Chapter 26: I Do What I Want.
I stood up and pulled the Greenie to his feet. I held his shirt collar in my fists, I shook him slightly.
"Who was throwing things?" I snarled.
"Shuck, let me go!" He cried.
I opened my hands and he pulled away. Straightening his shirt.
"Dang your scary. I get why the guys call you savage. And a Bi-"
He froze and his eyes went wide in horrified realization. I raised an eyebrow and smirked. I didn't care what they said about me. But I knew I scared the klunk out of them. The smirk turned into a cold twisted smile.
"Tell me who."
Chuck looked around. He raised a chubby arm and pointed. I followed his finger. A group of builders sat at a picnic table. I knew the group.
"What exactly did they do?"
The Greenie tugged at a curl, when he let go it bounced back into a curl. He chewed his bottom lip. I folded my arms waiting. He looked up at me and told me quietly what they did. I didn't let him finish, I was already storming across the Glade towards the picnic table. Everything else faded away, it was me and these bullies.
One guy noticed me coming, like a wild angry protective wolf I felt like. He smacked his buddies to get their attention. Two of them paled at the sight of me. Lance stood up only for my fist to knock him back down in a spray of blood.
There was instant chaos and an up roar. The rest of the guys at the table all scrambled up. I heard yelling. But all I was focused on was the group of bullies. I held back, I could easily take them out.. permanently...but I didn't. I just used my knees, elbows and fists. I did though, slam my forehead into one guy. Spinning around I kicked the last guy in the stomach making him double over with a gasp of pain. Another 5 huge guys lay sprawled on the ground. One guy was out cold. Oops. I straightened up, the wild red vision and cloud cleared.
I had attracted a crowd apparently. I stood in the middle of the guys, my arms folded.
"Maybe now you'll think twice about touching my Baby Shank."
The Greenie stood frozen, his eyes wide, and mouth hanging open. I looked around the crowd of boys. Making sure they knew and they understood.
"No one. Touches him. Or you answer to me."
"Jessie!? Oh shuck sakes woman!"
"What's going on?"
"Bloody hell! What did you do?"
I looked up and grinned. The keepers had finished their meeting, apparently.
"Nice of you to grace us with your company."
"What the actual shuck?" Alby roared.
"Well..." I started like I was explaining this to a todler. "When I heard these thick skilled idiots" I used my boot to nudge one of the guys, "were bullying someone I decided to...have a conversation."
"This is NOT a bloody conversation Jessie!" Newt cried, throwing his hands around, though I'm pretty sure I saw him pressing his lips together trying to repress a smile.
"Sure it is, Newt." I grinned at them, "It's just a bit more aggressive. Because I'm surrounded by a bunch of shuck faced idiots, and using shucken words doesn't do jack."
Alby growled and rubbed the top of his bald head.
"You guys are just jealous I have the shucken balls to hit the shuck faces."
"Well..." Minho started.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "when was the last time you punched an idiot in the face for being a jackass?"
He smirked at me.
"Seriously though...Jessie we can't keep doing this!" Alby cried.
"Well I won't have to if they stop being Slintheads..." I looked at Minho, "I don't have any more insults for how stupid, slow and dimwitted these guys are!"
Minho raised a shoulder in a half shrug. I saw Alby's frustration, and I smirked.
"She can't keep doing this! She needs to be punished." Gally cried.
I snorted in amusement.
"Dude...she took out a dozen guys in the last 2 days, including you...carried a shank through the think punishing her is gonna do anything?" Winston asked.
Gally growled and looked at Alby. Everyone turned to look at him, including me.
"One night in the slammer. No food."
I snorted again. And swept my arms wide in a mock bow.
"Lead the way Oh, fearless leader."
I sat in the slammer. My back against the wall. It was actually quite peaceful in here. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. At least I'd be able to sleep. To bad in the next slammer cell over was a big whinny baby, Ben had shut up.
He was given 2 full days and nights in the slammer for a repeated offence, and for sexually assaulting me. Apparently Minho was quite aggressive in the meeting after I left. According to Winston, most of the Keepers didn't have an issue with throwing him in the slammer. They had seen his behaviour before.
And while I have been aggressive, vulgar and stubborn, I haven't actually hit anyone... until today. Sure I've threatened, thrown knives, stabbed tables, but nothing was harmed. Until the Greenie told me what they did and I lost my cool. I wasn't sorry. I'd do it again.
It was a quiet evening in the slammer, again except for Ben and his constant shinning and snivling.
"Would you shut up?"
"You shut up!" He yelled back.
"Very original." I rolled my eyes.
"This is all your fault."
"How's that? I didn't smack my own ass. And I didn't attack myself."
"You punched me!"
"And I could have left your dumb ass back in the maze."
That shut him up. Finally. I stretched out onto the cold ground, the sun had set a while ago. Only problem of being in the slammer was no food and no Minho. I closed my eyes and let myself drift in and out of sleep. I started to shiver. My teeth started to chatter.
I sat up and stretched. Okay. Done with this now. It was a good run. I fiddled with my leather cuff bracelet and pulled the thin long metal toothpick like tool. I was slender enough to slip my hands through the bars and I started to fiddle with the lock. It only took me a few minutes. The lock popped open and I pushed the squeaky door open.
Laughing to myself I slid the tool back into its hiding spot. I hulled myself up and out into the night. It was almost ten degrees warmer. Being half under ground and surpimded by cement blocks as walls and a roof, it didn't keep heat.
"Hey! How'd you get out?"
"Because I'm awesome and better then you." I walked passed Ben's door and waved with a sweet smile.
"Come back and let me out!" He called.
"Ha. Ha. No. Later loser." I wiggled my fingers in a wave.
I walked into the shadows. Quietly I made my way to my shower- the only one with a lock, and grabbed the hot water bottle and went to the Kitchen. Picking the lock again I slid into the kitchen and started to boil water, while I waited I made a quick sandwich.
I cleaned up and no one would know I was here. I filled the hot water bottle and held it close to my chest. The cold from the slammer was almost bone deep. Slipping back into the night I closed the door. I walked quietly over to the lean-to to check on the Greenie.
I saw him at the edge, slightly away from the others, with his back to them. He was sound asleep clutching the teddy bear close to his chest. I smiled. I actually smiled.
And then I shock my head.
What's wrong with you?! Don't get attacked! That's when your shucked! But...he's Her brother! I have to at least look out for him...and looking out means making sure he's safe and bullies, no nightmares.
With that delusional thought in my head I turned and headed for my bed. I finished the sandwich before I got back to the Homestead. Dang shoulda made two. I changed out of my clothes and into Minho's hoodie and leggings and slid into my bed holding the hot water bottle close. I fell asleep curled up under the blankets.
"What the actual shuck?!"
I woke up with a groan when the door was thrown wide open. I rolled over, pulling the blankets over my head.
"Slim it shank!" Minho groand and threw a pillow.
"Jessie! Shuck sakes! You're impossible!" Alby growled
"Sure am." I mumbled.
"How the hell did you get out of the slammer?!"
"Magic. Now let me sleep."
"Wait...Jessie?" Minho sat up.
"How'd you get out?"
"You guys really have no idea... nothing you do will work. You're rules suck, your slammer is useless... I'm awesome and I'll continue to do what I want. Now go away I still have another 45 minutes before I need to get up...incase ya'll forgot, I save a life yesterday."
I stretched and rolled out of bed ignoring Gally, Newt and Alby and stumbled over to Minho's bed. He held his arms open and I smirked as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into bed.
"Good night gentlemen." I yawned, and flipped them off again.
Minho tried hard not to laugh, he buried his face into my neck. I heard the unmistakable sounds of frustrated sighs and grumbles. The door closed.
"So how did you get out?" He asked.
"That's for me to know...and you not to. The less you know the better. That way...your not an accomplice or an accessory."
"Hmmm. Smart."
"Did you expect anything less?"
"Did you leave Ben?"
"Of shucken course I left his sorry butt there."
He snorted again, "ya you did."
"How come you didn't come sleep here?" He asked, al last like he was pouting.
"Snuck into the kitchen. Got food and hot water, it's shucken cold in the slammer. And went to check on Baby Shank."
"I think someone is catching feelings. He's growing on you, isn't he..?" I could hear the smirk and smugness in his voice. He pulled away and I twisted to face him. Throwing a leg over his hip, his arms around me.
"It's more like...I feel protective and possessive. It's my fault he's here. So...if keeping bullies away, and making sure he's not having nightmares...then I'll do it. For Her. "
"What ever you tell yourself at night to help ya sleep." He rolled his eyes, but I saw the smile and the softness in his eyes.
He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead.
"Sleep baby. We still got some time."
"Will you play with my hair?" I asked with big puppy dog eyes.
He rolled onto his back, pulling me on top of him. I lay my head down into his chest and I tucked my arms around him and closed my eyes. His hands buried into my hair. I was just about purring. I was warm and comfortable. And felt safe. He started to gently sing that same lullaby. I fell back asleep with a smile.
The Glade ran a bit more smoothly after that. The guys left the Greenie alone after I drop a table full of builders and somehow snuck out of the slammer- everyone knew Alby was the only one with a key.
I just had to look in the direction of someone and they would pale. I rolled my eyes every time. I don't hit without cause. I don't throw knives without cause.
I had told Winston and Newt one time I'd still like to fit Dug like a fish.
"Why? You need a good cause for that."
"I do have a cause. It's CAUSE I hate him."
Winston snorted into his drink so badly I had to wack his back a few times. I smirked. Newt and Winston laughed so hard they snorted.
Ben had his last warning, if he messed up again then he was demoted from Runner to Slopper. He wasn't impressed I got away with sneaking out of the slammed. But really what were they gonna do?
The Greenie remembered his name, finally. It was day three and he came sprinting as fast as his chubby legs would take him. He came skidding to a half by the picnic table, screaming he had a name. It was Chuck apparently. I still called him Baby Shank, mainly because it pissed him off.
He was a good kid. But all the jobs were a bit...too much for such a little kid, so he ended up as slopper. I knew Winston, Fry and Newt would keep an eye on him, keep him busy in the barn with the animals or in the kitchen with dishes or in the gardens with Newt.
Chuck was chatty, always talking about something, and had a million different topic of discussion going, he would flip from from one topic to the next. He was Young and innocent at first, when you first talk to him, but he definitely wasn't. With Dug as his Keeper it was bound to get worse. I tried to stop it...but he's a 12 year old boy.
Everything seemed to be the same as always. Wake up, run the maze, map the maze eat sleep repeat. Nothing ever deviated from the routine. Maybe this maze was more harsh then my first one. It really stretched you mentally. My maze was physically yes it was a mental exercise in perseverance...but this was a different kind of challenge. To keep going even if everything was the same. The maze changed in a regular pattern, nothing was different. Nothing new was found. Say in and day out it was always the same.
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