Olga James
Well here we go with, another part for this story. Each person is different from the last one, but in some ways they are alike but even they have there differences when it comes to where the are from and how they were raised. But to be real they are unique in there own way. So our next person to get accepted to Unique High is Olga James.
Olga James is nothing like the rest of the people attending this school. She is always in a good mood and is overly energetic from time to time. It somehow gets on people nerves, that is already in a bad mood, but that does not stop her for being in a good mood. Olga James was born September 13,2000 in Montgomery, Alabama.
Olga is a very athletic type and she likes to stay in shape and stay in shape. She will work out everyday at the crack of dawn and start working on her fitness. She eats right and work out right. When she does that, she feels complete and refreshed. Olga has a lot of free time, since she has no time for friends, she is determined to get into the Olympics, for any sports there and believe me if I tell you, any sport she does, she gives it her all and becomes the M.V.P. every single time she does it.
So what Olga family is like is, she has just one sibling and it is her older sister who is 25, her name is Olivia and she is a single mom, since her boyfriend left her for some tramp. Olivia has a 3 year old son who name is Oxford. Olivia parents let her move in with them, so they can help her with Oxford, Olivia works at a dentist office, as a assistant. Well that is all about Olga sister. Her father who his name is Oscar, he works as a personal trainer. Her mom Olive, is a yoga teacher and she likes what she does. It brings her joy when she does it. Well that is enough about Olga family, les get into the real and good stuff on Olga James.
Olga was on one of her many runs of the day. She was doing a 5mile run, and then is going to take a hike through the woods. She does that everyday and she has a whole a lot of muscle and very strong as well. So she leaves the house around 4am and gets back around 8am when her family are getting up. While she was on her, she saw people in front of her running super slow, so she did the only thing she could do and that was run behind them and push them to the lake and kept running.
"Hey. what was that for you dumb kid." said one of the runners
"Well learn to run faster or I wouldn't have to do that slow poke," Olga said.
She kept running until she reached the hiking trail. Soon she slow down and started to walk and enjoy the view and take in the fresh air. Olga is a free spirit and nothing can bring her down. Even at her worst, she always has a positive spin on life and everyone around her. She just kept walking the trail and stumble across a couple who were walking to slow. So this was getting on her nerves so, she pushed the couple into the bushes and speed walked away from them, so they couldn't catch up to her and yell at her for pushing them.
Olga was just a couple minutes away from her house and her shirt was soaked with sweat. She took it off and she was just left in her sports bra and she was showing off her tone muscle and a six-pack she had. Boys her age will be so jealous of her and her body. On the way to her house, teenage girls her age came out there house, because they knew she gets home from her run and walk at this time. When she was going up the street the girls started to shout and holler at her when she passed them. These girls knew that Olga was a huge lesbian and each one wanted to date her, but they should know that she is a heartbreaker and can't stay in a relationship for more than a few months.
She grab her water bottle and poured it all over her sweaty body and let it run down her chest. All the girls started to swooned at her. Olga winked at them and they all gather around her.
"Olga you are so hot," said one girl
"I want to date you," said another one
"Can I feel your muscle and abs," another girl said.
They all asked her that and was waiting for her answers.
"Sure girls go ahead and touch them if you want to," said Olga
The all screamed and started to feel all over her body.
Olga loves the attention they give her.
"Alright ladies I have to go, but I hope you will miss me," said Olga. Olga kissed each one of there cheeks and when they did that, they almost fainted. Before Olga left she threw her sweaty shirt at them, and they all were fighting over it. Trying to get it for themselves. Olga walked into the house and made her way upstairs to her room and go get ready for a shower. She made it into the shower and started to sing "We are the champion" song and it gets old sometimes and everyone is sick of her singing that song and they want to rip her vocal chord out, so she can stop singing.
Soon she got out and put her hair in a ponytail and dried herself off and put on her clothes. She just decided to wear her black sweatpants and a band t-shirt as well and put on her fuzzy socks and her panda bear slippers. She made her way downstairs and went to sit at the table for breakfast because the rest of her family is already there eating.
"Good morning everyone," said Olga
"God morning sweetheart" her parents said.
"Good morning auntie Olga," said her nephew Oxford
"Good morning pipsqueak," said Olga
"Good morning heartbreaker," her sister Olivia said
"Really sis, we have I ever done that," Olga asked
"Well just now with all the girls outside, you were flirted with outside and gave your shirt to, "said Olivia
"Well sis the ladies love me, they can't get enough of me, look at me I am the best thing they will ever get," said Olga
"You are so conceited aren't you baby sis," said her sister
"Of course I am, that is what the ladies love," said Olga
"Okay, you to stop arguing and here Olga, you got a letter. " said her father
"What is it for dad and mom." said Olga
"You tell us Olga," said her mother
"Okay, here goes nothing ," Olga said. She opened the letter and started to read it out loud to everyone.
"Dear Ms. James,
"We are giving you a full scholarship to attend our school "Unique High," here you will learn how to achieve over everyone and get to interact with people you will normally don't' hang around with. Also your education will be towards a great cause on your future and your graduation. You will be with other group of students that have this same scholarship as your and they will be on your team so you can past the school years. If you want more information about us go to the plan fit, that is inside the envelope, and if you want to come here just sign the form that is inside the plan fit and send it back to us."
Sincerely the Headmaster.
"So what are you thinking about Olga," said her mom
"Well I think I want to go, because it is a fresh start and see what I really want to do in life and plus there must be girls there, so where there is girls I am going towards them no matter what it is for. So mom and dad can I go."
"Well if you want to go, you can go, but don't make us regret it okay." said her father
"Thank you, thank you guys so much I will be on my best behavior, and also while I'm away stay out of my room Olivia." said Olga.
When Olga said that her sister got pissed, but then she was happy for her sister trying to get her life on track. Olivia is going to help her pack and get ready for the day she leaves for the school.
What will Olga get herself into when she goes to this new school and will her charm help her through her time at this school. You will soon find out later on in this story, so watch out for her.
Well guys we are at the end of this part, but don't worry there is more to come in the next few parts of this story and so many different personality all have to work together. They all come from different backgrounds, and how they were raised effect what they do together for the team. Well of course it is going to cause some trouble because there will be different personality working together and as well there opinions and beliefs will get them in so much trouble. But that is going to be the fun part of when they are working together. So in the next part we have Harley Smith and she is going to have you laughing and you are going to fear her so much. Well that is it until tomorrow so stay tuned and what do you want to happen with these individuals give me feedback and I will use it if you guys want. Well bye peeps.
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