14 • 十四
- Lee Minseo's POV -
I locked the door and watched Jungkook walk off through the peepy-hole in the door. Aish, he always does that: waits outside until he hears me lock the door. Such a protective guy.
Ambling over to the kitchen in my pyjamas, I grabbed myself a bowl and a spoon, placing them down on the counter to get myself some cereal. I opened the cupboard to grab my box of Cheerios - and yes I found a shop that sells Cheerios in Korea - but then sighed when I found that they were on the top shelf.
God damn Kookie. Stop putting my cereal where I can't reach it!!
I clambered up onto the kitchen countertop, and grabbed the box of cereal. I swear, he does this to me on purpose. Pouring my bowl of cereal and adding milk to the bowl, I carefully made my way over to the sofa and placed the bowl on my lap. I found a new TV show that's already finished but somehow I'd never heard of it! It sounded cool, so I decided to watch it. I got changed into my clothes before I began though.
"This drama is set in the times of King Jinheung," I read aloud. "But all characters and events are fiction."
(A/N): Yes I memorised the opening don't judge me it was the best K-drama ever.
Casually munching on my Cheerios as I stared intently at the screen, I watched as some guy threw a dice in the air, but then decided to go and faint. "What the hell," I mumbled. Then someone else came running over, screaming a bunch of shit. "This drama is amazing."
Halfway through the second episode of the drama, after my Cheerios were long gone from the bowl, the TV suddenly decided to cut out on me.
"What the fuck!" I growled, getting ready to stand up, but then the TV went static. I froze, creeped out at the paranormal activity I was witnessing in my home. The TV has never done this before.
It suddenly turned back on, and I could see a beautiful, clear sky, but then someone clad in all black walked into view. Was this a video? I couldn't see the person's face, but they suddenly pulled out a phone, typed something in and then placed the phone to their ear.
My phone began to ring.
I stared at it a while, contemplating whether I should pick it up or not, but my curiosity was killing me, so in the end I grabbed my phone and answered.
"H-Hello?" I stuttered, staring at the person on the screen. It was hard to tell, but the person on the screen looked like a man.
"Hello Minseo." I heard a distorted voice come through from the other end of the phone.
"W-who is this?" I asked.
"Aww, you don't remember me?" The voice retorted. "I've been watching you." Shit. It's the stalker. I stayed silent, curling up into a ball and covering myself with a nearby blanket.
"And I was not happy with what you did last night."
"W-What, you mean-"
"Yes Minseo, you know what I mean." The voice growled. "I'm really pissed off with you." I suddenly felt myself become really defensive. This guy is really starting to piss me off.
"Listen here you cunt. Who the fuck do you think you are!" I threatened down the phone, teeth clenched. "He is my boyfriend and you have absolutely fuck all to do with our relationship!"
"You shouldn't do those things to people you don't love." The stalker told me.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I yelled back. "I love Jungkook so fucking much! So take your creepy ass bullshit somewhere else alright? I don't fucking need it."
There was a long silence. He seemed taken aback by my sudden tone, and it felt really fucking good.
"Take that back.." The voice mumbled.
"Why the fuck should I!?" I retorted.
"Take it back right now."
"Fuck you!" Now I was getting really annoyed. This person is pissing me off!
"Fine," The distorted voice huffed. "I'll just have to teach you the hard way."
The black figure then went out of sight, and the camera began moving on the TV. I watched closely, finding out that the stalker was on a rooftop. The camera then pointed at the street below, but I spotted a familiar building that it was pointing at. The police station. The black figure then became visible on the screen again, but was holding something in their hand. A gun.
"W-what the fuck are you doing?" I tried to keep up my brave facade, but my voice wavered at the sight of the gun. I felt my palms begin to sweat.
"I'm teaching you a lesson baby~" They replied in a sickly sweet fashion. Turning around, the stalker crouched down on the floor and aimed the gun, at the police station. "Now should I shoot Jungkook in the head or the heart?"
I froze, eyes widening. D-did they just..?
"What was that?" They asked perkily. "I didn't quite catch what you said- was it 'heart'?" I felt a large lump in my throat, and chortled back a fleet of tears as my heart wrenched inside me.
"I-I'm sorry." I muttered urgently. "I'm sorry, I take it back. Don't shoot him, please!"
"It's too late honey," the voice replied. "You wont learn if I don't give you any consequences."
"No no no no no! Please no! I'll do anything! Don't kill him!" I screamed. "PLEASE!"
A gunshot fired. The screen switched off. The call ended. What just happened? Jungkook! OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK!
Grabbing my keys I ran to the door, slid my shoes on and dashed out the house, not giving a fuck about the unlocked door behind me. I sprinted to the police station, not stopping for a breath. When I arrived, I felt my heart ache. The ambulance had just arrived, and I saw them dash inside the building. I ran over, but was stopped by two men.
"Excuse me, who are you?" One of them asked.
"Where's Jungkook?" I asked them. "Is Jeon Jungkook okay!?"
"Who are you?" The man repeated.
"Minseo?" I turned my head to face an unfamiliar woman, she had cuts on her face and arms, but apart from that she looked okay.
"Who are you?" I asked, walking over to her.
"Kim Jisoo. I work with your boyfriend." She told me.
"Is he okay?" I asked. "Is he in there!? I need to see-"
"Stay here," she ordered. "Don't go inside, it's not safe."
"But Jungkook's in there!" I raised my voice a little.
"And they're getting him out!" She replied. "Do you think going in there and getting in the way is gonna make him come out any quicker!?"
I paused, and then sighed, feeling a few tears fall down my cheek.
"Did you see anything?" I asked her.
"Not really," she replied. "There was a loud smash, and I instinctively closed my eyes and lifted my arms up to cover my face." Jisoo then demonstrated what she did, revealing larger cuts on her arms and her white shirt was full of blood stains.
"Are you okay!?" I asked. "You're bleeding like mad!"
"I'll live," she replied bluntly, looking over to the building. I did so too, and noticed the large window that had been smashed. You'd think a police station would have bulletproof glass, no?
Suddenly the paramedics came running out of the building with someone on a stretcher. I instantly knew who it was.
"Jungkook!" I ran over, looking down at the guy. The left side of him was coated in red, and I felt tears pour out of my eyes. This was me. I did this.
"M-Minseo-" Jungkook stuttered weakly, as I ran alongside the paramedics. "I-I'm f-fine-" He muttered, causing me to cry more. Why is he so selfless.
"Who are you?" A paramedic asked me.
"Let her go with him!" Jisoo yelled, and the paramedic nodded.
Jungkook's stretcher was loaded into the back of the ambulance, and I scrambled in along with a few other paramedics.
"Keep him awake." The paramedic ordered, and I nodded my head. I saw Jungkook move his right hand, so I reached out and grabbed it, and he squeezed my hand lightly. I was trying hard not to let anymore tears fall; I'm going to be strong for him.
His touch was so weak...
"Jungkook." I looked at him in the eyes. "Keep your eyes open, and don't you dare even close them for a second." I stroked his palm reassuringly, as the paramedics did quick check ups on him. Don't ask me what they were doing; I have no clue.
"Min...seo.." He stuttered, and I felt a tear run down my cheek. I watched at his face became more and more disheartened as he watched my tears fall.
I'm sorry. I wanted to say. This is all my fault. I'm sorry I couldn't stop it. I'm sorry I caused you pain. I'm sorry I can't even be strong for you.
"It's not...your fault.." He managed to say, attempting to reassure me. "I- love you.."
"I love you too." I smiled lightly, squeezing his hand lightly again.
"We're here." The paramedics stood up, and as soon as the doors opened Jungkook was taken into the hospital, and I swiftly followed them.
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Word Count: 1604
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