Chapter 02: Son Of The Fallen Archangel Of Serious
Y/n was now sitting on recovery room bed, but with not injured or bruised, he was all healed up and it wasn't because of Recovery Girl, Ruby, Charlotte, Cecillia there also in the room as well.
Recovery Girl: "There's not much injuries that you've had before. This is the first time I looking at your x-ray no bone structure and muscles also build up, your heart and brain are also increase to 500%"
Cecillia: "Darling, please tell me what happen to your eyes it change to fully red."
Charlotte: "Oui, i also heard you praying too, did you pray in Latinh language?"
Y/n: "(Sighs) Yes, all i can say that when they insulting me which i am fine about it, but one of them dare to insult my mother that where i have enough so i started to pray and i start to shot all of them."
Then they hear the intercom.
"Could student Y/n FL/n please head to the headmaster office imediately"
Y/n: "So after they finaly dicided to talk to me (chuckles a bit) i also have something to show you girl."
Ruby: "What is it Y/n?"
Y/n didn't said anything slowly move his right hand right up to his face and slowly ripped his fake masks, and all three girl just blushes very red because they saw how handsome Y/n are.
Y/n: "This is my true face, i only show this face to the person i trust the most and you three is the girl i trust very most."
Y/n smile at Ruby, Charlotte, Cecillia and walk up to all three girl and give them a hug and the girls went even more red.
Y/n: "I'll miss you three."
All four then break the hug, then Y/n turns towards Recovery Girls and bow down on two knee to show her his respect.
Y/n: "Thank you Ma'dam Shuzenji for all the good thing that you have done for always helping me and healing me for the last 2 year."
Recovery Girl: "It was my pleasure young man now you better get going now."
Y/n bow down one last time and leave the infirmary, but before he head to Headmaster Office, he goes to his room.
Once he arrive he opens the door and goes to the closet that was beisde his file mission table and he opens the closet door and see his old army uniform that he hadn't wear it on for 2 years.
Y/n: "It's time to show them who I am" Y/n slowly wear them do the very complicated and how hard to wear piece to piece and it take him about 40 minute and Y/n look down and grabs an old phone radio.
He the pick up the phone to make a call and waiting.
Y/n. "(On the phone) Yes, mission completed you can come pick me up and bring Oka-sama come with you too... Love you too, imōto"
Y/n put down his phone and leave his room and head towards the Headmaster office once he arrive at the elevator the door open and it was empty. Y/n just sighs and walks in the elevator and press number 31 and the elevator doors close it's started to go up to the top and the doors open and he saw four headmaster of Union Academy and one from Atlas military but still missing one headmaster.
*Headmaster Hanzō Of Shinobi Team*
*Headmaster Sirzechs Lucifer Of ORC And ASC*
*Headmaster Nezu Of Class 1-A & 1-B*
*Headmaster Ozpin Of Huntsman And Huntress*
*General James Ironwood The Headmaster of Atlas Academy*
Ozpin: "Mister FL/N, i thought i said come imediately."
Y/n: "Ohhhhh... I sorry it's just the first time i being called up here even i wanted asking to talk to all of you for many time."
Nezu: "Well enough of that please take have a sit."
Y/n: "No need... I can stand right here... So what do all of you want from me... is this about yesterday's match?"
Sirzechs: "Indeed it's FL/N we have some question about what happen yesterday and we wish you can explain to us about your eyes."
Y/n: "What eyes I may ask, sir?"
All four headmaster and the general was surprised by the way Y/n answer.
Hanzō: "Do you know about this one."
He then turn on the TV and showing Y/n eyes turing to half back and half red and the way of him fighting how he easily took down the students, the teacher and All Might.
Y/n: "I don't need to answers that question to any of you, and all of you should have look even more about some one when that who join your school."
Ironwood then slam his fist on the desk.
Ironwood: "ENOUGH! of this nonsense! You gonna tell us about your eyes now! Are we will-."
"You Will What... General Ironwood..."
The headmaster and the general looks at the elevator doors opened up in front of them. Three silhouettes of a person releasing very powerful aura. A tall beautifull woman severe-looking with long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and two young beautiful girl standing beside her. A girl with short dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and slightly above average stature, but her hair is a darker color and two locks stick out on each side of her head and last girl's medium-sized girl with short, light brown hair and light brown eyes. All three of them also wearing a same uniform a dark red shirt and matching skirt, as along with a black jacket and side cap with a matching red trim.
(Their face very serious and glared at union headmaster. *Replace Shiho standing between Maho and Miho)
*Nishizumi Shiho, Nishizumi Maho, And Nishizumi Miho*
And behind them there are 30 ornate crimson armor, robes,and a plastoid helmet. The layered crimson armor was very high-tech onion-skin of laminate. Each of 30 red crimson armor were sets of pairs that wielded the same weapon. The First ten wielded electro-bisentos. The next ten utilized Bilari electro-chain whips and the last ten made use of dual vibro-arbir blades.
*The Gardes du Corps*
Shiho: "You Will What Now... General Ironwood... Experiment My Son Eyes?"
Shiho: "Like i said before. I will take my son back to *United Sensha-Dō Girl Academy* and i have enough with this school."
Maho: "This academy only bring out the worst of the worst heros. And here I though all of you the hero will save the people of Union City, but no... All of you only want fame, money, and woman, just a bunch of faker heroes."
Sirzechs: "Watch your mouth human. You are talking to the devil ki-"
He couldn't able finish his words as one of the five headmaster has return and walk up right toward Sirzechs and punch him in the face.
The rest of the headmaster and Ironwood gasped on seeing the fifth headmaster punch Sirzechs in the face.
Sirzechs: "Azazel!"
The headmaster and general Iroonwood frightened. Because was the first they saw Azazel with a scared face and voice.
He said as his voice quaking in fear.
Nezu: "Headmaster Azazel, what are you talking about?"
Azazel: "They Are The Nishizumi Family. And the person talking to all of you's Nishizumi Shiho *The Headmaster Of United Sensha-Dō Girl Academy* And *The Fallen Archangel Of Serious*!!!"
All four headmaster except the general felt like the thunder had struck them. And their minds went black.
Nezu: "N-Nishizumi S-Shiho *The Fallen Archangel Of Serious*. The Fallen Archangel who end all war."
Ironwood: "Hanzō, who are they?"
Hanzō: "Nishizumi Shiho a woman whose name is enough to strick fear in the minds of every faction and even the God."
Azazel, Hanzō, Nezu, and Ozpin kneels on the ground, seemingly in a show of rescpect, but still shaking in fear do the aura of the Nishizumi family releasing.
Headmaster Ozpin then noticed something wrong about Headmaster Of *United Sensha-Dō Girl Academy* saying Y/n's her son.
Ozpin: "Headmaster Nishizumi. Did you just said mister Y/n's your son?"
Shiho: "Yes. He's my son... Nishizumi Y/n. My elders son and the two standing beside me is Nishizumi Maho my second daughter and my third youngest daughter Nishizumi Miho."
The headmaster of Union Academy now know how deep shit they getting into and most importantly is that Y/n last name is Nishizumi not FL/N.
Ozpin: "On behalf of Union Academy as the headmaster of Union Academy. We very very sorry for not helping student Y/n."
Ozpin said and bow his head down right into the ground. Everyone except Ironwood who's also bowing down same like Ozpin.
Shiho just staring at the headmaster and turning her attention glares at Sirzechs who's also on both knees and head bowing down.
And for Ironwood for the first time of his life, he never thought all five headmaster of Union Academy bow their head down showing the respect toward *The NIshizumi Family* But mostly toward Y/n hoping that he can forgive them for what they have done for the last two years.
Y/n just stare at the headmaster with facepalm.
Y/n: "You with your busy work... I have being bullied in this academy straight for two years, none of you or the teacher have done anything to help me... What make you think i forgive all of you?!?!"
Nezu: "Mister Nishizumi please calm down. We don't need unnecessary violence here."
Y/n: "No... I'm leaving this school and all of you can't stop me. Also if you think i going to tell all of you about my right eyes, better give up about it. I wounldn't tell to the fake heroes."
Miho place her hand on her big brother shoulder to calm down Y/n and he looks over his shoulder and see Miho with an worry face. He then just take a deep breath in and breath out to calm himself down.
Maho: "Oni-sama. Let go i think we over stay our welcome."
Maho said and holding her big brother right hand.
Shiho: "Maho's right. Let go"
Shiho with her one last glares at the headmaster of union academy and the headmaster of Atlas. Making them shaking in fear do the aura and the energy she releasing.
*The Gardes du Corps* then made way for the NIshizumi family and they started walking towards the elevator. While some of the Gardes du go to the other elevator.
Before Y/n presses the button, he quickly pull out his Iron Cross Dagger and throw at Sirzechs which hit him in the shoulder.
Sirzechs: "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Y/n: "This Is My Warning If You Dare Sending Anyone Near *United Sensha-Dō Girl Academy* Especially Your Sister Rias Gremory And Her Peerage. I Will Personally Send Them Back To You With Same Wound That They Give Me. *Belive. In. That. Devil*"
Y/n press the button and the elevator takeing his family down his floor to get his personal item.
Nezu: "What have we done."
Ozpin: "I don't know but all i can hope is that mister Nishizumi still on our side because his mother having the largest armies in Union City."
Ozpin then looked at Ironwood and saw the face he don't like.
Ozpin: "James. I know that looks of your, and don't even think about stealingThe United Sensha-Dō Girl Academy Technology. It's bad enough not to declare war between United Sensha-Dō Military and Union Academy"
Ironwood: "Ozpin!! We need their technology if we want to win war against Salem!!"
Azazel: "Will you stop about it!!??!! I don't want to deal with your shit Ironwood!!"
Hanzō: "The Nishizumi Family is a traditional family in sensha-dō academy, their fighting styles lies around the sensha-dō style of Nishizumi Shiho, the current mistress of the Nishizumi Family, and the sensha-dō practitioners from Kuromorimine Team. The first important point is they firing at the target without missing. The second point is let the heavy armor do the defensive work. The last point is advance forwards in perfect file."
Nezu: "The Nishizumi family was a traditional family in Archery and sword fight like the samurai back in old war history. When both archery and sword fight became obsolete, it was replaced by modern warfare equipment, such as tanks, warship, jet fighter, and modern army, the Nishizumis switched to it and specialized, becoming legends of any battlefield warfare and very recognized all over Union City."
Azazel: "Now... we'll discuss in our current states (Glaring at Sirzechs) So Sirzechs what are you going to do now."
Sirzechs: "I'll will contact Rias and told her to bring her peerage go to United Sensha-Dō Girl Academy and tell her to apologize for whaat she have done."
Azazel: "You better be. If not i will pull out my fallen angel out off union academy and ask *The head Of The Nishizumi Family* Letting the fallen angel to join her academy."
Everyone in the office shout out and wide eyed because if Sirzechs not call his sister to go to United Sensha-Dō Girl Academy to apologize Y/n. He will quit as a headmaster of union academy and join The Fallen Archangel Of Serious her academy.
===[Back With Y/n]===
Y/n was walking towards his room with his family, while every stutends of union staring at them and some even whispering how beautiful Shiho, Maho, and Miho are.
Once he at his room. He then open it and go to his wardrobe and stared packing his things. Once he done packing, he walks out the room and with his family and the Red Guard waiting for him and all of them then head toward the landing zone and waiting for the ride to pick them,
Until he hear some one call him.
...?: "Y/n!"
Y/n turn around and saw Pryyha, and Velvet running towards him, when the Gardes du saw two girl running toward Y/n and ready to draw their weapon out but Maho hold up her hand up ordering stand down.
Y/n: "Pyrrha, Velvet what are you guys doing here?"
Velvet: "Is it true that you leaving Union Academy?"
Y/n: "Who told you two? I leaving union Academy."
Pyrrha | Velvet: "Ruby."
Y/n: "(Sighs) Of course she did (Chuckles a bit) I'll miss you two."
Y/n pull both girl into a hug and two girl went red but not to red.
Pyrrha | Velvet: "We'll miss you too."
Y/n then let go both girl and go to his family, before he can go far. Velvet grab Y/n shoulder turn him around and Y/n look down at her and she did an unthinkable.
Y/n with his family wide eyes expect Shiho what they just saw. Once Velvet finish kissing Y/n on his lip, her face went so red. She then run back to her room, and for Pyrrha she just saw what just happen and her nose started to bleed in few second she hold her nose to stop the bleeding and she ran to catch up with Velvet.
And for Y/n he just stare at the runway bunny and smile.
He then turn around and saw how jealous is Maho and Miho.
Y/n just shake his head and walk up of his little sister and kiss both on the forehead and two girl smile and hug their big brother arm and place his arm in between their breast.
Unknown to the Nishizumi family a central red haired girl had a smirk on her face.
Rias (Thought): "You'll join my peerage soon..... Nishizumi Y/n~"
===[On LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin]===
Y/n was sitting on a chair with his family near the zeppelin window and Y/n looking outside and see the airship slowly fly up from Union Academy landing zone and he saw Ruby, Charlotte, Cecillia, Pyrrha, Velvet, Asia, and Koneko running outside waving their hand to say good bye.
Y/n smile and wave back at them and the airship slowly fly always until no one can see it.
Y/n (Thought): "Now, let see what will the Union do next time."
*Chapter 03:Omega Squad & Delta Squad VS Occult Research Clubs*
Boss: "Delta Squad. On Me!"
Boss: "Delta Squad, Forming Up"
Fixer: "String 'Em Along And We'll Mop 'Em Up!"
Sev: "Area Pacification Complete"
Scorch: "WOOHOO! Eat Blaster, You Stupid RED HEAD BITCH! YEAH! Have some of That!"
Niner: "Omega Squad, Take Offensive Formation!"
Darman: "This Shot For Our General, Gremory"
Atin: "Hold Up Squad, Sir... I'm Getting A Strong Reading On Something Big Up Headed On This Way"
Corr: "Hey Niner, That One Looks Like Your Mother!"
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