twenty two
August 5th
1936 EST
The man hit the side of the brick wall with a thud. Lightning flashed across the sky in the mid-summer storm. Rain pouring down harder than the forces of some angry god in the heavens. Another arc of lightning lit up the sky once more, making the beaten man's shadows light up the wall.
CJ kept his eyes locked on the man, his knuckles white from clenching his balled up fists. "You're going to tell me where she is, and you're going to tell me right now." He said in a grave voice.
The man let out a distressed chuckle, which only made CJ angrier. There was quite some distance between them, but CJ knew this man had no chance of escape.
"So, Kid." The thug said, while wiping away the trickling blood from his lips. "What made you change out of the Red and Yellow?"
CJ kept quiet, glaring at the man intently.
"Oh come on, Kid," Another chuckle. "What happened? Your damsel in distress not alive anymore? It my opinion, I prefered Rapid, more of jokester."
The thug began to stand up from kneeling, CJ deducted the man's strength must be coming back by now.
"What do they call you now? It's something spooky and ominous like, Zoom? Reverse Rapid?" Another famous chuckle from the thug.
CJ set his jaw. Before the man could stand up, he raced over and grabbed his collar, shoving the man back against the wall. CJ could see his reflection in the man's eyes as lightning moshed around the stormy sky.
"No, that's right, I remember." The thugs tone changed instantly, and he gulped. "Blur. They call you The Blur."
CJ said nothing.
"Why... Why do they call you that anyway?" The man's voice cracked.
CJ's eyes danced with flicking blue bolts.
"Let's find out shall we?" CJ's voice esd grave and filled with doom. His grip on the man's coat collar tightened.
The man's eyes widened. "No! No, please. I-I'll tell you what you want. Just please, don't kill me!"
CJ sneered. "I'm listening," he said calculatingly as thunder echoed through the city around them.
"Rune took her. Someone was keeping him updated on your little journey. He got your girlfriend kidnapped and she's up in his fortress in Maine." The man rambled.
CJ searched his eyes for any tells that he was lying. After a long pause, he stepped away. "That better have been the truth." He said bitterly.
CJ began to walk away, then stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned his head back towards the Thug, letting out a devilish grin.
"Sorry about your wrists." He said, almost as soft as a ghostly whisper.
"My what-" But in a blink of an eye the man was cut off by a wailing scream and a piercing pain coming from his now broken wrists.
CJ tore out of the alleyway instantaneously, racing through the flooded streets like a blur of blue lightning that had descended from the dark clouds above.
CJ shook himself out of his thoughts. He needed to focus on finding Bristol. He didn't know exactly what he was looking for, but if it was anything like last time, there'd be another cabin in the woods with his name on it.
He skidded to a stop in the middle of a forest. It was dark and eerie and noises echoed into the night, but CJ wasn't afraid. The only thing that did make him stop, however, was the sound of incoming footsteps.
"I'm telling you, it's this way!" A feminine voice groaned in frustration.
"And how would you know this information? I have the coordinates and it is further ahead." Another voice protested.
Great. CJ thought.
He sighed, and followed the voices. He leant up against a tree as the girls came into view. Surely enough, Liv and Avi marched through the foliage, wandering aimlessly with aggravated visages.
"You two look lost," CJ noted simply.
Quickly, the girls jumped. Their suddenly widened eyes locked on him with what appeared to be disbelief.
"CJ? Is that you?" Liv asked softly, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion.
He sighed. "No, Liv. It's A'Me, A'Mario." He grumbled, running a hand through his disheveled hair.
Avi pursed her lips. "How did you get here?"
"I ran," CJ answered indignantly. "How did you two get here and why?"
Liv narrowed her caramel eyes. "We have our ways," she mused. "And we're here to find Tristan and Bristol."
CJ's eyes widened. "Tristan went after her?" He demanded, fury in his voice. He took a deep breath, itching to sprint into the nearby fortress and save Bristol before Frozone got a chance.
Liv scoffed. "CJ, drop it. Bristol isn't some damsel in distress, she can handle herself."
CJ met her gaze forcefully, but he knew she was right. "Fine," he forced through his teeth. "Now if we're all done chatting, let's get going."
"One step ahead of you," Avi answered.
CJ knit his eyebrows and glanced at Liv's side, expecting to see Avi. However, she had crept around him and Liv and was now in the direction of the fortress.
"Do not wait up," she called over her shoulder as she turned on her heel and forged onward.
CJ scoffed, and bolted in the same direction. He caught up with Avi, Liv in their wake.
"I didn't know Tristan left you with the crazies," CJ said softly, keeping his gaze ahead.
"I heard that!" Liv snapped from behind them.
"You were supposed to!" CJ retorted casually before glancing at Avi.
They walked side by side in silence. The CJ spoke up.
"You miss him don't you." He stated.
Avi glanced at him quickly, and CJ could see that somewhere behind those neon eyes, he had struck the right chord.
"You aren't the only one who can read people."
"Tristan is my best friend," Avi agreed. "Of course I miss him."
The two of them were on the same boat. Both were alone, as the ones they cared about were gone on some sort of mission or missing or worse. It made CJ's heart pang with something he couldn't place, so he decided to substitute it with anger instead. He clenched his fists, and a flicker of lightning began to radiate from his hands. CJ knew he needed to calm down, or else he might do something stupid. If CJ wasn't with his friends he wouldn't care, but the circumstances are different now. He took a deep breath, and then all of a sudden he felt a cold grip envelope his hand.
"We will find them, CJ," Avi said, with a faint smile. "Have a little faith."
CJ almost wanted to scoff, but something was overwhelming him from within. With each step, each thought, his mind traced back to Bristol. She was alone, she could be hurt, or worse. The more he tried to distract himself, the more his mind traced back to her and the horrible possibilities that she might have faced. Regardless of all that, Avi's touched calmed CJ.
"Bristol is fine. I am sure. She is a very strong girl." Avi interjected, breaking CJ off of his train of thought.
CJ stared at the girl, and despite her seemingly calm visage, the same fear he had for Bristol was evident in her eyes for Tristan. Avi seemed to realize this and her face fell a bit. She looked down at the ground, her hair hair creating a curtain over her face.
As much as CJ didn't believe it, he found himself speaking. "We'll find them," he whispered.
The next thing he knew, he had pulled Avi into a hug. CJ hoped to mute his fears and sorrows if only for a moment, and for a moment it only was.
"What is this for, CJ?" Avi said, in a hushed tone.
"Well, You know what they say. Hugging is a great way to hide your face." He whispered.
They held each other in silence for a moment more, before Olive spoke out.
"Hate to break up the pity party, but we're here." Liv scolded.
CJ released from Avi's embrace and turned to face Runes fortress. He took a step back gasping at the image. A chill was sent up his spine, turning his blood to ice in his veins.
"It's the same Castle." He said, stunned.
CJ turned to his friends. The trio of heroes formed a barricade as they stared up at the fortress of shadows that could very well have been harboring their doom.
"S-so, w-what's the plan?" Liv squeaked out. Her caramel irises seemed to have taken on a timid flame, and with a quick glance at her hands, CJ guessed that she was on the brink of blasting nearly everything in sight out of fear.
CJ's eyes locked on the towers of the castle, shrouds of darkness circulating them like clouds around a mountain peak. The fortress radiated fear and shadows and it reminded him too much of where he had lost Bristol.
You could lose her again, a small voice taunted in the back of CJ's mind. He grit his teeth and forced the thought from his head. He wouldn't lose her, he would get her back, safe and sound.
"CJ I need you to scan the perimeter, thoroughly." Avi stated. A familiar resonation reverberated through the air, and that was enough to send CJ into focus.
"Got it." He retorted.
CJ zipped away, hoping to find something that can lead him to Bristol. He quickly scrutinized the circumference of the grounds, discovering a similar form of the graveyard nearby which sent shivers throughout his being. However, before reporting back to Liv and Avi, he found a secluded spot and dug something out of his pocket.
Bristol's golden necklace sat in his palm, and he stared down at it with a melancholy reverence. He had kept it with him on his travels, and although it served a painful reminder of her absence, it gave him hope to find her.
"I'll see you soon," CJ whispered. If it were any other situation, he would have been so embarrassed at the fact that he was talking to a necklace. But somehow, it felt like the right thing to do.
CJ tucked the necklace delicately back into his pocket and raced back to Liv and Avi. They jumped at his arrival, although it was replaced by the somber disposition they normally wore.
"That was fast." Liv noted, her eyes wide with astonishment.
CJ arched an eyebrow. "Are you forgetting the fact that I'm a speedster or do we need to reintroduce ourselves?" He asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
With the look of confusion on Liv's face, CJ couldn't help but smirk. She waved her hand dismissively. "No, no, that's just the fastest I've ever seen you run." She said simply, although CJ detected a hint of amazement in her voice.
CJ considered this. To him, it felt longer, but at the same time it was fairly quick. He stared down at himself, as if the reasoning for his boost in speed was scrawled somewhere on his clothing.
"CJ, you were a blur." Avi noted.
Instantly, his face fell. "Let's get moving," he said in a grave voice. He could almost feel the toll that his new nickname had on him. It made him feel weary and jumpy, ready to strike at any moment and yet tired and in a desperate need for something more fulfilling.
He started slowly for the fortress, and thankfully the sound of footsteps behind him made sure that Liv and Avi were following. With each step closer, the darkness of the fortress spread around them into the air and into CJ's already altered nerves.
Their footsteps echoed as they paced slowly down the drafty corridors of Rune's inky palace. In the distance, eerie noises reverberated off the walls and pillars, making CJ feel as if shrouds were watching them at that very moment.
"Loving the decor," Liv scrunched up her nose and picked at a dusty velvet tapestry on the wall.
CJ shushed her immediately, then glared at her sharply. They proceeded in silence, making careful turns down hallways that according to Avi, would lead them to Bristol and Tristan.
All the while, CJ's heart raced. His heartbeat was in sync with his steps, and every time they stopped to listen for any followers, his heart would stop too. Each spooky noise made him flinch out of fear for Bristol. It seemed that no matter what he heard, a new terrible possibility of her fate would spring into his already on edge mind.
"The fortress radiates fear," Avi muttered. Her emerald irises flickered in the low light as she took in the vaulted ceiling of the corridor. "Phobos's work, I am positive."
CJ raised an eyebrow and nodded. They continued along, by having that sort of clarity regarding why he felt so...mortified while in the fortress put his mind at ease. It was just Phobos messing with his mind, none of it could come true. Right?
Suddenly, Liv stopped in her tracks. Her eyes widened and the flame in her hand diminished. "Do you guys hear that?" She asked softly.
CJ and Avi shared a glance, but proceeded to listen. Even with his keen senses, CJ couldn't detect anything abnormal to be heard.
"No, what--"
"Excuse m--"
"I said 'shh'!" Liv waved her hand frantically as CJ clamped his lips shut begrudgingly.
A moment passed and still no sign of any noise until Liv's eyes lit up. "Tristan! He's close!"
Avi knit her eyebrows and ran a quick scan. "Liv, I do not detect another life force anywhere near us."
However, the girl didn't listen. She tore down the hallway and ducked past a corner, leaving Avi and CJ with no choice but to follow.
They caught up with her in time to see her standing before two large grand staircases, one of which was sporadically dotted with patches of ice, hissing as it began to melt. Liv stood by the frozen staircase, looking around carefully.
"Woah, what'd he do? Storm off from Arendelle and create his own ice palace?" CJ remarked, showing no hint of true amusement.
Liv didn't seem fazed. She just continued to look around. "This happened recently, he's been here. But where could he be now?"
Her question was answered as incoming footsteps echoed through the airy foyer. Across the hallway at the top of the stairs, two figures darted into view, hurriedly heading down the remaining staircase. A dark haired boy and a girl in a tattered suit. Tristan and Bristol.
"Tristan!" Avi and Liv chorused.
CJ zipped over and covered both of their mouths. He eyed both of them, letting them know what they did was idiotic. He uncupped his hands from their lips when they remained silent and gazed forward, staring at his friends.
Tristan and Bristol looked up from their haste down the stairs, and when they reached the bottom, Tristan hesitantly let go of Bristol's hand. He turned to Avi and Liv, taking a breath.
"What are you three doing here?" He panted, running a hand through his hair.
And so CJ's companions filled him in, but CJ didn't pitch into the conversation. His eyes were locked on Bristol, who was staring at the ground. The more he looked upon her, the more he felt his heart break.
"B-Bristol?" He stuttered, stepping towards her slowly.
She gazed up looking him in the eyes, and he felt a swarm of emotions swell up inside of him. CJ leant down and cupped her hand with his own. Her hands were cold and rough and dotted with bruises.
Her eyes seemed empty and dark, like she had witnessed something genuinely horrible. However, her lips curled into a fragile smile. "Hey, Speedy," she whispered.
CJ pressed his lips together, as if by doing so he could hold back his tears. The fire that she had within her, the spunk, the spark, seemed to be softened drastically.
"Avatar, how many times do I have to tell you," CJ chuckled, wiping a spot of dirt off her chin. "Speedy is Green Arrow's partner."
Bristol smiled and instantly leant forward, hugging him tightly. CJ felt a surge of relief, cautiously wrapping his arms around her. He was almost afraid to hold her too closely, as if she would just shatter or disappear from his embrace. However, having her there with him, more or less safe and sound, made him feel as if all that had happened and all that was going to happen would turn out okay. It would turn out okay, because he had her. He had Bristol, and that's all CJ cared about at the moment.
Time seemed to stand still and move rapidly all at once. CJ felt a gush of pressure filling his abdomen region and before he knew it he was sent flying by a gust of air. He hit the corridor wall behind him with full force, and gasped for oxygen.
Instantly, the others snapped out of their conversation-induced trance. Their gaze averted to CJ and back to Bristol, who seemed to have regained her full strength at a moment's notice.
The dark haired girl sauntered towards CJ slowly, a dark look in her eyes. "Looks like you aren't as fast as you thought, CJ." Her voice had an oddly airy tone to it.
CJ didn't know what hurt worse, his entire body or his heart. However, something seemed off. The way Bristol was carrying herself, how her tattered uniform had somehow magically resewn itself. How her control over air was somehow incredibly strong.
"Surprised?" Bristol asked, stretching out a hand. Flames danced across her palm, but they had a darker tint to their luminescence.
"Bristol, what the hell?" Tristan exclaimed. Disbelief was purely evident in his shaken voice.
CJ made his way to his feet and stared Bristol down. The girl in question gave the others a once over, before shrugging. "You seem confused," she noted, an amused glint in her eyes. "Allow me to clear some things up for you."
A fireball erupted into her palm and she threw it forwards, only to be met halfway by one of Liv's.
"Get a grip!" The blonde girl demanded, a shocked look on her face.
At that, Bristol smiled slyly. "Oh, I will." She mused.
Liv knit her eyebrows in confusion but her dumbfounded disposition was quickly altered as Bristol threw her hand forward and the girl cried out in pain. Liv collapsed to the ground, her scream filling the air.
CJ darted his eyes back and forth, watching in horror as his friends fell to the girl he loved. He clenched his fists, and zipped in front of Bristol, grabbing her wrists.
"Bris, this isn't you," He pleaded. "Hold onto something, find your anchor. Let me be your Anchor. Just like how you are mine."
The corridor fell silent all at once, and Bristol's eyes gleamed into his. For a moment, CJ thought that she might actually see reason, that whatever was possessing her would let go. However, he wasn't that lucky. His grace period was shattered by a menacing laugh, one that turned his blood to ice.
"How pathetic," Bristol scoffed. "You'll never be my Anchor, and frankly, I'm pretty sure that you don't have one anymore either."
CJ kept silent. His mouth one straight line, eyes fixed on hers, and a small chuckle was released.
"Fair enough." CJ spoke, his voice gravely quiet.
Sparks began to fly, and he could feel his whole being begin to vibrate. CJ tightened his grip on her wrists and Bristol let out a wince.
"CJ, what are you doing!" Tristan yelled.
"His...his eyes... They are electric blue." Avi spoke out in astonishment.
If it weren't for that, CJ wouldn't have gotten distracted. Instead, he turned his attention towards Avi in confusion. "What?" He exclaimed.
"CJ, look out!" Liv yelped. She threw another fireball towards him and Bristol, and CJ had to zoom away to avoid being singed.
Judging from the aggravated noises Bristol was making, she was getting fed up with Liv's attempts. "Careful, girlie, or I won't hesitate to finish what I started earlier." She narrowed her dark eyes at the blonde girl.
"Bristol, what is the matter with you?" Tristan demanded. "This isn't you!"
Bristol's eyes glinted maliciously, and her lips stretched into a smirk. "The me you all know is weak. I've finally grown into my full potential, and because I'm sick of being seen as weak, I'm giving up this little Justice League mock up."
She shut her eyes and spread her hands. Instantly, a rumble began to emanate from beneath CJ's feet. Parts of the walls and columns crumbled to the ground, and the sudden cries of his companions added to the cacophony filling the air. The nonexistent wind grew into a hurricane force gale and maybe it was just CJ's imagination, but it looked like arcs of black lightning were racing up and down and around Bristol's body as her powers strengthened.
Then it hit him.
CJ's lips curled into a small smirk, and his newborn plan was already in action. He dashed forward immediately and began to run in circles. Around and around, faster and faster CJ went. The more his surrounding became a blur. He was lighting trickling around the vortex while Bristol tried gasping for air.
"You're going to kill her!" Tristan screamed.
Faster, CJ, Faster.
In a matter of seconds, the chaotic sounds around him faded into silence. Everything but the wheezing sounds of Bristol. Then all of a sudden, the sound was gone. CJ came to a halt, and stared and the limp body of his fallen love.
CJ zipped back and forth as a volley of icicles were shot.
"YOU KILLED HER!" Tristan raged, throwing everything he had at CJ. "YOU'RE A MONSTER!"
CJ turned his head in Tristan's direction and bolted towards him. His vibrating hands griped the collar of Tristans shirt, and glared into his eyes.
"Do it," Tristan spat. "Kill me, like you killed her."
CJ met the icy-eyed boy's bitter gaze with one of his own, and threw him to the ground. "You want to cool it with the accusations or are you going to take the facts into consideration?"
Tristan didn't seem fazed, until his eyes flicked over to where Bristol lied on the dark floors. When his gaze met CJ's, he could tell that Tristan still didn't get it.
CJ sighed and stepped back. He glanced at Avi and Liv, who appeared to have flinched at being the subject of his gaze. "It isn't that hard to comprehend."
The girls looked at one another, and even Avi looked shell shocked and dumbfounded. They shook their heads, watching CJ expectantly.
The speedster rolled his eyes and walked towards Bristol. "She's a proxy." His voice cracked a little as he said it, but he shrugged it off. "Rune's been controlling her."
He allowed some time for his words to sink in. As soon as they did, the sudden chill in the air indicated Tristan's emotions towards their villain's sudden move.
"I swear when I see Rune, I'm gonna--" Tristan started, ice coating his hands.
"Wait!" Avi exclaimed, stepping forward. Her emerald eyes turned neon with her scan, and when the glow faded, her eyes held surprise. "She is alive."
"Of course she is," CJ sighed. "Do you really think I'd kill her?"
Liv folded her arms, giving CJ a judgmental once over. "Well with how you ever so carefully handled that situation, it was a possibility. Do we need to mention the sparking blue eyes?"
CJ made a mocking face towards Liv, who returned the gesture, but his attention averted to Bristol. He knelt down beside her, and had to hold himself back from executing the cheesiest move of all time.
"Don't even think about it, Stone." Tristan snapped, although the concern in his voice made for an empty threat.
A distant boom shook the ground, causing more dust and small pieces of rubble to hit the ground. Maybe it was that resonation, or simply regaining consciousness, but Bristol's eyes flew open. They no longer had the hazy and dark luster that they once possessed, but they were now a clear chocolate.
"What happened?" Bristol demanded, her eyes wide with fear.
"In short, you went ballistic." Liv shrugged. "But it's cool, you were being controlled by Rune. I know how..." The caramel eyed girl frowned as her voice trailed off, as if she had remembered something and lost her train of thought.
"Know what?" CJ asked.
Liv shook her head slightly. "Nothing...I think. Not the point right now, anyways." She glanced back down at Bristol, who was looking around as if anticipating something.
"I was being controlled?" She asked in astonishment.
Tristan nodded slowly. "You had full control over the elements, Bristol. It was incredible. Terrifying, but incredible."
The partial compliment didn't seem to strike a chord with her. She just stared off into space, as if some sort of horrible realization had dawned on her. "My choice..." She grit her teeth. "If we run into Phobos, let me have the honor of sending his ass back to Shadowedge."
CJ grinned. "He's all yours."
Bristol locked eyes with him and CJ could see the pain behind her irises. She might have been controlled, but something told him that she knew every word she had said. She just couldn't stop them from being said.
"Anything that I said or did, it wasn't me. I--" She started.
"I know, Bris, don't worry about it. Bigger fish." CJ smiled softly.
Tristan held out a hand to Bristol and she took it, hauling herself up. "We have to go," she said gravely. "Rune's trying to get away."
Avi knit her eyebrows. "That is highly unlikely, Bristol. There is no one in the near vicinity."
Bristol took a ragged breath. She ran a hand through her hair--her one nervous habit. "That's because they knew you were coming. All of you. They're trying to get away, we have to stop them!"
Initiative kicked into gear. CJ could feel the unity spreading from one member of the Union to the next and the power bounced off of one another. They looked out of place, with only Bristol and Avi in their supersuits and CJ, Tristan, and Liv in street clothes. But they were all heroes, and this might have been their last chance to defeat their biggest nemesis.
"Let's go," Tristan said forcefully, determination set on his face.
CJ had once read a book of mythology, where a hero named Theseus was led through the Labyrinth with the help of a beautiful girl. Danger awaited them around every corner, with his ultimate enemy within the maze, and yet the duo continued on. CJ really liked that myth, but he didn't expect it to come to life.
Bristol led him and the others through the castle, down dank corridors and through ancient foyers. Each one of their hastened footsteps echoed throughout the hallways, in sync with their heartbeats.
"So any theories on Rune while we're at it?" Liv mused, jogging to catch up with the others.
Bristol shook her head as she ran, her vision set on a point in the horizon. The moonlight filtering in through the glassless windows cast shadows on the wall as they continued on. "Too many," she answered. "But we don't have the time to discuss them, now do we?"
"The hallway is a dead end," Avi declared, urgency in her voice. "It leads directly outside, we are going the wrong way."
Another rumble shook the ground, louder and more powerful. CJ had to grip the wall to regain his balance and the others did the same.
"Something tells me we're on the right track," He huffed, staring down the murky hallway.
They continued to run, rumbles and booming noises echoing from the direction in which they were headed. With every passing meter, CJ could feel himself prepare for imminent battle. Sparks flew off of him and he was itching to use his powers instead of continuing to jog. Their most formidable enemy was waiting for them, and the gravity of the situation seemed to be sinking in.
The marble floors turned to grass, silver in the moonlight. A few more feet and they were completely vulnerable, standing atop the rubble on which the fortress was situated. It formed a plateau of sorts and when CJ glanced behind him, the castle was gone.
"What the--" He started in astonishment, but another booming voice cut him off.
"Shocking, isn't it? Amazing what sorcery can accomplish."
A figure formulated out of shadows, walking towards them slowly. The darkness solidified on his face, creating his signature mask. A cloak hung around his shoulders, simple dress clothes on underneath. Rune.
"I've been expecting you," the sorcerer mused. "I could have escaped in this time, but I decided to...delay my departure. It's funny, you knew I was in the vicinity and yet you continued to get distracted by your loyalties to the weak one."
Bristol's eyes narrowed. "Don't." She barked in a venomous tone.
If Rune had any emotions, he might have been smiling beneath that mask of shadows. "Forgive me, my dear. You proved to be a valuable asset for the time being."
Tristan stepped forward, his fist coated in ice. "She isn't an asset. She's a hero."
Rune glanced at Tristan, and the two stared one another down for a moment. "Perhaps," Rune said at last, his eyes still locked on Tristan. "But if she is a hero, then what are you? Not a hero. It isn't in your blood."
The temperature dropped drastically as Tristan balled his fists. "What do you know about my blood?"
Rune's mask turned a shade darker. "That once I am done with you four, it will be spilled on these very stones. Just like your parents."
Tristan's eyes widened, turning a bright icy shade. He didn't speak, he only threw his hands forward and let out a defiant yell as an intense beam of ice shot towards the sorcerer.
Rune waved his hand lazily, and a wall of shadows grew in front of him. It absorbed Tristan's attack and disappeared as soon as it had passed. "Pathetic," he sneered. "All of you, pathetic."
Tristan grit his teeth and shot another beam of ice. Liv tore forward, vaulting off of an elevated slant of rubble and kicking off of it, a flare of fire erupting from her feet. Her attack flew for Rune, who without looking, absorbed the attack with another wall of shadows.
"This should be fun," CJ muttered, before setting his eyes on Rune and shooting forward.
As he ran, he only saw bits and pieces of the battle waging from around him. Flares of fire and ice from Liv and Tristan, sudden whips of water and gales of wind from Bristol, and telekinetic resonations from Avi. CJ tried to sprint forward and set Rune off his guard, to try and make things easier for his friends, but Rune always saw him coming.
"I thought you were fast, little hero." The sorcerer bellowed tauntingly over the roar of battle. He shot a ball of darkness towards CJ, who zipped out of the way.
"And I thought you were powerful!" CJ retorted, bolting away from another one of Rune's attacks.
Rune laughed coldly, a sound that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. "You thought correctly."
The shrouded sorcerer spread his hands in a similar fashion as to how Bristol had done earlier. Small flickering orbs of dark energy erupted to life in his palms as arcs of black lightning struck from the ground and above him. The energy surrounded him, growing into a barrier of darkness.
CJ stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening in realization. "No," he muttered in disbelief. "Can't be."
Rune let out a maniacal cackle as thunder ripped across the sky. CJ hadn't even noticed that a storm had moved in, or maybe it was one of Rune's making. Whatever the answer, CJ didn't wait to find out.
He zipped beside Avi, whose eyes were set in a permanent neon glow. She thrust her hands forward, and a nearby boulder smashed into the side of the barrier.
"He has done it again," she reported. "A barrier of magic that we have not learned how to defeat."
"Great!" Bristol cried from a distance away. "Just great." She grunted as she flexed her hands, water materializing around her. She forced it forwards, and it erupted against the barrier.
Rune, within his barrier, seemed unamused by the Union's efforts. While maintaining his barrier, he jutted his hands to the sides, and a ripple of black magic resonated from around the bubble.
CJ got a glimpse of an idea and within a second, he proceeded to sprint around and around the barrier, locking in the black magic emanating from it. He couldn't tell how fast he was going, all he saw were blurs. He felt energy rush through him like a wave of adrenaline as lightning pulsed through his veins.
The others seemed to have picked up on whatever he was doing, because he sensed a joint attack headed his way and stopped abruptly. The beams of fire and ice converged, forming one unit of energy that collided with the spiraling wall of black magic. The energies combined, and a shockwave was birthed from the collision.
CJ held his ground against the rumble, gritting his teeth as it washed over him. He watched the barrier intently, trying to catch his breath.
Rune was still in control inside his barrier, but he appeared to be struggling. The attacks from CJ's friends were now becoming back-to-back. He couldn't keep up with the ferocity of the offenses, and due to that, he was starting to weaken. His energy was focused on maintaining the barrier, his attacks were half-hearted.
They might have a shot.
"As one!" Avi shouted. Another boulder flew into the side of the barrier, and it began to flicker.
Rune skidded back a bit inside, spreading his fingers and flexing his palms. The orbs of energy in his palms grew in size and he forced his hands forward, causing a flare of power to burst from the side of the barrier. Thunder roared above them and lightning arced through the sky, but no rain fell. It was almost like Rune was controlling the weather and the battle at once, and CJ was starting to realize just how much power this guy had.
"He's losing power!" CJ shouted, dodging a half-hearted attack from Rune.
"You cannot defeat me!" Rune bellowed, another resonation emerging from the barrier.
CJ couldn't get to that one in time, so he was forced to dive behind a rock to cover from the blow. Bristol stamped her foot on the rocks, and a wall rose before her. She trembled a bit, and CJ wanted to rush forward and get her to relax, but neither of them had a choice.
"You insolent children," Rune spat. "To believe that you can defeat me, the very thought!" He glared at Liv, who was withstanding the minor earthquake beneath her. "Your brother had the same determination! And then I killed him!"
Liv's face fell, before her face hardened and her body tensed. "YOU MONSTER!" She roared.
Her caramel eyes turned a shade that CJ had never seen before and it looked like there were flames in her eyes. She spread her hands apart, an orb of white-hot fire formulating between her palms before she shot it forward, the impact of it hitting the barrier sending another wave of energy through the air.
Rune tried to withstand the sudden attack, but he skidded again. He tried to form an attack, but his attempts failed as Tristan shot a continuous stream of ice over the barrier.
CJ caught up with Bristol, and watched her back as she whipped more and more offensive moves towards their enemy. "See what I'm seeing?" He asked.
The brunette averted her gaze for a moment to follow CJ's and the realization filled her eyes. "The flames," she muttered. She locked eyes with CJ, as if confirming her suspicions.
He nodded and darted away, grabbing Liv away from the central fight. Avi took her place in the battle, her hands glowing neon in a similar fashion to her eyes.
"Let me go!" Liv protested, the fire in her eyes dying down.
"Liv, listen! Look at the rim of the barrier. What do you see?" CJ demanded, gripping the girl's hoodie-clad shoulder.
Liv shot him a sour look before following CJ's order. He could almost see the lightbulb go off inside her head. "Fire," she breathed.
"Exactly," CJ nodded. His strategy was unfolding in his mind, but he didn't have time to work out the kinks. "I need you to harness it."
Liv's eyes widened. "What, are you crazy?" She exclaimed over the roar of another resonation. "That's dark magic fueling the fire, it'll kill me!"
"Not if you overpower him," Bristol countered. She ran a hand through her hair and took a shaky breath. "It'll almost be like your fire meeting his, an equal convergence but you have to add more energy to yours in order to sever his control from it."
"Do that, and we'll have a shot at destroying him once and for all." CJ said, and was somewhat astonished by the authority and ultimacy in his words. They might actually have a shot at beating him, it was a possibility. But was it too risky?
Liv glanced cautiously back at the barrier, where Tristan's eyes were practically glowing white with his powers. "How are we going to distract him?" She mused.
CJ cursed under his breath. He hadn't thought of that much.
"Leave that to me," Bristol said, a soft tone laced in her voice. "I know a way."
CJ knit his eyebrows at her, but shook it off. "It's as good a plan as any, whatever it is. So, Liv, you in or what?"
"Oy! Peanut gallery! A little bit of help here!" Tristan barked, before he released another defiant yell with a volley of icicles.
Liv locked eyes with Bristol and the girls nodded. "I'm in," Liv said at last.
"Wait for my cue," Bristol commanded. She stepped forward and took a sharp breath, locking her gaze on Rune. Slowly, she raised her hand, spreading her fingers. Then, with one fluid movement, she clawed her hand.
Rune cried out suddenly, the barrier flickering. He stumbled a bit but regained his balance, continuing to multiply his powers.
Bristol narrowed her eyes, continuing to flex her hands.
Rune responded to her will, crouching down in pain. The barrier flared dangerously, like he was using his last reserves of strength. The shadowy flames were becoming a bonfire, one that Liv had to control.
"Now!" Bristol forced through her grit teeth.
Liv didn't miss a beat. She got closer to the barrier and raised her hands in a similar fashion to Bristol. A white hot glow shrouded her hands, and CJ saw that they were flames.
She took a deep breath, hardening her gaze. Then, she cried out defiantly and another white hot beam of fire erupted from her palms, hitting the side of the barrier.
Rune still seemed winded from Bristol's control, and while he was still controlling the barrier, Liv's attack took more out of him. He glanced quickly at Liv--well, CJ couldn't tell with the mask but he probably did--and tried adding more energy.
Liv grit her teeth. It was like she was fighting an invisible wall that kept coming at her, because she was trying to hold her ground. But she was persevering. She got a grip on the ground and added more power to her beam, her eyes beginning to glow.
Tristan quit his attack, watching his sister in amazement. A flicker of inspiration washed over his face, and he followed in her footsteps, shooting a beam of his arctic energy at the barrier.
CJ didn't know what took over him, but he cheered. "That's more like it!" He hollered. He glanced at Bristol, who was continuing her mysterious control over Rune. He had to ask about how she was doing it, but that would have to wait.
"Bristol!" he called. "Gimme a wave!"
The brunette nodded and spread her hands. Water materialized around her into a massive tidal wave. She locked eyes with CJ, waiting for a cue.
The speedster's heart was racing. He looked for Avi, whose eyes were still glowing. She was radiating a neon aura, and the green 1's and 0's beneath her skin were more prominent than ever.
CJ took a deep breath and nodded back to Bristol. The girl shot the wave forward, but before it could collide with Rune's barrier, CJ sprinted around it, holding it in place in cylindrical form around the barrier.
The sounds of energy hitting the barrier intensified as CJ ran. Finally, with the lightning racing around him, he held his breath and shouted.
"NOW!" He roared.
He stopped running and watched the scene play out. The water collapsed onto the barrier with full tsunami force as Tristan and Liv gave all they had into their attacks. Avi's aura erupted from around her, shooting towards the barrier at full force. Then an explosion of energies burst from the place of impact, the fire going out around the barrier, and the heroes went flying.
CJ hit the ground, hissing in pain. Why was it that anytime he fought an enchanted barrier, he had to go flying?
He hauled himself up, and caught his breath as he looked around. All around, his friends seemed to be doing the same. Slowly, they reconvened, watching the battlefield they had blown away from.
The barrier was gone, thankfully. Steam and smoke billowed into the night sky, thunder forming a twisted symphony to the battle they had fought. With a blinding flare, lightning struck the place where Rune's defense had once stood.
No one spoke. The tension in the air was heavier than the storm about to break. Everyone watched as more smoke filled the atmosphere, the outcome of the battle about to unfold. Finally, the smoke cleared and everyone held their breaths.
There was no sign of the barrier in any way, shape, or form. As the smoke cleared, CJ saw that nothing was left of it, not even the man who had created it. And with another rumble of thunder, he felt his heart sink to his stomach.
Rune had escaped. They had had the battle of their lives, what could have ended it all, and he escaped.
CJ glanced at his companions, all of whom were catching their breaths. Surprisingly, no one seemed surprised. Only shell-shocked by the situation they had just been in.
CJ didn't like too much silence, but it was slowly becoming the soundtrack to this life of his.
No one spoke.
No one moved.
The storm above them broke at last.
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