25 • 二十五
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
"We have a problem." Minho practically yelled in panic.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Another person's dead." He told us, and me and Mingyu stood there, eyes wide.
"Another?" I mumbled, and Minho nodded.
"Follow me." Minho walked over to his office as me and Mingyu followed suit. As we walked in I noticed that Jisoo wasn't here. That's strange, she's always here before us.
"Where's Jisoo?" Mingyu asked, obviously picking up on the same thing I did.
"I let her have a day at home." Minho trailed off, pulling out some pictures.
"These were sent to me this morning." He slid said pictures across the table, allowing us to see the victim. Like the last two, this girl's neck was sliced and the letters ㄹㅁ were written on her wrist. I swear I've seen this girl before.
"Was Jisoo friends with her?" I gestured towards the picture, as Minho nodded.
"Her name is Lalisa Manoban, and she was killed last night." He told us. Oh my god. It's the girl who works with Minseo at the swimming centre. "Her body's been sent for an autopsy, and we were told that it wasn't going to take as long as last time since I've asked for Lalisa to be prioritised." He took a deep breath. "So we can hurry and get this god damn case solved."
"Do we have possession of her belongings?" Mingyu asked, and Minho nodded, and my eyes widened.
"Do we have access to her phone?" I questioned.
"Yes, why?" Minho asked, pulling out the clear plastic bags containing the evidence. He handed me the phone, and I started to download the contents onto my laptop - which I'd recently just opened.
"Just before Jongin and Yugyeom were murdered, they each received a text message," I began. "Jongin's said 'this is for having a crush on my girl' and Yugyeom's said 'this is for saying my girl should marry another man'." The two guys nodded in understanding as I explained.
"So you think the killer's motive is jealousy?" Minho suggested, and I nodded.
"Here!" I pointed to the computer screen, showing the last message Lalisa received. "It was received at 10:56pm last night." I told them. "And it says...."
I froze.
"What is it?" Mingyu asked.
"I'm sorry, but my girl just won't go outside anymore." I mumbled, staring in shock at the computer screen. Minseo won't go outside anymore.
"Wait," Minho interrupted my thoughts. "Why are you so shocked? This has just disproved your theory." He walked round to stare at my screen alongside Mingyu.
"I've got something better than a theory," I muttered, standing up out of my seat.
"What?" Mingyu asked.
"I think I have a culprit."
"It's not for definit-"
"Just fucking say who!"
"Park Jimin."
- Lee Minseo's POV -
For the rest of the day I was left alone from the stalker; I don't know why I didn't think of turning my phone off before. I even got about two hours of sleep last night, which is progress.
Maybe he's giving up.
At around 1pm the next day I sat down on the sofa, trying to see if I could get some sleep. My mum had just been to visit, and I still had a little cookie left from when she came. I was still shit scared of going outside, but I felt a lot safer inside now though, knowing that the stalker couldn't see me.
I closed my eyes, slowly chewing on the small biscuit. I was going to relax. That's right. Sleep, Minseo. Nothing can get you in here. You're perfectly saf-
The abrupt sound of TV static made me jump out of my skin. I could've sworn that I turned everything off by the mains. Wait. I did. So why is the TV on? The news channel suddenly came on, and the breaking news frightened me half to death.
"Late last night a third murder took place in our streets. A young girl called Lalisa Manoban, aged 19 from Thailand, was the third victim for the notorious murderer, and just like the last two incidents, Miss Manoban's throat was sliced open."
I felt the tears fall silently down my face again. Lalisa!? Why her? What did she do? What did any of them do? I thought the stalker was done! So much for feeling safe.
I then heard the little tune my phone plays when it turns on. WAIT A MINUTE. I turned my phone off. Why is it turning back on!? I then began to receive a swarm of text messages off the stalker.
[Unknown]: Did you see your punishment for disobeying me?
[Me]: Why??
[Unknown]: Did you not realise that these were little reminders of how bad you are?
[Unknown]: The ㄹㅁ (L M) carved into their wrists were your initials. Lee Minseo.
[Unknown]: Which means these deaths are your fault. You behave badly, others pay for it.
[Unknown]: Now don't disobey me again. When I say go outside, go outside.
[Unknown]: I'll give you until midday tomorrow to go outside and buy some food.
[Unknown]: Unless you want someone else to pay for your disobedience, that is.
My hands began violently shaking, so much so that I struggled to read the text messages. He killed Lalisa. He's forcing me to go outside. He's gonna take me away. Oh shit. What do I do!? My breathing quickened and I paced around the room at an alarming rate. I bet he's laughing right now, knowing that I'm scared shitless. How could he do this. Why? I received another message.
[Unknown]: I love how I make you so scared.
[Unknown]: It reminds both me and you of who's in charge.
[Unknown]: And seeing you like this gets me soo fucking hard.
What...? Can he see me?
[Unknown]: If you're wondering, yes, I can see you.
[Unknown]: Did you seriously think that I wouldn't hide cameras around your house?
More tears began to form as I fell to my knees, clutching my shirt where my heart was tightly. It hurts so much. Why is he doing this? Why does he have to kill people? Why does he have to stalk me? Why?
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
"Park Jimin?" Mingyu gave me a confused look. "He's one of your best friends. Why would you suspect him?"
"I think it has something to do with him and my girlf- my uhh... Lee Minseo."
"What? Why?" Minho asked.
"Sit down," I told them. "It's time for a story."
"Ages ago I invited Minseo round to my dorm to hang out with me and my hyungs, but I heard her in Jimin's room with Jimin, and he confessed to her." I began. "She declined, but then Jimin practically begged her not to tell me."
"What's this got to do with murders?" Mingyu asked.
"Just shut up a sec." I mumbled, continuing with the story.
"The first murder was Kim Jongin, and the text that came through was 'this is for having a crush on my girl'. I watched the CCTV back and the last people he hung out with were Oh Sehun and Lee Minseo, and Minseo doesn't know Jongin very well because she calls Sehun 'Oppa', but not Jongin. They hung out around the carnival, on the exact same day the security cameras were hacked around the carnival."
"So you think Jongin developed a crush on Minseo on that day, and was therefore killed for it?" Minho asked, and I nodded.
"How do you know he had a crush on her?" Mingyu questioned.
"I don't." I replied. "But when watching the CCTV I observed Jongin's behaviour around Minseo, and it looked like he felt some feelings towards her."
"Right," Minho sighed. "Continue."
"The second murder was Kim Yugyeom, and the text that came through on his phone was 'this is for saying my girl should marry another man'." I told them. "So I did some scooping, and found out that on the 26th February Lee Minseo and Min Yoongi went into the cafe where Yugyeom works, and he said that Minseo and I should get married."
"Right, so all the evidence points towards Minseo," Mingyu sighed. "But how did you link this to Jimin?"
"I'll get onto that." I told him.
"So then I was shot, and Minseo had to look after me whilst I stayed home. At first she was fine, but then after a while she began to act awkward, and it got to a point where she wouldn't hold my hand."
"Wait," Minho interrupted. "Who is Lee Minseo to you?"
"She's my girlfriend." I told him. "But we're on a break at the moment."
"That makes more sense." He sighed.
"Anyway, she goes out to buy groceries one day, but she's out for a long time considering the grocery shop is around the corner. When she comes back Jimin gives her a kiss and then leaves, and I find out that he's given her a ring too. Then later, he comes round with my friend Kim Seokjin and we all eat dinner, but then he asks to go to the toilet, but I heard him through the door begging Minseo for sex-"
"Slow down." Minho interrupted. "I don't want to ruin your amazing story, but are you considering that you might be accusing Jimin because you're angry at him?"
"Please just hear me out." I sighed. "So basically, I believe that Minseo is 'my girl' from the texts and that Jimin is the killer, killing because he's jealous and wants Minseo to be his."
"Do you have any more evidence?" Mingyu asked. "Because most of that isn't really evidence that Jimin's the killer."
"The witness Minho went to see said there was a shady-looking man who looked about 1.75m tall, which is Jimin's height." I told them.
"But what about Lalisa?" Minho asked. "You didn't mention anything about her?"
"Oh yeah," I sighed. "The text said 'I'm sorry, but my girl just won't go outside anymore', and Minseo's been locked in her house for days now, and refuses to come out."
"What!" Mingyu exclaimed. "Why?"
"She's scared." I replied.
"Of what?"
"I don't know," I sighed. "But I think she knows about the killer, and that it has something to do with her."
"That still has nothing to do with Jimin." Minho sighed.
"Well, from what we know, the killer is killing because they are jealous, and if Minseo is really the person involved, then the only person I know who loves Minseo besides me is Jimin."
"Right," Minho sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. "So do we arrest Park Jimin?"
"Not publicly." Mingyu butted in. "The press would be all over it, and we might be wrong in thinking Jimin is the criminal, so arresting him publicly wouldn't help."
"So what do we do?" I asked.
"Jungkook, invite him to the station tomorrow." Minho ordered. "Say it's to do with the case, and he'll just casually walk in. That way, the press will have no idea."
"Okay," I sighed. Is this it? I feel like we're very close.
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Word Count: 1863
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