50 • 五十
- Lee Minseo's POV -
"Minseo?" Yoongi's voice echoed through the house. I leaned my head over the balcony, staring down at the man with a smile on my face.
"Yeah?" I asked, and I noticed a small smirk appear on his lips.
"Do you wanna do something?" He gave me a questioning look, and I returned the question with a broad smile, making my way down the stairs to stand next to him.
"What do you have in mind?"
"A picnic, outside." My smile suddenly dropped.
"Outside?" I mumbled. "But what about-"
"They already know," he sighed. "The satellite videos were leaked, so there's no point in hiding anymore." The happy mood had now disappeared, as the sudden realisation of what event was looming filled our thoughts.
"Besides," he changed the subject. "I don't want to spend my last few days hiding away without having any fun." He grinned at me, causing me to grin back just as happily. There was a part of me that still felt sorry for him, but just for today I decided to push that to one side.
When we made our way outside I'd discovered that the picnic mat was already set up near the lake, at the end of the huge garden. There was mounds of food, ranging from sandwiches to sweets to strawberries and everything else under the sun.
"Wow," I exclaimed. "This is amazing..."
"I'm glad you liked it." He smiled to himself, and we proceeded to sit down on the large blanket.
We chattered away like old ladies, forgetting about all our worries and hassles that were surrounding us and just focused on each other, and how this may be the last time we get to enjoy each other's company.
"So..." I mumbled. "Since you already know a lot about me, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?" He tensed slightly, but I kept going. "Like where do you work? Because firstly it was a mattress company, and then I remember you saying that you're an..."
"Army General." He replied, and I nodded.
"I'm the next successor to your father, actually." He told me. Wait, what? "He was the General before I was, but was unfavored by a lot of people..."
"What? My dad? He never told me..." I mumbled. "I mean, when I was little he said that he had a 'very special job' that was with the government and he'd always pull that joke that goes 'if I told you, I'd have to kill you' and then we'd run around the garden shooting finger guns at each other and whatnot." Yoongi chuckled at my story, but then continued to tell his own.
"So yeah. There was a guy who worked underneath him for a long time, but your father fired him for... some reason... and that's why nobody favoured him. In the end he was voted out of the General seat, and I was thrusted up there by my subordinates." I nodded in understanding, but then thought of something.
"But you're so young." I sighed. "How did you become a General when you're only 24?"
"That man who your dad fired..." he began. "He was - and still is - very powerful, so he was the one who helped me get there."
"I see..." I mumbled, allowing silence to engulf us. Until...
"I know this is probably really personal and all, but it's been bugging me for a really long time, and I feel as if I have a right to know..." I trailed off, glancing at Yoongi for a second then swiftly looking back at the blanket.
"What is it?" Yoongi asked me, still on edge a little.
"Why did you kidnap me?" I looked him in the eye, only to be faced with a shocked look from him. It was silent once again, as Yoongi looked as if he were contemplating it, but then sighed.
"You may as well find out now," he mumbled. "But you must promise to listen to the whole story, all the way to the end."
I held out my pinky finger, looking into Yoongi's eyes once again. He linked his pinky with mine, and we gently pressed our thumbs together.
"I promise," I smiled at him, my heart beating in anticipation for what he was about to say.
"That man who your dad fired..." he began. "He's the leader of an underground organisation. They're not good people, and they do things for others and in return you help them out in the future.."
I stayed quiet, listening intently.
"That man was fired by your dad because he was suspicious about the man being bad. He was right, but he made a stupid decision. That man really hated your dad for firing him, and wanted revenge on him so bad. At the time he was helping me get to the General's position through his connections, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into."
"One day he comes to me and says that he wants me to send you messages to scare you. I couldn't say no - I would've been killed - so I said yes. I didn't even know who you were until I saw your face."
Yes, I was a little shocked at this story. Is it all true? Was he targeting me because of my dad?
"It continued, and he kept telling me to scare you further. He told me that it's the best way to get to your dad, and at one point it got so bad that it scared me too. I began thinking that doing this to an innocent person was so unfair, and I almost couldn't deal with it anymore..."
He took a deep breath and calmed down, before continuing.
"Then one day he called me in. He told me that he wanted me to kidnap you and take you to his house. For me, that was it. I couldn't do that to you; I couldn't do that to anyone. Who knows what he would've done to you if I'd taken you there."
"But then if I didn't listen to him I would've been killed on the spot, so I started to go through with it. I kidnapped you, and took you to that dingy place, and acted like a dirty cunt just like on the messages because I didn't know what I was gonna do with you."
I didn't react. I couldn't react. How am I supposed to react to that?
"But in the end I decided that I couldn't do it, so I took you here.." Yoongi finally looked up at me, and I saw all kinds of emotions in his eyes. "Those underground men are gonna kill me for what I did, but in all honesty if it keeps you safe then I don't care." The sudden realisation dawned again; I felt that awful lump in my throat and desperately tried to swallow it back down.
"Don't get too upset," he said smiling sadly. "There's no point in crying. Even if I do get out of this place alive, I'll be put on death row."
Oh, that's right. Three murders and a kidnapping.
"If you do make it out of here," he began. "You must promise me not to tell Jungkook or any of the police about the underground system."
"What, why?" I asked him.
"None of the police know. Most of the time people who are friends with officers don't know about the system because they can't be trusted." He took a deep sigh. "They just can't know. Everything will fall apart if they find out. Just, please don't tell them."
"Okay." I replied. "I won't say anything."
"And if they find out," he added. "You never knew. As far as everyone else is concerned you know nothing since you're close to a policeman. Okay?" There was a look of seriousness evident on his face, which led me to think about how dangerous this underground system is.
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
Ten hours later, we managed to get everything prepped and ready. All we needed now was to wait for the warrant and we could finally catch that man. I can finally get Minseo back.
I was walking home from work; it was dark outside and not a soul was out on the streets. Suddenly I heard a tapping sound on the window to my right.
Jumping out of my skin, I snapped my head to the right, finding myself looking at a familiar face through the glass. BamBam was sat at the window seat of a cafe, waving at me to come inside and join him. Really? At this time? I sighed, entering the cafe and sitting down opposite him.
"Hey Jungkook," BamBam smiled at me as I sat down. "How are you doing?"
"I'm good." I replied. "You?"
"Yeah, considering." He told me. "How's the case going?"
"Really good, actually." I smiled at him. "Hopefully we can get Minseo back really soon."
"That's great." He gave me a genuine smile, but our conversation was interrupted by the waiter who brought our drinks.
"I ordered for you." BamBam stated. "I was just about to order when I saw you walk by, so I thought I'd have some company." He looked out the window, only to notice that it had started raining. Not heavily, just small drizzle. My attention was then brought to the kids colouring pencils in the middle of the table; this must be a popular family cafe.
"I hope you don't mind me asking," I began. "But why are you in a cafe at this time? It's nearly 11pm." There was a small silence, but then BamBam replied.
"I wanted to clear my head." He stated. "Things.... haven't been the best ever since Yugyeom.. you know." The window attracted his attention once more. "And I often find myself outside at night a lot, just trying to find peace of mind."
I know that BamBam and Yugyeom were best friends. Ever since high school the two of them have been inseparable: through the good memes and the bad ones those two have always been the dank duo through and through. It's understandable that BamBam feels lost now that his best friend isn't around anymore.
"I see..." I mumbled. "I've been in almost the same position, with Minseo and all..."
"It must be harder for you though." He retorted. "Unlike me, you're reminded of it everyday because it's your job, whereas I can distract myself by doing other things."
"I guess..." I replied. "But as we get closer and closer the weight on my shoulders slowly gets lighter and lighter; that's something that can't happen with you."
"I guess..." Was the reply I got.
"How's your job doing?" I asked, changing the subject.
"It's good. They've just stocked in spring clothes and they're selling out like the wind." He replied. BamBam loves fashion, and subsequently went on to work in a clothes shop. "You should pop in sometime."
"Haha, I will." I replied.
Once again silence engulfed us. My mind thought back to earlier this morning, where Choi Jinho was talking about 'digging up the underground'. Does he mean...
"BamBam..." I grabbed his attention and leaned in slightly, lowering my voice. "Do you know anything about a secret underground organisation tha-" His eyes widened in shock and he interrupted my sentence.
"Are you insane!?" He whisper-yelled. "You can't talk about that here!"
"What are you on about?" I asked him. BamBam then picked up a pencil and a piece of paper - after glancing at the security camera in the top corner of the cafe - and proceeded to write something down.
You shouldn't know about them. You're a cop, how do you know?
It's complicated, but is it true?
Yeah, but you didn't hear it from me.
How many people know about it?
Almost everyone in the town. The only people who don't know are the police and anyone who's friends with them.
So how do you know about them?
It's complicated.
I glanced at the words on the paper, sighing once I'd read them. BamBam looked anxious, like he knows something and is gonna happen.
"You okay?" I asked, and he nodded.
"I uh... think I should be going now." He stuttered, beginning to stand up.
"Oh wait! I stopped him, pulling out my wallet. "Let me pay you for the coffee-" he cut me off.
"No no, it's okay." He smiled anxiously. "I need to go now. I'll see you soon." And with that he pulled up his hood and made his way out of the cafe, off into the pitch black night. At that moment, my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out my pocket, deciding to answer.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Jungkook, I hope you rest well tonight!" The voice blurted out.
"Minho? What for?"
"We got the warrant."
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Word Count: 2157
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