52 • 五十二
(A/N): Damn, this is a long ass chapter. I hope you enjoy the ending to book 1, and I do hope that the story was good 😊
Thanks for reading
- lubylu112 ♥︎
-The Next Day-
"Yesterday at 10:52am in the countryside on the outskirts of Seoul, armed forces entered the home of alleged murderer and kidnapper Min Yoongi in an attempt to arrest him and rescue Lee Minseo who was kidnapped just over two weeks ago." Minho spoke, his voice echoing throughout the hall as cameras flashed and microphones were shoved in his face.
"During the mission many lives were lost, 7 of those lives belonged to the brave and courageous volunteers who's help was greatly valued. My respects go out to those men and women, and I give my condolences to the families and friends of the recently deceased. I do hope that they receive peace of mind knowing that the volunteers' lives were not taken away in vain. Without them - and every other volunteer - our mission would've been impossible."
"The mission itself was indeed successful. As a team we were able to safely rescue Ms. Lee and return her to her family. Min Yoongi was shot in the head on site, but is currently in a coma due to severe head trauma, and is recovering in a nearby hospital."
The room came alive with uproar once Yoongi's name was mentioned. Reporters yelling Minho's name in order to get his attention and answer their question swamped the room and even took Minho by surprise.
"Why is Min Yoongi in recovery? Surely it would be easier to euthanise him now instead of wasting medical supplies on someone who is on death row?"
"I do not make the laws." Minho replied. "And the law states that this man must recover before he is put on death row."
"Is Lee Minseo going to get what she deserves for what she went through?"
"Well, Ms. Lee requested nothing but peace and an ability to forget about her experience, so the best way for her to get what she truly deserves would be for the media to leave her alone and stop asking her about the traumatic experience."
"Who shot Min Yoongi?" The room suddenly went silent.
"That information is confidential." He replied curtly. "Thank you for your questions, but I'm afraid that I must leave now." And with that Minho left the hall and headed back to the police station, leaving a bunch of confused reporters in his wake.
-Four Weeks Later-
- Lee Minseo's POV -
I was sat on the sofa late in the evening at my parents house, watching the TV with a hot cup of coffee in my hands. I've been living with my parents ever since I came home, and I have been seeing a therapist for the PTSD that I'm apparently suffering from.
Everyone keeps trying to convince me that he brainwashed me into thinking he was a good person, including the therapist, and they keep telling me that everything he said to me was a lie.
Who knows, maybe it was. Does it even matter anymore? It's all over now, and all I want to do is forget about it and continue with my normal life. The thing that makes everything worse is that everyone takes extreme caution when talking to me now, like they don't want to offend me. I mean, yeah I get it, but I'd like it if everyone just treated me like nothing happened.
Like, lots of people visit me regularly, and all my friends make sure that I'm with someone if I want to go out. People like Jungkook, Sehun, and Jimin visit a lot. I appreciate it and all, but it's not what usually happened and just reminds me about what happened.
At first I couldn't stop thinking about what Yoongi had told me. That these underground people were going to kill me. At first I believed him, but it's been 4 weeks now and nothing has happened, which makes me think it was all a lie just so he could keep me kidnapped for a little longer.
I mean, in his sleep on that night he said he was innocent and didn't kill anyone, so surely he's just sprouting lies. "Everything he said was a lie" was what the therapist told me, and I'm starting to think it's true.
Like, my dad never even mentioned being an Army General. How can you hide something that big from a family member? It's impossible, right?
Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" My mum yelled, rushing to the door to open it. "Oh, Jungkook! This visit was unexpected! I thought you were coming tomorrow?"
"Hello Mrs. Lee." He replied. "I will be coming tomorrow, but I wanted to speak with Minseo." Upon hearing his name I stood up, placing my drink on the coffee table and walking over to greet him.
"Hi." I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Mine and Jungkook's relationship has been a little weird ever since I was 'rescued'; he visits my parents house at least twice a week to check up on me, but I don't think we're in 'a relationship' yet, because we act more like friends than partners.
I don't know, it's complicated, but things can only get better.
He was in his uniform, and looked at me with a sense of urgency. Upon further inspection I found out that he'd ran over here, so whatever he needs to say must be important.
"Can I speak with you outside for a minute?" He asked me, and I nodded, slipping on my fluffy slippers and stepping outside, closing the door behind me.
"What's up?" I asked him.
"Yoongi woke up from his coma last night." He blurted out, causing me to almost choke on my own saliva.
"He what?" I asked, not quite understanding what was said.
"He woke up from his coma, and... the first thing he asked was to speak with you."
There was a silence between us, as I felt shivers run down my spine.
"You don't have to speak with him." He told me. "It's completely understandable and I don't want you to feel pressured into-" I cut him off.
"Jungkook." I sighed. "Please don't feel as if you're stepping on eggshells when you talk to me, I'm a lot tougher than you think." He smirked at this, laughing a little, which caused me to smile too.
"All I want is for things to go back to normal, and I think a good start would be if people started being normal around me and treating me how they used to." I stared down at my feet, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed. The reason was unknown to me, but I'm sure there was a reason why.
"So, you mean to say that you want us to go back to how we used to?" There it was. My heart skipped a beat and my cheeks began to feel hotter than usual.
"Well, I guess so...." I mumbled.
"But what about what happened last time... when you chose to stay with Yoongi?"
I stopped to think. What was I thinking then. Why didn't I leave? Why did I say I loved Yoongi? I was sure that I felt my heart beat faster when I was with him, but was that just fear? My heart is beating a lot faster now than it was back then. Maybe it wasn't beating faster at all. Maybe I was just manipulated into thinking it was-
"Minseo?" He mumbled, awaking me from my trance.
"Oh, uhh.." I stuttered. "He, he brainwashed me, right?" I mumbled. "I mean, I said I loved him, but I don't think that was genuine. Was I threatened into believing I liked him? I can't remember."
It was quiet again, but I continued talking.
"All I know is right now, and right now I feel like my heart is going to pop out of my chest." I sighed with a smile on my face. "I haven't felt like this since high school, and I certainly didn't feel like this when I was with him in-" I was cut off. Jungkook had embraced me in a warm and comforting embrace which left me both confused and happy.
"I know you want everyone to forget about what happened, but seeing the effects that this has had on you is something I can't ignore, and it breaks my heart to see you so out of place and confused about something as simple as your feelings." He let go from the hug.
"I think if you want to go back to how things were, we need to take it slowly rather than jumping straight in the deep end. It will give you time to sort out what's going on in your head, and it'll be like experiencing high school all over again."
"Oh yay!" I sarcastically exclaimed, but the two of us ended up laughing anyway. "Okay, I like you're thinking." I smiled at him. "Let's start over."
"Back on topic." He sighed. "Do you want to speak to him? It might clear your head a little if you do." I paused to think about it for a while, but later nodded my head.
We hopped on the bus and got off at the stop outside the hospital. Jungkook used his police pass to get us inside, and the two of us received a few stares, since we'd both been on the news a couple of times.
"Gosh, she's so skinny."
"He must've tortured her."
"The poor thing."
People were muttering everywhere I went, and to say I felt uncomfortable would've been an understatement. Nevertheless, I followed Jungkook through the large hallways into a room that was guarded by two policemen. Jungkook showed his badge, and one of the men proceeded to unlock the door and let us in.
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
We walked in the room, Minseo behind me, and I heard the door close behind us. On the hospital bed in the middle of the room was Min Yoongi, one wrist cuffed to the bed and the other filled with tubes supplying him with medicine. A bandage was wrapped around his head where he was shot, and the doctors said that it was a miracle that he was still alive. The persistent bastard; why can't miracles happen to good people?
There's also something that I haven't told Minseo about: I was the one that shot Yoongi in the head. She thinks it was one of the volunteers, but no, it was me. I don't want her to find out, since there's a part of me that thinks she'll hate me forever if she knew. I could never live with that. Never.
His eyes were closed, so I assumed he was sleeping. Might as well wake him up.
"Hey. Min Yoongi. Wake up, you have a guest." A small groan came from the bed, and the man opened his eyes slowly to take in his surroundings. He saw me, but then shifted his eyesight to Minseo and his eyes suddenly widened in shock.
"M-Minseo..?" He muttered, feeling a little drowsy from the medicine. I looked at her, sensing the uneasiness. "Y-you're okay...?"
I was going to pipe up and say something, but I best not considering.
"I- I guess." She mumbled, looking everywhere except him or me.
"How have you been?" He asked her.
"I should be asking you." She retorted, bringing a tiny smile to their faces, which quickly faded.
"Nothing weird has happened, has it?" He asked, worry evident in his tone. Why the fuck is he pretending to give a damn!?
"I've, uhh, been seeing a therapist. Everything will be fine soon, and I can go back to work and-"
"No, no you can't do that." He interrupted me.
"What the fuck?" I muttered, unable to stop myself anymore.
"Are you sure nothing bad has happened to you?" He repeated.
"I'm sure." She replied hesitantly. "I haven't seen any of those men."
"Those men?" I butted in. "Who?"
"Oh shit." Yoongi whispered.
"Who the fuck are 'those men' and why would they be after Minseo?" I growled, feeling worried that Minseo may not be as safe as we originally thought.
"It's fine," She replied. "They're probably not real, since I haven't seen one of them."
"No she's not. You need to look after her." Yoongi ordered.
"Don't tell me what to do you bastard." I ordered, ready to punch the prick until the door opened, revealing Minho and Mingyu. Jisoo had to go back to Seoul since the case had ended, and Minho is looking a little rough.
"Easy there tiger." Mingyu sighed.
"Hi Minseo," Minho smiled at me. "How are you feeling?"
"Good, thanks." I replied.
"Minho." I spoke up. "There's been mentions of 'those men' between these two and I believe it's something worth listening to."
"Okay, well, let's listen." He replied. "Min Yoongi, since we need you to make a statement anyway, why don't you tell us why you did what you did. What motives did you have?"
He didn't say a word. Yoongi's mouth was tied shut and I knew there was no way he was gonna say anything.
"Just tell them what you told me." Minseo spoke up. "I don't know whether it's the truth or not, but most of it sounded pretty realistic if you ask me."
The four of us all stared at Minseo, who looked around as if she didn't know what she'd just done. The look on Yoongi's face made it clear that he'd told her a secret and she's just accidentally slipped it.
"What did he tell you?" Mingyu asked.
"About that underground organisation that forced you to do it or-" she suddenly covered her mouth. "Shit."
"Underground organisation?" I repeated, and Minseo's eyes were wide with shock, and her hands were still tight over her mouth. The same one BamBam was talking about?
"Was it really the underground organisation that put you up to this!?" I asked him, and Yoongi's expression began to look even more worried than before.
"How do you know about-"
"Just answer the god damn question." I retorted.
"I didn't tell him anything before this, I promise." Minseo said to Yoongi, holding up her hands in defence. Yoongi took a deep breath and sighed, preparing for a long speech.
So he told us his life story. About how the man helped him to his position and that this was his payment in return. He said in the end he kidnapped Minseo to keep her safe from the men who were going to take her away, but what he said next shocked everyone.
"I didn't kill anyone." He told us plainly. "They ordered someone else to do it and told me to use them as excuses to scare her further. It wasn't me, I swear."
"Haha, like we'd even begin to believe you there." I retorted. "You're story about the underground system was believable, but now you've said that I'm beginning to think that you're lying to us."
"I'm not, I promise." He told us all, but we didn't listen to him.
"Sure, okay." Mingyu added. "See you in jail, you crook."
"Wait!" Yoongi yelled. "Just keep Minseo safe! Don't let her get taken away, please." I turned back to look into his eyes, and for a moment I saw a glimpse of my old hyung in his eyes. My old hyung who used to be moody but would secretly care for us all.
"She's not gonna get taken," I harshly replied. "You're lying to us. Have fun in jail." And with that I closed the door on him.
"Minseo," Minho spoke up. "Two officers are going to escort you home. They're waiting for you outside. We have to head back to the station now."
"Okay," she sighed in reply. "I'll see you guys around then."
"Yeah," Mingyu smiled.
"See you soon, Kookie~" She smiled at me and winked before walking off towards the door, and I could've sworn that my heart stopped beating for a second. She winked at me. That's the first time she's called me Kookie since-
"Damn, someone's whipped." Mingyu laughed, causing me to shove him into the wall.
"Shut up!" I replied.
We made our way back to the station, but once we walked in we realised we'd just stepped in on chaos.
"What's going on?" Minho asked a passing worker.
"Oh, Mr. Choi, Lee Jinki is looking for you. He said it was extremely urgent." The worker then made a run for it, leaving the three of us to stand there looking confused.
"Let's go see what's going on now." Minho sighed, and we followed him to Jinki's office.
"MINHO!" Jinki yelled. "Get here! Look at this!" We ran over to his monitor, and stared at the black and white video. The date in the corner read the 25th February 2017 - the day that Jongin was murdered - and the clip showed a clear image of Kim Jongin walking along a street. He was being tailed by a man, and when Jongin stopped to check his phone the man pulled out a knife and slit his throat.
That man is not Min Yoongi.
"There's two more." Jinki added, showing us another. The date on this one was the 26th February, the day that Yugyeom died. It showed the same thing. With the same man. Who was not Min Yoongi.
"Is the third the same as well?" Mingyu asked, and Jinki nodded.
"So who the fuck is that?" I questioned, not caring anymore.
"I researched it, and apparently this man works alongside others in a huge organisation that was unknown to all the cops in his town."
"Well, until now." Mingyu mumbled.
"So Min Yoongi was telling the truth?" Minho spoke up, and all our eyes widened.
"So Minseo is in danger!" I yelled, panic taking over.
"Don't worry, she'll be home by now. She'll be safe." Minho sighed, and so did everyone else.
I hope so.
- Unknown's POV -
"Did they get the CCTV footage?" I asked.
"Yes, they did." My assistant replied.
"Perfect." I replied. "What about that bastard traitor? Any news on him?"
"Min Yoongi woke up from his coma last night." Was the reply I received.
"About fucking time." I huffed. "The quicker he gets out of that hospital the better."
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what do you plan to do with Min Yoongi?"
"Kill him, of course." I replied. "He deserves a slow and painful death for betraying me. After all I did for him and this is what I get in return."
"And, what about the girl..?"
"Minseo? Oh don't worry about her, I've got big plans for her."
"In fact, I've got someone who's going to keep an eye on her for me. He's been doing so this whole time, and there's no way he's gonna betray me like Yoongi did...
Isn't that right, Jimin?"
Yes that's the end please don't murder me. ( ≧ Д ≦ )
Word Count: 3185
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