Chapter 12
[Name] pov:
"Just one more point..." Kiyora said as I stood beside him, whiping off my sweat on my chin, I glared up at the opposing team and nodded. "Yeah, but it's a gamble. We either go on defence to stop Shidou from scoring, or we go on offence to try and score the final goal, but if we miss... then it's going to be a big problem." I explained, making him nod in agreement. "What should we do then?"
"Both of ya don't need to worry!" Karasu said, making us look at him, only to see both him and Otoya smiling at us. "We can do both, just leave the defence to me and Karasu. Both of you can focus on scoring the final point." Otoya said and gave us a thumbs up, along with Karasu.
"Sure I haven't scored yet, but ya wanted to show off yer skills to yer buddy, right? Then go do it! Make 'em regret for leavin' ya behind!" Karasu game us a wide grin, making me smile and nod.
"Thank ya, Karasu-senpai! Otoya-san!"
"Thanks... I guess."
Once we heared the whistle, we immediately started running forward and watch Reo pass the ball to Shidou. "I'll finish you once and for all, sweet cheeks!" Shidou laughed as I glared at him before I pressed him. "You really think you can get the ball from me if you're that weak?!" Shidou mocked, making me irk and glare at him even harder. "At least I don't allow my weakness to make me a shit of a person like you!" I shot back before kicking the ball out of his feet.
"You really piss me off...!"
"Be greatful then!"
Kiyora caught the ball and started running forward, but Kurona and Igaguri blocked his way Reo went to try and steal the ball from Kiyora, while I was stuck with Shidou, making me click my tounge. 'Dammit! This is bad...! If Kiyora-san loses the ball... it's all over! Come on, think, think, think!' I panicked, before a calming voice appeared in my head.
"[Name]-chan... there's no need to panic, just calm down. Concentrait on your breathing... stay in the present..." The womans voice said and it felt like everything comes to a stop. With a blink of an eye, I wasn't on the field anymore, instead everything around me was white, and was slightly covered in mist.
"Where am I...?" I asked myself, before hearing someone answer me. "You're inside your head." I turned around and saw a girl around my age with a smile on her face.
"I finally get to meet you. I'm the voice that you alway here on every match, well not all, but I was the one talking to you! My name is Keade, nice to meet you!" She happily said, before walking towards me and placed a hand on my cheek.
"You've grown beautifuly..." She mumbled as I looked at her in confusion.
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry, a habit of mine."
She said and pulled her hand away from my cheek. "You might be wondering why I appear on your head, right?" She said and I nodded. "Well, that's because I'm here to guide you."
"Guide me? Why?" I asked, she only kept her smile on her face. "You may not remember, but I've actualy met you when you were in diapers! You were so adorable back then~!" She cooed, making me blush and shook my head. "K-Kaede-san, I'm quite in a hurry, since I was in a match earlier." I nervousely said, making her chuckle. "Don't worry, you're only here because I made you think faster, so the game came to a stop until you get out of here." She explained, making me sigh.
"Thank ya, Kaede-san, it's all thanks to ya that I can think more properly on how I can win the match now." I thanked her, before she spoke up again. "You don't need to think for a long time you know? All you have to do is think quickly, analyze, read your opponents movements, react quickly, don't think twice and find an opening. That way, it'll be more harder for the others to catch up to you, and maybe you'll enter that "mental state"." She explained, but the last part of what she said, caught my attention.
"What do ya mean by "mental state"?" I asked. "Well, it's better known as "flow", it's when a person is fully immersed in an activity and can bring out their best potential. Just like other soccer players, kinda like a spark, but other sports can also have it!" She cheerfully said, before patting my head. "I'm sure that you'll reach it soon, just remember the things I told you to do, okay?"
"Yes... thank ya for yer help Kaede-san!" I thank and slightly bowed to show how thankful I am, making her chuckle and pull her hand away. "It's no problem dear. Well, it's time for you to get back in the game!" She said with a smile, making me look up and smile back before nodding. "Right! I'll be sure to try and visit ya again, Keade-san!" With a blink of an eye I was already back on the field. I looked around and it seemed like everything is normal.
'Looks like nothing changed, I'm still stuck with Shidou... if I leave him now, there's a big chance that Mikage-senpai would get the ball and pass to him... but even so...' I quickly ran behind Shidou and started running forward, Shidou, who reacted immediately, started running after me, but I paid no mind to it and focused all my strength to my legs. 'I'm still... faster than him!' With a blink of an eye, I was already seen sprinting through the field. I glanced at Kiyora and made sure that he could see me. Once he looked towards me, I looked at him in the eye, as if saying to pass the ball to me.
Kitora immediately gets it and quickly sended a high pass towards me, shocking the opposing team. "Get back!" Reo yelled as Igaguri and Kurona immediately did as Reo said and watch me catch the ball. I started running again and saw that the three opposing players stood ready in front of me. 'Think quickly, analyze, read yer opponents movements, react quickly, don't think twice, find an opening...' I repeated Kaede's words and started looking and analyzing everything on the field. Kurona came running towards me first, making me look at him. After a bit of analyzing, I performed a double touch feint and easily got passed him. Up next is Igaguri, who went straight for a slide tackle, but I quickly reacted and jumped up, dodging Igaguri's slide tackle and now, it was Reo's turn to try and stop me. "Tell me, Mikage-senpai..." I said before looking at him, straight in the eyes, with our face inches away from each other. "Was it fun without me and Nagi-senpai by yer side?" I asked, shocking him, before I kicked the ball between his legs and ran passed him. Once I was close to the goal, I performed the rabona cross towards the net, and felt a spark inside me.
'I see now... Kaede-san... is this what ya mean? This "flow"... feels amazin'...!'
Just as the ball was gonna go in the net, Kurona appeared out of no where and blocked my shot, shocking me and the others.
"Second ball!" Igaguri yelled and was about to catch the ball, but Kiyora caught it instead. "One more, [Name]!" Kiyora yelled and kicked the ball towards me, but Reo took the ball instead and sended a long pass towards Shidou. "Go for it Shidou!"
"On it, Karasu!"
I quickly started sprinting back to our side and got passed the players who tried to stop me. I watched as Otoya performed a diving header to cut off the pass, but misses, meaning that Shidou caught the ball, with that I started sprinting faster and faster, before reaching out my hand towards Shidou, to at least to try and stop him with a troubled look on my face. 'No... no... I... I don't want it to end here... not yet...'
I watched as Shidou taps the ball up, before performing a bicycle shot towards the net. Karasu and Blue Lock man tried to stop it, but the shot wad too fast that it entered the goal with a blink of an eye, finally ending the game and meaning that we lost. Once they announced the winner I fell on my knees and bit my lip as I tightly gripped the fake grass.
'Dammit... I ... I wanted to win...!' I thought, before Shidou spoke up.
"I've already decided on who I want, so I won't take no as an answer." Shidou said to his teammates, before looking and pointed at me.
"Join us, [Lastname][Name], you were the first person to actually challange me into a tough fight, and even guided your team to a path were you could catch up. Well second if you include the muscular ginger!" Shidou laughed making me look at him in confusion.
'Muscular ginger...? Is he talking about Kunigami-san?' I thought as he continued to speak. "I want a player like you to guide me into becoming the best in the World. But that's not the only reason on why I want you to join..." Shidou then walked up to me and bent down to where I was sitting, while looking at me with a big grin on his face. "It's to personaly crush you!" He yelled, making me glare at him before standing up and glared down at him. "Try it if ya can. 'Cause I ain't losin' to ya. Ya horny cockroach." I shot back.
After that, me and the winning team started walking towards the winners gate, but before I could enter, I heard a familiar voice call me out. "[Lastname]..." I turned to look at Kiyora only to be pulled down by my collar when I fully turned to him, and felt him place his lips onto mine, it didn't last long though, he quickly pulled away and looked anywhere but me, and I swear that the tip of his ears were bright red. It took me a while to process what just happened, but when I finaly realized, my face turned bright red.
"T-Think of that as a good luck charm... j-just... wait for me... okay?" Kiyora stuttered, making me blush even harder and slowly nod in respons. "Yeah... thanks, Kiyora-san."
Little did I know a certain purple haired male watched from afar.
"[Lastname], do you want to eat lunch with me? Igaguri is fast asleep and Reo said that he'll be in the monitor room, and I don't really want to eat with Shidou." Kurona said while tugging my sleeve to get my attention. I looked at him and gave him a warm smile. "Sure! I am quite hungry, so I don't mind!" I happily said, making his eyes sparkle and raised both his arms in the air. "I wanna get curry, curry!" He said, showing off his cute shark like teeth, making me place a hand on the lower half part on my face and blush. He's so cute it's driving me mad.
'He's goin' to be the death of me!' I cried in my head, as he tilted his head at me. "What's wrong, what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothin'! Let's go to the cafeteria now, Kurona-kun!" I said and we made our way into the cafeteria. Once we both got our curry, we looked for a nice place to sit on and eventually sat down near the exit. "Thank you for the food!" We both said before digging in, it was nice to finally eat with someone the same age as me, and someone less annoying, *ehem ehem* Otoya *ehem ehem*.
"[Lastname], do you and Reo prehaps know eachother, eachother?" Kurona asked while chewing the food in his mouth, making me choke onto my food. Luckily Kurona handed me some water, which I greatfully drank, before speaking up.
"Ehem... uhm... why do ya ask Kurona-kun?" I ask and gave him the best smile I could give. "Well, Reo would often glance at you whenever you're not looking. And you call him senpai. So I thought you guys knew eachother, but you don't have to answer if you don't want to, want to." Kurona explained, making me sigh and look down on my plate of curry. "Well... yes... we know eachother, but we both had a fight and hadn't spoken for sometime..." I admitted, making him nod in understandment. "So, you're the one who Reo talked about. He also told us that, and also mispronounced you as a "she"." Kurona suddenly saidn making me flinch and laugh nervously.
"Hahaha... he did? Well, many people did think I was a girl because of my looks and they'd also call me pretty." I laughed as he nodded. "You do look pretty, but since you're a boy, I'd rather call you pretty boy, instead of pretty girl. It suits you better, better!" He exclaimed making me blush and shove a spoon of rice and curry in my mouth, before looking away.
"I'm not a pretty boy..."
"For me you do, you do."
"Anyways! How do ya feel about the up comin' match against the world 5 tommorow?" I asked, comepletely changing the subject. "Well, I'm kinda nervous since we're going up against pro players, but I think I'll manage. What about you, you?" Kurona asked and took a bite of his curry. "Well... I'm pretty sure that we're gonna lose, there's no way we stand a chance against the World 5. If only we were a group of genius'..." I sighed, making him give me a look. "Huh? Aren't you a genius too?"
"No I'm not."
"But you man handled us on your own earlier in our match."
"Don't say it like that."
{♡The next day♡}
"Good morni- what the heck are you doing [Lastname]?! You're gonna break Shidou's arm!" Igaguri yelled in horror. Even though he just woke up, the sight with Shidou on the ground struggling and with me stepping on Shidou's back and pulling his arm was enough to wake him and the others up. "It's this guy's fault for scarin' me early in the mornin'!" I yelled back and started pulling Shidou's arm even harder with the intension of breaking it.
I let out a tired yawn, before shifting to my side and slowly opened my eyes, only to be greeted by pink colored eyes glowing in the dark. Scaring the shit out of me.
"Good morning [Name]-chan~!"
{♡End of flashback♡}
"You should've seen you're face earli- ack!"
"Shut up! I won't hesitate to break yer arm!"
"Don't break his arm! We need him on our match later! Reo put your friend back to his cage!" Igaguri yelled as Reo and Kurona tried to stop me from breaking Shidou's arm.
"At least let me punch him in the face for scarin' me!" I yelled while Reo pulled me away from the said male. "Absolutely not!" Reo objected.
"Boo-hoo, can't even land a punch~!" Shidou mocked, making me even angrier. "That's it!" I got out of Reo's grip and launch myself at Shidou, but Igaguri wrapped his arms around my waist to stop me from killing Shidou.
"Stop this cat fight already!"
After me and Shidou calmed down, we were scolded by Ego for fighting, he also told me that I can beat up Shidou after our match, so I should just let him live for now. We all put on our uniforms and went into the field and was greeted by the World 5 themselves. "Hmp. These kids are even scrawnier than the first ones. Especialy those two pipsqueaks." Silva said in english while eyeing both me and Kurona, making me irk. "Huh? Is that english, english?" Kurona asked as he held onto my shirt. "I can't understand them. What are they saying?" Igaguri asked in confusion. "They're callin' us scrawny and weak." I explained, making Igaguri and Kurona look at me in amazement.
"Woah! You understand them?!"
"Amazing, amazing!"
I thanked them before walking towards Julian Loki, one of the World 5 and sended him a fake smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet'cha Julian Loki-san! I've watched some of yer match and was comepletely amazed by yer playstyle! I hope we could have a good match today!" He smiled back at me and we both shook hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, [Lastname][Name] was it? I've heard a lot about you from Ego, it seemed like you were his favorite." Loki said, making me laugh and scratch the back of my head. "Is that so? I didn't think Ego-san would have favorites here at Blue Lock!" I joked as Loki laughed along. I then felt someone wrap an arm around my shoulder, making me stop laughing.
"Hey [Name]-chan, translate this to these fuckers. You guys sure are full of yourselves aren't you? Might regret your words if you lose this match!" Shidou said, making me raise a brow at him, but did as he said and translated it to the World 5 players. "Huh? This kid has the guts to talk back, huh? Hey pipsqueak, tell him that this is just like a part time job to us, and there's no way were losing."
"Huh? He said that?!"
"Yeah, now get off of me!"
I shoved Shidou off of me, only to witness him spouting curse words in Japanese at the World 5 while giving them a middle finger, making me sweatdrop. "Hey! Pipsqueak! What's this guy saying?!" Silva yelled at me. "He's cursing at ya." I explained, making him raise a brow before looking at Shidou and started cursing at him too, even though they don't understand eachother, making me sweatdrop and making Loki laugh nervously.
"Hmm... how lovely." Someone suddenly said, making me look at who it is, only to see Leonardo Luna in front of me. "Those eyes of yours are beautiful, it could cost millions." He suddenly said, making me flinch and go quiet. "Hm? Did I say something wrong? I was complimenting you." He exclaimed and tilted his head to the side, I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut off when someone placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke up. "I'm sorry, but we should continue on the match. We wouldn't want Ego-san to wait, wouldn't we?" Reo said and held onto my shoulder tighter. Eventually Reo dragge me and Shidou away from them and we all started getting ready for the match.
"Are you okay?" Reo asked with a worried tone, making me nod. "[Name]-chan, prehaps, you could thank him for helping you, yeah?" Kaede said in my head, making me sigh, before looking away from Reo. "Mikage-senpai..." I called out, making him look at me with a hum.
"Maraming salamat... kung hindi mo ako tinulungan duon... siguro maaalala ko nanaman si tatay... hindi ko alam ang gagawin ko kung wala ka sa tabi ko." I said in Tagalog, making him look at me in confusion(A/N: I ain't translating this for you guys! Figure it out yourselves!).
"Uhm, sorry could you translate that?"
"Don't wanna."
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