46 • 四十六
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
Slowly pacing round the streets of our town, I couldn't stop thinking about everything. All the confusion. All the violence. All the pain. All caused by one man. Min Yoongi. I looked up above me to admire as much as I could through my blurry vision; the stars were out and twinkling in the pitch black sky, but my distracted mind wouldn't allow me to concentrate on something so beautiful. No, it only thought about one thing, one person.
It's driving me insane.
There were no lights on in what seemed like an abandoned town. Everyone was afraid to go out at night, so the streets were deserted as soon as the sun set. I guess that's good for me; it means no one can see me in such a state. Was I drunk? No. I'm not allowed to get drunk if I'm working, but hell, I would if I could. It might take away all the hurt I'm feeling inside. All the pain. All the anger. It might all go away. The endless cycle might stop.
But for now, all I can do is clasp my fist and hold in the pent up anger inside. I can't go to the gym at this time to relieve stress, so aimlessly wandering the streets will have to do. The only problem I have is that there's no distractions. Nothing stopping me from thinking about him. What he did. What he's doing. What he will do.
The thought of his hand running down Minseo's spine and resting on the small of her back. The idea of his lips against hers, his eyes staring into hers, his raspy breath against her soft skin. I can't bear it. It's all I think about. Him, touching her. Abusing her. He tortured her. Made her believe she loves him. He's disgusting.
"I get it though." His voice echoes in my already bustling mind. "She's a fucking good kisser." Oh look, another tear down my face. I wonder when they'll run out, since this has been happening for a while. "Ahh, those beautiful times me and Minseo would spend by the lake were the best." The voice whispered again, clear as day in my shrouded mind. "She sure as hell looks beautiful in my clothes."
Then came the visions again. Him taking off her clothes. Pushing her down on the bed. Convincing her that she wanted it. I don't know what he did, whether he raped her, or waited for the manipulation to sink in. The thought makes me want to punch something. No, someone. He had his hands all over Minseo. My Minseo. He's hurt her, abused her.
"Jungkook?" I alertly averted my eyes to the direction of the voice, laying my eyes upon a very familiar face. "Oh Jungkook, what are you doing?" He made his way over, a gentle and caring look in his sad eyes.
"J-Jimin?" I stuttered, quickly drying my eyes with my sleeve. "W-what are you doing here?"
"I came to look for you." He replied. "Everyone was asleep in the dorm and I realised you weren't at home. So, I called a few people and viola! Here I am." He stared up at me for a while, already knowing that I'd been crying and decided to hide the fact to save my ego, even though I was struggling to keep it all in. There was a short silence, until Jimin piped up again.
"Need a hug?"
I wrapped my arms around his smaller frame in a tight, comforting embrace. He returned the gesture, gently rubbing my back as I let out my pain into his shoulder. All the confusion, all the pain, all the anger, all of it came pouring out whilst he comforted me.
"Fuck me." I cried. "I miss her so much. I miss Jongin, and Yugyeom, and Lalisa. I miss the good times the seven of us used to have. I miss the trust that I lost in everyone. I blamed you for everything. We were gonna arrest you on that day, but it was fucking Yoongi the whole time. He manipulated all of us, and I fucking played along. It was my fault you were shot. It was my fault they all died. I couldn't see that Yoongi was insane. I couldn't see that he wanted to cause us all so much pain. I hate him so fucking much for causing all this pain for everyone. I- I- I...."
I wasn't even sure if any of my words were coherent at this point, but it felt good to let it all out. I felt as if everyone was depending on me, and if I broke down then everyone else would lose hope. Keeping it in was so hard, but now that I've released a huge part it felt a little better. This whole time Jimin kept quiet, slowly but surely keeping me calm and holding me tight in his embrace.
After a while we separated, and he looked up at the state that was me once again.
"Come on, let's get you home." He smiled. "I'll make you a hot chocolate and we can get some sleep, and then tomorrow morning if you wake up early you can have a shower and a shave, and maybe even go for a haircut." Jimin spoke calmly with a small smile on his face. His eyes were filled to the brim with the look of a caring hyung, and I've never felt happier to have friends who really do care.
"Yeah, sounds good." I tried to smile. "Thank you." And with that we began our journey back to the dorm.
- Oh Sehun's POV -
"Sehunnie~" A sweet voice called from the hallway. I stood up and hobbled over - still in my crutches - and was met with a smiling man who'd just arrived home from work. Today was a Friday, which meant we had the whole weekend to ourselves.
"Hey Lulu~" I smiled, watching intently as Lu Han hung up his coat and removed his shoes, until my eyes laid upon a bag.
"What's in the bag?" I asked, and watched as a small smirk plays on his lips.
"You'll have to wait and see." He smirked, running into the kitchen.
"Hey! That's not fair!" I yelled, hobbling after him. When I arrived at the kitchen a small gasp escaped my lips, as realisation dawned.
"Is that...?"
"Bubble tea for my Sehunnie." LubHan cooed, smiling brightly at the sheer happiness spread across my face. I quickly 'ran' over, wrapping my arms around the petite man and leaning my weight on him - which probably wasn't a good idea.
"I love you I love you I love you I love you~" I sang, gently rocking back and forth as I did so. Lu Han's mesmerising laughter filled my ears as if it were music, and his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink.
"More than Vivi?"
"Don't push it." We both began laughing again, then eventually drank our bubble teas.
"I can't wait to show you where we're going tomorrow..." Lu Han mumbled.
"You could tell me now.." I replied, smirking a little.
"But then that would ruin the surprise!" He retorted, a smile etched onto his beautiful face.
"Okay. I'll wait." I sighed, glancing down at the finished cup of bubble tea in my hand.
I said I would, but I really can't wait. I'm so excited.
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Word Count: 1251
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