Chapter 61: Don't Give Up on Me
🔥🌶️ Spicy Fluffy kissy chapter 🌶️🔥
We sat at the table, for supper. Minho had hardly let go of my hand since he showed up in the maze. He didn't leave my side; which made for an... interesting shower after we got back.
Minho's hand slid onto my thigh, and his thumb gently drew little circles on my skin. It made my stomach back flip, especially what he had done to me in the shower. I clenched my fist around my fork for a second, trying to keep myself from not gasping and blushing or giving away he was teasing me again.
"Jessie?" Winston leaned over and asked quietly, "you okay?"
"Yep." I squeaked, picking up my water. I could see Minho smirk slightly, and slid his hand higher. I choked on my water and coughed a few times.
Winston gave me a knowing look and smirked. "Imma also need some details about that shower 'cause dang giiirl..."
I knew my face was pink, and I could feel my heart beat picking up.
"...I didn't know you could lose control like that, the things I heard when I walk-"
I sprung up from the table, snatched my backpack, spun on my heel and left the dining area as fast as I could, leaving my half eaten supper behind. I heard some of them calling me back, but I needed away. I needed quiet. I slid into the shadows of the Deadheads and climbed up a tree. I sat high in the branches trying to calm my racing heart and wild spinning mind.
Today, and yesterday had been so overwhelming, so many emotions had run through my mind and body and I was exhausted. I shifted so I was leaning against the trunk of the tree and my backpack was in my lap. I leaned my head back and looked up at the sky through the canopy of leaves. It should have been sunset, but there was no sky now. Just flare dull grey. There was just enough light to see by, there was no actual source for the light, it was just there. Like the electricity and water from pipes was just there.
I groaned and closed my eyes. I didn't know what to do to help. I didn't even know how I felt. I was so thankful and relieved Minho was okay, but I was still angry and hurt, I felt guilty for feeling like that too, feeling kind of like he betrayed my trust, constantly telling me to find help, to go talk to someone before it got bad, how he was always upset and sad or angry when I self harmed or that one time in the map room...and then he goes and does the same thing, but worse. Then I felt a wave of guilt and shame. We all have our own issues and flaws, our own traumas.
I think what was most upsetting was that he never told me. He never aloud me to see the vaunerable side. It was only just me, he made me spill everything, but I hardly saw his fears. Sure I saw the sweet and tender side of him, the kinky sexy side, but never the broken and vaunerable side.
I got up and carefully made my way through the trees to the tree fort. No one had used it since me and Teresa had taken refuge here when we first woke up. I sat down beside the lines I had carved in the tree my first month here. I ran a hand over them, thinking. I could feel the weight of sadness hanging on me. I missed Sonya so much. I bite my lip trying to keep the tears inside. I have cried a lot lately and I didn't like it. Opening up to others made me emotional, letting these boys in, letting them see the messiness inside made me cry all the shucken time.
I pulled my notebook out, flipping through the pages I read some of my entries when I first got here and I snorted a few times as I read of frustrated and angry I was with Minho.
He keeps running his stupid hand through his stupid hair, like he's trying to mess up that front on purpose. He's shucken arragant!
I smiled. Uh, silly nieve me. It started as something I wanted to smack him for and now it's something I love watching him do.
I flipped to the next blank page and stopped with a frown. In the corner of the page in neat loopy writing was a note.
It's okay to trust them 🖤
I read that little note a few times. It's was ultimately made me peek through my walls. I forgot about the note. I stared at it for a long time, still with no clue who wrote it or why. Was someone, one of the Designers a half decent person? Or was it someone else entirely? These kids had to have come from somewhere, being sent one by one each month, maybe one of them? I don't think I would ever know. Shaking my head I put my pencil to work. Minho had said something in the Maze that stuck with me and it had been bouncing around my head.
I will fight, I will fight for you. I always do, until my heart is black and blue. And I will stay, I will stay with you. We'll make it to the other side like lovers do.
I'll reach my hands out in the dark and wait for yours to interlock. I'll wait for you, 'cause I'm not givin' up. I'm not givin' up, no not yet!
Even when I'm down to my last breath! Even when they say there's nothin' left! So don't give up on me.
I'm not givin' up, I'm not givin' up, no not me.
Even when nobody else believes. I'm not goin' down that easily. So don't give up on me.
And I will hold, I'll hold onto you. No matter what this world'll throw. It won't shake me loose. I'll reach my hands out in the dark and wait for yours to interlock.
I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you 'cause I'm not givin' up. I'm not givin' up, no not yet. Even when I'm down to my last breath! Even when they say there's nothin' left! So don't give up on me.
I'm not givin' up. I'm not givin' up, no not me.
Even when nobody else believes! I'm not goin' down that easily! So don't give up on me
I will fight. I will fight for you. I always do until my heart is black and blue.
Andy Grammer - Don't Give Up on Me
Creative license to fit the story
Tears dropped onto the page, I sniffed and used the back of my hand to wipe the tears away. The tree beside me rustled.
"I can hear you." My voice came out shaky and strained.
"Baby? You okay?"
Minho dropped from the branch, from the tree adjacent. He came over and got onto his knees and lifted my test stained face. His worry melted into sadness.
"I'm... sorry. I did this." He whispered.
"Yeah. You did. Came busted into my fortsis of solitude and just smashed every single shucken wall and shield to dust and now I'm a big shucken cry baby. And I hate it."
Minho smiled gently, and used his thumbs to brush my tears.
"I like emotional wrecked Jessie. And badass Jessie, and angry vengeful Jessie, and overtired drunk giggly Jessie, and protective possessive Jessie."
"I think you may like this Jessie..." I rolled my eyes with a small smile and a sniff.
"Just a little." He chuckled, he pulled my head forward and kissed my nose and my forehead. He let go and his smile pulled into a small frown and his eyebrows pulled together. "Tell me why your crying. And why you rushed away from supper. What did Winston say?"
My cheeks flushed pink. And I looked away, I fiddled with my pencil.
"Nothing he hasn't said before. Just wants the details...
"What does he say?"
"He wants me to spill Sister, all the juicy details"
Minho cocked an eyebrow, "juicy details of us?"
"Yes. He wants to know everything about our personal life and sex life."
"And how much does that shank know?" Minho asked, smugness in his voice, his dark eyes twinkled, even in the dull flat grey light.
"Too fucken much." I sighed. "He has this awful way of making me talk. It's awful. He says girl talk, and Newt materializes out of shucken nowhere and they both sit and soaked it up and then squeal like the girls they are."
Minho was roaring with laughter by this point. I was bright pink and hot and flustered.
"Sounds about right." He chuckled. I huffed and rolled my eyes. He smiled at me and pulled me closer. Shifting so he was leaning against the trunk of the tree and I was leaning against his chest. I felt his chin only head and his arms snaked around my waist.
"But what else was bothering you?"
I was quiet, trying to figure out how to word everything.
" come you didn't find Newt? Or Winnie? Or me or someone? Why didn't you tell me how...low you were? Like..." I stopped and growled, I sat up, pulling away and turned to look at him.
"You're the one telling me all the time to seek help and shit. But...take your own advice! And...I kinda feel...hurt that you never told me, you made me open up and spill everything, but you're keeping everything to yourself. Don't try to fix me to give your self a distraction of your own pain and trauma. 'Cause if all I am is a charity case and a distraction I'm out."
I paused closing my eyes for a second.
"Sorry if that's...mean...'s how I feel right now. Finding you passed out, eyes rolling, hardly breathing scared the shit out of me. Minho, I've never felt like that ever!"
"You mean how I felt when I found you after the Griever stung you, after you had ripped up your arm?" He retorted softly.
I opened and closed my mouth and looked away.
"This isn't a competition, Minho. I'm still upset you never told me anything. Am I just a distraction from your trauma?"
"You sure?"
He shrugged and looked away. I hummed and folded my arms. He flicked his eyes to me and then away. I didn't say anything, waiting for him to talk, to explain for him to do something. I ground my teeth. I had a horrible dread filling me as I waited. I hoped I wasn't just something he used to distract himself.
"When you first got here, I thought you were aragant, rude, reckless, I wanted to shack you and slam my head into the wall. But I dunno Jess, it just happened, my frustration turned to worry. I started noticing your snarky remarks only happened when someone got too personal. You stayed out in the maze longer and longer the longer you were here, the more desperate you got to trying to find your girls. And it finally clicked. You didn't show it, but you missed them, you were upset and sad. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but your eyes showed it, I could see the pain in them."
I just hummed, my jaw loosened and my tight folded arms slowly loosened.
"I saw how shucken stubborn you were and I admired that. Your quick wit, snark and sass was fantastic. I started to notice other things, but you didn't let people in, not really. It drove me crazy. I wanted to know what made you tick, what made you happy what made you your first fire... That wasn't planned. It just happened... My head was so confused and clouded, you made me so fucken angry...but dang girl my heart wouldn't slow down and my lungs wouldn't work."
"I remember." I whispered. "That...kiss scared the klunk outta me."
He smirked. "Girl I just about melted into the ground. After you ran, I was frozen. I couldn't move. Everything tingled and buzzed."
"I know." I breathed, my stomach was twisting and all the butterflies were trying to get free.
"But no, Jess, you weren't just a distraction. I feel hard, and you came out of nowhere. You talk about me busting your walls down? What do you think you did to me? I have never ever felt like this... I've never cared or worried or...Jess. I just feel different, okay?"
He reached out and caught my chin between his thumb and finger, and lifted my chin, making me meet his eyes. They were dark and piercing my soul, busting through the shambl of walls I had up.
"Please, Jess...I love you so shucken much. I think my choice to ditch in the maze has been replaced. Please... don't ever doubt how much I love you."
"What happened had nothing to do with me?" I whispered, I couldn't look away, my chin was still held tight in his hand.
"None. And it never will. You gave..." He paused and had to take a shaky breath, "you gave me a second chance at life. You saved my ass. Again."
"I do tend to save your shuck sorry butt on a regular basis."
He had a small lopsided smile. His dark eyes got a slightly darker, as he still gazed into mine. I don't think I could take a full breath even if I could. His thumb gently pulled my bottom lip down as he leaned slowly closer.
Heet my lip go and slowly slid his hand down to my neck.
I breathed. "Minho?"
" gave me a second chance at life. And I know...I've said a lot of klunk...and made a lot of promises...I still wanna keep it. But I'm jacked. And I'm gonna make mistakes. Please... don't give up on me."
He slowly leaned forward, his other hand braced against the tree trunk he pushed me backwards. He was only inches from me, I felt his breath on my face.
"Stop looking at me like that." I whimpered.
"Like what, Baby?" His voice was deep. His lips brushed mine as he talked.
"Like I'm your next meal."
"Maybe I'm still hungry after that shower."
In answer he pushed me back into the trunk and closed the distance between us, his lips left burning marks on my skin. He kissed my neck and made me whimper and claw at his shoulders. Unlike the wild angry desperate kiss in the maze or the hunger passionate shower, he was gentle and slow now. He took his time, slowly brushing his warm lips down my neck. My hands slid under the hem of his shirt. His fingers found the strap of my tank top and bra and pulled it over my shoulder. He trailed kisses down my collarbone and over to my shoulder.
My hands dug into his hair, I tipped my head back with a small moan as his lips found more tender skin. He sucked and gently nibbled making me shiver and shake, leaving little marks all over my chest.
He finally, slowly brought his face back up to mine, brushing his nose along mine.
"Jessie?" He whispered against my ear.
"Not here."
He growled, "where's the fun in that?"
"No. Not here."
He pulled away to look at me. His eyes flicked back and forth between mine. And he nodded.
"Alright, Jess. Not here." He agreed, his chest was rising and falling rapidly. "Come on... Lets go to bed."
I went to pack up but Minho had my journal in his hands.
"Did you write again?"
I nodded. With a small smile. I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"It's okay. You can read it. It's something you said and it wouldn't leave my head."
With one hand wrapped around my shoulders, he held my book and he read the page. He squeezed me tighter. Once he's done, he looked down at me, his eyes shinning with a smile that made his eyes crease and a dimple show.
"I love it." He kissed my nose again. "I won't give up on you. And I'll always fight for you."
"I won't give up on you either." I whispered.
"I'd burn the fucken world down if anything happened to you."
"That's the sweetest thing you've said to me." I whisper against his lips. "Whisper more sweet nothings."
His hands slid down onto my butt and pulled me closer. "Come with me and I'll whisper things that'll make you moan and whimper."
"Hmm. Will I begg and scream?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I watched his eyes darken and a smug sexy smirk slid across his face.
"I could arrange that." He growled, grabbing my ass.
Andy Grammer - Don't Give Up on Me
🔥A little Jessie and Minho Spicy board🔥
×Just because we haven't one in a while×
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