Chapter 40: Stalked
Minho and I flung the Map room door open and we left. We jogged across the Glade to the doors that were just rumbling open.
The maze halls were cool and quiet. The only sound was the slap of our footsteps and the sound of us breathing. We didn't need to speak to run together. We took each turn smoothly and in sync. I glanced beside me, Minho ran straight and sure. His muscled arms pumping back and forth, his breathing rhythmic and steady.
My mind wandered back to my first few weeks. I couldn't believe how different I was. I'm still angry, violent vulgar and standoffish. But I had let people into the darkest parts of me, I had opened myself up and become vulnerable; something I had never thought possible. Especially with the boy beside me. He was relentless, beating the gates to my stronghold until it was crumbled in ruins dust and ash.
He showed me it was okay to trust. He showed me that sometimes you can't do it all on your own. It was absolutely terrifying, my insides still twisted when I thought about how much he knew. But I had cut myself wide open exposed the dark black mess and monster that hid inside and he didn't back away. Instead he walked closer, ready to embrace the angry monster.
I had a sudden uneasy feeling. My skin broke out in goosebumps and I felt a sudden chill. I turned my head and looked over my shoulder. Nothing was there. It was a straight hall and no where for anything to hide. I hadn't seen a beetle blade in a while. I frowned as I looked back straight ahead.
I blinked and shook my head I looked around. Minho kept glancing at me, an amused smile on his face.
"Huh? What?"
He chuckled.
"I asked...if you want...a water...break." he asked between his slightly labored breathing.
I nodded and we slowed to a brisk walk. Pulling water out we kept walking.
"Notice anything?" He asked.
I shook my head, "'s all the same."
I kept that creepy crawling feeling to myself. It was probably just my over stressed suspicious mind.
He frowned. I could see the strained look on his face, but he didn't say anything. I could see the hope dwindling. We took another turn. He kept walking, I slowed down just slightly, and looked around.
"Section seven." I announced.
The giant red painted 7 on the big stone wall was the same as it had been. Looking like it had stood for centuries, the paint peeling and worn down. Vines on each side, moss covering the stone. The shiny piece of metal.
"Wait! Minho!" I yelped.
"What?" He asked turning around so fast he stumbled.
"That wasn't there last time I ran seven!"
I ran over to the wall with the painted number. It was a shiny piece of metal. Words stamped into it.
World in Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department
"What- and I can't stress this enough- the actual shuck?" Minho marvelled as he came over to the little metal sign.
"Okay, so I'm not crazy? You see the sign too?"
" are crazy, Babe. But yeah, I see the sign too."
I swatted his arm, but we were both too shocked by the sudden appearance of the sign to bicker.
I reached out a hand, the metal was cool, the letters stamped into it were rough.
"World in Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department...what the hell does that mean?" Minho asked.
"No idea. But the words Catastrophe and Killzone don't exactly make me feel better."
I hear Minho snort, "really? Ya don't say..? I feel super safe!" He sassed with an eye roll.
"What do you think experiment department means?"I asked instead, and glanced at him.
He was chewing the inside of his cheek, his eyebrows pulled together. He shrugged.
"No idea. But...always felt like mice in a maze, we suspected we were being watched by the Creators through the beetle blades."
"Agreed. They always know what's going's creepy. I show up in your maze I get a box of girl things...I mention the teddy bear and the next fucking day it's in the cage." I spat bitterly.
I really hated that we were stuck and people somewhere somehow were watching. I could see Minho's face harden. He was thinking the same thing. He shook his head and turned away.
"Come on...we gotta keep going."
"Wait!" I yelped, my hand flew to my forehead. Minho spun back around, his eyes wide.
"What? What's wrong?" He grabbed my shoulders.
"That sign...we..we had them in my first maze!" I squeezed my eyes closed trying to remember. Keeping them closed I kept talking. "I definitely remember one on the wall in section 4. The same spot where I fell off the wall and ivy and where the wall moved and I ended here!"
"The shuck?" He whispered.
"It's like their stamp. Stamping their nice little maze they made." I spat bitterly now, the anger flashing through me. Minho frowned and shook his head.
"Well...come on, we gotta keep going. Almost to the blades."
I turned to follow, but stopped and spun around. That feeling got worse. There was nothing around, my eyes darted everywhere, sweeping along the walls and floor, trying to see around the corners without moving. Again there was nothing. I growled in frustration. Giving up for now I turned and caught up with Minho.
We were both lost in our own thoughts. Random signs showing was definitely different. It was like the Designers were claiming this stupid place. Putting their stamp on their work. I growled again. When I see those stupid Designers I was going to kill them all.
We picked up our speed and for the next twenty minutes we ran faster trying to make it to the blades. We slowed down and with a brisk walk again, our heads started to swivel back and forth. Nothing looked different.
We passed through the first two rows. I kept glancing over my shoulder, I knew something was there. But I couldn't hear anything, there were no beetle blades. Designers wouldn't show their actual cowardly faces. I shook my head. As I did so I saw something flash. I turned towards it. It was the sun reflecting off another sign.
"Min...another sign." I panted, and pointed.
"What the shuck is going on?" He muttered, "why now?"
I shrugged, "your guess is as good as mine."
We passed another row. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, I got an instant creepy feeling, like we were being watched. I froze.
"Minho." I whispered.
He didn't hear and kept walking.
"Minho!" I whispered again a little louder.
He stopped and turned with a frown. He came back over, his eyes darting over my face, taking my sudden uptight demeanor. I placed a finger on my lips, indicating silence. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards one of the metal blades, pressing into it, like we could hide. I cocked my head, listening hard. The creepy feeling didn't go away.
"What is it?" He breathed.
"We're being stalked." I whispered back, "I've felt it all morning."
His eyes went wide in alarm. I flattened myself into the metal. Sliding the bow off my shoulder I also grabbed an arrow, sliding it onto the string. Holding it nocked and ready, but kept it lowered, pointed at the ground. I cocked my head, listening hard. I heard Minho breathing hard beside me. He had pulled out a long knife. He had no idea what was going on, but he trusted my instincts.
"Okay. Minho you go to the right. I'll go to the left. We'll flush whatever it is out. Keep your eyes and ears open."
He nodded.
"On three. One...two..three."
I peeked my head around the corner. Minho moved to the next blade. I did the same but in the opposite direction. Splitting up wasn't the best option, but it was also easier to flush out whatever was stalking us. I didn't think it was a Griever. Whatever was following us was too quiet and sneaky for that. I had my suspicions, but I didn't want to voice it until I knew.
I looked over my shoulder. I couldn't see Minho anymore. On my fourth blade, I caught sight of movement in the shadows, around the first row of blades. Where we had come from. I stayed still, waiting in the shadows. It was a long way off. I was three full rows away. I was contemplating my next move when I saw movement again.
I stepped out from the blade I had hid behind. I raised the bow. And quick and quiet as a cat I crossed the open area and into the next shadow of the row of blades.
I saw movement again to the left of me. I raised the bow. I saw white and a flash of red. My suspicions were right.
"Ben!" I called, stepping out from the shadow.
From the shadows what used to be Ben lurched and staggered out into the open. He looked like a full fledged monster now. He had bloody scratches everywhere, he had ripped the bandage from his face off, so a big open wound gaped on the side of his face. His one leg was shaking and he leaned sideways, like gravity was trying to pull him down. His eyes were now almost completely black. His veins were swollen and black again. His breathing was ragged. When he smiled, it was twisted with insanity. It sent a shiver down my back.
He let out a wet gurgling chuckle.
"Hello Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder."
He coughed and it was wet and juicy; black goo dribbled down his chin.
"Why are you following us?"
"You weren't supposed to be there!" He cackled, "You're a mistake! Mistake mistake mistake! You cause trouble trouble trouble!"
It was his repeating the last word in each sentence that crept me out the most. His mind was gone; taken over by whatever poison is in the Griever stinger. This wasn't Ben.
"You we're ment to die die die!" His head twitched oddly, and he let out a wet laugh which turned into a cough. More black goo appeared and slid down his chin.
"That's funny funny funny! The murder was supposed to die die die." He gave me another twisted smile. I could feel the muscles in my arms working, holding the arrow tight. Ready to use.
"Irony at its finest." I said.
"They will make you suffer suffer suffer." His twisted smile grew, "the replacement is coming, replacement is coming replace-"
He stopped mid sentence and lunged at me. I let go of the arrow. It sunk into his chest with a sickening wet thud. The impact of the arrow made him fall backwards. And he landed on the stone. I saw the arrow protruding out his back. Blood bubbled up from where the arrow hit and pooled on the stone.
I lowered the bow, breathing hard. I stood staring at him for a moment before my brain picked up on something else. Ben wasn't alone.
"Minho!" I screamed as I took off running. I saw him reappear about a dozen blades to my right.
"Griever!" I screamed and took off for the hall that would lead us back to the Glade.
I saw him stumble slightly out of the corner of my eye. We had to run diagonal, threw the blades and down the rows to make it to the hall opening.
The Griever finally announced it presence. It let out a wild scream. It seemed far away, but the scream echoed off the metal blades. So my guess of where it would be wasn't very accurate.
I just about slammed into Minho as we both reached the hall at the same time. He tried to skid to a stop while I just kept going, I grabbed his arm and pulled him after me, to keep him from falling.
"Don't stop." I yelled. "It's after me, remember?"
He had regained his balance, and was now beside me. We glanced at each other, I saw the panic and fear in his eyes. Whether it was because of the Grievers or his safety or mine, I wasn't sure. But his desire to live would help make him run faster, which was good. Being chased by deadly monsters was normal for me.
"Back through 4. Short cut!" I yelled.
He nodded in understanding. I could hear the mechanical sounds of the Griever now, and it's long deadly legs slamming into the stone. We still had a good lead, but any mistake would cost us that lead. We ran. Taking corners faster than we ever have. Turn after turn. The closer we got to section 4 the closer the Griever got.
I finally caught sight of it in the long open stretch of hall. It came screaming around the corner. It roared in victory, finally having seen its prey. Minho and I were both exhausted. Sprinting flat out for that long...humans weren't ment for that. We wouldn't make it back if we kept this pace. Our other option was turn and fight. But one glance at Minho's face, and I knew he would never. He was down right terrified. I however...
I could give him time.
At the next turn, while he took the turn and kept going, I leapt towards the wall, pushed off with my feet and twisted around mid air. Pulling an arrow from my back at the same time. I took off running back towards the Griever.
I brought the bow up and let it fly. Still running towards the monster I grabbed another arrow, I had to slow down a bit now because the first arrow sunk into its eye and was now thrashing it's head. I had to compensate for the movement, but I let the arrow fly. The Griever reared back again screaming.
I screamed in victory. It was now blind, both of its eyes had an arrow piercing threw them. Now if I can get under it, spill the motor oil... I had to jump over a flailing leg. I was so close to the thing. I swung the bow over my head, blocking the tail and claw that whipped around. I pushed it away as I kept going along the wall. With another burst of speed, I was now behind the Griever. I slid my long knife out. Slashing it down, I ripped the blubber open. I had to duck and back up as the tail came around. I had to flatten myself to the ground, rolling a few times into the wall trying to avoid the claw.
I jumped to my feet. Grabbing another arrow, I nocked the arrow aimed and released. I saw its head whip to the side with the force of the arrow. It screamed in frustration, it couldn't see where I was. I was also quite and it couldn't keep track of me. I ducked under another leg. I had to swing the bow again to bat the claw away. At the same time I dove under it. I rolled onto my back, now I had access to it's underbelly. I stabbed my knife up into its stomach. I yanked it out and rolled immediately. A leak of dark brown motor oil seeped out. Again I stabbed up into it.
The Griever was furious. It screamed and started to wildly stab its sword like legs down into the stone. It didn't care what it was doing. It just wanted me out from under it and the Designers wanted me dead. I rolled back and forth, trying to figure out how to get out from underneath. I pulled my head as a leg slammed down missing my face by inches.
I rolled onto my stomach and crawled as fast as I could having to stop and roll out of the way. I heard a wild terrified scream. My head snapped up in the direction of the scream. I saw Minho standing at the end of the hall. The Griever turned its blind head in the direction of the scream. Dammit! It looked like he was about to pass out. The Griever screamed, Minho backed up and scrambled further away, into the vines, effectively tangling himself. The Griever started in the direction of Minho.
"No!" I screamed.
I flipped the long knife in my hand, dropping the bow I used two hands and drove it as hard as I could up into the Griever, twisting the handle as I drove it further in. I felt resistance, the blade must have hit the mechanical parts inside.
The Griever roared, stumbling backwards. Ripping my knife from my hands. The legs started to twitch and lash out at random. It's tail flew all over the place. It was whipping its head back and forth. I had no idea if they felt pain, but the way it was acting, it seemed like it. The oil leaked out like blood, it started to spark, my knife still stuck inside its body.
I rolled out if the way again and got to my feet. Another small knife in my hands. My long knife was inside the Griever and I lost my bow under its wild flailing legs.
I screamed in defiance again, turning to face the wild screeching monster.
"Come on!"
I wasn't sure if I was yelling at the Griever or the Designers. I could feel the anger and frustration, the hurt and fear the disgust, every negative feeling came to the surface, and exploded out of my chest I threw my knife as hard as I could. It whizzed through the air. Before it landed I had pushed off the ground and sprinted towards the Griever again.
I heard Minho screaming behtme to come back. I ignored him. My knife sunk into its head, right in the middle of its forehead. Making it look like a unicorn, with a knife handle as it's horn. As I hoped it reared back again, exposing it's underbelly. I dropped to my knees and slid, grabbing my knife handle that was still stuck, I ripped it out with a yell, ripping the underbelly wide open.
Spinning away from the legs, and the machine that was now starting to fail. It was glitching and and sparking. It collapsed, oil pooling from underneath. The Grievers head flopped to the ground, the razer sharp teeth exposed in the mouth. A scream dying in its mouth. The lights in the Grievers eyes died. I got up panting. I looked at it in disgust, I spat at it and spun away. Walking away down the hall, towards Minho.
"Behind you!"
The words hardly left his mouth when I felt a searing pain in my back.
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