38 • 三十八
- Lee Minseo's POV -
What if I kissed him back?
My heart told me yes, but my mind was screaming no. What about Jungkook!? Am I insane!? But as I felt the softness of his lips against mine, it send wild tremors along my nerves, releasing sensations I never knew I could feel for this man. And at that moment, I knew I was kissing him back. The situation became heated, as his hand reached up to my face and his tongue smoothly parted my tingling lips.
No. I can't do this. This is wrong.
I put my hand on Yoongi's chest, breaking from the kiss. He looked me in the eye confusedly, and almost looked worried.
"I can't do this." I told him, standing up. "I-I'm sorry." And with that I ran off, leaving him behind on the pier.
"Minseo!" He yelled, but I kept running, ignoring his calls.
I ran and ran through the twisting gardens, and eventually found a place to hide. Crouching down behind a bush, I curled into a ball and tried to seem as small as possible. I shouldn't have done that. Kissing Yoongi - that's cheating on Jungkook. I don't want that. I love him, I'd never cheat. And hold on. Haven't I been kidnapped by Yoongi? He's keeping me here against my will, I can't possibly love him!
"Minseo?" I looked up to see a familiar figure looking down at me. Yoongi crouched down beside me, a sympathetic look in his eyes. "You okay?"
"I...." I trailed off, hesitating on whether I should tell him or not, but then decided. "I don't know what to do."
"With what?" He asked, getting more comfortable.
"I'm.. I'm so confused." I confessed. "Just now. I wanted to kiss you back. But I can't. I love Jungkoo-" I suddenly stopped, remembering the whole ordeal with me and Jungkook. As I suspected, Yoongi looked really uncomfortable with me saying that, but after a while, sighed, so I carried on.
"So I don't know what to do. My head tells me one thing but my heart says another, and I'm just so confused by it all." I kept my eyes downcast, not daring to look at Yoongi. But then I heard him speak.
"I guess I'll have to face reality one day." He exhaled. "I have an idea." I looked up at him, and he looked back at me. Just for a split second my heart beat faster, but I pushed it to one side for now.
"What?" I asked him.
"Why don't we meet up with him, to clarify your feelings?" He suggested.
"Who? Jungkook!?" I asked, and he nodded. Wait, what!?
"I'll make a bet." He began. "When you see Jungkook, if you feel that feeling of love and desire towards him, I'll let you leave. If not, stay here with me."
I hesitated.
"Think about it." He told me. "Are you starved here? Tortured? Abused?" I shook my head. "Do you feel mistreated in any way?" He asked.
"Well, I am your 'slave' technically." I retorted, but he gave me a 'wtf' face.
"I asked you to get me a glass of water." He deadpanned.
"You didn't even drink it!" I added, smiling a little, and he smiled back.
"So, is it really that bad to stay here?" He pursued.
"No, it's not bad..." I mumbled.
"And if you still have feelings for Jungkook you can leave with him." Yoongi added. "There's no point you being here if you love another man. So what do you say?" He smiled weakly. "Do we have a deal?"
"Yeah, okay." I replied. "Deal."
- Oh Sehun's POV -
Lu Han and I were eating the dumpling soup that he kindly made, but I found my attention being torn away from the delicious dinner, towards a particular human being. He looks so beautiful, sat there eating his food. How does he stay so fit?
After we finished, Lu Han took the dishes away and began to wash them in the kitchen. Luckily for me, I had a perfect view of his ass. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but damn that thing is sexy.
Lu Han walked back into the room a little while later, carrying a small first aid kit.
"Sehun," He began, looking around awkwardly. "Your uhh... dressing needs changing." I was sat on the sofa, quietly watching Lu Han as he carefully observed my body. I was wearing a loose t-shirt, my boxers and a dressing gown, and was sprawled across Lu Han's sofa. I slowly sat up, letting him kneel down on the floor - between my legs may I add - to get to my thigh to change the dressing.
Holy shit. Keep cool. Damn he's gorgeous.
The time he spent seemed to go painfully slow. Speaking of pain, it had completely disappeared from my thigh. I was staring at Lu Han's hesitant figure as he slowly changed the dressing on my thigh, the only slight pain being in my crotch, trying to control myself. It was pure torture every time he accidentally brushed his pale fingers against my bare thigh, and at one point I was questioning if it was even accidental.
"Okay, I-I'm done." Lu Han told me, looking up at me from where he was on the floor. We made eye contact, and I stared longingly into his beautiful orbs. Without thinking, we gradually moved our faces closer and closer. I felt my heart go wild, pulsating rapidly with excitement and fear.
Then we kissed.
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
"See you tomorrow!" I waved off Mingyu after leaving the hospital. Minho and Jisoo had walked off together in the opposite direction, and Mingyu's house is in roughly the same direction to mine anyway.
"See ya!" He smiled, and we parted ways.
A couple of minutes later, I felt my phone buzz in my jean pocket. Reaching for it, I checked who it was from.
It was Min Yoongi.
[Yoongi]: You wanna see Minseo? Meet at the old barn tomorrow at 10pm.
[Yoongi]: And you better not bring anyone else this time, or you really will never see Minseo ever again.
[Yoongi]: Make sure to keep this a secret too. See you soon, Kookie~
I felt an awful churning feeling in my gut. Minseo? Is she okay? What's the bastard doing to her? I put my phone away, running back to the dorm. He said I could see her, is that it? What the hell is he planning?
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Word Count: 1094
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