11 • 十一
- Lee Minseo's POV -
I was allowed time off work, but poor Jungkook still had to go into work to solve the case. I felt so sorry for him, since he had to stare at all Yugyeom's belongings, listen to Yugyeom's recorded voice, and still had to stay calm.
I heard that shrines had been set up for both Jongin and Yugyeom in the park, so me and Sehun planned to visit there today. It was still early in the morning though since I woke up to see Jungkook off, so I sat down to watch some TV while I waited.
I sat on my sofa and turned the TV on, flick through the channels with the remote.
"-do you want to lose weight-"
"-this will give you the clearest skin you could ever imagine-"
"-an app that sends messages 10 minutes after you typed them-"
"-claim PPI compensation toda-"
"This is breaking news." I suddenly stopped flicking when the news channel came on, and I listened intently.
"A 97 liner, named Kim Yugyeom, was murdered on the night of Sunday the 26th February." The reporter spoke. "Only one day after the murder of Kim Jongin, detectives found that both men died of the same cause: a slash to the neck." I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
It then showed a clip of Jungkook in a conference room with three other people, one of them was Mingyu.
"Yesterday morning answers were given at the conference for Kim Jongin that took place at the Town Hall," then someone ran over to one of the guys, whispered something in his ear, and he stood up abruptly. "But the conference was cut short by The Chief Choi Minho due to some unexpected news."
It then cut back to the studio, where four people were gathered round a table.
"Thank you for that, Miss. Kim." The news lady smiled briefly. "Now, we have reason to believe that this was the exact point Mr. Choi heard of the death of Kim Yugyeom." The news lady started the conversation.
"Well, it would make perfect sense," A man replied. "Considering the circumstances, I believe that's true."
"And what do you think about Mr. Choi's actions in cutting the meeting short?" The news lady asked.
"I believe that Mr. Choi's actions were severely disrespectful." Another lady butted in. "The way he and his colleagues just abruptly left would make the friends and relatives of Mr. Kim Jongin fell very attacked."
"How so?" The news lady pursued.
"Well, he just got up, apologised, and left." The second lady told the group. "That gives me the impression that Mr. Choi believes that other matters are more important that a scheduled conference about someone's death."
"Well," The second man butted in. "He did just find out that another person was murdered."
"That hasn't actually been confirmed though." The second lady stated.
"And there are also rumours that one of the detectives working on the case, Jeon Jungkook, had very close relations with Kim Yugyeom." The news lady stopped an argument from forming. "What are our opinions on that?"
"Apparently they were school friends." The first man spoke up.
"I think it's appalling that this boy should be made to work on a case in which one of his close friends was killed." The second lady told them. "Do they not care about how hard it must be on him? He's only 19 for heavens sake, should this boy really have to go through all that at such a young age?"
"Others would argue that he'd want to be there." The second man replied. "The fact that his friend was involved could drive Mr. Jeon to catch the criminal."
"And finally," The news lady sighed. "Do we have any thoughts on who the criminal may be and what intentions he or she might have?"
"Well," the first man began. "In the conference, I heard Miss Kim Jisoo mention the wounds on Mr. Kim Jongin, like one large slash across his neck, which could suggest that the killer knows what they're doing."
"So they could be specially trained?" The news lady asked.
"Probably so," The first man replied.
I then heard the doorbell ring, so I turned the TV off and went to open the door. As I suspected, Sehun was stood there, hands in his pockets.
"Hey," he smiled weakly.
"Hey," I smiled back. "How are you?"
"Fine, considering." He replied. "You?"
"Yeah, me too." I sighed.
"Shall we head off then?"
"Let's go."
We were walking down the pavement, when I suddenly got a text message.
[Unknown]: Smile for the camera beautiful! <3
I looked up and spotted a security camera point my way, and I suddenly felt the urge to vomit. I sped up, causing the both of us to walk faster. I can't believe this fucking creep is acting so lighthearted when they just murdered two people!
We stopped off at a local florists along the way, and picked up two bouquets of carnation flowers: Red and White for Jongin, & Pink and White for Yugyeom. The red carnation represents admiration, a pink one stands for remembrance, and a white one evokes pure love and innocence. Red and Pink were also Jongin and Yugyeom's favourite colours respectively.
We arrived at the park and wandered over to a large gathering of flowers, candles and photos, where some people could be seen paying their respects to the two guys. We wandered over, gently placing the two bouquets on the ground. The sight of the pictures of both guys brought tears to my eyes, and then I remembered.
They died because of me.
I felt a tear run down my cheek.
"Hey," Sehun spoke. "Don't cry, you'll make me cry too." He tried to lighten the mood. I smiled lightly at Sehun, and then we left after paying our final respects.
- Jeon Jungkook's POV -
"Jungkook!" Jisoo yelled my name as I walked through the door that morning, and I turned to face her. "We got the autopsy results for Kim Jongin!" I rushed over, talking a look at the piece of paper she held in her hands.
Name: KIM Jongin
Date of Birth: 14/01/94
Race: Korean
Age: 23
Sex: Male
I quickly skimmed over the text written on the external and internal examination parts - since what Jisoo had told us before was right - and read the information at the end.
Time of Death: Body temperature, rigor and livor mortis and stomach contents approximate the time of death between 9:30 and 11:30 P.M. on 25/02/17.
Immediate Cause of Death: Exsanguination due to an excess loss of blood.
Manner of Death: Homicide
I sighed to myself, sitting down in a nearby chair.
"Have the others seen this?" I asked.
"Not Mingyu, but Minho has." Jisoo replied, photocopying the piece of paper and then handing one to me.
"Do you have a folder of some sort to keep this evidence safe?" She asked. "I'm giving everyone a copy since I'm in charge of all the written evidence. This way, you can check the evidence if you suddenly have a breakthrough somewhere."
"That's really clever Jisoo." I smiled at her, placing the piece of paper in my bag. "I'll pick up a folder on my way home."
(A/N): Right, here's a list of all the fancy vocabulary I used in that autopsy report at the end:
- Rigor Mortis is the stiffening of muscles after death.
- Livor Mortis is the discolouration of skin after death.
- Exsanguination is where enough blood is lost to cause death.
- Homicide is a fancy word for murder.
Sorry for all the big words, (I looked these up bc I had no clue XD) but I wanted to make the report seem authentic.
thank you for reading
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Word Count: 1308
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