43 • 四十三
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
I sprinted to the police station, and when I arrived I realised that I was early, as no one from my team was here yet.
"Ah, Jeon Jungkook!" I turned my head to see Lee Jinki walking in through the doors. "I heard you weren't well yesterday." I bowed to the man politely, nodding in reply.
"I hope you're not overworking yourself." He sighed, taking a sip out of the steaming coffee cup held tightly in his grasp. "You don't even look too good now-"
"I'm fine." I smiled. "I feel a lot better after the day off, and I feel as if we can get this case solved."
"If you say so." Jinki sighed. "But I want you to take frequent breaks, and go home earlier today." And with that he walked off to the security department.
I'm not leaving work early. All I want is for Minseo to come home, and that's not gonna happen if I'm just sat on my arse doing nothing. I even feel like I'm wasting hours in bed at night, as I'm not getting much sleep anyway.
I walked into our meeting room and began to set up my computer, when Minho and Jisoo walked in through the door.
"Oh, Jungkook!" Jisoo exclaimed. "How are you feeling?" I stood up and bowed to greet them.
"A lot better, thank you." I smiled.
"You don't look it." Minho sighed. "Have you had much sleep?"
"I think everyone's having trouble sleeping nowadays." I sighed. "I just want Minseo to come home."
"Don't worry, we'll get her back." Jisoo smiled at me. "We always do." At that moment Mingyu walked in, surprised to see the three of us already here.
"And here I am waking up half an hour earlier thinking I'll surprise everyone at work today." He sighed. "Why do I even bother?"
"Nice to see you too Mingyu." Minho retorted, and everyone chucked.
"Jungkook, are you feeling any better after yesterday?" He asked. "I heard you were found passed out in an alleyway." Everyone was now sat down, immersed in the information.
"You weren't drinking, were you?" Minho asked me.
"Oh Jungkook, you have to take care of yourself." Jisoo sighed.
Do I tell them about what happened?
"I'm sorry everyone," I sighed. "I was just on a low because of what happened. I know it's no excuse but I promise it won't happen again." I bowed my head low, making it look like I was sorry, but in reality I was hiding the guilt and sadness from showing on my face. She was there. I could've just taken her home. She would be okay. She wouldn't be brainwashed by that freak!
"But we have to end this." I spoke up, lifting my head up from the desk.
"Speaking of that," Minho began. "My guys have found something."
"What is it?" Mingyu asked.
"They haven't looked at the housing estates yet, but one of those wires led off to a mansion that's isolated in the countryside."
"That sounds ideal." Jisoo mumbled.
"But how could Yoongi afford it if he delivers mattresses for a living?" I sighed.
"Here's the thing." Minho sighed. "When we were looking into the owner of the mansion, we ended up dealing with the military."
"The military?" Jisoo asked.
"This is top secret, you can't tell a soul, understand?" Minho mumbled, and we all nodded.
"The mansion belongs to a filthy rich army general, who goes by the name of Mr. Min." He explained. "That's all we know, but I was told that if others find this out, it could be very bad for the whole of South Korea, as terrorists may see this as a good target to hit." We all nodded in understanding.
"So what do we do?" I asked. "We can't just go knocking on the door."
"We can look at previous satellite images and keep up to date on the ones being recorded right now." Jisoo suggested. "If either Yoongi or Minseo have gone outside the satellite images would've picked it up."
"Can we get those now?" I asked, almost standing up in my seat.
"I'll go ask Jinki now." Minho stood up. "You lot stay here and think of other things we could do." And with that Minho walked out the door.
- Oh Sehun's POV -
Things have been so awkward between me and Lu Han ever since that kiss. Like hell, is he even gay!? It's been waking up, going to the hospital, coming home, eating food, going to sleep and repeat. My leg is getting better, and I'll have to leave soon, but before I do I need to address the fluttering in my heart that appears every time I see him.
Am I in love with Lu Han? No. Could I be in due time? Definitely.
I no longer needed a wheelchair, and could swiftly make my way around on crutches. They weren't that much of a hassle; definitely better that a goddamn wheelchair. We were in Lu Han's car on the way home from the hospital, and he decided to speak up amidst the silence.
"How's your leg feeling?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Its getting better," I sighed. "But I'll have to go home soon."
"Oh, yeah." Lu Han sighed. He sounded almost upset.
"But the thing is...." I mumbled. "I don't think my leg will heal properly back at the dorm.."
"What do you mean?" He asked me.
"The dorm will be too loud and I won't be able to relax there. Plus it's too small for the 9 of us anyway."
"You- you can stay with me a little longer." Lu Han suggested, glancing over at me for a millisecond. "I-if you want to." He quickly added.
"Can I really?" I smiled, internally screaming with happiness.
"Of course." He smiled in reply. "It's always good to have a doctor nearby."
We pulled up in the driveway, getting out the car and making our way over to the front door. Should I ask him? He seemed pleased I was staying a little longer when we were in the car. I have to do something. I can't just leave this awkwardness between us.
He opened the door for me, and I hobbled my way in, him following close behind. He turned around to lock the door once he'd entered; now's my chance.
"Lu Han." I muttered, huskier than I planned, and stepped closer to him. He turned around, looking up at me as I towered over his frail form. His deer-like eyes were wide, and his back leant against the door.
"W-wha-what is it?" He stuttered, his cheeks blushing a light shade of pink. I leant my arm against the wall for support, leaning closer to him.
"That kiss," I mumbled quietly. "Did it mean anything to you?"
"W-why?" He asked, refusing to make eye contact with me as I stared at his beautiful features. He's so stunning; how can someone look this good while being so embarrassed?
"Because.. it meant something to me." I admitted. "Now, can you answer my question?"
"Well, I-I gu-guess so b-but I mean only a l-little bit I'm not to b-bothered abou-" I cut him off, stopping the movement of his lips with the movement of mine. We moved in sync together as his hands reached up to my nape, gently pulling me closer.
But I stopped for a moment, and Lu Han opened his eyes to look at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"What are we?" I looked at his confused expression for a second, until he replied.
"I'll be yours if you'll be mine."
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Word Count: 1297
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