26 • 二十六
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
The next day came, and I was peacefully strolling along the cracked pavement on my way to work. I noticed Mingyu come from around the corner, and I waved at him until he noticed me.
"Hey Mingyu!" I yelled, running over the road to walk with him.
"Hey," he smiled. "How come you're so happy?"
"I don't know," I sighed, looking at the ground. "I guess I just feel like we're getting so close with the case."
"Speaking of the case," Mingyu took a deep breath. "Have you spoken to Jimin?"
"Oh crap," I face palmed myself. "I forgot."
"Well, call him now." He told me, and I pulled out my phone. Scrolling through the contacts, I laid eyes upon Jimin's contact number.
"Just call," Mingyu told me. He's now up to date with all the drama in my life since I told him yesterday.
"He's not gonna kill you or anything."
I took another deep breath before tapping on his number, letting the phone ring. It's amazing how someone's mood can change depending on the situation. Placing the phone to my ear, I'd realised that Jimin had picked up.
"Hello?" He spoke.
"Hi." I greeted. "Can you come to the police station in a bit?"
"Umm, sure..." Jimin replied, sounding a little uneasy and confused. "What for?"
"It's just for the case, that's all." I told him, not wanting to scare the potential culprit away.
"What time should I come?" He asked me.
"Around half eleven, midday." I replied. "Is that okay? You're not working are you?"
"No it's alright. I'll see you then." He replied coldly.
"Bye." I hung up, feeling guilty as fuck.
"What's wrong now?" Mingyu asked me. We'd nearly arrived at the police station by this point.
"I just feel really bad." I confessed. "I mean, he's my hyung, yet I couldn't tell him that we were gonna arrest him on suspicion of murder." I ran my hand through my hair - a habit I'd picked up from Jimin himself - and exhaled deeply.
I looked up to see the police station, and me and Mingyu walked inside through the glass doors. As we wandered in to Minho's office, I noticed that Jisoo was sat in her usual seat, looking through some papers.
"Hey Jisoo." I smiled weakly, and she smiled back.
"Hi Jungkook, hi Mingyu." She greeted us as we walked in and took our seats.
"How are you?" Mingyu asked, and she looked up from her papers.
"I'm fine," she replied, obviously lying; it was the same with me when I lost Yugyeom, but you just have to keep going.
"I got the autopsy results." She told us, handing us one of the many pieces of paper.
Name: MANOBAN Lalisa
Date of Birth: 27/03/97
Race: Thai
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Just like the last two, the internal and external examinations were very similar to Jongin's and Yugyeom's, but differed slightly because of her gender. However, I continued reading.
Time of Death: Body temperature, rigor and livor mortis and stomach contents approximate the time of death between 9:30 and 11:30 P.M. on 08/03/17.
Immediate Cause of Death: Exsanguination due to an excess loss of blood.
Manner of Death: Homicide
"Just like Jongin and Yugyeom." Mingyu sighed.
"Did you call Jimin?" Minho asked, and I nodded.
"He's coming around midday." I replied, checking the time. It was still early in the morning, about 8am.
"Okay," Minho sighed. "I hope you're right."
- Lee Minseo's POV -
It was 10am, and I knew I had to go outside at some point. I couldn't sleep at all last night, I'd been worrying too much about what will happen if I go outside.
I suddenly heard my phone buzz, and I realised that I had received another text message.
[Unknown]: So, are you gonna go outside? Or is someone else gonna have to suffer?
[Me]: Why do I have to go outside?
[Unknown]: Because I care about your health, believe it or not.
[Me]: What?
[Unknown]: I love you MinMin, I don't want you to die.
[Unknown]: So, are you coming outside? Or not?
[Unknown]: Oh look! It's Jungkook! I could easily target him from here!
[Me]: Okay! I'll do it!
[Unknown]: Good, now, if you listen to everything I say, you'll be fine.
I got changed into some skinny jeans (that were kinda loose now if you ask me), a vest top and a very baggy jumper that covered a lot of my skin. I also wore a face mask to hide the fact that I looked so thin. I'd already taken a shower this morning to try and relieve stress (and because I smelt really bad) and once I was ready I grabbed my phone.
[Unknown]: I've placed an earpiece through your letter-box. Wear it and do everything I tell you, then everything will be fine and you can go back home.
I noticed the small earpiece on the floor in front of the door. I picked it up, placing the dainty piece of technology in my ear while sliding my phone into my back pocket. I unlocked the front door with the key I just recently grabbed from the bedside drawer in my bedroom, and slowly opened the front door.
The bright light blinded me as I stepped outside, since I'd been living in darkness for days. The warmth on my skin felt comforting, and I almost forgot about all my troubles until I heard the distorted voice through the earpiece.
"Go to the cafe near the library." He ordered. "No one knows you there, so they won't ask any questions."
I made my way to that specific cafe, breathing in the fresh air through the mask on my face.
"Keep your head down; I don't want people noticing you." He ordered again, and I kept my head low. He told me to order and sit in the corner, and to avoid as much human contact as possible. I did just that, wolfing down my small muffin and cup of coffee, secretly (but only low-key) thanking the stalker for threatening me.
As I left the cafe, thoughts about what happens next began flooding into my mind. Am I just going to have to go back and hide in my home? He said he was gonna take me away, and he could do that at any point. What's the point in hiding away? He'll keep threatening me to go outside, but if I live like normal he'll take me away!
I wandered past the police station - the route he told me to take - but I stopped right outside the entrance. That's right, there's only one thing to do.
"What are you doing?" The stalker sounded panicked. "Keep walking! People are going to-" I pulled the earpiece out of my ear and dropped it on the floor, making sure to stamp on it before I walked into the police station.
"Hello miss." I was greeted at a desk by a kind lady. "How may I help you?"
"Is Jeon Jungkook here?" I asked, pulling my mask down. "I think I'd be a very important witness to the case he's currently solving."
"Minseo?" I turned to my left to see Jungkook stood there, two cups of coffee in his hands, frozen to the spot. His eyes were wide as he stared, and I noticed the glisten in his eyes that made him look as if he was about to cry.
"Hey Jungkook." I smiled sheepishly, and he dropped the coffee on the floor, running over to give me a hug, almost knocking me over upon contact.
"Oh my god," He mumbled. "Are you okay? You're so pale and skinny! Did you starve yourself? Have you eaten anything? You look like you haven't slept in weeks! Oh Minseo we've been so worried! Let me-"
"Jungkook." I interrupted him. "I'm fine."
"Why are you here?" He asked me, releasing from the hug.
"I came to confess some really important information that I should've told you a long time ago." I told him. "Concerning your case."
He grabbed my hand, dragging me into some office, and there were three people in there who instantly looked up at me. The first person I recognised as Mingyu, the second was Kim Jisoo from the time Jungkook was shot, and the other was the team leader Choi Minho, who I'd seen on the news.
"Guys," Jungkook began. "This is Minseo, and she has some stuff to tell us about the case."
"Nice to meet you Minseo," Minho smiled. "I'm Choi Minho, and I've heard that you've already met the other three team members, so please take a seat." He gestured to the open seat next to Jungkook, and I sat down hesitantly, noticing that Jisoo had taken out a notepad and pen.
Well, here we go.
"Oh my god, you poor thing." Jisoo nearly had tears in her eyes as I'd just finished telling them the whole story. I looked over at Jungkook, who'd reassuringly held my hand the entire time, and he had tears brimming as well.
"Minseo," Jungkook mumbled, trying to contain his tears. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"He threatened to kill you." I told him. "Trust me, I wanted to tell you with all my heart but I knew that I couldn't."
"So why confess now?" Minho asked me.
"Because he'd just threatened me to go outside and eat some food, or he'd kill someone," I began. "And I realised that I was just living in an endless cycle of fear, so I decided that telling the police was the best thing to do."
"So do you think the stalker is Park Jimin too?" Jisoo asked me.
"It's only a hunch." I mumbled.
"Why do you think that?" Minho questioned, so I told them about the ring, the CCTV, the fact he said he'd do 'anything for me' and so on.
"Hmm," Minho mumbled in thought. "It's still not solid evidence, but it certainly raises suspicions."
"Didn't you say that he sent you text messages?" Mingyu asked, and I nodded, pulling out my phone.
"I could leave it with you if you wanted." I told them.
"That would be helpful, thank you." Jisoo smiled politely, and I returned the gesture.
"I'll bring it back after work," Jungkook smiled at me, squeezing my hand gently. "I'm sorry I was so mean to you."
"Don't worry," I smiled. "No one had any idea, so I can't blame you for it."
"Thank you for the crucial evidence Miss Lee," Minho smiled.
"Your welcome," I replied, bowing before walking off back home.
- Third Person POV -
As Minseo walked out the police station she saw Jimin walking down the street towards her. They were quite far apart, so it would take a while before they crossed paths, but Minseo decided that if he was the stalker he wasn't going to hurt her out in the open like this. So she carried on walking. When Jimin noticed Minseo walking towards him, his eyes opened wide, and he frantically ran over to greet her.
"Minseo!" He exclaimed. "You're okay!?"
"Yeah," Minseo smiled nervously. "I'm fine."
"Oh my god, you're so skinny! Have you slept? You haven't been eating well, have you?" He began fussing, but didn't want to touch Minseo incase she 'snapped in two'.
Suddenly, a white van pulled up beside the two, and Minseo looked over to see that the driver was Min Yoongi.
"Oh, hi Yoongi." She smiled as Yoongi got out of the car.
"Hey." Jimin waved alongside the girl, as Yoongi's face dropped when he realised Minseo was stood here.
"Minseo?" He mumbled, walking over towards Jimin and Minseo.
"Holy shit. How are you?" He asked. "You look ill."
"I'm fine," Minseo smiled weakly, looking down.
"Why are you here Yoongi?" Jimin asked out of curiosity.
"I was delivering a mattress," he began. "But I'm early, so I don't have to be there for a while, so I saw you guys and pulled over."
"What about you Jimin?" Minseo asked. "How come you're here?"
"I was on my way to the police station." He told us.
"How come?" Yoongi questioned.
"Jungkook asked me to come." He replied, looking over at the station.
"Wouldn't he be waiting?" Yoongi pursued.
"Nahh," Jimin smirked, checking his phone, and Yoongi did so too, but Yoongi spent a little longer on his. "He said come around midday, and it's not even half eleven yet."
Meanwhile, in the station, Jungkook was sat around the table with Jisoo, Mingyu and Minho, and they were discussing what to do whilst Jungkook downloaded the content from Minseo's phone to his laptop.
"So what do we do with Jimin when he gets here?" Mingyu asked.
"I don't know," Jungkook replied. "Put him in a cell?"
"Can we do that?" Jisoo asked. "We don't have any solid proof that he's the killer."
"We can contain him here for 6 hours," Minho told us. "But after that we have to let him go."
Suddenly a text came through on Minseo's phone. Jungkook looked over and checked it, but was shocked at what he found.
[Unknown]: Thanks for making my job ten times easier.
[Unknown]: Do you know how hard it is to successfully kidnap and hide someone when they have a phone?
"SHIT!" Jungkook cursed, standing up. "The stalker's going after Minseo!"
"You got a text?" Minho also stood up, but stopped Jungkook as he was about to leave. "Quickly, check who it's from!"
Jungkook looked at the number, and it seemed very familiar. Too familiar.
"I've seen this number before." He mumbled, pulling out his phone. In no time he was typing in the number in his contacts, but when he found who's phone it was, he was shocked half to death.
"Holy fuck!" Jungkook exclaimed, dashing out of the office and out onto the streets. He needed to find Minseo. Fast.
- Lee Minseo's POV -
"Shouldn't you be going now?" Yoongi said to Jimin, and he looked as if he was getting impatient. We were stood about 500 metres away from the station down the street: Yoongi was facing the station, Jimin facing Yoongi and I was stood to the side, facing the road.
"No, not yet." Jimin told him. "Why?"
"It's the police," Yoongi huffed. "They'd be happier if you got their early."
"MINSEO!" I heard a faint voice come from over by the police station. The three of us turned to face the direction of the voice and I found out it was Jungkook.
"MINSEO! RUN!" Jungkook shouted, sprinting over at an alarming speed. "THE STALKER!"
"What the fu-" Jimin was cut off by a loud bang, and I turned to my left to see that Yoongi held a gun in his hand. Blood was scattered across the floor. Holy fuck. He'd just shot Jimin. Before I had a chance to do anything, Yoongi grabbed me and I felt a sharp jab to my neck. He injected something into me.
I felt myself getting weaker. I couldn't move. My body just fell limp into Yoongi's.
"Sorry Minseo." Yoongi mumbled, swiftly shoving me into the back of his van - which was empty. "But do you know how much that earpiece costs?"
The van doors slammed shut, and I felt myself losing consciousness. Then everything went black.
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Word Count : 2577
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