Brittany Lotus
Well everyone guess who's back, back again, shady back tell a friend. Well I am back for another part. This one is going to be an uplifting one, filled with positive energy and no negative activity is going to happen in this part, because you deserve good part filled with no negative activity. This girl brings sunshine on where she goes anywhere. People just love the way she makes everyone day from sad to happy. You all need a friend like her, she want judge you, she will be that one friend that actually listens to your problem and want to help get through it.
So guys lets get into this story of Brittany Lotus. Brittany was born in Miami, Florida on March 17,2000. She is a very outgoing girl and she loves everyone and is nice to everyone she comes in contact with. Her family is loving and they accept and lover her with all of there heart. Brittany is the oldest child. She has a bother who is in the 7th grade his name Baxter and he is just like his older sister. She has a younger sister who name is Bethany and she is in 5th grade. She is such a delight to be around with. Then she has a younger brother and his name is Bennjiam Jr and he is in the 1st grade and he has so much energy. Her mom name is Betty and she is a personal driver for the rich people and they pay her very well and she appreciates it so much for her bosses. Her father Benjamin Senior, and is a architect and makes the most cool houses out of anyone in the business. Also her grandma lives with them as well. The house is filled with a whole a lot of noise and laughter, since they all get along great and respect each other. They do everything as a family. There the family that you always wanted to be apart of. So that is a little of her family.
Brittany is liked by everyone. People who come in contact with always have nice thing to say about her and her presence. She has a lot of friends and people respect her. She is very popular and runs the school she goes to. She was voted most likely to win everyone hearts and be a spokesperson. Every loves to be around her, but no can be her, because she is one in a million and is very hard to find.
Brittany loves the outdoors and nature. When she is not with her family she is outside playing with her siblings or even by herself she is always outside. you will find her at the beach, sometimes the playground, and even the local park or garden system. Britta volunteers all the time and loves getting back to her community. She wants donated over 3 thousand dollars to save the wildlife charity. She is such a generous person you can ever meet. She care more about the planet than anything else. She love animals and always seen at the animal shelter helping out and playing with them as well, she wish she can take all of them home, but she can't because her parents said no because she already had enough animals in the house already. Brittany has a goat, chicken, Cobra, lizard, gecko, cat, dog, a parrot, a hamster, iguana, pig, fish, ferret. So she has a lot of animals and she is not aloud to get anymore until she moves out the house and gets a job and a animal caregiver to take care of them. So she is going to have to wait until she is older for more pets.
Her hobbies include swimming, snorkeling, fishing, hiking, camping, and many more because the list goes on for ever and she can talk all day about it to. She will have her friends do outdoor activities with her, but they most of the time decline because they are to busy or don't want to do it with her, because they hate the outdoors and doesn't like to get there hands dirty in any case, they are such girly girls. So she mostly go by herself or sometimes with her parents and most of the with her neighbors since her family is always working or taking care her of her siblings.
Brittany is a lesbian and she is proud of herself and no one can tell it is wrong. God made her like this and she is happy for it. Her parents are so school about her being a lesbian. When she came out to them she put rainbow decoration all around the house and make rainbow color treats. Then she also had a shirt that said I am a lesbian and I like girls, this is who I am. When she finished saying that her mom and grandma told her dad that he owes them $100 each. Well I guess they knew already before she even did. She had asked them, how did they know. Her mom told her is when her mom friends or any girl they see, you mostly seem to stare at either there boobs or butts and you get that weird smirk on your face when they look at you. But mostly you turn red and blush when they are near you. Brittany was so glad they were okay with it and she loved them more for that. Brittany did have a girlfriend but they decided to stay friends and they became even closer because of that incident. So after that, Brittany hasn't found that special person yet, that she wants to spend the rest of there life together with. But she is hoping that will happen soon, because she has always wanted to feel what other feel when they are with that special person. Maybe when she goes to this school she will find that special someone. Britany is very family orientated and doesn't want to be far from them, because home is where the heart is at. People come and go but family is for ever no matter what people say about that. Family is part of what makes you, you every body.
So Brittany and her family were all outside in the backyard swimming in the pool splashing each other. Her grandma was on the side of the pool in a lawn chair reading a book. Her mom was on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. Her dad was barbeque hot dogs, brocks, and hamburgers. Her brother Baxter was in the water swimming under the water. Benjamin Jr. was playing with his car they can move on water. Her sister Bethany was by the stairs playing with her barbies and the animals. Brittany was diving of the diving board and switching to go to the waterslide by the edge of the pool.
"Brittany me and Benji challenging you and Bethany to a chicken fight, winner gets bragging rights and $1000 dollars each and the losers desert for a month, get there chores done for them and is a servant to the winners. So do we have a deal." Said Baxter.
"You are so on Baxter and Ben," said Bethany and Brittany.
Benjamin got on Baxter shoulder, and Bethany got on Brittany shoulder.
"Alright there is no rules and first one to fall in the pool looses. So are you kids ready," said there mom.
They all said yes and they all began to push each other off the other person shoulder. Baxter splash Brittany and she lost her balance but she regain it she kicked Baxter in the balls and it hurt, but he remained balance even though he was in pain. This went on for about 15 minutes until Bethany twist Ben arm and flipped over and Brittany kicked Baxter in the stomach and they both fell in water with a splash. So in this case the girls won.
"Ha-ha, suck it you to you lost again so you know what you got to do brothers," said Brittany. She laughing so hard and knew she will always be the best and no one can beat her.
"Alright kids dry off because lunch is ready so come get your food and drinks." said her father.
All the kids got out and dryed off. They grabbed there plates and started to get there food and some chips as well and some fruit as well. They also grabbed juice and soda and sat down. Everyone started to dig in and eat the delicious food there dad and mom prepared.
"Thank you guys, for everything," Said the four kids.
The grandma came back from the house with an envelope in her hand and walked over to Brittany and gave it to her.
"What is this grandma," Brittany asked confused.
"I don't know dear open it though," Said her Grandma
Brittany opened and read it to her whole family.
"Dear Ms. Lotus,
" We are giving you a full scholarship to attend our school "Unique High," here you will learn how to achieve over everyone and get to interact with people you normally don't hang with. Also your education will be towards a great cause on your future and your graduation. You will be with other groups of students that have this same scholarship as you. They will be on your team. If you want to know more information about us to the plan fit, that is inside the envelope, and if you do want to come here, just sign the form that is inside the plan fit and send it back to us."
Sincerely the Headmaster.
"Guys I am not going I'm going to miss you guys to much." Said Brittany
"We know you will miss us but this is a one and a life time things that doesn't happen often so take it dear," said her mother
"Brittany your mother is right take it and making something for your life, when you finish we will still be here when you get back we promise," Said her father.
"Listen to your parents dear this will be great for you," Said her grandma
"Okay then I will go, but I am going to call and write to you guys everyday I am away. I am going to miss all of you so much you don't even know it."
"But for now lets spend the time we have together before you leave big sis," said Bethany, Baxter and Ben. They all gave her a hug and is getting ready for there first born to leave the house earlier then they expected for her to do. The next couple will be spend with her and getting her all pack for her journey far away from home.
Well we are at the end of this part and I am really excited for the next couple of characters we get introduce to because the next couple of ones will blow you away and want to be near and around them. If you guys have suggestion about certain characters tell me about it and I will make it happen because, your wish is my command my dear fellow reader. The way you want stuff happen I will make it happen. So comment and vote on it because I really appreciate it if you do. So if you want some advice on stuff just dm me because I have no life and I like to help people out because that is who I am as a person. So I am kind of like Brittany if you can say that, because she is always willing to help people who are struggling and need help with stuff they don't get or understand some of the times. So that is all for today and I will either see you tomorrow or the next couple days with more parts of this story. Well I don't know what else to say so I am just going to be weird and tell you guys something I have been wondering for a while so here it goes.
Dog+Monkey= Donkey. Just let it sink in and I just blew your mind.
Well bye my peeps.
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