3. Why blood, man?
This chapter is based off of the Dream SMP. More specifically, Technoblade. Even MORE specifically, Hog Hunt. (watch the SAD-ist animation because im basing some of this chapter off of it)
After a while, Val and Julie finished watching the Ranboo stream and they looked at each other.
"Y'know, watching a Ranboo stream gives me an idea..." Val grinned.
"If you're saying that we should go to the Genloss universe, then no. Absolutely not." Julie retorted. (well damn i kinda wanna do that now- ill do it soon *insert spooky noises*)
"No, silly, I mean going to the Dream SMP universe!" Val chirped. Julie then made an "ohhhhh" sound and nodded vigorously. "Hell yeah, we should."
Immediately after Julie answered, a portal appeared beneath the both of them and they fell through it.
"Fuckin' hell, why'd we land in a bush of all things...? And why is it wet?" Julie said, completely grossed out.
"I dunno, someone prolly pissed in it-" Val started, then immediately apologized after seeing Julie gag. "Sorry-! Sorry, sorry, I'm joking-"
They both popped their heads out of the bush, looking around, then seeing a small cabin with someone- no, not a someone- outside of it. A translucent blue figure.
Val, being the one with more knowledge of the SMP, gasped, then grinned. "What are you grinning about? Who's that?" Julie asked.
"That," Val responded, still smiling, "is Ghostbur. So- wait, that's Technoblade's house. Does that mean..." She paused, then smiled and began to snicker uncontrollably, while Julie looked at her like she was insane. "Val, what the fuck are you so smiley about?" She rolled her eyes, lightly punching Val in the arm.
"OW- sorry, it's, uh- I'm pretty sure this is Hog Hunt," Valarie responded.
"Care to elaborate?"
"Oh, Julie. My sweet, sweet, not so innocent Julie. Uh- in simple terms, Techno's gonna get executed but it's not gonna work because he has a totem in his inventory, and that stream is where the term "I have a pickaxe, and I'll put it through your teeth" comes from. I'm pretty sure he's in that cabin right now, panicking, while Ghostbur is just being adorable."
"Wow. You're a hardcore stan," Julie muttered.
Val just grinned. "I prefer the term simp, but that's fine, too."
Julie rolled her eyes, standing up, then immediately got pulled back down by Valarie. "Dumbass- don't do that. We can't let anyone see us..." Val said, then proceeded to mutter the events to come under her breath. "...but if we get to Carl before Quackity does... Jul, I've got an idea."
Julie raised an eyebrow. "And what if we die trying this so called 'idea' of yours?"
"It's fine, we have three lives," Val dismissed, waving her hand. "Do you mind helping me for this bit?"
"Uhh..." Julie very obviously hesitated, knowing that her friend was an idiot, but Valarie was also completely and utterly down bad. "...fine."
After Julie accepted, Val burst into a fit of excited giggles, yanking her friend out of the bush. "C'mon, c'mon, hurry up you slow ass bitch-" She muttered, pulling Julie over to where Carl was, trying to stay out of sight.
"...you got a paper on you?" Val asked, as Julie pulled out a small sticky note, followed by Val pulling out a pencil.
She quickly scribbled something down and placed the paper on the fence. It read: "SORRY FOR TAKING YOUR HORSE" in sloppy, rushed handwriting.
Val was still giggling while Julie was looking at her like she was crazy, then there was a bunch of yells and cheers heard from the forest, and Val completely tensed up, her expression changing quickly to one of shock, quickly snatching the piece of paper off the fence. "..Jul, we're too late. HIDE-"
They ducked behind the beehive, trying not to be found.
Technoblade peeked his head outside of his window, clearly panicking.
Techno eventually walked out the front door, basically arguing with Ghostbur, then the Butchers finally arrived and Ghostbur walked up to them. "Technoblade's not here, guys."
Fundy raised an eyebrow, looking back and forth. "Wilbur, we can literally see him, Will."
Techno rolled his eyes. "It's a bit too late for that, Ghostbur- It- it's a little bit late for that. Uh- hey, hey- why have you guys come all the way over here, to my humble abode?"
Tubbo responded, chuckling a bit,. "You need to pay for your war crimes."
"Well, that was like- that's in the past now, alright? I'm a different Technoblade, I'm a changed man now, I'm in retirement- I'm a good person now, Tubbo-" Techno said, slowly inching towards the beehive.
Quackity raised an eyebrow. "Techno, you exploded L'manberg with fucking-"
Tubbo interrupted him halfway through "You literally spawned Withers EVERYWHERE-"
An interruption by Quackity. "I'm sor- I'm sorry, Technoblade, but as much as you changed, you have to be brought to justice for that. And there's nothing you can do."
"Listen- listen guys, I have gone through so much effort over the past month to change my violent ways- I have reformed, alright? The voices- they demand blood, and I- I have been denying them. I have been fighting back. Please. Please don't make me kill all of you. Please just leave."
Quackity broke it. "You- you know what? Show us around. Why don't you show us around? What have you been up to? You know what- let's do this peacefully."
"I- I got- I got bees here-" Techno started.
Val and Julie completely froze, hoping they wouldn't get caught and mess up lore.
Techno continued. "These bees are nice. Aren't the bees nice, guys?" Tubbo very easily gave in, while everyone was yelling at him not to. While they were all distracted, Techno tried running away, making everyone realize and chase after him as Julie sighed in relief, but Valarie was still panicking.
"The fuck are you panicking for? They're gone, Val." Julie spat.
"The- the- the fucking HORSE, JULIE-" She was interrupted by a distant yell of Techno yelling "I CHOOSE BLOOD!" which made a shiver run down her spine. "...holy shit, Jul."
-Time Skip brought to you by Totems of Undying-
Valarie and Julie had stolen some of Techno's stuff so they wouldn't die, then started sprinting towards L'manburg, while Val explained what was about to happen.
As soon as they got there, they saw Techno in a cage, and they went behind it. It was at that moment that Val decided she wanted to mess up lore and cause chaos.
"PSST- HEY, TECHNOBLADE." She whisper-yelled and Techno snapped his head towards them. "Who- wha- who are you?"
"IDIOT- don't look directly at us-" She snapped, then paused. "OK- so- I'm Valarie, and this is my friend, Julie. We're here to help you. You've got a totem on you, right?"
Techno nodded, failing to not panic. "Yeah, it was like- one of the only things I didn't give them."
"Good, tha- that's good... okay. You're gonna be fine. At any moment now, Punz is gonna appear out of nowhere and start killing the crowd. Quackity's gonna pull the lever, and that's when you whip out the totem. I'm gonna go and carve a hole into the hill over there, and Julie, you're gonna go get Carl."
Julie and Techno nodded, both shocked at Val being so educated on everything going on at the moment.
"...and Punz, is fucking-" The trio zoned back in to find out that Punz and Dream were slaughtering the crowd, so Julie and Val took that as the cue to run, and Techno just... stayed in his little cage, getting ready to pull out his totem.
"BIG Q, PULL THE LEVER!" Tubbo shouted, as Quackity ran over and yanked the lever down as hard as he could.
Techno immediately whipped out the totem.
Val was whacking a pickaxe into a wall.
Julie was getting Carl to the cave that Val was in.
Then, the totem made it sound effect as Val broke the last block.
Techno regenerated, immediately hopping out of the cage and running to the cave. "Final Control Room-? Wha-"
"Just open the chest, Techno," Val smirked, leading Carl through the cave with an apple as Julie followed and Techno pulled armor and an extra pickaxe out of the chests. "Next thing on the list- get the fuck out of here before Quackity gets the fuck in here."
"Too late, bitches." Quackity's voice rung through the cave.
-time skip brought to you by bill nye the science guy-
"Okayyyy, that- wow. That was an adrenaline rush..." Julie chuckled, feeding Carl the apple.
Techno nodded. "Certainly was- I still have a question, though- how do you guys know so much about this place?"
"Oh- uhh, not me, I'm new to this place," Julie answered, then gestured to Valarie "Val's the expert here."
Techno raised an eyebrow, then looked over to her. "Okay, then, Valarie- what's uh- how do you know so much about everything? Even me killing Quackity?"
Val paused, then snickered. "Heh- okay, so- me- me and Julie here are actually from, uh- a different universe, so yeah... in our universe, this place is fictional-"
"Ohhh. So, kinda like Greek Mythology?" Techno asked.
"...of course that's your first thought process- yeah, sure- I mean- basically, just without all the... incest, and people keeping it in their pants-"
lmao def didnt take me almost 3 months to write bc i forgot abt it<3
~Eatmysmoke :]
(1530 Words)
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