Chapter 25: Jackass
I stood in the map room beside a very angry Minho, we were waiting for Ben to drag his hung over but into the room. I growled when he still wasn't here. Minho looked about the same. Ben had been getting bad, every Greenie fire he would go way to hard and then the next day he was miserable, slow and dangerous to have as a partner. I growled again, folding my arms, glaring at the door.
" be fair, you kicked the klunk outta him yesterday..." one of the runners ventured.
"It's not like I broke anything. Gally, Minho, Stephen, Roger, Luke, Gerry and Will are all up and about."
Minho nodded. His eyes were narrowed and he was glaring at the door too, his jaw clamped right, I saw the muscle twitching. I could feel the frustration radiating off him. He finally slammed a hand onto the table and shoved the door open. He looked around the Glade. Growled and then turned.
He paired everyone up, gave them a section and then as they started to get ready he turned to look at me.
"I'm sorry Jess...I know you don't like him, and I hate to put this on you... But Kev is still new.. and you're the only one I trust to keep his ass moving. If he doesn't show up in 5 minutes...are you okay to go alone?"
I nodded, "I'll keep him moving." I gave him a twisted smile and spun a knife. Minho returned the smirk, then it slid off.
"I don't like it... I think he needs another shucken stint in the slammer."
"It's fine. I agree with my CO KEEPER. It's the right choice."
He rolled his eyes. He never said it out loud, but everyone knew I was co Keeper of the Runners, I had proven I knew what I was doing, I knew the Maze better then any of them. Alby had shrugged and told us to figure it out. We had silently come to an agreement, once I had settled down a bit and stopped being reckless and realized I couldn't get back to my first maze.
"I trust you, and I know you are more then capable. So...I'll see you at supper my Duchess."
"If not, I'll save you a seat in hell." I smirked.
"As long as it's a throne."
"We'll see."
I gave him another twisted smile. He chuckled. It had been a thing we started when I first arrived and we kept it going. He put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me closer and quickly kissed my forehead. He then turned and led the rest of the runners out.
I stood leaning against the wood table in the middle, I kept my eyes glued to my watch. Ben had one more minute. The door finally opened. I threw a knife. It pinned his shirt to the door frame. He screamed.
I pushed off the table and walked towards him. I yanked the knife out, and shoved him back out the door.
"Turn your ass around. You're with me and you cut into your water break. Move."
I shoved him again. He grumbled and groaned. We weren't even half way across the Glade yet. I rubbed my forehead. This was going to be a long day.
"I can throw you into the slammer?"
"Then shut up and run Shuckface."
It was a long morning. He was hardly jogging. He kept moaning about a headache and feeling like throwing up. I finally had enough. I stopped and turned around and shoved him into the wall.
"Look here you moron! If you have such a bad headache, turn around and go back. I'm sick of listening to you. Go! No one is stopping you! You want to be babied? You're with the wrong running partner."
"Show up on time and you can have first pick." I shoved him again and turned away.
"Man you're a miserable person."
"That's a you problem." I snapped.
"What does Minho see in you?" He snapped back.
"Ask him." I shrugged grabbing my water bottle from my bag, if we were going to stop I'd at least use it.
"Getting laid regularly doesn't make you happier?"
"This is your one and only warning." My voice was dangerously low. I glanced over my shoulder, I saw him smirking.
"Or else what? What are you going to do? You wouldn't actually kill me."
"Wanna test that theory?"
"I would think it's pretty kinky in your room. He seems to get off with you throwing knives. What's your thing?" He asked, taking a step closer. "Being choaked?" He had slapped my ass, "Being tied u-"
I spun around and slammed my fist into his face. I saw the spray of blood. And I watched it splatter on the ground, almost bored. He staggered sideways, and spit out blood.
"What the hell?" He screamed, like he was shocked I'd hit him for touching me where even Minho kept his hands off of.
"Don't touch me again. Do it again and I will spill your guys after chopping off a hand."
I picked up my backpack and turned. We needed to turn around and head back already. Ben had been so slow we didn't even get a half section in. I could feel the frustration and anger in my chest, it was bubbling and boiling just under the surface.
Apparently, splitting his lip wasn't enough, and he was really hoping for a fight. He grabbed my backpack, trying to pull me backwards. I slid out of the backpack straps, dropped to the ground in a crouch. Instantly I spun around and swept his legs out from under him. He landed on his back with a thud. His head cracked on the stone ground and he didn't get back up.
"DAMMIT! FUCK SAKES! YOU IDIOT!" I screamed at him.
He didn't hear me. He was out cold. I took a minute to scream in frustration. Growling and cursing I hefted him up, draping his weight on me. I started back towards the Glade. I cursed and swore the whole time. I had to constantly stop and readjust his dead weight. Thankfully he was thin and wirery and not huge and full of muscle like Minho; he would be awful to carry. Not like dead weight from this idiot was a walk in the park.
As I heaved, pulled and cursed my way back towards the Glade I thought of how Minho carried me back to the Glade twice. Dude was seriously jacked, I couldn't believe he could do that. It made my mind wander to his arm muscle...where did it come from? Not like we're weights in the Glade, and he runs...not a builder. I wasn't complaining. I drooled every time he came back to our room shirtless. Dude was ripped and it was delicious to look at.
I was temped a few times to leave Ben's sorry ass here in the Maze. Good riddance. He was nothing but a disgusting jackass. I wasn't gentle with him when I had to take a break, I was about to fall over. I dropped him, letting him hit the ground. I collapsed to the ground sucking air.
I knew we were cutting it close. I was almost there. Two more turns. I was breathing hard, my lungs litterly burned with lack of oxygen. The shallow gasps weren't enough. Every muscle was screaming in exhaustion. My legs were cramped. I was drenched in sweat. I hadn't stopped for lunch or more water, knowing we would either make it as the doors were closing or we were stuck in the maze.
One more turn.
I couldn't breath properly anymore. My lungs were screaming, my back was bent and every muscle was shaking in exhaustion. My vision was blurry from the amount of effort it took to keep goit. I felt the sweat sliding down my face and back. Ben hadn't moved, not even a groan. Last turn. I was at the straight away. Straight down the long hall. I could see the crowd of guys. But no one moved. I was on my own. I staggered sideways. I hulled Ben up more onto my shoulders with a strangled cry.
Keep going.
My legs shaking. I felt the wild gust of wind that blew down the corridor before the doors started to grind. I'm not going to make it.
I heard frantic footsteps behind. I twisted my head to see. Minho came sprinting around the corner and straight towards me. Fear, panic, relief anger all twisting on his face. It morphed in shock and more fear.
"What the shuck happened?!" He screamed skirting to a stop beside me.
"Less talking." I panted, "More hulling," gasp "the jackass and" gasp "his useless" gasp "deadweight."
Minho grabbed the other side of Ben and together we pulled him down the hall. The doors had started to rumble. The Gladers were screaming. The doors were halfway closed.
We made it to the doors. We had to turn sideways to fit through the crack of the door. I tossed Ben's unconscious body onto the grass with a growl of anger and disgust.
"Stupid useless jackass! Fuck you!" I yelled at his lifeless body.
I tried to stand up, but staggered into Minho, who had an arm out to catch me. I collapsed for a second. Gasping for breath, I closed my eyes for a second.
"Jessie! What the hell happened?" Minho yelled.
I stood up straight, a stitch in my side and my chest actually hurt. I could hear the anger in his voice, I glanced up at him. I could see the anger swirling in his dark eyes. I knew it was a cover for his fear, which I also saw in his eyes.
"Ben. That's what happened. He's more dangerous than ever! We should've just benched him." I turned to look at his crumpled heap, "He's also a nasty disgusting jackass of a human." I spat.
"But why's he unconscious?"
"I punched his stupid face." I shrugged.
"What? Why?" Newt asked.
"I warned him. He wouldn't stop." I paused and straightened up and looked Minho dead in the eye. "Then he slapped my ass."
There was an intake of breath from everyone around me. I saw the anger in Minho's eyes flash and then harden. He looked ready for murder.
"And your punch knocked him out?" Alby asked.
"No. He didn't like that I hit back. So he tried to grab me."
"Idiot." Someone muttered.
"Indeed." I nodded dry. "I swept his legs. He slammed his head when he fell."
"Take him to the slammer." Minho said eerily calm.
A few guys grabbed Ben's arms and dragged him to the slammer. I could feel the anger from Minho; it just radiating off him in waves. I knew he wasn't angry at me. I saw his eyes soften when he looked at me. Searching my sweaty exhausted face.
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.
"That's the one and only time I'm saving his ass." I hissed.
Minho nodded.
"He's lucky I even hulled him back here after what he said. And did."
"I think he's lucky you didn't stab him." Minho said even quieter.
"Self restraint. There is no next time."
Minho stood stiff and rigid. His eyes searching me. I could see the worry still, the muscle in his jaw clenched and unclenching.
"Oh just kiss the girl already!" Winston cried, "this tension is terrible!"
It was like we were both waiting for permission. Minho reached out pulling me into a tight hug. I threw my arms around his neck, he wrapped his huge strong arms around my waist so tightly it almost hurt. He lifted my feet off the ground and burried his face into my sweaty messy hair.
"You didn't come back. I thought I lost you. I thought something happened. I ran back in...but had to turn around...I thought..I thoug-"
I stopped him by pressing my lips to his. His eyes closed and he pulled me tighter. He sighed in relief into the kiss. It was short but it was full of unsaid words.
He placed me back down. And pulled away.
"But other than that...your not hurt?"
"No. Nothing hurts me."
"So badass."
"Well ..this badass needs a shower. And food. And a nap."
Minho nodded. Alby only then slid up and cleared his throat.
"Uhhh...when your done, we need a gathering. Jessie, I need you to explain what happened. And we need to figure out what to do with Ben."
I growled. Minho just nodded at Alby and ushered me away to the showers.
I sat at a table with the keepers in a half circle around the table. I had my booted feet propped up on the table. Eating an apple with one of my knives, Fry felt sorry for me and gave me a snack before supper. He winked and whispered, "only a special few get snacks."
"Noted." I nodded back, "I'll keep it on the DL."
I used the knife to slice a chunk of apple off, ignoring the guys around me. Newt and Alby came in followed by Ben. He narrowed his eyes at me. I just rolled mine. Alby made him sit. He slouched in his seat, his head down.
"Alright, this meeting is underway. You speak when spoken to, and save your questions till the end." Alby barked.
Newt ran a hand through his hair, and looked at me with a roll of his eyes, "Jessie. What bloody happened?"
"Shank was late, 'cause he was hungover. Again. Was too much of a Whinny brat to run properly. Didn't even make it to the halfway point!"
Ben looked up sharply but winced and grabbed his head with a moan.
"Then the shank had the guts...or he's just say some very inappropriate things. I told him to stop gave the jackass a warning." I paused and sliced another piece of apple. I put it in my mouth and continued.
"He runs his mouth. He slapped my ass. I punch his stupid face." I shrugged, took another slice of apple off with my knife.
"Hurt his shucken ego 'cause I'm just better. He tried to grab me...not sure what the slinthead was thinking or what he planned to do, I took him and half a dozen guys out yesterday...I just knocked him on his butt, he was the idiot who slammed his head."
I could feel Ben radiating with anger beside me, he was shaking with it. I glanced at him and wrinkled my nose.
"I could've left you behind. Make a good Griever toothpick... Instead I risked my life to drag your pervy sorry ass back to the Glade. You're fucken welcome."
I took my feet off the table, slamming the chair back down onto four feet, and stood up. I slammed the knife I was using to slice the apple down into the table, beside his hand. He flinched and made some weird whimper noise. I leaned over and hissed, loud enough for the other Keepers to hear.
"Next time you lay hands on me, I slice them off."
I turned and started to walk away.
"Wait! Jessie were not done." Alby called.
"Well, I'm done. So fuck you and your shucken rules." I flipped them off and flung the door open and left. I heard a few guys snigger. I smirked as I walked out. The door banged shut to sniggers and a loud exhaspirated sigh. I was almost at the Homestead door when the Greenie came running up. His pudgy cheeks pink.
"Jessie!" He hugged.
"Fuck sakes." I mutter, "what now?"
"You okay? I saw you dragging that other guy back. Is he okay? And obviously that huge muscled dude is your boyfriend, unless you just kiss guys..."
"Who cares about Ben. He's an ass. Stay away from him." I pointed a threatening finger at the kid, and narrowed my eye.
"Okay, jeeze mom, relax!"
I growled and rolled my eyes.
"And yes he is..Minho."
"What's your job? How come you go out there? Isn't it scary out there?"
"You're not going to leave me alone are you?"
"Nope." He grinned cheekily at me. I punched the bridge of my nose and groaned.
"I need alcohol for this." I walked away towards the closest tree. I flopped down with a groan and closed my eyes. I was exhausted. And my body hurt.
"Okay. Now tell me about what's out there." The Greenie said, settling down beside me.
"Why not?"
"Need to know basis. And you, Baby Shank, don't need to know."
"Fine. But what do you do out there?"
"All day?" He gasped. I could feel his big eyes looking at me. I peeked an eye open, and I was right.
"Yes. It's called Runners for a reason. Well this maze it's runners..other maze we called them Mappers"
"This maze? There's another one?"
I groaned. I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands. And then flopped them down to the sides.
"Yes baby shank. For two and a half years I was with girls. Exactly like this place, but with girls. One day I was out in the halls, I slammed my head falling from a wall. I woke up in this maze. Been here three months."
"Wholly smokers! That's crazy!"
I hummed.
" and Minnhhhoooo?" He asked in a sing song voice.
I threw an arm over my face and groaned.
"How long has that been a thing."
"Nune ya."
"Nun ya business you nosey little Baby Shank!"
"You're impossible to talk to." He threw his hands into the air.
"And yet you're still here." I growled exhaspirated with this kid.
" one else really talks to me. They say I'm annoying..."
"WHAAAAT? Noooo. Really?" I gasped sarcastically.
"Hardy har har." He rolled his eyes. "At least you talk... And don't push me away or throw things."
I sat up so fast the Green jumped.
"Who?" I growled, narrowing my eyes, "give me names and if not you show me who. 'Cause I'm ready for a fucken fight! Right now Shank!" I snarled.
An angry protectiveness exploded in my chest. I could feel the burning. No one touches this kid without consequences. No one.
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