I spent too much time making this for it not to be seen.
Just to clarify, Gow lives in Heaven for those that don't already know. So this takes place there. -Izzy
Gow's P.O.V
Hi! My name is Gow, the Goddess of Wishes, and this is a story about me and my friends! This is what goes on in our daily lives. Let me tell you a few things about myself; I like nature, tech, and hanging out with my friends.
(Btw, to any readers, Gow's name is pronounced like the word "Go". Now on with the show!! >:D)
I was just hanging out in my room until 7:00 AM when I decided to get out of bed. I could never sleep. I worked all day, all night- and then those three hours Diane refused to give me missions, I helped people outside of work. Two of those hours, I spent out of the house. One of those hours, I spent at home. If John was up, he would talk to me for the full hour before I made him breakfast and left for work. If he was asleep, I would let him. He needs it.
Anyways, people say I overwork myself, but I can't help it. This is the best job in the whole multiverse! I get to help people! What's better than helping others 24/7?! I love helping others, if you couldn't tell- gotta be one of my favorite things to do. I can't get enough of it.
I went downstairs, waiting for John. He saw me and smiled, coming over and hugging me. "Morning, Gow..." He mumbled tiredly, looking up at me. I chuckled, "Good morning, John." I patted his head. He pulled away. "Can I have waffles?" I nodded, "What kind, how many, what toppings?" He slumped on the couch. "Blueberry, two, strawberries, and whipped cream." I snapped my fingers and the soft food appeared in front of him on the table. "Thanks, Gow."
I smiled at him, "No problem. And if you're eating such an unhealthy breakfast, try-" "'You can't have dessert for breakfast, try to make two out of three meals healthy, do something instead of sit around all day, try to make some friends'- Yep, got it." Do I really say that every morning? "Uh- good!! Love you, bye!" He giggled, "I love you too, come back tonight, please." I nodded and left for work.
After a while, I made it to the workplace. I see my two best friends outside waiting for me. A purple female unicorn with blue curly hair, a purple shirt, dark blue leggings, and a long blue tail with a golden horn, being Diya. She was the Goddess of Dimensions. And a male water being with a large chest, three long fingers on each hand, two long toes on each foot, and huge green eyes without pupils, made of water. That was Chaos, the God of Magic. You probably recognize Chaos from his destruction of Station Square in various dimensions, but he was angry. Angry at people and the world for the destruction of his home. He was hurting. I know it doesn't justify his actions, but I promise, he's changed. Like I said, he's the God of Magic now! Not the God of Destruction! And plus- that wasn't even him in most dimensions. Only one!!
I wave to my friends. "Hey guys!" I walk over to them. "Hey, Gow!" Diya chirps. Chaos scoffs, "Took ya long enough..." I roll my eyes playfully and nudge him. "What're you waiting for, slowpokes? C'mon!" I run inside and my friends chase after me.
I keep running until skidding to a stop, putting my arms out to my sides to stop my oncoming friends. We had almost run into our boss. A strawberry blonde fox with white glasses, and blue eyes behind them. She had a golden halo, a tan muzzle, a tight, yellow dress, pink heels with fluffy rims, and white gloves with gold bracelets. What's with the halo? Well, if I remember correctly, which I do, it's a special gift you get when working really hard, being loyal to the king for a long time, and most importantly, never questioning him. One day, I hope to have one of those. People knowing my name almost everywhere, people calling me a hard worker- it's a dream come true. "Diane!" I chuckle nervously. "Sorry..." "Gow, what have I said about calling me by my name during business hours?" "S-Sorry, miss- er- boss." Diane sighs. "Nevermind..."
I put my arms down. "So, are we needed?" Diya asks. "Translation; Is there anything to do other than sit and wait?" Chaos spoke sarcastically. Diane rolls her eyes. "Chaos, you'll be getting double the missions today than you should be." Chaos groans. He was kinda lazy in my opinion. But if he's really that upset about it, I can definitely take those missions off his hands... I don't mind.
"Um, miss? Do we have any assignments at the moment?" Diya asks politely. "No, none have come in yet." Huh, that's strange... "This'll give Gow some time to spend with her mortal friends." Diane sneered. "Ok- judgy today- But they're good people." Diya and Chaos snicker at me. Ugh, these people can really get on my nerves sometimes...
Diane chuckles. "Ok, ok... cya later, 'Team Fourth Dimension'." She starts to walk off. "...Why did we choose that name again?" Chaos wondered aloud. "Because Gow picked it. And she's good at picking names." Diya defended me while I smiled proudly. "I am." Chaos deadpanned, "'Gow' is a good name?" I pouted. The truth is... I didn't actually come up with that name. It was actually-
"HEY!!! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE SHOOTING THAT THING!!!" We heard a familiar voice shout. We calmly walked towards it to find the training room. Lyra, a black wolf with a black crop top, white gloves, and dark blue shorts. She had long black curly hair and light purple boots, featuring bright blue eyes and freckles. She was holding a gun that was... pretty big. She shot over to the side where we saw Ashtyn, a light blue arctic wolf with a swoop of hair on top, having white fur on his chest and on the end of his tail. He wore white sneakers and had white gloves and a silver choker, accompanied by ocean blue eyes. He was almost shot by the wolf.
Lyra looked very surprised. "...Sorry not sorry?" She said that as more of a question than a statement. Chaos went over to Lyra and said nothing, only fixing her form. "Here. So you don't miss him next time." He positions her to shoot towards Ashtyn whose eyes widened. "I'd be less worried if you let go of her, water boy. She'll probably shoot Gow or something- and she's on the other side of the room!!" I wasn't really on the whole other side of the room, just on the other side of Lyra.
Diya looked at me, "Wanna go check on the Existenceverse while they're being dumb?" I giggled, "Yeah, I'd like that." What's the Existenceverse? So, to explain, there's this um... dimension. The only one where anyone knows I'm a goddess. Well- besides this squirrel kid from a destroyed dimension called 'Z-12'. He lives in another dimension now, but that's not the point. And I didn't mean to tell them! It slipped out! Every time I travel to either dimension, I have to keep it a secret from the public, otherwise I could be in big trouble. The dimension I'm going to is called the 'Existenceverse.' Well, at least that's what they call it. It was meant to be funny, I guess. And the dimension where the squirrel resides? First of all, his name is Savage. Second of all, he calls the dimension he now lives in the 'Treehouse Dimension'. Don't ask, I don't know either.
I'm close with the Existence version of Sonic, best friends even! I like their group, but sometimes, they say the strangest things. And I already suck at English, so if I misunderstand what they mean, that's the end of the world right there. I'll say something totally random and sound stupid.
Diya opened a portal and walked through, myself following behind her as the portal closed. The last thing I heard was everyone's shouting and the gun that Lyra held firing rapidly. Guess it's out of control. Oh well, they can deal with that, right? ...Right. Yeah- they'll be fine. I'm gonna enjoy myself for now. Then back to work it is when my watch beeps! How great is that?
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