A/N Taking place just after Alanza attacked Namya. Tony had put a collar on her and had just left the room, leaving Bruce with Alanza.
Alanza didn't have the sheer energy to shrink back from Bruce's touch. She wasn't scared of him, more so scared and upset with herself. She kept her eyes closed to stop them from watering. "I'm sorry.." She uttered In a whisper, voice raspy from misuse. The metal around her neck cold against her skin, a welcomed sensation but the collar confirmed her thoughts of doing wrong. Bruce rest his hand on her arm, curious of what exactly she was apologizing for. "For what?" He asked softly, taking In her flattened ears and overall defeated stance. "I hurt someone.. I know I did, why else would I have.. this?" Alanza questioned quietly, scared of her voice cracking and relaying her emotions to him. Bruce hesitated, debating on wether to tell the truth or lay It off for another time. He thought back to what Tony told him. Safety precaution. "Its just a.. safety precaution." He assured her, trying his best to not let his words sound unbelievable. Alanza's bright, yellow amber eyes snapped open, staring him In his cool, brown ones. "Don't lie to me." She said strictly but quietly, a growl beneath her voice. Immediately, she regret the harsh tone she had given. Bruce grew the slightest bit defensive at her accusations of him lying. It wasn't exactly a lie, but neither the full truth. "I'm not lying." He said steadily, spotting the clear regret In her eyes. "..I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that, you did nothing wrong.." Alanza slowly and apologetically muttered, eyes casted downwards. Bruce rubbed his thumb In circles on her shoulder. "It's okay." He nodded slightly, a quiet sigh slipping past him. Alanza peered up at him before looking back down. Relishing In his touch as It sent chills down her spine. "Please, promise to keep Namya away from me, Bruce." The she wolf pleaded, concern twisting In her gut like a tornado. If she had hurt her own daughter, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. Raising her head, she locked eyes with him once again. "Promise me." Bruce forced everything down, nodding In agreement. "I promise." He promised her, worried for when she found out what she had done previously. Alanza fought back tears, hurting someone she lived alongside was tearing her apart, especially not knowing who. Even If It was Steve and he deserved It for what he's tried before, she didn't want to hurt anyone. Bruce Inwardly sighed, standing up and sitting on the edge of the bed. His hand dropping from her shoulder and down to her elbow. Alanza gave him a weak smile. With nearing the middle of her heat her energy was fading quicker and quicker and so was her strength. She rest a hand on his arm, gently tugging on It. Bruce returned the smile, easily lifting her Into his lap. Her head leaning against his chest and his fingers gently surfing through her white locks. Bruce laid down on his back, the wolf hybrid cuddled up to him on his chest. "I don't deserve you." Alanza whispered, eyes half closed. "I believe Its the other way around." Bruce chuckled quietly, arm wrapped around her back. "Now go to sleep." He ordered gently. Alanza released a near silent yawn, curling up against him and closing her eyes. It took her no time In falling asleep.
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