Harley Smith
Well guys we are back with another part and I am happy about this part because Harley is the best person I have to say, but if you don't agree with me that s fine, because she is my favorite person so far and I hope you like her. Also I hope you like this part as well because I had a blast on writing this part. Comment if you love her as well. So well lets get this part started and trust me you are going to like this part and you will be on the edge of your seat on what this character does and says. So stay tune and learn more about this girl.
Well where do I have to begin of Harley Smith. Harley was born in Los Angeles, California, July 4, 2000. Well she is a total bad girl. She gets in so much trouble from school, her parents and people around her. She breaks so much and she went to Juvie twice for stealing and assaulting a police officer. If you had saw what she did and told him, you will be so surprise at it. She is a rebel and she likes being it. Her family don't accept her for being a lesbian and they have try o get her into counseling for it. Harley was not a fan of what they did, so she lit there cars on fire and trashed there house altogether. If you piss her off, that will be the end of you and your existing's.
So many people fear her and are afraid of her that they don't go near or mess with her. But the idiots who do mess with her, they have been sent to the hospital because they are badly inured and are in casts for a couple of months to years sometimes. So they should had learn there lesson when they messed with her. But sometimes she makes people laugh because of the humor she has. But to hear be humorous is very rare, it always comes out every few moments in her life. So if you do hear it, be grateful for it and record it you guys.
So lets get down to her family. Her mom is Helga and she is a 2nd grade teacher and I'm surprise she likes what she does. Her dad is Hector and he works as a plumber, and he loves his job and he makes great money if I do say so myself. Then we have Hannah her older sister, and she is 28 and she is a Doctor and she lives close by to her family because she is daddy little girl and Harley hates that she gets more attention then she does. Then we have Howard her older brother and he is 25 and he works as a nurse, he is a momma boy and when he is in town he gets Harley any time he can. Harley hates when they come to visit because they get all the attention, get her in trouble and everyone ignores her and as well yell at her all the time. This is why she acts out and rebels all the time, all she wants to have is someone love her and be there for her when she is sad. She always want a relationship, but they never last because she sometimes just sleep with them, or she steals other people girlfriends. Harley will never love, if she can't love herself though, she needs to get her stuff life on track and think about her future.
On her being a lesbian, her family did not like that, because they are super religious and don't like that kind of stuff. They are super homophobic, they don't think 2 girls or 2 boys should date and get married. They find it disgusting and God doesn't want that to happen. They think they all should burn in hell. Harley doesn't care what they say, because she stays true to herself and doesn't care on what people say about her, she can easily beat them up. So she only listen to herself and no one else who doesn't agree with what she says all the time. Harley wears a lot of black and red with leather, she has a couple of tattoos that her parents don't know about and she plans to keep it that way, because they are so personal and have meaning to her and the kind of person she is and what she has gone through her life she has been living and breathing.
Well lets get to the part you were waiting for.
Harley was in school, well it was during lunch time were things were going up and down for Harley. She was sitting at her table in the corner of the cafeteria, where she was eating alone, because she has no friends and loves her piece and quiet. As the people walked passed her she will wink at the girls and they will blushed and blow kisses at her to get her attention. You can guess she have slept with mostly every girl at her school. But one person she slept with was off limits and she didn't listen and is going to suffer the consequences she has made. Doug was the Captain of the football team and was dating the head cheerleader Violet. Well you can picture that she was not available, but that didn't stop her for sleeping with the school bad girl Harley. When her boyfriend found out about what happen he was pissed and was going to go beat up Harley, for what she has done. So I guess you want to know what happen well here it goes.
"Yo, Harley why did you sleep with my girlfriend." Said Doug
"Well that is none of your business dimwit," Harley said.
Doug was not having it and he grabbed Harley and slammed her against the wall and hold his grip on her. "Harley I'm not going to tell you again, did you sleep with my girlfriend,"
"So what if I did, she had a great time with me, and we did it all night. She it was the best feeling she has had ever. She wasn't even think of you through the whole time, you tic tac dick." Harley smirked and got out of his hold and was about to leave the cafeteria until this happened.
"Harley," said Doug
"What dummy," Harley.
When she turn around his fist contacted with her jaw. She hold her face and felt blood start to drip out of her mouth. She adjusted herself, spit out her blood on the floor and came towards Doug.
"So Doug you want to hit me big mistake. So I hope you said goodbye to your family, because you are not making out of here alive." Harley told him.
Harley rolled up her sleeve and came towards him and clutched her fist and punched him in the mouth. She switch to the right and left of his face. Then she grabbed his arm when he try to come at her and hit her. She twisted it and broke it. He was screaming like a baby and it was funny. He soon fell to the floor in pain. She kicked his ribs, stomach and face. By the look of it he was covered in his own blood and he was badly bruised. The kids that were in there were shock and were recording it and not doing nothing to stop it. But soon the teachers and principals came to pull Harley off of Doug, which was limping and holding his ribs, which were now broken.
"What the hell happen and what did you do Harley," Said Principal Cox
"Well principal Cox she just came at me for no reason and started to hit me," said Doug
"Harley is this true," Said Principal Cox.
"Hell no it is not true, Doug came at me because I slept with his girlfriend and he hit my jaw, so I kicked his butt and taught him not to mess with me, so yeah I did hit him for a good reason, you don't mess with me." Harley said.
"Well Harley you are expelled and go home, I don't want to see you on school grounds no more, so collect all your stuff and get the hell out of my school. "Said Principal cox
"Ha-ha Harley you are done for, she had watch your temper." said Doug.
Harley saw Violet and grabbed her by the waist started to make out with her in front of Doug. She pulled away and Violet was star struck and was red as a tomato. Doug came towards her and punched her again. Harley stumbled back, but caught her balance. She karate kick Doug in the mouth and he fell to the ground with a thud. Harley then grabbed a lunch tray and started to hit Doug, that was on the floor unconscious now. Soon she stopped and came towards Principal Cox and hit him in the jaws and then kicked him in the balls an soon he was on the floor holding his balls.
"So screw you all and I hope you get what you had coming towards you Principal Cox and Doug. So all of you are going to die in hell and I hope to see you guys there so bye losers. Then she flipped both of her middle fingers towards everyone and soon left the school forever.
When she got home she saw her parents and siblings cars packed outside and she knew she was in deep trouble. She walked in the house and set her stuff down and came into the living room to see all of her family waiting for her.
"So how was school Harley," said her father
Harley didn't answer and just sat down on the couch with her feet up on the coffee table.
"Well we got a call from your principal that you got expelled for fighting with someone. Is this true." said her mother.
"Yep it is true, he had it coming, because her hit me because I slept with his girlfriend the nerve of him." said Harley.
The parents and siblings are not surprise with that. Before she got home there got news of a letter for people like her and she was going there because she has no choice.
They gave her the letter and told her to read it. Well she pulled it out of the envelope and started to read it to herself.
"Dear Ms. Smith,
"We are giving you a full scholarship to attend our school "Unique High," here you will learn how to achieve over everyone and get to interact with people you will normally don't hang around with. Also your education will be towards a great cause on your future and your graduation. You will be with other groups of students that have this same scholarship as your. They will be on your team so you can past the school years. If you want more information about us go to the plan fit, that is inside the envelope, and if you want to come here just sign the form that is inside the plan fit and send it back to us."
Sincerely the Headmaster.
"What is this and I am not going too this school I'm staying here." said Harley.
"No you are not you have gotten in so much trouble here, you need to go somewhere else because it is either this school or jail you lousy excuse I call a daughter." her father said.
When her dad told her that, she felt hurt and betrayed. But she didn't let it get to her, she let be behind her and said some stuff she did not regret saying.
"Hmm I go somewhere because I have been bad, well how about the time your loving daughter Hannah did she got a ticket for drunk driving, she cheated off her exam, got a speeding ticket, got caught with underage drinking. Or how about your good boy son got arrested for drugs, got a girl pregnant and left her to take care of there kid by herself. Also got caught with illegal weapons. Or even you mom for being a stripper and begging for money you stupid whore, or maybe flashing the cops to get out of a ticket. Even you dad, for cheating on mom multiple times with woman you fix there plumbing for, that you are involve in the mafia, or even when you killed somebody because they wronged you. So I have not done anything like that. But I get punished and you guys get off free and no worries, so I see how you feel about me." Said Harley.
They all looked at her with a shocked expression on there face.
"What the hell Harley would you say all that bout me I did nothing to you." Said her sister Hannah.
"You have done so much to me and you deserve what you had coming towards you." Harley.
"Really Harley that is a low blow for you." Her brother Howard said
"Well you can't talk baby daddy , and how is her ex-girlfriend and your kid you dickhead." Harley said.
"Harley that is enough" her mom said.
"I don't need to listen to you slutty slut." Harley said
"Harley you said enough go to your room and start packing because you are going to this school if you like it or not and I don't want to see you for the rest of the time you are staying here until you leave and that is final" her father said.
Harley didn't say anything else and went to her room and locked the door behind her and threw all of her stuff across the room and knocked all her stuff on the floor and smashed everything. She then punched her mirror and cracked it. She then moved to lay on her bed and think about the time she has left in this stupid house.
Well this is a hug part and thank you for it, I just had so much for this character. So that is it for this part and see you in the next part, they might com out tomorrow or the next day, it is depending on my schedule I have, since I am in school. So keep your fingers cross and wait until the next part. The next character we learn about is Brittany Lotus and she is way different then Harley. So that is it for now, so bye and see you soon peeps.
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