Prologue: The Beginning
"Dammit Jessica!" Director Janson screamed.
He came storming into the room I was sitting in. I had one of my knives out, picking at something under her nails. My boots were propped up on the table. I knew it pissed him off, which is why I did it. I smirked when his eye twitched when he saw my feet propped up, making a muddy mess.
"What can I do for you Janson?" I asked lazily.
I didn't bother looking at him. I finally got the mud from under my nails. Now I just watched my fingers spin the little knife.
Janson stomped up to the metal table and slammed the manilla folder full of papers onto the table. I flicked my eyes up to look at him, looking at him lazily. I raised an eyebrow, he glared at me. I snorted and rolled my eyes. Whatever he was pissed off about now it was probably my fault. But what exactly it was who knows.
Before Janson could say anything else the door behind him opened. A woman walked in, her stern cold eyes looked me dead in the eye and I felt her eyes pierce my soul. I felt a slight quiver in my cocky additude. Slowly I took my feet off the table.
I knew who she was. Everyone knew who she was. This was Ava Paige, the Chancellor of WICKED.
What's she doing here?
My feet hit the cold cement floor, I stay slouched in my seat, but my arms crossed, jaw clenched, and glared.
"Chancellor Paige." Janson bowed his head, a greasy smile on his twitchy face.
"Janson." She said. Her voice was as cold as her eyes. "I would like a word with Subject B4 please."
"I will call you back when we are done." She dismissed Janson. Janson huffed but left the room. Ava Paige pulled out the chair across from mine and sat down. She folded her hands ontop of the table.
I didn't say anything. Chewing the inside of my cheek trying to figure out what she wanted. Why would the Chancellor interupt a disciplinary meeting between Janson and one of his agents?
"Jessica, is it?" She asked curtly.
"Jessie actually."
She just hummed, her eyes travelled over me, I felt her aragence and judgment. It grated on my nerves, but I said nothing, waiting for Her Majesty to tell me why she was here.
"You records are quite impressive."
I just shrugged. I do my job, do it well and they leave me alone. Sort of....if only they left me alone. I was never alone. Ever. Always that voice whispering in my head.
"You're last mission..." She trailed off, clearly waiting for me to say something.
"What about it?"
"You were supposed to take care of the problem."
"And? What's the problem?"
"There was no clear indication that the problem was...taken care of."
"He no longer works here. Isn't that indication enough?"
I knew what she was asking, what she was getting at. But no way would I give him up
He was one target I couldn't dispose of. No matter how much they insisted or tortured me, I fought the mind control. I would never tell them I let him go. He was family, he got caught and I was supposed to take care of the problem, make any and all problems disappear.
I had done their dirty work for three full years. I had got my hands bloody for them. I had given up my innocence, all for their version of the greater good. I was forced into this position as a child, I wasn't exactly loyal to was a forced contract. If I was disobedient they would reset my mind. It's only happened twice, but both times it hurt like a mother shucken Griever. I knew how far to push.
"Jessie. Or B4."
"I will address you with your name."
"It's not though, my name. It was forced on me. Is Ava your real name or a given one?" I snapped.
I saw her eyes flash dangerously.
"Can you confirm that your last job was taken care of?"
"Yeah. It was. I'm actually good at what I do." I rolled my eyes, "it's why you keep sending me and not the other idiots."
"Your pushing your limits Jessica." She warned.
"What are you going to do? Cut into my brain? Taze me? Reset my mind? Turn a child into a weapon? Tell me Ava Paige!" I yelled
I had risen to my feet, my hands flat against the cold steel table. My dark eyes narrowed. She looked at me blankly for a moment, her hands still folded together. Her bright red lips pressed together. When she smiled I knew I was in trouble. She nodded her head, and a moment later the door opened and 4 huge guards rushed in. Guns drawn, helmets and visors locked into place. Two of them grabbed me and forced me forwards, pinning me to the table.
"What we can do Subject B4, is send you as the first test subject into the Maze trials."
"Oh hell no! I'm not one of your little mice!"
"Oh... Jessica, but you have been. You have been all along." She smiled sweetly.
Janson walked in then behind the guards, a triumphant look on his face.
"You treterous little rat!" I spat.
"You were always the source of trouble." He sneared.
I snarled and attempted to throw the guards off. I knew it was pointless to fight four huge grown men with electric launchers to one 16 year old girl, not exactly a fair fight, especially when one had a taser ready to use.
The one guard pressed his elbow into my cheek, keeping my head pressed into the table. I still managed to kick his knee cap, I heard a crunch and he screamed in pain as he crumpled to the floor. Yanking one arm away I managed to straighten up and tried to twist away.
The other guard still held my arm. The fourth guard slammed the back end of his gun into my face. Pain exploded through my face. I felt the hot sticky blood fill my mouth with a metallic taste. I stopped fighting with a growl. I spat the mouth full of blood at the Chancellor and the Director, splattering their perfectly white outfits in red. Janson wrinkled his nose in disgust.
"Take her to the operating rooms." Ava commanded.
"The subjects for maze A are waiting and being prepared down that hall."
"It doesn't matter. Take her to the operating rooms. Now. I won't have any more troublemakers! Especially trained killers, who are disobedient!"
The three remaining guards grabbed me, one yanked my arms backed and cuffed my wrists. Two held onto my upper arms and they dragged me away from the room.
If I can reach my pick...and just wait for the right time...
They dragged me through the halls of WICKED facility. After the first year living here, I had each hall memorized, and most of the ventilation systems. I knew I could get from my room to the girls dorm and to the boys dorms. I was aware of the different Maze trials. Now they were forcing me into this trial. I wasn't exactly scared, but I wasn't looking forward to this turn of events. I didn't like living in WICKED, being sent out into the scorch on assignments they deemed important. I was never given an option, I accepted the assignment or there were consequences.
I had even meet a few of the kids involved in the trials. They seemed nice enough, but they were always leery of me. Which was fine. I wasn't a fan of people, probably why I worked best alone, in the dark in secret. Maybe going into this mysterious Maze wouldn't be so bad, away from Ava and Janson. Especially Janson, shuck, that guy was a creep. Still... I wasn't going down without a fight.
The door to the medical wing slid open. Heads turned in our direction. I spat another mouth full of blood out. Looking up I recognized a few of the guys. The tall blond with the accent, I had met his sister a few times as well. The short stocky bald black boy who always wore a scowl- I liked him. He didn't say much, and had a back the shuck off demeanor. There was the darker skinned boy with a big happy smile, and kind eyes. The tall blond who was built like a tank, and beside him was the last boy I recognized, the tall muscular Asian, he also had a back the shuck off vibe.
A few eyebrows raised in my direction. I smirked.
"Gentlemen." I nodded, I knew I had a line of blood dripping from my mouth down my chin and dripping onto their perfectly tilled white floors.
"The shuck?"
"No talking." The guard in front snapped.
I was shoved against the opposite wall. The two guards in each side, held their guns ready to use if I stepped out of line. The line of guys stood opposite me, all watching wearily. A few looked curious.
While the guards were busy looking forwards, I wiggled and twisted my hands, managing to grab the thin metal toothpick like tool I kept tucked in my lether cuffs and gloves. I worked on the handcuff lock. It didn't take me long, and the cuffs poped open.
In an instant I, swung the cuffs as a weapon, slamming it into the one guards face. I used my elbow and slammed it into the other guards face. I felt a crunch of the visor. Dropping to my knees I spun away and on the way back up I slid a knife from my boot. Before I was standing I snapped my wrist, flinging my knife end over end, it landed with a spray of blood in the guards neck. He dropped to his knees, clawing at the knife protruding from his neck. He collapsed sideways chocking on his blood.
The guys on the opposite wall froze and stood watching. Only two of them jumped forward to help. The blond who looked like a human bulldozer, Gally I think his name was, and the tall Asian, Minho. I had swept the feet of the other guard he landed hard on his back. Jumping forward I slammed a knee down into his chest and with a swift movement I yanked his head up and sideways, snapping his neck.
I looked up to see where the third guard went, when I felt something thump and cracked against my back. In an instant I felt the burning power of a thousand bolts of lightning strike me at once; I fell sideways off the dead guard landing on the tiled floor, my whole body convulsing and my vision started to go dark.
My eyes were open, but I couldn’t see anything. As soon as I came to that conclusion, light flared across my line of vision. Brilliant lights arced in lines across my field of vision, blinding me. I couldn’t blink, couldn’t close my eyelids to block it. Pain washed over my body; my skin felt like it was melting right off my muscle and bones. I tried to scream, but it was as if I’d lost all control of all functions; my arms and legs and torso shook no matter how hard I strained to stop them.
The crackle and pop of electricity filled my ears. Finally my voice made a noise. A high pitched gut wrenching scream. Shadows and shapes moved around me. I had no idea what was happening. It felt like eternity, but the bright white arches of light slowly added, and I just felt the spasms if sparks.
I lay on the ground panting, my throat raw from screaming, somehow I turned my head, wincing in the process, I spat more blood onto the floor, I must have bite my lip in the process. I saw the guys lined up against the wall again. All their eyes glued to me, the crazy girl laying in the floor still smoking and twitching from being fried by an electric launcher.
A shadow approached me and used their booted foot to make me look up at him.
"Another failed attempt." Spat Janson.
"Was it though?" I crocked, I smirked as best I could. "I just killed your captain...and his stupid second in command, you ugly sewer Rat!" I let out a wild dry cackle.
"The shuck did she just say?" The Asian guy asked, "Thomas?! Who did she just kill?"
A tall brunette kid in a white lab coat stepped out if the shadow.
"The guard Captain..." Thomas said in a hesitant awe. "Janson.? What's going on?"
"She's going into Maze B. Teresa, go get Aris and Rachel. Thomas. Continue with these subjects." Janson snapped.
He pulled out a communication device and called for more reinforcements. Guards came pouring out of the corridor, two picked me up and pulled me away. Before I finally lost consciousness, I heard one of the guys say loudly.
"Maze B is all girls...if she's in Maze B... That's gonna be shucken terrifying!"
"But who is she?"
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