July 3rd
0941 EST
Tristan was used to Liv's temper tantrums. Due to her pyrokinetic abilities, they were often...explosive. However, Liv's intense glare at him and his friends seemed borderline incinerating. If she were to unfold her arms, there wasn't a doubt in Tristan's mind that her hands would be smoking.
"I'll ask you again," Liv pressed, venom in her voice. "What are you three doing in my room?"
Tristan opened his mouth to speak, but Avi interjected.
"Liv, do you have any inkling as to what this is?" She asked, holding her hand up. The amulet glinted in the sunlight as it twirled around on the chain it was suspended from.
Liv made a face. "Not at all," she retorted. "But why were you going through my stuff in the first place?"
Avi met Liv's death glare with one of her own. Once again, she dodged the question. "Do you know what this amulet is capable of?"
Liv narrowed her eyes. "I'll answer your questions when you answer mine," she snapped.
Tristan took a step towards his sister. "Liv, just answer the question." He sighed.
His sister shot him a bitter look. Slowly, her vision drifted to Avi and the amulet. "No," she said. "I don't know what it does. Am I supposed to?"
Tristan locked eyes with Bristol, and a wave of tension passed between them. The dark eyed girl watched Liv carefully, as if trying to gauge her knowledge of the situation.
"It's a teleportation amulet, Liv," Bristol said clearly. "They belong to Rune and his cohorts. We want to know why you have one in your backpack."
Shockingly, Liv looked genuinely surprised. "It does?"
Bristol nodded. "We've seen them around a lot lately. Why do you have one in your backpack?"
Liv's eyes seemed empty, as if she had seen a ghost. "I don't know. I swear."
Tristan attempted to come to his sister's defense--but why would he? He didn't even know--when Bristol cut him off.
"Rumor has it that you encountered Rune and his buddies before you got here. Is there a chance that you were lying about that encounter? After all, some of your memories are still closed off."
Tristan waited for a response, just as the others did. Liv just stood there. She appeared to be unfazed by what Bristol was accusing her of, but when she tried to speak at last, she stumbled backwards as if she had been hit.
"Liv?" Tristan asked, stepping forward.
He reached a hand out to help her but recoiled. Something was wrong. Part of him feared that she was being controlled right then and there and the three of them would be at the hands of the possessed human flamethrower once more. However, Liv seemed to be suffering from some sort of vertigo.
"I don't...I don't know." Liv breathed, her hands on the sides of her head. "Please just l-leave me alone."
"Liv, we can assist you with this if you give us some answers--"
"I told you I don't know!" Liv shouted. "Please get out of my room." She winced, like whatever headache she had instantaneously gotten was getting worse.
Tristan felt like he was at a crossroads. He could either leave his sister to be in pain, adding to his suspicions of her possible alliance to Rune, or help her. He couldn't decide, and he didn't have enough time to because the next thing he knew, he was in the hallway with Avi and Bristol. Liv's door was slammed shut in front of them.
"Well," Bristol said. "That didn't go as planned."
Tristan shot Bristol an icy look. "What did you expect? A confession?"
Bristol met his gaze powerfully, with a glare as fiery as Liv's. "Not necessarily a confession, but some sort of answer would have been nice!"
"Guys!" Avi cleared her throat. "Arguing will get us absolutely nowhere. I will go and run some tests on the amulet. I want the both of you to be amicable, at least."
"Sure," Bristol rolled her eyes and started off down the corridor.
Tristan watched her go, half tempted to run after her. He didn't like arguing with Bristol, no matter how often he did. It made his heart feel funny, but he ignored it.
He turned back to Avi, finding that she was already walking down the opposite hallway to the control room. Sighing in dejection, Tristan decided to head back to his room. He had no patience for anyone at the moment. He needed to be alone and think.
As he walked down the corridor which led to his room, Tristan stopped abruptly.There was a shuffling noise coming from inside his room. A flurry of ice circled his finger tips. So help me god if I have to fight someone or something I'm going to scream. He thought to himself.
Tristan moved slowly and quietly, making his way towards his room door. He know he couldn't make a noise, so he internally sighed.
He turned the corner, but much to his amazement nothing was changed and no one was there. It was odd though. Tristan could tell something was wrong. His gut was telling him so. Someone was in his room, and he only knows one person who could disappear without leaving a trace of his presence.
Tristan looked towards the door, clenched his icy fists, and whispered to himself. "CJ."
July 4th
1937 EST
Tristan allowed his seething fury towards CJ to diminish slightly as the Fourth of July came around. It was always his favorite holiday, and brought back good memories. Despite the darkness that had been around every corner in headquarters, the holiday brought festivity and light in even the darkest of times.
He had made a plan with Avi to bring everyone to the beach to watch the annual fireworks show, but when he stepped into the cortex, two people stood inside of it and neither of them were Avi.
Priscilla was deep in conversation with another lady, whose back was turned to Tristan. From what Tristan could see, the mystery lady had extremely curly hair that glinted like gold in the light, and dark skin. She wore a sort of ancient Greek chiton, which like her hair, was gold and billowed around her feet in the soft breeze of the cortex.
"You never told us we had guests, Priscilla," Tristan folded his arms, leaning against the doorway.
Priscilla jumped, and looked over her friend's shoulder to see Tristan. Her face turned the same stone-like expression it always did when she saw him, but he didn't care.
"Tristan, do you know who this is?" She asked calmly.
"How am I supposed to know her if I can't see her face." Tristan retorted, rolling his eyes.
Priscilla took a deep breath, as if she were about to tell him off, but the mystery lady held up a hand. "It's quite alright, Priscilla, don't worry. The boy does not intend for any disrespect."
She turned and the first thing Tristan noticed were her extremely hypnotizing eyes. Even from a distance, Tristan could see that they were multi-colored, changing from gold to silver to pink to green and blue. They were intriguing, and he wanted to see them closer up. He found himself taking a step, when Priscilla cried out.
"Don't fall for it, Tristan. If anything, her abilities should be a giveaway as to who she is." She said.
The golden eyed lady gave Tristan a slight smile. "Well, Tristan? Who am I?"
Her voice was soft but melodious. Then that's when it hit him. This lady wasn't some random intruder; she was a member of the Contingency. Siren, with powers like the mythological creatures from which she earned her name.
"He knows now," Siren smiled knowingly.
Tristan cleared his throat, snapping out of his trance. He had to make sure to not look her directly in the eye, but he couldn't tell if her hypnosis was intentional or if it just happened at random.
"I come on terms of a mission," Siren spoke, standing up straighter. "The Contingency has been finding people formerly associated with Rune. One of these people, Alexander Grayson, has come back onto the radar. He appears to have no ties left with Rune, but he still is suspicious to the Contingency, It just so happens that tonight he is throwing a formal gala at his mansion, and we would like the Union to investigate."
Tristan blinked. "You want us to crash a party?"
Siren smiled. "Precisely," she said. "The stealth mode in your suits will accommodate the attire necessary for the party. Your job is to blend in and get answers on Grayson."
Priscilla clapped her hands. "Go tell the others. You leave in a half hour. Siren, thank you for stopping by for this information."
Siren waved a hand in mock dismissal. "Don't mention it," she said, a laugh laced in her voice. "Now I must go. The Contingency requires my intelligence to apprehend a new suspect."
"Grayson? Or someone else." Tristan asked.
Siren turned back to face Tristan. Her eyes seemed to have decided on golden irises, and she looked at Tristan in a calculating manner.
"Not Grayson," she confirmed. "A young man a little older than yourself, actually. He appears to be a telepath and have links to Psyche. We believe we have a lead to find him. Now, good luck on your mission."
And with that, Siren disappeared in a flash of golden light. Priscilla looked mildly unimpressed, but she looked at Tristan and waved him off.
"Go," she said. "Tell the others."
Later, at eight o'clock, Tristan was in the cortex like he was supposed to be. However, he wasn't alone. CJ stood on the opposite side of the room, intentionally avoiding the dark haired boy's gaze. Both heroes were clad in tuxedos, and both were probably still confused as to how the stealth mode on their suits could turn into formal wear.
Tristan, however, kept an intense glare locked on the speedster. Sooner or later, he would have to look at him and Tristan would know what the little imp was up to.
Finally, CJ locked eyes on Tristan and both boys squinted at one another challengingly. They both dared one another to speak; to start something so the other wouldn't be blamed in an impending fight, but before either of them could speak, a feminine voice sounded from the hallway.
"Well, don't you both look dapper."
Tristan looked over at the hallway leading to the cortex and his jaw dropped. Bristol stood in the entrance, ready to go to the gala and she looked absolutely stunning. Her dress was strapless and floor-lengthed, in a deep blue shade dotted with sequins and sparkles. The fabric billowed in the breeze, and it made it look like Bristol was wearing the night sky itself. Sparkles shimmered like twinkling stars, and when Tristan tore his eyes from the dress itself and locked eyes with Bristol, he saw the same stars in her dark eyes.
"You think we look good? I don't remember Aphrodite incarnate being invited to the gala." CJ piped up and even though Tristan wasn't looking at him, he could hear a smirk laced in his voice.
Bristol blushed, fiddling with the ends of her long hair. For the occasion, her dark hair had been curled. Tristan knew Bristol was a beautiful girl, but in that moment, she looked absolutely gorgeous.
"Thanks, CJ," Bristol said softly, a blush on her cheeks. For a split second, her vision darted over to Tristan, and he felt his heart skip a beat, but just as fast, CJ appeared before her.
"I gotta say though, I'm loving the suit." Bristol laughed.
CJ grinned. "Why, thank you." His face turned serious, and he stood up a bit straighter. "It's Stone. CJ Stone," he said in a deep voice. "I'll have it shaken, not stirred."
Bristol laughed. "You're a dork," she leant forward and whacked his shoulder playfully.
Ugh, Tristan groaned internally. He pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against and heard heels in the hallway. He thought it was Priscilla for a second, but it turned out to be Avi.
Tristan wasn't used to seeing Avi in anything but her training clothing or her metallic super suit, but she cleaned up nicely. Like her supersuit, her dress was pitch black and puffier, like a princess dress. An emerald green ribbon was tied around her waist and an intricate obsidian necklace hung from around her neck.
"Are we all prepared for the event?" She asked, glancing around the room.
Tristan nodded. "I would hope so," he said. "You look very nice, Avi." he smiled.
Avi smiled. "Thank you, Tristan, You as well."
Tristan grinned and despite it all, turned back to face CJ and Bristol. The duo were laughing and flirting, and Tristan forced himself to look away. Lately, seeing them together just made his heart feel as cold as ice.
"Tristan, are you alright?" Avi asked, concern in her voice, she put her hand on his shoulder.
Before Tristan could affirm or deny, Priscilla appeared in the doorway. "Well, don't you four look fantastic?"
"Did you intend for that to sound sarcastic or is that just how you talk?" Tristan retorted almost instantly. It had become a reflex to rebuff anything and everything that their caretaker said, and it had become amusing.
Priscilla ignored him. "You four know your task?"
The heroes nodded. They had to infiltrate Grayson's party and get intel on his ties with Rune. However, as Tristan looked around, he realized something.
"Where's Liv? I thought she was one of us now." He asked suspiciously.
Their caretaker sighed. "Unfortunately, Liv is bedridden with a nausea. She's been having bad headaches lately, and I fear she might slip into some sort of sickness."
Tristan shared a glance with Avi. Both of them knew that something must have been up. However, they let it slide. Bigger fish to catch for now.
Priscilla took a deep breath before throwing her hand out before her. Light unfolded from her palm and a portal grew into existence. She stepped out from behind it, her clipboard on her hip.
"Be back as soon as possible. Midnight would be preferable, but complete your task swiftly." She said, making eye contact with each of the heroes.
"Or what?" Bristol folded her arms, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Will we turn into pumpkins, Fairy Godmother?"
Tristan felt a ghost of a smile on his lips. He'd taught her well.
Priscilla inhaled sharply. "Just go." She waved towards the portal and stormed off down the hallway from which she had come.
For a moment, the Union stared at the portal. Then, CJ stepped forward.
"Well, off to the ball we go!" He clapped his hands together and dove through the light.
Tristan was used to Priscilla's portals taking them where they needed to go, and sometimes teleporting them closer to their destination than he would expect. But when they ended up in a regal corridor, Tristan knew that their caretaker had teleported them directly inside Grayson's mansion.
Down the hallway, Tristan could hear music and chatter. He looked over his shoulder and found his friends just as confused as he was. He and CJ made eye contact once more. His glare was more intense than normal. Tristan just sneered and looked away. Whatever CJ was looking for--or found-- didn't matter to Tristan at the moment. All he wanted was fulfill his mission, and maybe steal a dance with Bristol.
"So what now?" Bristol asked, her voice reverberating off the walls.
Tristan took a deep breath. "We act natural." And with that, he started off down the hallway.
Eventually, he heard the others fall into step behind him. After a short while, they approached what appeared to be the central ballroom. People danced as a band played some jazz music, and others milled around the walls with drinks in their hands. It became clear that the Union was very, very out of place among these big shot adults.
"Now what?" CJ asked, watching the people twirl around the dance floor.
"We blend in." Tristan decided. Before CJ could so much as blink, he grabbed Bristol's hand and led her out onto the dance floor.
His heart raced in his chest as they made their way to the center of the floor, passing dancing figures.
"Do you even know how to dance?" Bristol asked with a slight laugh.
Tristan smiled and put one hand on her waist and the other locked in hers. He spun her quickly and pulled her close to him, smiling as he did so.
"I'm not too bad," he smirked.
Bristol met his gaze and quickly averted it, a blush on her cheeks. "So if we're blending in, what are we going to do about Grayson?" She asked in a hushed tone.
Tristan looked around as they swayed to the music. The ballroom was massive, with vaulted ceilings and a crystal chandelier hanging in the center. Everywhere he looked, Tristan saw rich people in expensive clothing, laughing and discussing whatever it was that rich people talked about. One main hallway stretched into the ballroom, dotted with paintings and corner tables with a deep red carpet over the crystalline floor.
"Maybe Avi or CJ will find him," He muttered.
"Maybe we're supposed to be a team?" She retorted, glancing up at Tristan.
With a dip and another twirl, Tristan scanned the room once more for their target. As he did so he locked eyes with CJ from across the hall. He could see a tinge of pain in his face, and Tristan couldn't help but smirk.
"What?" Bristol asked, suspicion in her eyes.
Tristan pulled her back up and smiled. "I forgot to tell you earlier," he said. "But you look extremely beautiful, Bristol."
Bristol blushed and tried to look away. "Not too bad yourself," she said quietly, grinning a bit.
The pair continued to dance, talking to each other as they made their way around the ballroom. Eventually, the moment was broken by a tap on Tristan's shoulder.
He suppressed a groan, thinking it to be CJ, but when he turned around he met piercing green eyes.
"Avi," He said in surprise. "Hi."
Avi gave him a look. "Hello to you as well, Tristan. If you both do not mind, I must discuss something with Tristan momentarily."
Tristan didn't want to go, he wanted to stay with Bristol. He could feel a connection growing between them, but he knew he had a greater purpose of being there. Rune. Grayson. Intel. Find it.
"Alright," Tristan nodded but before Avi could whisk him away, and before he lost the courage, he leant forward and pressed a quick kiss to Bristol's cheek. "I'll be back soon." He said with a smile.
He didn't get to see Bristol's reaction, because Avi took that moment to drag him away into the hallway. They didn't stop until they were in the foyer of the mansion, a grand staircase before them.
"Do you have a lead?" Tristan asked, running a hand through his hair.
Avi nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yes, I do. According to my scans, Grayson was not in the ballroom. I have reason to believe he may be upstairs, and I intend to find him."
Tristan knit his eyebrows. "What? No, you can't go alone. What if this guy is dangerous?"
Avi stared at Tristan. "I can handle myself, Tristan. Do not worry about me. I am not as fragile as my robotic make up portrays me to be."
Tristan pressed his lips into a thin line. "Are you sure he's up there?"
"Not necessarily," Avi sighed, casting a calculating look. "It is more of a hunch."
"A hunch?"
"Tristan, I will be fine," Avi assured. "I will find you if I am in need of reinforcements."
And with that, she headed towards the staircase, her black dress billowing as she walked. She marched up the crystal steps and disappeared behind a corner.
Tristan sighed and headed back the way he had come. He trusted Avi, respected her power, but he couldn't help but be worried. If this guy had ties to Rune, who was to say that he didn't already know Avi and kidnapped her? Or worse.
Shaking the thought from his head, Tristan entered the ballroom. He scanned the dance floor for the familiar head of brunette hair, and found her.
With CJ.
The sight of them almost made his heart shatter like an icicle. His mind clouded and all he wanted to do was stop him. He moved forward, a tiny blizzard engulfing his hands. He was in arm's reach of him when he heard them talking.
"Bristol, you make me really happy, you know that right? All I want, though, is for you to be happy. Avi as well, and despite it all, Tristan too." CJ was saying, pulling Bristol close to him.
"Your happiness is what matters most to me. Whether it be with me, Tristan, someone else, or maybe with no one at all. But what I really want is you to be the happiest girl in the world."
Tristan blinked. What was happening? He cleared his throat, and the speedster and Bristol turned to face him. Bristol's face looked as shocked as he felt.
"Don't worry," CJ said, forcing a smile. "I was just leaving."
Before Tristan was able to turn around and say anything, CJ had disappeared in the crowd. Bristol gaped after the speedster, and turned back to Tristan. He expected her to be infuriated, but the look in her eyes was one of confusion and indecision.
What Tristan wanted to do was grab her hand and twirl her around and dance off with her through the night, but he couldn't. People bumped into him as he stood on the dance floor, a foot away from Bristol. Finally, he found himself saying something that he would never willingly say in a million years.
"Go find him," Tristan smiled sadly. "The kid may be a pain sometimes but he deserves a dance too."
Bristol tilted her head, watching Tristan carefully. Slowly, she inched away, wandering off to find CJ.
Tristan watched her go. The light made her dress glimmer and he couldn't help but see her as some sort of goddess. She wore the night sky as if it were a gown, and made her way through a crowd with poise and grace. No matter how beautiful she was, Tristan knew that she had power and strength that even scared him sometimes. She reminded him of Siren; enchanting and hypnotizing, but just when you got close enough, you didn't know what hit you.
Running a hand through his hair, he drifted off to the sides. He didn't care to find if CJ and Bristol continued their dance, but he did hope that she was happy. He leant against a wall, watching the crowd, hoping that the girl who made him happy was having the time of her life.
About an hour later, Tristan decided that boredom has struck him. He was half tempted to find a random girl and dance with her, but then Avi sprang to mind.
Instantly, Tristan shot up. He excused his way through the people nearby, bolting down the hallway. He reached the foyer, and dashed up one side of the grand staircase, hoping he had remembered which way Avi had gone.
There were many rooms along the corridor that Tristan had chosen. He wouldn't have time to search them all. What if Avi was in trouble? What if she had found Grayson and he had hurt or kidnapped her or worse? He wished the flares in their suits were still activated, but not only were they replaced, their super suits had turned into evening wear.
However, an idea formed in Tristan's head. They still had their ear pieces.
Praying that Avi hadn't turned hers off--or God forbid, didn't wear hers--Tristan pressed a finger up to his ear. Heart pounding, he spoke.
"Avi?" He asked softly. "Where are you? Are you okay? Did you find Grayson?"
Silence. Then a crackle of static and Avi's voice rang in Tristan's ears.
"Last room on the right," she managed before static filled his ears once more.
Tristan didn't wait. He sprinted down the hallway and found the last room on the right. The door was cracked open and the inside was dark, but as Tristan pushed it open, he spotted a girl in a black dress with a green sash. Avi.
Sighing in relief, he walked towards her. "Avi, thank God, I thought you were in trouble."
Avi didn't speak. She stared straight ahead, it was almost as if she were a statue. Her green eyes were wide with fear, and the 1's and 0's underneath her skin shimmered in the low light.
"Avi?" He asked softly, reaching towards her.
Slowly, Avi responded. She kept her gaze locked ahead, but lifted a hand from her side, pointing ahead.
Tristan knit his eyebrows but looked up. He almost leapt backwards at the sight.
A man was standing behind a desk. He looked pretty young, mid to late twenties, Tristan guessed. His disheveled ginger hair seemed darker in the low light, and he wore a tuxedo just like Tristan and every other guy at the party. However, he radiated power and authority. This must've been Grayson.
Tristan straightened up. "Alexander Grayson? We've been looking for you." He said clearly and boldly.
Grayson stepped out from behind his desk, and Avi made a sound of distress. Tristan felt a flare of fury within him; did Grayson hurt Avi before Tristan could get there?
"May I say, Mr. Dahl, I have been expecting you. And I am Alexander Grayson, yes, but your friend knows me by another name." Grayson pointed a finger at Avi.
Tristan glanced at Avi in confusion. "What name would that be?" He casted a slow look Grayson's way.
The man sighed, looking out the window behind him. "Eric. Eric Hart."
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