47 • 四十七
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
I laid in my bed, wide awake, unable to shut my brain up. Yes, Jimin's hot chocolate made me feel a little drowsier than usual, but it's still not enough to make me fall asleep. That'll only happen in my dreams.
Get it? No sleep; no dreams; no sleep...
Maybe I should get sleeping pills from the doctor...
I then remembered that I have work to go to in the morning, and my thoughts went to the psychiatrist who was spotted entering and leaving the mansion. We can't just arrest him, since we don't have any proof that Min Yoongi is in there. However, if we could get a verbal statement from the man claiming he saw Min Yoongi and maybe even some physical evidence like documents, we could get a warrant to search the building.
We can catch the criminal. I can catch the bastard.
I thought back to earlier that night. Could we possibly send someone undercover as a patient and catch the man red handed? It can't be a member of the police, since if he's worked with Yoongi he works with criminals in general, and knows all the police and is good at covering his tracks. I noticed that the car he arrived and left in had no number plate, which suggests that he is trying to hide from the authorities.
We'd have to be able to contact him, probably pay him a lot of money, then find a suitable person to go undercover, all whilst sending in police members as backup to be able to catch him in the end. On top of this it's very likely the man won't speak, so we'd have to blackmail him somehow....
I'm starting to agree with Minho here.... This idea's pretty ridiculous, but it's the closest we've gotten to catching Yoongi, so I want to at least try.
"Psst!" I heard a whisper coming from the door, and my eyes swiftly darted to the silhouette in the doorway. "Jungkook, you awake?"
"Yeah," I replied, standing up and walking over to Jimin, who was still stood in the doorway. I made sure to tread quietly in order not to wake Hoseok, who slept soundly beside me.
"What are you doing up this early?" I asked Jimin, still whispering.
"I could ask you the same thing." He replied. "You're supposed to be sleeping." I stayed quiet at his accusation, and noticed that the two of us were migrating towards the door.
"Put your shoes on; we're going out." He told me.
"Out?" I questioned. "Where to?"
"You'll find out sooner or later." He smirked in reply, as we walked out the dorm, gently closing the door behind us.
We wandered through the streets of our empty town; it was currently 4am, still dark, and no one dared step a foot outside.
"Jimin-" I mumbled, looking round the unfamiliar part of town. The street was mainly dark; the odd street lamp was dotted here and there, and there were probably about 3 buildings with lights on in the area. "Where are we go-"
"Here we are." Looking up at the neon lights on the front of the building that basically illuminated the street.
"You took me to a tattoo parlour..?" I muttered. "At four in the morning? Are you saying that we-"
"No, no! Stupid!" Jimin laughed. "They're also hairdressers."
"We're getting a haircut right now?" I stared at my hyung in disbelief.
"Well you weren't gonna get one during the day when you had work, were you?" Jimin retorted.
"But it's too early! Won't we be disturbing the worker?"
"Nope!" Jimin smiled in reply. "The guy is good friends with Taehyung, and this is where I come to get my hair cut anyway. Plus there's discounts for coming in late at night or early in the morning."
"What a strange place." I mumbled to myself.
It was now beginning to get light, and me and Jimin both made our way out of the parlours, thanking the man before we left. I think his name was... Bo Gum? I'm not sure.
I didn't have any drastic changes to my hair, only a trim to stop me looking like an animal. Jimin, however, decided to dye his hair again - so instead of the brown that it was before - it was now black.
"So what are we gonna do now?" I asked Jimin, noticing that he just seemed to be wandering, and I was blindly following.
"Uhh.... let's get breakfast." He mumbled in reply, leading me over to a nearby cafe.
"Oh, it's you!" The girl behind the counter exclaimed as I wandered in alongside Jimin.
"Oh! Chaeyoung." I smiled, recognising her as soon as I saw her.
"Who's that?" Jimin whispered in my ear.
"Someone I met the other day." I whispered back, noticing that Jimin wouldn't take his eyes off her.
"Nice to meet you again Jungkook," Chaeyoung replied. "Who's your friend?"
"I'm Park Jimin, a '95 liner." Jimin butted in, smiling as he spoke. "Nice to meet you Chaeyoung."
"And you," she replied, bowing slightly.
"I'll go save us a table." I added, wondering if Jimin was even paying any attention to me. The feeling between them looked mutual though, as Chaeyoung looked just as interested in him as he did her.
I sat myself down at the table furthest away, pulling out my phone and checking the recent messages I received. Well, I just seemed to have received a spam off Mingyu... at 12:03am? Isn't he normally sleeping?
[Mingyu]: Okay, so I've been doing some thinking....
[Mingyu]: And remember when you mentioned sending someone undercover to try and find out if that psychiatrist actually saw Min Yoongi?
[Mingyu]: It might be asking too much, since he's already been through a lot....
[Mingyu]: But do you think we could ask Jimin to do it?
Jimin. Jimin?
I quickly called Mingyu, hearing the phone ring a few times before he picked up.
"Hello?" He answered sleepily.
"What's with the text messages you sent last night?" I asked abruptly.
"You seriously woke me up for this?" He retorted. "Can't it wait another couple hours for when we're at the station!?" He questioned me.
"I'm being serious Mingyu." I spoke firmly. "Why do you think Jimin should do it?"
"Well," he began. "This Choi Jinho person will obviously watch the news if he's avoiding the law, which means he knows about what happened on the day where Jimin was shot, yeah?" I hummed in response, urging him to continue.
"Well, then he'll know that Jimin has a reason to go to a psychiatrist - he has PTSD from being shot." Mingyu told me. I paused in thought, but then spoke up.
"Sorry to break it to you," I mumbled, glancing at Jimin to see that he was still staring at Chaeyoung as she made the drinks. "But Jimin is not the best actor."
"It wouldn't be acting though." Mingyu replied. "You've said so yourself that Jimin hardly sleeps anymore, so he'll technically be speaking the truth."
"Okay," I sighed. "That aside; do you realise how much that psychiatrist will cost us? He works with criminals, which means he'll be paid a lot to keep his mouth closed."
"I've already looked into it." He replied on instant.
"What?" I asked in disbelief.
"I looked online about booking appointments with him, and it's fairly cheap if you're not a criminal." Mingyu explained, and all I could do was nod my head, despite the fact that he couldn't see me.
"Jungkookie~" Jimin called sweetly, walking over with two cups of coffee in his hand.
"I've gotta go." I spoke swiftly to Mingyu. "I'll see you in a few hours."
"See you then." He replied, and I hung up.
"Thank you." I smiled warmly at the approaching male as he sat opposite me, handing me my coffee.
"No need to thank me." Jimin replied. "I'll always be there to help you out Jungkook. Whatever it is."
Whatever it is....
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Word Count: 1346
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