's kick. "What did I tell ya about pickin' fights?" I angrily said, still holding Shidou by the back of his collar, as he raised both his hands with a grin on his face. "Now, now, [Name]-chan. It's not my fault that he pissed me off."
"Who the heck is this guy? He's pissing me off..." Chigiri exclaimed while glaring daggers at Shidou. "Seriously, me too. If you wanna square up, I'm down. In my eyes, you're the slime here, you tanning salon freak." Bachira stepped up, while stretching both his arms. "Tanning salon? Don't you mean sub-bathed?" Shidou asked, his grin not leaving his face.
"Okay, okay, lets leave it to that, unpolished gems." A familiar voice appeared, stopping the fight from going any further. "If these little outbursts continue, you'll end up getting thrown out. Anyways, all of you have no time worrying about those who have been dropped. At any rate, everyone's soccef life evem, will soon be thrown into the worthless hellfires of Blue Lock and dissapear with the rest of the trash." Ego said, as I let go of Shidou's collar and looked up at the monitor. "The upcoming third selection round is to pass your studies aaand... well, there are plenty of other things..."
I let out an quiet irratated sigh, since looking for Shidou earlier was a pain in the ass. Turns out he was hiding in the employees only monitor room, lucky bastard. After Ego's stupidly long speech, telling us that we will be going against the U-20 Japan Team, which where Itoshi Sae himself will be playing for. He also said that he will be calling out six names, which he will be doing now. "Those names who are called, step forward. First, the overall no. 1... Itoshi Rin."
The said male walked up near a door with a pockerface.
"Moving on, no. 2... Shidou Ryusei."
I immediately made a face hearing that he's no. 2, as Shidou walked up with the usual grin on his face. "There it is~ bada bing~!" Shidou cooed, sending shivers down my spine in digust. "You're actually that good?! I thought you were only bad news!" Igaguri quietly yelled, while I gave him a confuse look. "Isn't he both? And it's quite obvious ain't it?" I said, making him flinch and ackwardly scratch the back of his head. "Wow, the [Lastname][Name] is actualy admitting that Shidou is strong? That's new, that's new." Kurona teased, making me snap my head towards him and pinch his cheek. "Oh, shut it Kurona-kun!" I whisper yelled, making Reo chuckle at our anticts.
"Alright, next... no. 3, Karasu Tabito."
I immediately shifted my attention to Ego as he mentioned the name of my upper classmen, who also took a step forward. "Wow, Karasu-senpai manage to get chosen." I mumbled, loud enough for Kurona to hear, who is currently trying to get my grip off of him. "Oh? I remember him. He's the one who's good at defences." Kurona said, making me nod and let go of his now red cheek.
"No. 4, Yukimiya Kenyu."
"Yukimiya Kenyu? If I recall correctly, he's also a model." I said, placing a hand on my chin. "For real?! Damn it must be nice to have a pretty face!" Igaguri said with crocodile tears falling down his eyes, making me Reo and Kurona sweatdrop. "You just need to fix that attitude of yours." Reo said, making Kurona nod in agreement.
"No. 5, [Lastname][Name]."
I flinched at the mention of my name and immediately looked up in shock. "Eh...? Me?" I asked myself before slowly walking forward.
"He's no. 5? Why is he so tiny?"
"He probably doesn't drink enough milk."
"What's up with his eyes?"
"He looks weak."
I heard other players whisper at each other, but I paid no mind to it and stood beside Karasu, who started glaring daggers at the other players talking bad about me. Reo on the other hand was at the urge of punching them in the face, luckily Kurona and Igaguri manage to hold him back. "Look who's talkin', I bet they aren't even in the Top 6. What a bunch of assholes." Karasu mumbled, still glaring at the previews players before looking at me and started ruffling my hair.
"I'm glad ya manage to get in the Top 6! Ya better show 'em yer crazy skills ya got that?" Karasu said, making me let out a quiet chuckle, before slapping his hand away. "Good to know that ya also manage to make it, senpai. And I'm pretty sure that yer happy in bein' 2 ranks higher than me." I said, making him let out a cackle and nod. "Ya got that right!"
"Lastly, no. 6 is... Nagi Seishiro."
I turned my head towards my albino-haired male, who I haven't seen in a long time. I'm not really sure if I should feel happy or angry, since he was the reason on why the three of us fought. Well, I guess it's not entirely his fault, if I were him, I'd also be curious about Isagi too. Nagi stood beside me, with a bright aura around him. "[Name]... good to see you again." Was the only thing he said, making me raise a brow at him. 'After abandonin' me and Mikage-senpai, that's what ya say? Why am I not surprise?' I thought before letting out a sigh and look back at Ego. "Yeah..." Was the only thing I said, making him give me a look.
"That's what you say after not seeing me for a month? Rude."
"Yer one to talk."
"Well as for formality, the players of the Top 6 will be playing multiple games, but the remaining 29 will only have one chance to play. This is the final task of the revised Third Selection. With the position as a regular at National U-20 team on the line... it's time for the try outs." Ego finished as pictures of us were shown twirling around Ego's arm, before the hologram slowly disappears. "First the Top 6, you will procede to a different room."
A new door opened in front of us, Rin was first to walk forward, before the rest of us followed, and after walking through a long hallway, we finaly entered a monitor room. But when we entered, I immediately felt my spider senses tingle. "Wait, where's Shidou?" I asked and turned around to look at the said male, but he was no where to be found. "Huh? Wasn't he with us a moment ago?" Yukimiya asked and pushed up his glasses in confusion. "He must've sneaked out." Karasu exclaimed and look out of the room to look for any signs of the blonde-male.
"Seriously?! I took my eyes off of him for a second and he's already off somewhere else doin' who knows what!" I yelled in anger, while Nagi started taking pictures of me, thinking that my little tantrum was adorable. "I'll make this as my lockscreen..." Nagi quietly mumbled and looked at the pictures he took.
"Shut up you lukewarm NPC's. Who cares if he isn't here. If he wants to slack off, then he's better off without us." Rin coldly said and glared at us, making me raise a brow at him. "Aren't ya the one who's gonna struggle since he's yer teammate?" I quietly said before sitting down on one of the chairs and leaned on the wall while closing my eyes. Nagi also sat down beside me and started playing games on his phone. I then felt a someone sit down beside me, making me open my eyes and look up to see Yukimiya Kenyu himself, charmingly smiling at me. "Nice to meet you [Lastname]-kun. I hope we could get along." Yukimiya kindly greeted, making me slightly blush at the sound of his voice. "A-Ah, right. Nice to meet'cha too, uhm... Yukimiya-san, right?" I nervously asked, making him chuckle. "Call me Yukki, I'm not really used to formalities." Yukki explained and waved a hand at me.
"Yukki-san then."
"I you're a polite one aren't you? Since you have a Kansai accent, I assume you're from kyoto?"
"Yes, but I recently moved to Tokyo..." (A/N: Let's just pretend that this is where out beloved Trio live!)
I explained as Yukki nodded, while Nagi leaned his head on my shoulder. "Karasu-kun talks a lot about you-" "I do not!" Karasu cut Yukki off, but Yukki continued anyways. "He said that you could speak three other languages, is that true?" Yukki asked out of interest, making me nod. "Yeah, I can speak Korean, Tagalog, and English." I explained and scratched the back of my head. "Impressive, you really are a genius [Lastname]-kun! Oh, have I mentioned that you're eyes are pretty lovely!"
Yukki said, making me flinch as my smile dropped, Nagi shifted his attention towards me and Yukki, I looking down on the ground. "Hey!" I heard Karasu whisper yell at a confuse Yukki, but immediately realized what was happening and quickly look at me. "Ah, sorry. I said something sensitive didn't I? I'm sorry." Yukki apologized and gently patted my back. "No, no, don't worry! Ya didn't know so it's fine!" I said and waved my hands at him with a fake smile on my face.
"Still, I should've thought about it first. I'll keep in mind that you don't like it when someone compliments your eyes."
"Like I said, ya don't to apologize, Yukki-san! It ain't yer fault!"
"[Name]~ why are you ignoring me...? Are you mad at me?" Nagi asked, while resting his chin on my shoulder, obviously upset at the fact that I'm barely talking to him. "[Name]-chan, you should talk to him! You can't ignore him all day you know? Just look at the poor boy, he obviously wants your attention!" I heard Kaede say, making me huff and look away from Nagi. 'I am quite upset with him for bein' so blunt...'
"That's no excuse to ignore him!"
'By the way Kaede-san, ya said that ya knew me when I was younger, I wanted to ask who ya were back then.' I mentioned, making her grow quiet. I was about to say something again until she spoke up. "I'm just someone really close to you, that's all!" She responded, but I wasn't quite saticefied with her answer.
'Are you someone related to me prehaps?'
"Hmm... I'll tell you once you're ready!"
"[Name]..." I suddenly felt Nagi's cold hands go under my sweater as he rested his hands on my stomach, making me flinch at the cold contact. "N-Nagi-senpai...?! What're ya doin'?!" I yelp, making him pout even harder and fully wrap his arms around my waist. "Did I do something to upset you? You've been ignoring me for the past 2 hours..." Nagi complained, making me let out a sigh and wear my glasses.
"I'm just pissed off cuz of yer bluntness...!" I admitted with a huff, before I felt Nagi hug me tighter. "That's not enough excuse to ignore me~..."
The doors then opened, revealing Rin, who had just gotten out of the shower after the first match. Rin then glanced at us and gave us a disgusted look. "Get a room will you?" He coldly said, making me sweatdrop. "For someone younger than us ya sure got the guts to talk to us like that." I exclaimed and watch him sit down on his bed. "Aren't both of us the same age?" He bluntly asked making me irk, and point an accusing finger at him. "Yeah, but I'm a few months older than you! Show some respect!" I quickly defended myself, while Nagi nodded in agreement. "You sure talk big for someone who trash talks someone older than you(Shidou)." Rin faught back making me flinch, before quickly talking back.
"Ya, but it's only Shidou that I don't like! Ya also talk back to him, ya know?! And I'm pretty sure that ya also bad mouth Isagi-san!"
"Stop yapping, brat."
"Yer the brat here, damn ya!!"
I let out a sigh, before crossing my arms. "So, how'd the match go?" I asked making Rin look at me, before tearing his gaze off of me. "Lukewarm." He simply responded, making me let out a chuckle.
"I figured."
"This isn't fair... let me in on this...!" Nagi complained with his usual (•×•) face.
{♡A few hours earlier♡}
Author pov:
"Having trouble picking a team?" A familiar voice asked, making Isagi look behind him, only to see Reo leaning on the wall. "Me too."
"Reo! I thought you were going to immediately go on Nagi and [Lastname]-kun's team." Isagi said as Reo sat down beside him and grabbed the remote. "I don't wanna hear that from the guy that split us up." Reo bluntly said, making Isagi flinch at the sudden tone.
'Ah! Sorry...'
"Well I was planning on that... but I'm having second thoughts."
"Seeing both of them risen up to the Top 6 and objectivly comparing my level is compared to theirs... Nagi and [Name] are starting to feel like more and more like I can't catch up to... I don't know if I have the confidence to play beside them." Reo explained as he watched a replay of both Nagi and [Name]'s previews matches. "But I also feel that, if I let this chance go by... I might not get a second chance anymore. But if I mess up while playing with both of them, it feels like they'll go farther away. So I really don't know... what I should do anymore..." Reo finished and looked down on the ground, with the thought of Nagi and [Name] walking farther and farther away from his grasp.
"...Me too, Reo." Isagi said, making Reo snap out of his thoughts and look at Isagi. "To me, Rin is like that. But... I see it now... if we don't work together now, he might go beyond where I can reach. That's the one thing I don't want to regret." Isagi then took his pen and circled his chosen team... Team A. I then looked up at Reo and gave him a bright smile. "...Reo, thank you. I've found my resolve thanks to you. I'm going to prove... that the path I've chosen for myself isn't wrong!" Isagi exclaimed, making Reo look at him in shock. After a while Isagi decided to go back to his room, while Reo stayed behind and stared at the Nagi and [Name]'s figures at the screen of the monitor. He took the pen on the ground and drew a circle on Team C.
{♡Present Time♡}
[Name] and Nagi stared at the opposing team, as the other players entered the field, but a cetrain purple-haired male caught [Name]'s eye. "Hey Nagi, [Name]." Reo called out, making both of them look at him. "Both of you better... watch me closely." Reo said, making Nagi and [Name] nod. "Sure." Nagi responded, while [Name] looked forward. "Let's go then."
'Wait for me... Nagi... [Name]...'
'I'm waiting... Reo-senpai...'
I forgot to show this to you guys if one of y'all wanna do the same! Anyways, I won't be busy next week, so more free time for me! Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter!
Off topic, but I watched this movie "Rewind", it's basically a filipino movie about a father going back in time to save his wife but... well... I wont spoil you guys if you ever decided to watch it. But basically, I cried a lot, and when I mean a lot, I mean like I cried for hours because of the ending and I got a runny nose and I wasted a lot of tissues because of this movie! But it has a great story!
That's all for today/night! Thank you for reading!
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