Chapter 53: Bonfire Fight Night
We all sat around the fire again. It was a little sooner then we normally have, but Newt said Greenie was awake, and that means Bonfire night. The guys weren't complaining. Gally pulled out his moonshine, Frypan had his barbeque out.
I was sitting between Minho and Winston. Chuck and Thomas were asking Teresa rapid fire questions, which she was answering with ease, but slight confusion.
"Guys, would you slim it? You're going to make her head explode." I rolled my eyes.
"But it's so weird, you two are like the same! And your sure your not twins?" Chuck asked.
"Well, I have no memories." Teresa pointed out, "so maybe? But I doubt it."
"But like you both have strong opinions on everything! Like someone ask them a question absolutely no one would have an opinion on!" Thomas said, frowning.
Newt rubbed his chin, then looked up at us, "What's the worst multiple of 4?"
"12." We said together. And glanced at each other with matching smirks.
"What a stupid question." I rolled my eyes. I reached across Minho and high fived Teresa.
"It's like they share one mind!" Chuck marveled.
"And were still smarter than all of you!" I shrugged finishing a jar of moonshine.
"Girls rule. Boys drool." Teresa agreed. She was eyeing the jar suspiciously. "What is this?"
"Moonshine." Minho said, he raised the jar and finished his jar.
"Yeah, I gathered that much...but it looks like pee." She wrinkled her nose, "And it smells awful."
"Well its the only thing that warms this black heart."
"What heart?" Winston asked.
"Touché shank." I got up, "I need another one."
"Grab me one!" Minho called. I raised a thumbs up into the air. "Thanks Babe!" I flipped him off as I kept walking, "Love you too!" He yelled back.
I slid up to the table. Gally narrowed his eyes at me. I gave him a blank stare.
"What?" He snapped.
"Just getting another drink."
"So, you're a Thomas lover now are you?" He growled, crossing his arms.
"Look here shuckface," I pointed a finger at him, "the rules aside, you weren't out in the maze that night, you have zero clue. It was life and death, and yeah he's an idiot. But it was his idea to use the vines."
He went to protest, but I held a hand up.
"Just listen. I don't doubt you saw him. Sure, he was in your memories. But...what does it actually mean? Did you actually SEE him doing anything suspicious in your memories? You already told me nothing was a full memory, just bits and pieces. So...what if it's not really what happened? we said before, what if it's the the Creators messing with you?"
Gally growled and crossed his arms.
"Look, Gally. Don't trust him, fine. You never trusted me either-"
"I started to."
"What changed?"
"You were on Thomas's side."
"I'm on no ones SIDE, Gally. We're all here squished into this wonderful hell hole. We can't turn on people. We're in this together." I froze, and then shuddered, "I've been hanging out with Newt too much. As if I just said that."
He snorted, with a small smile.
"But come on man. I haven't changed. We all wanna get out of this place."
He growled again, I could see his resolve caving.
"Look I'm not asking you to hug him or anything, gross. But he's not a spy, come on, he's not smart enough for that."
"That...we can agree on." He cracked a small smile.
"Cheers." I held the jar up for a second and then swung my head back and polished the jar.
"Jeeze. You drink better than some of the guys here."
"I already know that!" I grabbed another two, and Gally raised his eyebrow. "Ones for Minho. Promise."
"Sure." Gally gave me a skeptical look.
"Your right I'll probably finish it before I get back."
He rolled his eyes. "You gonna fight tonight?"
I shrugged, "Don't know. There's no one here that worth fighting, I can beat all of you guys."
"What about the new girl?" He suggested, "You both looked like you knew what you were doing when you jumped over the tree fort railing."
I smirked at him, "Are you impressed Gally?"
"No." He snapped.
"Ya you are!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"We jumped over the railing that's like two stories up."
"Fine. A little."
"Yeah you are." I smirked. He rolled his eyes. I chuckled and headed back to Minho.
"Where have you been? Also! Did you finish my drink?" Minho asked, pointing to the empty jar in my hand and the other half empty one.
I just grinned. But handed the half jar to him. He rolled his eyes. I went to sit down, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap instead, and then snacked his arm around my waist. I turned my head and raised an eyebrow. He smirked and shrugged. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the conversation the guys were having. Winston, Chuck and Thomas were having a very intense conversation.
"-No man, finding a needle in a haystack is easy, all you gotta do is burn the hay!" Winston was saying.
"Whoa, man, you are the future." Chuck said seriously.
"Finding the hay in a needle stack, though..." He trailed off, sipping from his jar. the guys were quiet for a moment until Thomas snapped his fingers, with a look of tiumph.
"We just need a giant magnet!"
"We're gonna do great things!" Chuck mussed with awe in his voice.
I leaned over to Teresa, "See what I mean? Surrounded by stupid!"
She snorted into her jar, making her cough. I just chuckled with her. She placed her jar on the ground, looking in the direction of the wild noise of Gladers. She looked back at me with a silent question.
"Fighting ring."
This seemed to peek her interest. She got up.
"We're gonna go watch, wanna come?" I asked Minho, as I got up.
He flung his arm around my shoulder and we walked over to the sand pits. Gally and Clint were wrestling at the moment. We watched for a few minutes. Gally won. He helped pull Clint up. The next guy jumped in. Teresa watched with mild interest. The fight was finished relatively quick.
"Who's next?" He yelled.
I sighed dramatically, unstrapping my knives I handed them to Minho who smirked.
"Go get 'em my Savage girl. Show 'em who the bad boss bitch is." He said with a big smirk and a wink. I turned to go and he smacked my ass.
He was really handsy today. I glanced at him, and he winked again. We he trying to show me that he wasn't going to leave me for Teresa, like in my nightmares? Or something happen between the guys and he was trying to claim what was his? Or he was just feeling handsy today...Who knows. I sauntered into the fighting ring.
"Is this a good idea with your leg?"
"Please." I rolled my eyes.
Gally shrugged and came storming at me. I slid to the side as he lumbered passed. I didn't even lift my hands. I turned at face him again. He came at me again, arms out wide. All I did was duck under his arm.
"You're kinda slow Gally." I egged him on. "Did the others wear you out?"
He straightened, and turned towards me his teeth grinding. He narrowed his eyes. He raised his fists this time.
"Really?" I scoffed, "If you insist."
He came forwards, ready throw a few punches. I ducked under his first hook, and then when he went to jab, I stepped closer, swept his feet, making him go crashing to the ground. Before he could get up, I dropped a knee onto his chest, a hand on his neck, ready to squeez- I wasn't but I kept was there, and a fist raised. Gally flopped his head back into the sand in defeat, all the tension in his muscles was gone. The guys around cheered. I got up and held a hand out and pulled him up.
"New winner. Jessie stays in the ring. Who's next?"
Minho handed my knives to Winston, and stepped forwards. A smirk on his handsome chiseled face. He looked me dead in the eye and pulled his shirt off. Winston wolf whistled, which got the guys laughing and a few others to whistle as well. I smirked.
"Oh it's gonna be like that is it?"
"Absolutely it is."
His cocky smirk became a sly sexy one when I pulled my shirt off as well, leaving me in a black sports bra. Still looking at him I tossed my shirt aside, and spread my arms, welcoming him to start.
He sauntered towards me slowly, still not looking away. The Gladers were wild, screaming and wolf whistling. I let him come up toe to toe with me. His eyes were dark, I felt his breath on my face, as he looked down at me.
"Hey sexy." He growled.
"Why hello handsome." I smirked up at him. "It wont work this time."
He looked at me innocently. "What won't wo-"
Before he was done talking I had grabbed the hand he was going to grab me with. I twisted my body into his and I twisted his arm, and flipped him over my back. He landed with a loud thump in the sand. I dropped a knee onto his torso, and pressed both hands onto his shoulders.
"I win."
He just hummed, "Did you though? Who's on top of who?" he asked and raised an eyebrow. He grabbed my hips and rolled us so he was now on top, holding my hands flat to the ground. He leaned down closer to my face.
"I think I pinned yo-"
I leaned forwards and kissed him, taking him by surprise. I bucked him off. As he went forwards, I flipped my body backwards, doing a backwards summersault, and ended up pinning him again, this time I pressed my knee into his back.
"I will win every time."
"You cheated."
"Did I though? I mean you're welcome to kiss Gally next time and use the element of surprise."
He chuckled and I got up. He rolled over and flipped himself up back onto his feet. He bowed and swept a hand out towards me.
"Winner." He called, and stepped back, "Who's next?"
There was a lot of avoiding my eye.
"She beat the two best fighters in under two minutes, and she can take out like six guys at once. It ain't fare." Someone called.
I shrugged and folded my arms in a smug cockiness.
"I'll do it."
I turned towards the soft voice. I grinned. Teresa was pulling her hair up into a pony tail and pulled her shirt off, leaving her in a sports bra as well. She stepped into the ring to loud wolf whistling and cheering.
"Now I have a worthy opponent." I snickered.
I raised my hands up in front of my face; not quite in a fist, ready to punch grab or block. Teresa did the same. We circled each other. It was a wild fight. It was like trying to fight myself. We were both sweaty and now covered in sand, from the grappling on the ground. We both threw punches. She tried to do a spin kick, but that was easy enough to block. She blocked a few of my kicks. We ducked each others jabs and hooks. She did get a good punch I wasn't fast enough to block and I could feel the bruise on my jaw, but I got a good one too, splitting her lip. We must have been in the ring for a solid 8 minutes. I finally managed to take her down, and get her into a full submission hold after another minute or two of grappling. Teresa tapped out. I let go and rolled off. We laid panting on the ground.
"Nice." I held a hand out for a high five.
"Ya it was." She grinned, and weakly smacked my hand.
The guys had lost their minds, screaming and whooping. It was so loud that it was hard to hear. Minho and Newt came into the ring, and leaned over us.
"Well, looks like you finally found a worthy match, who can hold her own against you, Savage!"
"Yeah! It's like fighting myself!"
"Probably because we were trained together. Or at least by the same creep." Teresa said between her panting.
"Facts." I said pointing at her.
The guys helped us up, to another round of wild cheers. Minho handed me a jar of water and I chugged it back.
I sat on a log by the fire holding ice to my jaw, and sipping another jar. Teresa sat beside me with ice on her lip.
"Slow the bloody shuck down!" Newt scolded, "You're gonna have to be functional tomorrow!"
"I'll be functionally perfect!" I grinned at him.
"Yeah..." He shook his head with an eye roll.
I giggled. But yelped when he tried to take the jar.
"Hands off!" I smacked his hand. I lifted the jar and chugged it back. "Okay. Now you can have it." I smiled a huge goofy smile. He huffed, and rolled his eyes. I looked down at my jar and frowned. "It's empty!" I pouted.
Winston took the empty jar and swapped it with his full one. I looked up and grinned.
"Thanks Winnie! Besties for LIIIIIIIFE!"
He smirked. Minho rolled his eyes and pointed at him, "You are a horrible influence!"
"Shhh. MinMin!" I placed a finger on his lips to shush him. "We always have fun!" I slurred.
"Shuck ya we do!" Winston laughed at me.
"I love you Winnie!" I giggled and tried to hug him. I knew my head was spinning, and my mouth was saying things my brain had no control over.
"She's bloody affectionate when she's drunk, isn't she?" Newt punched the bridge of his nose.
The guys just watched me try and hug Thomas now who was very confused and trying to push me away. I turned when I heard Newt say that, and flung my arms around Minho.
"Ya know? I think I have better instincts about people than you do!"
"Oh? And why's that Babe?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well...I," I pointed to myself "Picked YOU!" I patted his chest. "You on the other picked ME!" I let go and took a few steps away.
"Wait! Babe! Come back here! We talked about this.." He grabbed my wrist and tugged me back into his chest.
"Hey big boy!" I giggled, "Come here often?"
He snickered for a second, "but babe! Seriously! Why wouldn't I pick you?!"
"I dunno! But are...are you not jealous?"
"Of what?" He furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean, Jess?"
"Well..." I said slowly, trying to word this with my non-functioning brain. "My boyfriend is hotter than your girlfriend!"
"But... we're... dating..." He said slowly trying to figure out what I said as I pulled away and started to skip off to Gally's table. "Wait! Jessie! Get your ass back here! You need to know how smoken' hot you are!" He called after me.
He finally caught up to me as I got to the table.
"Jess!" He panted. "Did...did you sit in something?"
"Did you sit in sugar? 'Cause you got a sweet ass!"
I snorted and then burst out in giggles. He looked so proud of himself. I slipped on another jar.
"Did you know? That kissing can burn 6.4 callouries a minute?" He raised an eyebrow. "Wanna work out?" I giggled, stepping up closer to him.
It was his turn to laugh. And his dark eyes bore into mine.
"Are you feeling a little down? I'll help feel ya up." He growled.
"Dude. Go do that somewhere else!" Winston leaned over towards us, "these shanks here are all gonna have some problems soon."
"I can only handle one problem at a time. And it's a big problem." I said seriously.
Winston and Minho both choked on their drinks. I smirked.
"Okay. It's definitely time for bed Jess. You gotta run tomorrow." Minho finally said as he took the jar from my hands and pulled me away.
"Bye Winnie!"
"Night Jessie!" He waved. "Have fun!"
Minho rolled his eyes and swept me off my feet and carried me the rest of the way.
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