Chapter 7: Twisted Ankle
I sat with a coffee clutched in my hands. I had been so focused on trying to find a way back I hadn't really noticed how long it had been. But last night I carved another thin line into the tree, I had been here 4 weeks. And it hit hard.
Sonya and Harriet must think I'm dead. I had actually let the tears fall. I missed my girls. I missed Sonya so much. I had been so focussed on leaving and trying to find a way back I hadn't cut myself in a long time. But last night got to be too much. I wrapped up the fresh cuts in gauze and then wrapped the leather bracelets and pulled my black gloves over, helping cover my wrist.
I hadn't slept much. I sat sullen and moody at the table. When the other sat down I growled. These guys didn't leave me alone. It was annoying. I never participated in their conversations.
"Good morning Jessie." Newt said brightly.
I just slammed my coffee cup down and got up and walked away.
"Someone is cranky today." Someone muttered.
"She must be in her period."
"Yeah, don't make me end your day in a pool of blood. I already cleaned up one pool this morning."
I heard a bunch of ooos, and sniggers. I kept walking. I didn't want to be here. Not just in the dinning area, but in the stupid Glade. I hated being the only girl. Most of the guys had learned to leave me alone. Funny, they didn't like knives held to their faces or throats.
I sat down on the grass outside the doors, waiting for them to open. I sat with my back to the Glade, back straight, eyes staring at the wall doors, willing them to open and reveal my maze. But nothing happened, except for the footsteps I heard behind. I internally groaned.
"What do you want Minho?" I asked without looking.
"How'd you know it was me?"
"The cadence and rhythm of your footsteps."
He sat down and held out a packed lunch. I looked at him with narrow eyes.
"Shuck Savage, I didn't shucken poison it!"
I snatched it and took my backpack off and put it inside. I zipped up the bag and pulled a knife out and started spinning it.
"Hey!" He frowned looking at the knife in my hands. "Where did you get that from?!"
"Better question. It took you this long to notice?" I raised my eyebrows at him.
"How the shuck did you find out about the weapons room?"
I gave him a cheeky smile and winked, "oh Minnie, you underestimate me. I know everything about your Glade and how it works, there are no secrets."
"How?" He narrowed his eyes, and clenched his jaw.
"I'm a night walker."
"A what?"
"I thought it was pretty self explanatory. I enjoy the night and shadows, I know how to do a lot of things. Sneak through shadows, pick locks...steal things without being caught...I have a very... specific skill set."
"Dammit girl!" Minho cursed. "You're shucken impossible."
He rolled his eyes. He didn't leave though, he placed his forearms on his knees.
"So are you finally going to join the runners and help find a way out or are you still determined to go back to your precious Measow?" He finally asked.
I was quiet. I had thought about it a lot last night. Alby was pissed I wasn't doing a job and participating in the workings of the Glade. I told him to go shuck himself.
I tossed my knife into the grass. Just to give my hands something to do.
"A month and there's no way back." I said quietly, my mood on edge again.
"I've never seen that section change. I have no idea how you got here. Maybe the Creators did it for a reason, switched that section while you were out." He shrugged.
I sat frozen. My brain processing what he said, why didn't I think of would make sense. They messed with everything else...why not have the creators mess with this and send me over here... I had been so curious about the noises I heard, maybe it was just the Designers messing with me, louring me to the section that connected out mazes.
"Fuck sakes...why didn't I think of that?!"
"One cuz sometimes ya need outside point of view. And two girls shouldn't swear so much."
He glanced at me, "yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Fuck you and fuck off."
He snorted, and I saw the corner of his mouth twitch into a small smile. I yanked the knife out and twirled it between my fingers and flicked my wrist, the knife sunk into the grass.
"So? Are you finally gonna morph into a Glader?"
"Everyone in the Meadow probably thinks I'm dead anyways." I shrugged, my voice was flat.
"That's the spirit."
"Hey guys!" Newt called, he came limping towards us.
We both turned to look over our shoulder.
"Aren't you staying? It's Greenie day."
"Eww. No!" I shuddered.
"Shuck no!" Minho wrinkled his nose at the same time.
"I will not here to see a Noob cry."
"Greenies cry and are the worst!"
"Last time I saw a Noob, I had to litterly out her in a choke hold because she would stop trying to fight she also took a dash for the maze. the last Noob...came up almost dead, and it was a dude. Same day I ended up here actually."
"What seriously?" Newt asked.
I nodded.
"He came almost dead, his eyes shot open yelled the previous Noobs name and then collapsed into some weird coma."
"Well that's jacked." Minho said and crossed his arms.
"Wow you guys sure nailed it." I rolled my eyes.
" two aren't sticking around?" Newt asked looking back and forth between us.
I shook my head at the same time Minho did.
"If the others want a day off fine whatever."
The ground started rumbling. The doors started to grind open. Minho turned towards the crack. I nodded at Newt and followed Minho into the maze.
He was a good running partner. He didn't say much while running. He set a quick pace and didn't pry into my life. I think today we didn't care where we went, just away from the Glade. We ran all morning. Had a quick lunch and kept going.
He slid a knife from his bag and hacked at a vine, it flopped down onto the floor just as I was passing. My foot got tangled and I felt my body falling with a scream I felt my ankle twist. I would have hit the ground but strong arms grabbed me before I landed face first.
"Careful Savage, don't fall too hard for me."
I couldn't breath, the pain radiating from my ankle up my leg to my knee. I rolled onto my back, trying to breath through the nausea.
"Shuck. What did you do?"
"You! You idiot! Why are you cutting and throwing vines around?!"
"Bread find out way back..."
"You don't know how to get back?" I yelled, the pain made me angry, and he was the easiest thing to lash out on.
"What the hell is your problem?!?"
He frowned. His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed.
"You couldn't have waited until I had passed?" I growled.
The intense pain making my stomach twist had started to die down into a nasty throb. I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes, trying to stop the tears.
"Shuck...I don't think I've seen Savage cry!"
"Yeah well, it fucking hurts you idiot!"
"Dang girl, relax!"
"Don't you dare tell me to relax. If a Griever comes around his am I supposed to save your ass?"
"Maybe it's time you let someone help you?"
"I don't need anyone. I'm a lone shucken wolf."
"Whatever. Can you sit up?"
With a growl I rolled myself up onto my elbows. And then pushed up into a sitting position. I scootched over to the side of the wall. Even dragging my ankle made me wince. I shrugged my bag off. I undid my boot laces and gingerly pulled it off and the sock, pulling my pant leg up.
"Dammit!" I muttered.
"Looks painful."
"No shuck Sherlock. Well spotted wattson."
I started pulling things out of my bag. I found the first aid kit I kept and the extra shirt.
"What's with the stuff?"
"In case I time travel." I rolled my eyes, I found a small ice pack, one of those smash it and shake it so it goes cold ones. A one and done I've packs. I tossed it to Minho.
"Break the middle and shake it for me."
I took the extra shirt I had borrowed from the guys too small box and started ripping it into strips. Minho handed the ice pack back. I wrapped my ankle once then put the ice pack on the most painful section, and wrapped more strips tightly around the ice pack and my foot and ankle. I tried the strip and leaned back against the wall, leaning my head back and closed my eyes for a moment. The throbbing was awful. I could feel the swelling. I grabbed a painkiller and swallowed it down with a swing of water.
With a growl looked around. We were at least a half day from the Glad. It was going to take forever to get back. I slammed my fist into the wall. I packed my backpack back up, swung it over my shoulders and hefted myself up, I swayed for a second.
"Whoa...slow down Jessie, you put any kind of weight on that ankle and it's going to get worse!"
"Who's shucken fault is that?" I snapped.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I turned back towards the direction of the Glade.
"What do you think your doing?"
"Building a shucken snowman."
"You going to hop all the way?"
I looked over my shoulder, Minho was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed across his chest, his biceps buldged, he had rolled his t shirt sleeves up showing them off. A smug smirk on his face.
"No I'm going to ride my Magical Griever back."
He raised an eyebrow, his smirk grew.
"You need help."
"If my running partner wasn't shuck a tool, I wouldn't be in the possition."
"Admit it. The great Savage needs my help."
"Eww. No. I don't do help."
"You are so shucken stubborn."
"Good thing too, it's kept me alive for longer then I should have been."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. Means nothing." I snapped and turned back around. Using the wall as support I tried to hobble my way.
I heard a growl and a long dawn out sigh. A few seconds later I was scooped up.
"What the hell? Out me down!" I yelled.
"If we went at your pace all the way back we wouldn't get back until next week. Just chill out. Not like I'm trying to make out with you!" He rolled his eyes.
Every muscle in my body was tense and coiled. I hated being touched, and I hated needing help. Minho carried me back through the maze halls. He would walk quickly down one hall and then jog the next. I heard the beating of his heart close to my ear, it was steady. His breathing fanned my hair. Somehow it was minty and fresh. I felt his arms sunder my back and under my knees, his chest muscles were tense and flexed.
Dang I need something else to think about.
Thankfully Minho asked a question just then, snapping me out if my thoughts.
"So...dark Savage girl, likes knifes, sleeping outside, takes risks and won't ask for help... Ever wonder what you did before the Maze?"
"No." I said sharply.
"Oh...right you went through the changing. Do you know who you were before?"
I stayed silent. I wasn't talking about the changing and I wasn't going to have a conversation about my past when it brought me nothing but shame and guilt and fear.
"Gally doesn't talk about it either."
"Gally?" My interest as peeked.
"Yeah, he went through the changing about a year and a bit into it... He was always grouchy and shirt you. But he's more so now."
"Great. Just two peas in a pod. I'll loop his arm and we can go skipping into the sunset. Oh wait ..." I raised my wrapped and swollen ankle. "I shucken can't."
"Watch where your going next time."
"Maybe have some spacial awareness next time you decide to throw vines around the ground."
"Do you ever stop?"
"Do you?"
I could feel the growl in his chest, it rumbled.
"Always with the attitude!"
"Always with the stupid."
"Shuck!" He grunted.
"Pfft. Giving up already? I'm just getting started Shuck face!" I smirked.
He stayed quiet for a long time. He finally came to a stop and put me down. He grabbed his water and chugged it back. Now that I was sitting on the ground and able to see his face, he looked exhausted. Carrying a human is hard work, I mean I'm not that heavy, but carrying some one for that long gets exhausting after a while.
"Almost back. Two more halls." He said, more like to encourage himself then to let me know. I knew where we were.
I nodded and untied the strips of cloth. Took the ice pack out, it wasn't cold anymore. I retired the strips nice and tight, pulled my sick on and slid my boot on. It was a tight fight, but it gave my sprained ankle support.
Minho pulled himself up, and held a hand out. Normally I'd ignore help, but I held mine out and he pulled me up.
"I can walk, just... slowly."
It was a major limp and it shot pain all the way up. I clenched my jaw tight and growled. Minho's arm slid around my back. Grumbling I put my arm over his shoulder. He helped me limp back to the Glade. Only to be met by Newt, Alby, Frypan, Jeff, Clint, Gally, Ben and a few of the other runners.
"What the bloody hell happened?" Newt cried when he saw how much I was limping.
"She tripped."
"Shuck off. You were an idiot and threw a vine around my ankles."
"The vine was there first." He grinned.
"Shuck! I can't with you anymore. Your stupid is too much for me right now."
"But what happened?" Jeff asked, stepping over.
"Your idiot if a keeper, threw a vine in my way, it wrapped around my ankle and twisted it. It's spranded. I'll be fine in a day or so. It's already wrapped. I'll come by for ice later. I'm fine."
Jeff tried to take my other arm.
"I said I'm fine!" I snarled. I pulled my arm from around Minho and wave Jeff away, "don't shucken touch me." I snarled.
I clamped my jaw tight, shoving through the guys and walked away towards the showers with as little limp as possible, but shuck the pain shooting up my entire leg was awful.
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