Shock and Awe & Aftermath
The satellite analyzes the U.S. attack on the Kuo Kuana.
The emblem of United States Marine Corps with the name SSgt. Ryan Cooper under it. The emblem spins around for a few seconds before it moves to the upper left corner of the screen as a map appears showing the previous mission as the camera zooms down, now showing green outlines of numerous buildings and a helicopter.
US Command: Marines, we have a possible fix on Khan in the capital city Kuo Kuana. 1st Battalion is en route. Intel gathered by Beacon's Huntsmen. indicates that Khan may have a Empire warhead. Speed is critical. NEST teams have been deployed to the area. Force Recon and Wild Weasel units have taken out most of the air defenses but Khan's ground forces still pose a serious threat.
Dustin: Looks like we're rollin' in with everything we got. We get Khan, we end this war, right here, right now. Lock and load, Marines!
The camera views into SSgt. Ryan Cooper in one of the Sea Knight helicopters.
["Shock and Awe"]
[Day 3 - 18:00:04]
[SSgt. Ryan Cooper]
[1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C.]
Ryan is in a Sea Knight manning a Mark 19 Grenade Launcher. More U.S. & Japanese helicopters, Osprey, LAVs and tanks are seen moving into the Kuo Kuana.
Outlaw Two-Five: In formation. Approaching objective. 30 seconds.
Winter(Deadly): Outlaw, this is Deadly. We'll take out the big targets, mop up any troublemakers with the Mark 19.
Hazama(Overlord): All callsigns, this is Overlord. We're seeing enemy armor on the bottom grove west of the river.
As they near the city, SSgt. Ryan Cooper loads his Mark 19 and the enemy T-90s, BMPs and RPGs fire at the helicopters.
Ryan: I know Pvt. Valkyrie would love this.
Outlaw Two-Five: Taking fire.
Deadly and the other Viper & Cobra helicopters destroy the T-90s while Ryan destroys the BMPs on the highway, before then destroying an enemy anti-aircraft nest on one rooftop.
Outlaw Two-Five: RPGs on rooftops.
Ryan takes out foot-mobiles with RPGs on the rooftops as the chopper enters the city.
Outlaw Two-Five: Light armor, take it out, Jackson! More ground infantry, watch it.
Ryan fires at the courtyard, taking out two BMPs along with infantry. He also fires on the statue, which topples down.
Outlaw Two-Five: We got RPGs on rooftops.
Ryan shifts his fire on the rooftops.
Outlaw Two-Five: Anti-air battery, rooftop. Hostiles with RPGs.
Ryan takes out the AA nest and a BMP next to a fuel truck, also detonating the fuel truck, which sends up a fireball as the gas station it was next to explodes as well.
Outlaw Two-Five: Command this is Outlaw Two-Five. Infantry is making a run for it. We are clear to land.
US Command: Uh...Roger that. Ok. Bachelor Two-Seven, let's get those Abrams to the front. Outlaw, this is command, unload half your chalk and take the rest 2 klicks to the west. We need you to evac an advance team pinned down in the city.
Lt. William R. Cole: Down the ramp! Move out! Go, go, go!
Outlaw Two-Five: Roger that command. Outlaw Two-Five is en route.
Outlaw Two-Five lands near the courtyard and unloads half of its crew. Two more Sea Knights and an Atlas Bullhead land and unload their Marines & Soldiers as the Abrams tanks begin to roll in, one running over a car. Outlaw Two-Five takes off.
Dustin: Marines! Listen up! One of our forward recon teams has gotten pinned down and needs our help!
Viper Attack Helicopter "Deadly" finishes up around the area and heads back to base.
Winter: Outlaw, this is Deadly. Returning to base to refit and refuel. You're on your own for now, 2-5.
As Outlaw Two-Five flies further into the city to support the advance team, two jets can be seen bombing an area.
Hazama: Advance team is pinned down in a hot area. They are popping green smoke to indicate their position.
Outlaw Two-Five: Roger we have a visual. Outlaw Two-Five out.
As Outlaw Two-Five nears the LZ, Ryan fires at more hostiles. Outlaw Two-Five lands near the green smoke. Ryan and his team unload.
Dustin: Watch for friendlies near the colored smoke. Let's get our comrades evac'ed and get the hell out of here!
Marines: Oorah!
As the team moves out, mortar fire explodes near the LZ.
Lt. Cole: Mortar fire, incoming!
Outlaw Two-Five: LZ is too hot. We'll circle back in 3 minutes.
The Sea Knight departs to avoid the mortar fire. The team encounters enemy foot-mobiles on their way to the advance team's location.
Dustin: Watch for friendlies near the green smoke on the second floor! Let's get our boys outta there! Move!
The team enters a building filled with hostiles.
JSDF Soldier: Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Friendlies up on the second floor! I repeat, we're up on the second floor!
The team reaches the second floor.
Itami: So you're our ride out of here?
Dustin: We're it, Lieutenant! Let's move out before they regroup!
Two enemy helicopters are seen dropping troops. Deadly arrives and takes them out.
Winter: Outlaw this is Deadly. Refueled and fully loaded. You guys miss me?
Marine: Hell yeah!
Dustin: Move out! Let's go! Let's go!
The team takes out enemy troops in the building and on the rooftop. More try to flank them and keep them pinned down at the far side of the alley, but are all eliminated.
Dustin's fireteam reaches Outlaw Two-Five.
Lt. Cole: Cooper! Get back on the Mark 19!
Ryan: Got it, Lt!
Ryan boards the helicopter and mans the Mark 19. Outlaw Two-Five takes off.
US Command: Outlaw, be advised, we have a situation here, over.
Outlaw Two-Five: Go ahead Command, over.
US Command: Atlas Ace-Ops has located a possible nuclear device as Khan's palace to the west. Ace-ops are on the way. Until the device is verified safe, all forces are to fall back to the east, over.
As Outlaw Two-Five and Winter start to pull out, a Stinger missile is fired from a distance and damages Winter's tail rotor.
Winter: We're hit we're hit! I've lost the tail rotor!
Winter's Viper spins out of control.
Winter: Mayday mayday, this is Deadly, going in hard! We're going down.
Winter's Viper crashes. As Outlaw Two-Five circles the crash site, Ryan takes out any incoming hostiles.
Outlaw Two-Five: We have a Viper down. I repeat, we have a Viper down. Deadly this is Outlaw Two-Five, come in, over! Command, I have a visual on the crash site. I see small arms fire coming from the cockpit. Request permission to initiate search and rescue, over.
Hazama: Copy 2-5, be advised, you will NOT be at a safe distance in the event that nuke goes off. Do you understand?
Outlaw Two-Five: Roger that. We know what we're getting into.
Dustin: Same here, Overlord.
Hazama: All right 2-5 & Cpt. Walker, it's your call. Retrieve that pilot if you can. Out.
Outlaw Two-Five: Deadly, do you copy? What's your status, over?
In the distance, Ryan can see enemy T-90s and infantry closing in on Winter's crash site. Way too many for her to hold off on her own.
Ryan: We gotta hurry! Tanks coming in!
Winter:*coughs* I'm here!...Weiss is out of ammo! Hostiles moving in fast! We can could sure use some help down here!
Outlaw Two-Five: Hold on, we're coming to ya.
Outlaw Two-Five lands near the crash site and unloads Dustin and his fireteam. They head towards the crash site.
Hazama: Be advised, 2-5, hostiles advancing parallel southwest of your position towards the crash site.
Dustin: We got 90 seconds, Cooper! Get the pilots! NO ONE gets left behind!
Ryan: Sir, Yes Sir!
Dustin: Cooper! Pull them out of there and get back to the LZ! Do it!
The fireteam reaches the crashed helicopter and engages some WF along the way.
Ryan reaches for the pilots as Winter was providing covering fire.
Ryan: I got you two!*pulls Winter & Weiss out of the Viper and carries them back to the Sea Knight* Wow, either that's the blood loss or not that much gear on you two?
Winter & Weiss:*yelling at him* JUST GET US THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!
Ryan: Alright, Alright! You don't have to yell!
Dustin: Cooper! We're running out of time! Get them out of there! We'll cover you! Move!
Dustin: Get to the SeaKnight! We'll hold down these corners! Go!
Outlaw Two-Five: Capt. Walker, this is Outlaw Two-Five, now would be a good time to get the hell outta here over.
Dustin: Roger that we're on our way!
Ryan brings Winter & Weiss to the Sea Knight while Dustin and the fireteam provide cover fire to hold down the corners from more incoming enemy forces. He then sets them down. They groan in pain from their injures. Winter draws out her MP5 to fend off more WF. Ryan turns around to hold off hostiles with Lt. Cole as the fireteam evacuates.
Hazama: Outlaw this is command. We have a probable nuclear threat at the capital. Proceed to the minimum safe distance until the all clear has been given by the Ace-Ops.
Dustin: Идти! Идти! (Go! Go!)
Outlaw Two-Five takes off.
Outlaw Two-Five: Ladies and gentlemen this is your Captain speaking. We're in for some chop! Hang on! Jake gimme max power.
US Command: All U.S. forces, be advised, we have a confirmed nuclear threat in the city. Ace-Ops are on site and attempting to disarm. I repeat, we have a confirmed nu-
Suddenly, before the warning can be repeated, it is cut off by static as a nuclear explosion goes off in the distance. Lt. Cole and Ryan look away and shield their eyes with one arm not holding their weapon to avoid witnessing the brightness of the detonation.
When they are able to look back, they stare in shock and disbelief at what has just happened.
Ryan:*surprised & shocked*
Lt. Cole:*surprised & shocked* Oh...shit.
As the familiar mushroom cloud begins to rise into the air, the shock wave knocks down many helicopters and destroys everything in its path.
The fireteam, Cole, Winter, Weiss:*in absolute fear* OH SHIT!!
Dustin:*in fear* EVERYONE, HANG ON!!!!!
The shock wave hits Outlaw 2-5, causing it to spin out of control. Cole and Ryan are knocked off their feet, and Cole begins to slide out of the Sea knight's ramp.
Cole:*in fear* Help me!
Ryan:*see Cole sliding out* I GOT YOU!!
Ryan lunges and grabs him by the hand, trying to pull him back in.
Ryan: I got you, buddy!! I got-
But the force is too strong and his hand slips and he gets pulled out of the chopper.
Ryan: NOOO!!!
Ryan then falls on his back and hangs onto the seats until the Seaknight crashes, knocking him unconscious upon the impact.
The satellite tracks the nuclear detonation in Menagerie. Or what's left of it.
Male CNN Newscaster: Something has happened...
Japanese Newscaster: 壮大なプロポーションの爆発のように見えるもの... (What appears to be an explosion of an epic proportion...)
Lisa Lavender: Reports remain sketchy and unconfirmed at this time...
Male CNN Newscaster: Damage appears to be total... to set off what appears to have been a nuclear explosion in his own country...
Japanese Newscaster: たぶん、カーンが自殺したかもしれないものの犠牲者の中にいたかどうかについてのより大きな何かの始まり... (Maybe the start of something larger that on whether Khan was among the victims in what may have been a suicidal...)
Female Patch Newscaster: What I can see from the hotel here is a mushroom cloud, about 45 by...
Female Falmarten Newscaster: ...Continue to burn across a massive wasteland, that was once a capital for this thriving continent...
The satellite uploads a list of 200,000 both US, Japanese & Atlas Marines and Soldiers that are MIA or KIA in the explosion.
This includes SSgt. Ryan Cooper, whose name is highlighted. The satellite then tracks Ryan somewhere in the blast radius.
SSgt. Ryan Cooper wakes up in the crashed Seaknight.
Ryan:*in pain* Ah shit.
Severely injured from the crash, he slowly crawls out of the wreck. A radio can be heard, faintly transmitting chatter.
Man: Flash. NBC-1 Nuclear. Bravo - NB-0 6-2, 6-3-4. Charlie - 90 degree grid. Hotel - surface. Juliet - 90 seconds...10 degrees. Romeo - 2.3 centigrade.
The radio gets garbled up with a strong wave of noises, and a woman begins transmitting.
Woman: ...Be advised, nuclear detonation detected, fallout predicted within a radius of 7.4 miles, epicenter located at N-B-0-5-8-6-8-0. Personnel within primary affected zone are ordered to commence immediate evacuation. Contamination centers are being established at this time, and should be operational within 2 hours. Personnel are advised to (unreadable), I am (static). Personnel with highly elevated levels are advised to seek medical attention at the first available opportunity.
The transmission ends. As he crawls out of the Sea knight, buildings in front of him collapse due to the explosion.
He falls out of the wreck and gets hurt mildly. The bodies of his fellow Marines are seen on the ground around the crash site.
He stands up and looks out at the destroyed city. A massive white mushroom cloud is seen rising in the horizon from the nuclear explosion.
Ryan:*in pain* Oh yeah...I definitely done shit myself.
Radioactive dust blows all around him and the city.
To his right, three corpses of his fireteam are seen. One of the corpses is holding hands a another.
Winter:*coughing out blood* Please..*coughs**coughs*..needs..*coughs**coughs*.....
Ryan checks both they're pulse.
Ryan:*in pain* Dammit.*closes their eyes* Rest in Peace Schnees.
Ryan sees Dustin limping towards the mushroom cloud.
Dustin:*in pain* Come on Marine. Come on. Come on Marine.
Ryan:*in pain* Yes, Sir.
As Ryan weakly walks up to a school playground with black patches, his hearing begins to deafen with the ghostly sounds of children playing.
Ryan:*in pain & in fear* Oh..oh fuck me. Were...were there kids here? Oh god...
As Ryan limps out of the playground he sees a building crumbling down as a result of the nuclear detonation.
Ryan:*in pain* Oh man..
Ryan:*groans in pain* Dafuq?
Ryan sees Dustin on the ground crawling, and then stops.
Ryan:*in pain* Cap?
Still not moving.
Ryan:*in pain* Walker?
Ryan limps over to Dustin's body checks his pulse.
Ryan:*in pain* Fuck.*closes his eyes* Rest in Peace Walker.
Moments after, Ryan collapses and looks up at the massive white mushroom cloud as his vision started whiting out.
Ryan:*in extreme pain* Shit. Shit. I can't die. I got kids. I GOT FUCKING KIDS!!!*grunts in pain* Fuck you. FUCK YOU SIENNA KHAN!!!!! AND YOUR WHITE FANG FUCKERS!!!!!!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!!! YOU HEAR ME!?!!?!?! YOU'LL FUCKING PAY!!!!!!!!!*grunts in extreme pain & stops moving*........
He then dies from either wounds sustained during the crash or radiation poisoning.
The satellite tracking SSgt. Ryan Cooper labels him as K.I.A. as a result of the nuclear detonation in Menagerie.
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