15 • 十五
- Lee Minseo's POV -
I sat in the waiting room, constantly moving around and constantly thinking. Constantly stressing over everything.
Is he okay? Why did I do that? What if he doesn't make it?
I called Jungkook's mum, and told her there was an accident and I was at the hospital, and that she should come as fast as she could. But then I began thinking more.
The stalker has killed two people. They might've killed Jungkook. Why are they doing this? Who else do they plan to kill? Jimin? Sehun? Yoongi? Me?
My phone suddenly started ringing, and I answered it.
"Hello?" I said worriedly.
"Minseo? Are you okay?" It was my mum.
"Mum? I'm fine." I replied. "But Jungk-"
"I know sweetie, I'm in the car with Jungkook's parents and we're on the way to the hospital now." She spoke calmly, probably knowing that if she panicked I'd most likely start having a panic attack.
"Have you been told anything?" She asked me.
"They won't say anything since I'm not immediate family." I answered, repeatedly tapping my finger on my knee.
"We'll be here in a minute." My mum replied. "Hang in there sweetie, I love you."
"Love you too mum." I spoke down the phone, ending the call.
But then I was left to my own thoughts again. Would he make it? Would the stalker strike again? Should I risk Jungkook's life and tell the police?
"Minseo!" I saw a man and two women run over to me: my mum and Jungkook's parents. Whilst his parents went to ask for information at the desk, my mum came over - arms outstretched - and gave me a hug.
"I didn't imagine this would be the next time I saw you," she sighed, slightly rocking side to side as we hugged.
"Me neither." I replied.
"How long have you been here?" My mum asked me.
"About an hour and a half, maybe two hours." I replied, glancing at the clock.
"And they haven't told you anything?"
"No, they told me to wait until his parents got here." I explained, looking up to her.
"Mum," I mumbled, my tears threatening to spill. "I'm scared."
"It's okay," My mum replied. "Jungkook is strong; he'll get through it."
"They said the procedure's going well." Jungkook's parents walked over, and I looked up at his dad.
"Really?" I stood up, a small smile of relief on my face.
"Yeah, and they said if the procedure goes smoothly he'll be able to go home by the end of the day." His dad continued, and I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me.
The four of us patiently sat in the reception, waiting for Jungkook's surgery to be over, when someone eventually sauntered in.
"Jeon Jungkook." The lady announced, and the four of us stood up eagerly, swiftly following her to the hospital room he'd been placed in.
"He's okay sweetie," My mum smiled at me, holding my hand tightly. "I told you he'd make it through."
The lady opened the door for us, and we all walked in, with all thoughts of the stalker out of my mind.
"He's still only half-conscious because of the anaesthetic, but he should come around soon." The lady told us. "Someone will come in shortly and explain procedures that need to take place at home." With that she left the four of us in the room with a doped-out Kookie.
"M-mum?" Jungkook murmured, squinting his eyes. "D-ad?"
"Hey Jungkook," his mum walked over, gently holding onto his right hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Weird." He replied. "Am I on.. that anaes-thingy?"
"You were put under general anaesthetic." His dad chuckled a little, standing behind his mum.
"Where's Minseo?" He asked suddenly. "Is- is she okay?"
"I'm here." I smiled sweetly, walking over to the left side of the bed. I saw his startled expression as I spoke, which means he didn't realise I was in the room.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"I should be asking you." I replied, and he smiled sweetly.
"Ahh, this... this is nothing." He was still slightly doped up, but he was getting more and more conscious by the minute.
"Hey, Jeon Jungkook. This is not nothing." I told him cheekily, and he smiled at me even more.
The parents all stood back, and I noticed that my mum and Jungkook's mum were doing some sort of fangirling in the corner, whilst his dad just shook his head and smirked.
Suddenly, a doctor came in the room.
"Relatives of Jeon Jungkook?" He asked, and we all nodded. Well, if me and my mum said no we'd have to be kicked out so...
"Mr Jeon has to undergo a few more tests before he leaves, but we have to wait for the anaesthesia to wear off first." The doctor explained. "After these tests are done, he can go home."
"He needs adult supervision for at least 24 hours when he gets home, and he has dressings that need to be changed frequently." The doctor told us. "There are waterproof dressings in the pack we'll give you, but the waterproof ones are only to be used when he bathes."
"Which leads me on to cleaning. Jungkook can keep his normal routine of cleaning, but for the first week he'll need sponge baths and assistance from an adult. He may also experience pain when moving around for about a week, so I advise you to make sure he gets plenty of rest, and that he sleeps on his back, not his side."
I was solely concentrating on what the doctor was saying whilst Jungkook seemed more interested in messing with my hand. This was a lot to take in, but I knew that I had to know it. I bet you're thinking: "Wouldn't Jungkook be better staying with his parents?" But Jungkook's parents are very busy people, and wouldn't have time to keep a close eye on him. Me, however, can get 2 weeks off work - full pay - so I can look after Jungkook.
So it looks like it's down to me. But it's okay. I can do it for him.
We all waited in the hospital for Jungkook to have his tests, and then Mr Jeon kindly drove us back to my apartment, and helped me carry Jungkook onto the sofa.
"I don't need babying!" Jungkook yelled. "I'm fine!" We just ignored him, since we all know that he wasn't 'fine' after being shot with a bullet.
"Goodbye Mr Jeon," I thanked him for all the help, and waved him off.
"Jungkook!" His dad stopped at the doorway. "Behave! I don't want any of this I'm fine bullshit, Minseo is doing as the doctor told her too, and so will you. Understood?"
"Yes sir." Jungkook rolled his eyes, and I had to hide a smile.
"Goodbye!" I smiled, and with that, they left.
"You are not babying me." He huffed.
"Oh I am so babying you." I smirked at him cheekily. "So don't you move a muscle."
Suddenly my phone buzzed, so I looked at the message I just recieved.
[Unknown]: So now you know what'll happen if you disobey me.
[Unknown]: So from now on, do everything I tell you to.
[Unknown]: Because next time, I won't miss.
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Word Count: 1230
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