Chapter 41: Hurt and Anger
My back arched and I crumpled to my knees. The pain was sharp and it stung. I dropped forwards onto my stomach, rolling onto my back I grabbed the last of my knives. Laying on my back I had to cross my knives above me so I could block the tail. It looked like it was just the last of the wires sparking, giving it life, because the rest of the body wasn't moving. It lay crumpled on the stone floor.
I blocked the tail and pushed it away. Rolling away, I managed to get up onto my feet and scrambled out of reach of the tail. Turning to see what it was doing the tail twitched a second time and it lay still.
Breathing hard I leaned my hands on my knees for a second. Trying to catch my breath. I could feel the sting of the cut on my back. I had stopped taking my full backpack with me, instead using the smaller lighter Runners vest packs the guys had. I growled at myself. If I had still used my backpack I would have shredded up back.
I slowly straightened up. Minho was still standing flattened against the wall. Staring at the Griever with wide dilated eyes. I frowned as I looked at him. There was something else going on. Grievers are very yes, most people are afraid of something that hunts you down and kills you. But this was.. different. Like his body could remember the fear response to something, even if the memory was gone. There must be a Griever encounter before the maze...or something similar.
I shook my head. We needed to get back. I slowly walked up to him.
"Minho? We gotta go."
His eyes snapped to mine. I saw a mix of emotions all battling for dominance. The one he settled on was anger. I could see his eyes hardening and his jaw muscle clenched and unclenched.
"That was the stupidest thing you have ever done!" He yelled.
I raised my eyebrows and folded my arms across my chest.
"Try that again."
"I turned around and you were gone! What the hell Jessie!? Why the fuck would take on that thing on your own?" His face was cold stone, and he was shaking with anger.
"In case you didn't see. It was gaining on us. I could have let it get both of us. And unlike you I'm not scared of them. It was I distract it, take it on, slow it down and give you time. It's only ever after me. So your fucken welcome!"
"No! I'm not thankful! It was stupid and reckless!" He screamed, he took a step closer.
"It was the only option!"
"No it wasn't!"
"Then enlighten me! Oh wise one!" I rolled my eyes.
He was silent, everything was tense and he was grinding his teeth, his eyes narrowed, glaring at me.
"I thought so. When you noticed I was gone, great you came back. You noticed I was fighting it, ya? And what did you do?" I asked dangerously calm and quiet.
Again he said nothing.
"I asked you a fucken question Minho. What did you do? You said there was another option? One of not just me taking it on..
You were too scared to move."
"I.." he started. But when I raised an eyebrow he faltered and looked away.
"Exactly. Nothing. Like everyone else, you get paralyzed with fear. I have now given us a chance to get back alive."
"Do you think of anyone one but yourself?" He yelled.
That was like a slap in my face. Sure I could take the other stuff. That didn't bother me. Yeah, I am reckless, yeah it was stupid... And I know he hides his fear behind anger, but that...that hurt.
"Excuse me?" I whispered.
"You heard me!" He snarled.
"I just risked my fucking life, AGAIN, for you. I took a Griever on alone, AGAIN, so you could get back! How is that selfish?"
I was done talking to him. I turned down the corridor and took off back to the Glade. A few minutes later I heard his feet behind me. I sped up so I wouldn't have to run beside him. I was angry and I was hurt. My chest hurt and I felt my throat becoming tight. I wasn't going to start crying. Not in the maze and not over a boy. What I just did was anything but selfish.
I could hear his feet slapping the stone just behind me. Again I put my head down, pumped my arms harder and speed up, I pushed myself even harder. I filed my speed with anger. And hurt.
I crossed into the Glade. My eyes were clouded from exhaustion. Every muscle in my body was screaming. My head spun. I heard Minho crumple to the ground behind me. I tried to stand up straight but I was hit with another dizzy spell and my knees have out. I also crumpled to the ground. Laying on my side. My back was burning. I could feel the blood slowly oozing.
My eyelids slid closed, I was sucking air hard, my chest hurt and my lungs burnt. Minho didn't sound much better. My eyes snapped open when I heard frantic footsteps coming.
"You guys okay? What happened? Why are you back so early?" Thomas yelled as he skidded to a stop.
With a groan I closed my eyes again, even that took too much effort.
"Alby." Wheezed Minho, "Newt."
I opened my eyes again with a scowl. Why would he be calling for Alby and Newt? Was he going to throw me in the slammer for taking on the Griever alone?
"Ya, they're coming, I saw you two collapse and yelled for them" Thomas looked over his shoulder, I could see Alby and Newt running over.
"What happened? Why are you back so soon?" Alby yelled.
"Dude! Slim it nice and cool!" Minho huffed.
"Someone slept on the wrong shucken side of the bed!" I grumbled.
"We got another Greenie!" Newt said.
"What? We just got a Greenie!" Minho asked, sitting up, pointing towards Thomas.
"Yeah. A girl." Newt glanced at me, he was giving me a weird look. My eyes flicked between Alby and Thomas. They were all looking at me with the weirded out look. I frowned and pushed my selfie to sit with a groan, my muscles protested. And I winced when I moved.
"Yeah. Weird thing is, we thought she was dead, but then she sat up, and yelled Thomas's name...and she yelled for you, Jessie...and then collapsed into a coma thing."
"The shuck?" Minho whispered in shock.
"It's the same as the guy from my old maze!" I whispered, my eyes wide, "he did the same thing! Came up mostly dead, screamed the last Noobies name and then collapsed into a coma..."
"Again...what the actual shuck?" Minho groaned.
I rolled my eyes, I was really annoyed and still angry with him.
"Yeah we said the same thing! Also, what's weirder that she whispered something else right before she collapsed."
"Which was...?" I asked.
"She said everything is going to change. She also had a note that said she's the last one ever." Alby added.
"Well shuck me." Minho muttered, "today gets weirder." He threw an arm over his face.
I agreed, but I didn't want to talk to Minho right now. It was a weird day. First Ben and his weird psychotic warning, then the Griever and now the girl.
"Yeah, about that! Why the shuck you two back so soon?"
"Dude, can we get some water before we continue to discuss the new girl? We both sprinted back here and our waters are empty." Minho asked, his voice was horse and dry.
Alby didn't move, he wanted answers.
"Alby! I can barely talk, Jessie can hardly move, she also needs a medjack. Be useful and get us some shuckin water you shank!" Minho yelled back, his voice raw.
"Admiral water. Move it! I wanna see some hustle." I rasped, snapping my fingers, then let my hand drop to the grass again. My dry throat made me couch a bit, which made my back burn. Alby huffed and spun around and jogged away.
"Thomas. Do not get any ideas. Minho and apparently Jessie are the only ones who can boss him around." Newt warned and crossed his arms, giving Thomas a pointed look, but he had amusement in his eyes.
Thomas looked down at us shocked.
"He lets you boss him around like that?"
"Please, Greenie. I'm the lone shucken female. I do whatever the shuck I want."
Newt folded his arms a slight smirk on his face. Thomas looked unsure, he looked down at Minho and me, "So...did you guys find anything? What happened? Jessie, why are you bleeding?"
"Uh, you and your stupid shucken questions! Do you ever shut up?" I snapped.
"Slim it Jessie." Minho snapped.
"How about you go stand over there by the wall?" I retorted.
Newt was frowning, and was looking back and forth between us. His eyes met mine and I could see the question in his eyes. I shook my head and looked away. Newt stepped over and crouch down behind me. He gingerly moved the shredded shirt away to see the long cut.
"What happened?" He asked quietly.
I gave Minho a scowl, "Save the stupid shuck faces life."
"What?" Newt asked.
"Jessie? Shut it." Minho said harshly.
"Oh? And how did I get it then?"
"By being fucken reckless!"
Newt held his hands up, "okay okay. Slim it both of you."
"You get a good look at her, Greenie?" Minho asked, changing the subject. I glanced up at Thomas, to see what he would say. I was kind of curious what this new girl looked like, maybe she was someone else from old maze.
Thomas nodded.
"She hot?"
I spun around to face him so fast it made Newt fall over. I didn't have any more knives, but I lunged at him with a wild snarl.
"What the fuck is your problem?" I screamed.
Newt and Thomas both yelped in surprise and pulled me off. I was so angry and hurt. I had tears stinging my eyes. My back pulled and I felt fresh blood oozing. I continued to scream curses at Minho who just threw his hands up to deflect my fists. Newt held me back, I was exhausted and didn't put up much of a fight.
Thomas frowned and shrugged, "Uh, I guess?" He said uncertaintly.
"You guess. If you're into chick's in comas, right?" Minho snickered.
I didn't find it funny at all. I growled, blinking hard, I looked away trying to keep the tears from falling. My chest really hurt. I folded my arms across my chest. I tried I could feel the Greenie's eyes on me. I whipped my head back towards him, my eyes narrowed.
"Would you stop fucken staring?! It's really annoying."
"You swear a lot. And you look like her." He blurred. He looked back at Minho, "I mean the new girl looks just like Jessie...and she's Maybe? I dunno." Thomas stuttered, his face going slightly pink.
I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to go on. Newt sighed in exhaspiration, and punched the bridge of his nose.
"I said to wait, Tommy."
"Sorry." He muttered.
"Someone better fucken explain right now!" I snapped.
Newt sighed again. He shifted so he was sitting, his bad leg stretched out. He shook his hair out of his face and looked at me.
"The new girl who buggen' came up half dead? Yeah she looks just like you. Black hair, pale skin, naturally pink lips. Her eyes though...they were buggen' bright blue!"
My heart stopped and my blood went cold. No one seemed to notice, but I felt Minho's eyes on me. I sort of explained my night mare to him, not in detail...but enough that he probably caught my reaction. No one else did because Thomas changed the subject.
"So?" Thomas looked eager again, "why are you back so early?"
"Slim it Greenie!" Minho rolled his eyes, his cold demeanor was back, "wait for Admiral Alby!
"Did you guys find something?" He asked, hungry for answers, I saw his eyes slid to the door behind us, and his eyes searched the maze behind.
Newt, Minho glanced at each other and then at Thomas, with a frown. I was already scowling. He only looked back now, realizing we were all frowning at him.
"What? What did I say?"
I saw Minho's eyes open wide; he focused on Thomas.
"You know what, Greenie? That's usually the dumbest shuck-faced thing you could ask a Runner." He closed his eyes again. "But not today."
"What do you mean?" Thomas gasped.
I saw the hope flash in his eyes, the need for answers. Newt shifted again so he could see us both better. His eyes were wide, flickering back and forth between Minho and I.
"Wait for Admiral Alby!" I rolled my eyes. "Newbies never shucken listen!"
"Whatever...fine I'll wait, but can you please let me stay? I'll be quiet!" Thomas begged.
Minho shrugged, "whatever Greenie. You da boss."
Thomas huffed, "why are you guys so tired? I thought you two were the best runners ever?" His question was dripping with sarcasm.
"I am you idiot." I rolled my eyes. But you run flat out for a few miles, fight for your life and your stupid running partners life and let's see how you look!"
"Jeeze Jessie, why are you so mean?" Thomas pouted.
"'Cause what has nice ever gotten me? Huh Greenie?" I demanded.
He frowned. I also caught Newt's frown and look of concern, his big brown eyes were flickering back and forth between me and Minho. I knew he was trying to figure out what happened between us.
"Do you ever give a shuck about anything?" Thomas asked, his big brown eyes looked so hurt.
"Yeah. I do actually. I give a lot of fucks for someone who has been en fucked over again and again."
"Who hurt you?" Thomas finally snapped.
"Do you want a fucken list?" I practically yelled, my anger was still coursing through me like hot blood.
He opened his mouth to answer but Alby finally came back and chucked us a water bottle. Alby impatiently tapped his foot while Minho and I chugged the water.
"Out with it. What happened?"
I nodded my head towards Thomas, raising an eyebrow.
"Whatever he's fine," Alby replied. "I don't care what this shank hears. Just talk!"
I was surprised how quietly Thomas sat, but I could see him almost vibrating in anticipation as Minho struggled to stand up, wincing with every move.
"We were chased." Minho said druly.
"Huh?" Alby asked.
"What?" Newt gasped at the same time.
"Chased by what?" Thomas asked.
I stared at Thomas for a moment, "seriously? How dumb are?"
"What?" He asked.
"I asked how dumb are you? Like did you eat a big bowl of stupid? We were chased by unicorns Thomas!"
"Zip it Jessie." Minho snapped.
"How about you shut the fu-"
"Enough!" Roared Alby, "you were chased by another Griever?"
I just nodded.
"We were apparently stalked most of the morning." Minho shrugged.
I growled, but didn't say anything. They didn't know about Ben and I would keep it that way.
"Bloody hell! That's how you got your back all buggen' shredded." Newt muttered.
"No I tripped." I rolled my eyes.
"She killed it." Minho said, but it came out harsh, like he spat it out.
"She decided to take on the damn thing alone. Just ditched me, and I turn around and she's gone. Gone off to fight a mother shucken Griever! Alone!" He was glarring at me.
"Yeah? I saved your sorry ass. Again!" I snapped back.
"We are partners Jessie! Partners do things together! They don't ditch each other."
I struggled to my feet, as did Minho, "Oh now that I know, I'll let the next one kill us together. Because dying as partners is better then me killing it and we can both live. Yeah makes total sense Minho! Real winning plan."
"You know for sure it was dead?" Alby asked, "did you really kill it?"
Minho finally ripped his narrowed eyes off me and looked at Alby, "It's dead." He nodded.
"Because you shuckfaces! It had two of my arrows sticking out of its eyes, my knife in the centre of its shuck head. And I ripped its stomach open spilling all its oil. Any other dumb questions?" I sassed, angry with the interruptions.
"In the eye? You threw knives and arrows into its face...while it was moving...? And hit its eyes!?" Thomas asked, his eyes wide and mouth dropped open.
"Yes Greenie. And we have a dead Griever right now. My amazing ninja skills aren't the topic of discussion, right now." I snarked with a roll of my eyes. I was hot, tired, hungry, and sore. Not to mention angry. I wanted to hide and cry. Which sucked, I hated crying. This conversation needed to wrap up.
"Why didn't you bring it back then?" Alby asked the pair. I actually laughed, a long bitter laugh full of anger and resentment. Minho rolled his eyes.
"You really expected us to drag that metal machine back here? I know you've never seen one...but come on Alby!" I growled and threw my arms up. But winced, the cut on my back needed to be cleaned.
"Know how big that thing was? How heavy it would have been? I know I got super awesome muscle, but seriously dude? Use your brain! But if you really want, I guess we could go back and take a closer look, if we hurry."
I growled. I'd go if I had to.
Newt looked at his watch, "No. Doors will be closing in a bit."
"Ya, if it's dead-"
"If?" I interupted.
"It can wait until tomorrow."
"The smartest thing you said all day, Captain." Minho sassed.
"Go take a shower, you shanks" Alby ordered.
I gave Alby a look of death and he took a step backwards. And raised his hands in defense.
"It's been one shucken weird day!" Alby muttered.
"The girl was bloody right." Newt said thinking out loud, rubbing a thumb against his bottom lip. "Things are gonna change."
Minho gave me a look, but turned and walked to the homestead. I turned to the showers.
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