Chapter 27: A Small Problem
*Some spicy moments and sexual content*
"HA! I win again sucker!" I panted, crossing into the Glade. Minho right behind me. We partnered up today, we tried to rotate with the other runners. But today was Greenie day, and a few other guys wanted to stay behind for the Greenie. Minho and I hated being around for it, so we left together early.
"You cheated!" He pouted.
"How the hell did I cheat?" I flopped to the ground, trying to catch my breath.
"'Cause it's hard not to watch you!" He smirked down at me.
I narrowed my eyes are him, I pointed a finger at him, "You just wanted an excuse to look at my butt."
"Yep." He popped the p at the end, "Not gonna lie." He smirked at me with such a smug look I wanted to smack him. He hooked his thumbs into the straps of his runners backpack vest.
I rolled my eyes with a exasperated sigh. Minho just smirked some more. We still hadn't crossed that line. Fears of my past would always jump in and ruin everything. But we were good. I was actually happy with what we had. Minho never pushed or pouted, he never got mad when I asked him to stop.
He stretched out a hand, I took it and he yanked me up back onto my feet. Looking around I noticed Gladers still working.
"We got back early!" I pointed out.
"Well when you run as fast as we do..."
I started towards the Map room, "Come on, we can actually map in the quiet."
"True. And I wanted to look at that one section."
I glanced at him, "Four?" I asked, frowning now too, trying to think back to that section.
He nodded. Frowning slightly, his eyebrows pulled in the middle, "It's been acting weird." He ran a hand through his hair. He pushed the map room door open. We sat down at the table and quietly mapped our sections. It was the same. It's always the same, the walls move, the same walls, the same rotation of sections. Nothing deviated, it was the same pattern, over and over.
I threw my pencil down with a growl, and shoved away from the table. I started to pace up and down the wall. I raked my hands through my hair in frustration.
"Talk to me."
I stopped pacing and looked up, I forgot Minho was here. I was quiet for a moment, trying to think of what to do or how to word my frustration.
"Min...It's all the same! Nothing changes. It's all the same...all the shucken time. It's so repetitive. Like my brain is always on auto pilot. I never have to think of anything, wake up run the maze, map the maze, eat sleep repeat. I'm loosing my flippen mind!"
Minho was quiet for a moment, he cocked his head and chewed his check for a moment. Then spoke slowly, like he was still thinking.
"Do you feel like that's predictable? Because you're so used to living in such a high state of panic and chaos it feels weird now? You're not used to safe?"
I opened my mouth for a second, then closed it. I didn't know how to answer that.
"I mean the Maze and the Glade are far from safe... but it seems safer than your first maze, from what you've told me..."
I just nodded slowly. He waved me over, I came over, and he grabbed my hips, pulling me closer. He was still sitting on the stool, we were now the same height and I didn't have to raise up onto my tip toes. He slid his hands around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"Sometimes routine and boredom are good things." He said quietly, he reached up and tucked some fly away hair from my pony tail behind my ear. "I can think of something to do to keep the boredom at bay..." He raised an eyebrow at me, a smirk reappeared on his face.
"Dude! Eww no. We're covered in sweat! And the other Runners will be coming back soon!"
"I was gonna say shower and grab a snack from Fry!" He pulled away with a huge shocked gasp, "What were YOU and that dirty mind! Always in the gutter." He looked down right applaud.
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah well you dragged me down into it! You nasty ass shank!"
He chuckled, but pulled me closer anyways, and kissed me. He tasted salty from sweat and yet still kind of minty. I melted into him. He had a way of breaking down my shields and making the ice around my heart melt. The hand that had tucked my hair went to the back of my neck and pulled my head closer, and deepened the kiss. The small growl that escaped him when I buried my hands into his sweaty hair and gently tugged his hair made my heart rate pick up. I inhaled sharply when the hand wrapped around my waist slid down and into my pants back pocket.
He pulled away, "Jess, you okay?"
"Yeah, now come back, I wasn't done." My breathing was short and ragged, and I wanted more.
I pulled his head back, kissing him hungerly. His hand in my pocket applied pressure and pulled me closer. I climbed onto his lap, straddling him, I wrapped my legs around. He kept one hand on my butt or hip and the other buried in my hair. I had both arms around his shoulders. I could feel all the tense muscle in his back and shoulders. He pulled me closer. He grabbed my hip with the other hand, so both hands were on my hips. His hands gripped hard and he sucked in a sharp breath when I shifted to keep from falling. He pulled my again, but the way he pulled me, he made my hips rotate and he moaned.
In the wild off of the make out I heard footsteps, and loud shouts. I ripped away and scrambled off his lap. Both of were panting, his eyes were so dark with a desire that made my knees feel weak. The door banged open. The other Runners had just got back. Minho turned and leaned over elbows on the table.
"Hey guys! You're back early!"
"We run fast." I said dryly.
Jason chuckled.
"Well, I'm going to shower, I finished mine. Min you coming?"
"Think I'll stay for a bit. Gotta fix a small problem..." His voice sounded gravely, but also slightly higher than normal. "Won't take long...I'll catch up later..."
I realized what he was talking about and a wave of horrified embracement washed over me. But then I smirked. He didn't want to get up. I pressed my lips together to try contain my giggles.
"Well...Lemme know if I can help fix it. You know where to find me." I winked at him and left the map room with a bit more sway in my hips. That poor boy. I giggled to myself.
I was headed to the showers when I saw a boy with brown hair sprinting for the wall doors. Before I stopped to think, I sprinted after him. The doors were going to close right away. I didn't recognize the guy, he must be the Greenie.
I only now noticed the large crowd of guys at the box. They all stood and watched as the Greenie sprinted like all hell was behind him.
"We got ourselves a runner!" Zart yelled so loud it bounced off the walls.
No one did anything to stop him, which was stupid because they all know what time it was. I growled again. I bent down and scooped up a rock and continued to sprint.
"No! Jessie! STOP!"
I threw the rock as hard as I could. And it did exactly what I wanted, it got tangled in the Greenies feet and he stumbled. He started to go down and I tackled him. We landed hard on the grass. He tried fighting back. But he was too panicked to process much or think straight. Pinning him down was easy, but keeping him pinned was difficult. He was strong, and wiggly. I managed to get on top of him, and pinned one arm down with my knee. His other hand flailed trying to hit or grab anything. He grabbed my wrist, and I I twisted and maneuvered my arm out of it and grabbed a knife from my thigh at the same time.
"Stop movie, idiot!" I yelled, squeezing my knees tighter, holding him down. I placed the knife under his chin. He stopped and went still. He was still coiled and tense ready to fight, but he had stopped fighting.
"Stop," I demanded, "Stop, and listen."
"Who are you? Why am I here? Why can't I remember anything."
"I said stop and listen shuckface."
"NO! Tell me what's going on!"
"Fuck sakes!" I yelled, "I can't if you don't shut up!"
I put a bit of pressure on the knife, forcing his head up. He stopped for a second, and swallowed hard.
"Good. Now listen." I growled. "It's normal. None of us could remember anything."
"SHUT UP!" I roared.
Newt and Alby finally showed up.
"About time you shuckfaces showed up." I snarled.
"Ya ain't gonna run again are ya Greenie?" Alby asked, glaring down at the boy.
The greenie gulped. I still held my knife steady, under his chin. Only when Newt lowered my arm did I finally relent and pushed off of him, I stood up beside Newt. He held a hand out of the Greenie. I finally stopped and took in his appearance. Tall and strong, dark brown hair, it was messy and plastered to his forehead, from whatever the Creators do to us in the Box. His whiskey brown eyes were dilated in fear and he was turning in circles trying to see everything.
"And this is why I avoid Greenie day...stupid noobs." I grumbled, folding my arms.
"Well...Greenie," Newt said, clasping the guy on the shoulder with a bright smile, "for a second there I thought ya had the chops ta be runner...till ya face planted." He chuckled.
I snorted. Newt glanced at me with a smirk. "Nice throw. I though you were gonna bloody take him out."
I shrugged, "Thought about it. I'm already surrounded by so much stupid...don't know how much more I can take."
"That was rude." The Greenie pouted.
"Ha." My laugh came out the a bark. "You have NO idea."
The greenie was staring at me, his eyes wide in wonder.
"It's not nice to stare, Greenie."
"I'm not...admiring the art work."
"Eww gross, did you just use a pick up line? Advice Greenie...Don't talk to me. Ever." I spun around and left, storming across the Glade to the showers.
I stood in the ring of Keepers, holding a flaming torch. Alby raised his in the air with a wild cry.
"Another month! We survive another month! For the Greenie!"
He threw his flame into the firewood the builders shaped to look like a human. Winston had the idea to use one of the cow skulls as the head and I laughed. His dark twisted sense of humor was great. We had secured the head before the fire. Much to the annoyance of Alby and Gally. Chuck howled with laughter the whole time. He appreciated it.
The rest of us threw out flames, lighting the creepy human like figure on fire with wild screams and whoops. Once the fire was going good everyone broke off into their groups. I went for the food while Minho grabbed drinks. I ran into Winston on the way.
"GIIIIRL! I though you were gonna wear that other shirt!" He crossed his arms and stuck a hip out.
"How the hell would I fight or throw knives in that? I don't know what the Designers are thinking!"
"Okay first, it's Creators. Not Designers. And they were thinking your a girl, and sometimes you gotta dress like one!"
I rolled my eyes, "showing clevege in the tank top and muddrift isn't girly enough for you?" I crossed my own arms, "and do you see me as a lace kind of girl? Especially in a place like this?"
"Well...maybe tonight. Someone else might appreciate it."
"He can get over it. I don't dress for others approval."
"You do nothing for others approval."
I grinned evilly, "exactly."
He rolled his eyes, he linked my arm and pulled me over to Frypan where they chatted, I stood and ate.
"So...Jess, will you be fighting again?"
"We'll see."
"A display of knives?"
Winston was frowning and tilting his head back and forth.
"Hey JayJay?'
"Yes Winnie?"
"You're a pro with knives and hand to hand...what about other weapons?"
I frowned, thinking. I chewed my cheek trying to think.
"Well...I've used spears against the Grievers." I looked around at Winston, "I don't like that look. What do you have planned?"
"Give me a few minutes."
I rolled my eyes and worked my way back to Minho and the other Runners. Minho's eyes lit up when I walked towards him.
"Hey! What took so long?"
"Winnie had an idea."
"Well that doesn't sound good."
I shrugged. I took the jar he handed me. I tapped his jar and took a sip. I sighed as I felt the warmth run down my throat. I sat forwards, my elbows on my knees and watched the guys around. They all looked like they were enjoying themselves. It was the one night a month they were aloud to let loose.
You could see the different groups, same as my old maze. You tend to form bonds with the people you spend most of your day with. Though I was the exception. I didn't try to get to know anyone else too much, it was a lot of work keeping the few friendships I did have. I was staring into the fire when I felt a hand on my bare skin on my back.
Minho leaned in and whispered, "we gonna take bets of Greenie and Newt?"
I looked around at him, he had a smirk on his face and nodded in their direction. Sitting across the fire, and against a log were Newt and the Greenie. Newt was talking animatedly while the Greenie sat and listened mouth open and eyes wide, soaking everything up.
"I don't like him."
"You don't like anybody."
"Hey! I like you!"
" like one person."
"That's better." I straightened up, "I still don't like him."
"Have you even meet him?"
"I saved his shuck butt already today."
"What? When?" Minho asked surprised, staring at me, waiting for me to go on.
"To took off for the doors right before they closed. Took him down...held him until Alby and Newt showed up and then he kept staring at me. And used the world's lamest pick up line."
Minho raised an eyebrow.
"He kept staring at me. I told him staring was rude. And he said I'm not I'm admiring the art work."
Minho snorted into his jar, and started coughing.
"He did? He tried that?"
Minho chuckled and shook his head. We were quiet for a bit watching Newt and Greenie. I leaned over and whispered in Minho's ear, I felt his shiver.
"Hey...did you ever handle your...little problem?"
I heard him growl. I sniggered and bit my bottom lip to keep from giggling.
"Did you need some help?"
I looked at him through my lashes. I saw his eyes flash and then darken.
"Teasing isn't nice Jessie." He said quietly, his voice was already gravelly.
"Hmm. Well maybe one of the other Runners might be able to take a look and give ya some pointers, figure out the problem."
His face flushed.
"I'm sure you'd be able to help."
"That I can guarantee." I smirked.
"Hey! Jessie!" Winston came shoving through the crowd. I looked up. Winston skidded to a hault infront of me.
"Okay so...good news! Wanna have a weapons contest?"
"Yes." I said immidiatly, straightening up.
"Good!" Winston grinned, "Alby's grabbing everything right now! Gally and Fry and Zart are setting it up!"
"Excellent!" I turned to Minho, "sorry, your problem is gonna have to wait. I've got some shuckfaces to annihilate!"
He just hummed. Winston turned and shoved back through the crowd. And Minho leaned closer, his hand on my back again and slid down.
"Might make a small problem a bigger one."
"A challenge?"
He hummed.
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