Chapter 23: Fighting Ring
× Think Natasha Romanoff: Black Widow badass fighting style in this chapter ×
I watched Minho stumble into the fighting ring. He was gonna drop so fast. Winston and I rolled our eyes and followed. I had ignored the fighting Ring the last two fires just because I didn't want to draw more attention to myself. But I had watched it from afar. I knew the rules. Newt came over to stand with us.
"Is this a good idea?"
"Nope. But he's a big ass boy." I shrugged.
Surprisingly even drunk Minho was a good fighter. His reflexes were surprisingly quick and his hits were accurate. Somehow he managed to win his first fight.
"Who's next?" He called, a smirk on his face. His unfocused eyes landed on me. And he pointed.
"You. Wanna fight me babe?" He yelled.
The crowd of Gladers started chanting. Or cat calling. I raised an eyebrow. These guys hadn't actually seen me fight. Throw knives...and run. A few have seen me climb. But never fight.
Why the hell not?
"You want your shucken drunk ass handed to you?"
"On a shucken silver platter." He smirked.
I rolled my eyes. I unstrapped my knife garter belt and handed it to Winston.
"Keep these safe. They are my emotional support knife collection. If anything happens to them-"
"I know I know, you'll gut me and kill me." He rolled his eyes and waved a hand. I nodded, and stepped into the ring to wild shouts, whistles and whoops.
"Hey baby doll. Ready to fight?" Minho grinned.
"Oh sweetie. Bless your heart. You think you're going to win?" I smiled sweetly.
He sauntered up. Now that I watched him, he was pretty steady on his feet. He was toe to toe and looked down at me. Damn he's tall. And hot. Shuck he's so hot. I felt his breath fan my face. His eyes were clear and focused. I raised an eyebrow. He smirked. Something was off.
"I might lose, but then these shucken idiots will leave you alone...leave us alone." He smirked, "and then I'll have my room and you.. all to myself and then I can-"
He leaned in and whispered in my ear as he tried to wrap a hand around me. I knew he was going to try something. I grabbed his wrist, twisted my body, yanked his arm over my shoulder and made him tumble and land with a thud on the ground. The crowd went crazy.
"Don't even try that with me." I smirked. I stepped closer and leaned forward, my hands on my knees, and looked down at him.
"You do not have the female art of persuasion." I purred, "seduce and destroy."
He was quick. He spun on the ground knocking my feet from under me, I landed on my upper back but I didn't wait; I used the backwards moment and rolled and came up, in a stance that seemed to be a very comfortable, muscle memory. One leg crouched under me, the other straight out to the side, one hand supporting on the ground and the other hovering my thigh, where I would normally have my knives.
"Okay, not bad." I nodded, he had flipped himself up onto his feet. And was now dusting his hands off.
"Ya think so?"
"I think you should bring some friends into the ring with you."
He raised an eyebrow. I was suspecting he wasn't actually drunk now... I narrowed my eyes. When he was standing close to me and breathing in my face I could smell the drink...but not strongly, his eyes were focused and he was steady on his feet.
Dammit Shuckface. Pull it together. Your slacking, he got you. He definitely got you. No way he's drunk. So what's his game? Okay...if he wants to play it that way.
I nodded. Slowly standing up. I opened my hands and stretched out my arms, inviting them into the ring. His eyes trained on me, they were calm and steady. Minho smirked.
And then the Shuckface winked.
He charged. I ducked under a swing and hit his sternum with an open fist. And spun out of the way. He staggered, trying to catch his breath. Someone tried to grab me from behind. I grabbed their hand twisted until I heard a yell, and then slammed my elbow into their face. Twisting my body now, I swept my leg out behind them, and I sent another elbow, making them fall.
As soon as he was done another Glader tried to grab me, I just used the momentum to spin into them an elbow going to the ribs. I dropped to my knees and spun away, but as I did, I grabbed their ankle and took him with me. He landed on his back with a groan.
A hand grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me backwards. I reached over my head behind me and grabbed their hand. With a yell, I dropped again, but stayed in a crouch. As soon as the Glader followed with the sudden drop I sprung up and twisted, wrapping my legs around his neck, squeezing my thighs together, I flipped him. He landed with a small cry of pain, on his back, while I landed on one knee and the other out to the side.
I saw movement beside me. I dove to the side and rolled, coming up on my feet. I landed a spin kick to the guys chest and he landed gasping for breath. As I turned around a hand grabbed my wrist. I shrieked in pain, they had grabbed my freshly shredded wrist. I stumbled slightly. I slammed my head back into the guys face, he let go immediately. I spun around, slamming my knee into his stomach and shoved him harshly backwards.
The last guy, Minho. He came sauntering forwards. I wasn't going to let him get off easy. I lunged forward, he threw out an arm to try stop me and the same time Gally jumped into the ring right behind him. I smirked. I grabbed Minho's arm, and using Gally, who was behind as a launching point, kicked Gally in the stomach with both feet, and flipping over Minho's arm like a gymnastics bar. Gally landed with a groan holding his stomach. I let go of Minho's wrist, as I landed on his shoulders. I slammed him to the ground. My one knee on his back.
I stilled for a moment. Head bowed, slowly cocking my head, listening for any other movement. It was silent in the Glade. The only thing was the wind in the trees, the crackle of the fire and the groans and moans of pain from the guys laying on the ground. I slowly stood up, panting wildly in the middle of the ring. My eyes were wild with the love of the fight. I felt the adrenaline rush, my blood pumping. I could feel the muscle memory, I was ready for some more. Guys lay moaning and rolling on the ground I smirked as Minho rolled over at my feet.
There was silence in the Glade and then Winston started whooping. Newt joined in and soon all the guys were screaming and yelling. I crouched down beside Minho with a smirk.
"I think you might need more help, Sweetie." I cooed sweetie.
He groand, rubbing his ribs. I slowly looked up and looked at the carnage. None of the guys had gotten up and I rolled my eyes.
"Oh please." I yelled over the noise. "I didn't even break a nose." I rolled my eyes.
Minho looked at me with such dark intense eyes it made my stomach flip. He smirked.
"Fuck Jess. I think I fell in love even more."
I froze, my mouth open and eyes wide. The panting my lungs were doing froze in my chest.
"What did you say?"
Realization flashed in his eyes. He slowly sat up a sly smirk on his face.
"You heard me Shuckface. I said I love you."
"But...Why? Why wou-"
I didn't finish, because he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me closer and kissed me. I tipped forwards, onto my knees and fell into his chest. My hands clenched his shirt in my fists. His other hand wrapped around my back and he twisted around, pulling me with him so I was now on my back in the sand. His one hand cupping head and the other wrapped around my back. He kissed me passionately. Sliding his tongue into my mouth for a few seconds.
He pulled back. And smiled against my lips.
"I love you Jessie. You don't need to say it back, I just want you to know."
I didn't know what to say. I had just taken out half a dozen guys and now Minho was confessing his love. My mind was spinning. I felt stuck. He just smiled at me.
"Come on. I think some of these shanks need some help." He chuckled as he got up and helped me to my feet.
The rest of the evening I sat quiet at the edge of the fire. The rest of Gladers steered clear of me. Newt, Winston, Alby, Gally, Fry, Jeff, Clint and Minho were the only ones brave enough to come over and sit and talk.
And to my frustration, the new kid who wouldn't stop staring wide eyed at me. He was unnerving. His big brown eyes and curly hair kept giving me flash backs. Everytime I saw his big eyes I saw her lifeless eyes. When I saw his corcl screw curls bounce I saw hers bounce for the last time. I shivered.
The guys just kept going on and on about the fight, how I took down half a dozen guys in a few minutes. It didn't surprise me, it was all muscle memory. I knew I had done things like that before. Not often, my missions were usually done in secret in the dark shadows. But sometimes taking out full grown body guards was necessary to reach the target.
I placed my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. The guys were all chatty wildly about the fight. My hands were feeling cold and numb. My one leg started to bounce. I felt pain in my chest and it was starting to become hard to breath.
"Hey, okay?"
I felt his breath tickled my ear. Minho placed a hand on my back and leaned in to whisper. I just gave a sharp shack of my head.
"Okay, come on. Let's go."
He got up without a word, my hand held tight in his. I did notice that Minho and Winston exchanged glances and small nods. Minho pulled me into the shadows or the trees and the quiet of the forest. He just held my hand and slowly walked.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"Nah, those fires can get boring after a while."
"Yeah once a month for three years."
He glanced down at me. And frowned.
"Jess, how are you still going? Still fighting...?"
"I didn't..I don't have an option, Min." I said quietly. I ran a hand through my hair, pulling it out of my face.
"I dunno. I have a very stubborn side. So I just don't ever stop. If I'm still breathing, I'm still fighting."
"A natural born warrior wolf Queen."
I rolled my eyes. He stopped and tugged me towards him. He looked down at me, which by the way was still really annoying because I wasn't short. He gently brushed some hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.
"Jess, I mean it. You're a natural born fighter. Not many people could do what you just did, or survive a month alone in a place like this. And your first maze sounded a lot harsher than this one. Going through the changing. Twice!"
He paused and searched my eyes.
"You're strong. Stubborn. Determined. Hot as shuck! Loyal, and smart, decisive, a problem solver. It's why I love you. Your perfect to me. Jagged and rough around the edges, all the broken pieces."
I tried to interrupt and protest, but he placed a finger on my lips.
"Shh. Just listen." He said quietly. I stilled and closed my mouth.
"I'm okay with your history. The pieces I've placed together, guessed at and what you told me, I'm okay with it. Your history makes you who you are today, right now, the Jessie in the Glade of shanks. And I love that Jessie. I love who you are."
"I'm a handful." I whispered, tears stung my eyes. My throat felt tight, and it was hard to swallow around the lump that was forming.
He placed both hands on my cheeks and he smirked.
"That's why I have two hands."
I let a sob and laugh out at the same time.
"Minho?" I choked. He placed his forehead on mine.
"Yeah Baby?"
"I...I don't know what love is, or what it feels like...but what I do, your the first person I look for when something happens good or bad. I feel safe when you hold me - I've never felt that, even in my memories. I feel seen and validated. Your the only one I feel comfortable breaking down inro a complete mess with. And your the only one I've shared secrets with. I've given you my trust, maybe that means I've give you my heart...maybe that means love. But whatever it is...I want more."
I pulled away and glared at him, "And if you break that trust and crush my very fragile broken and black heart there is no place on earth you can run to because I will track you down and end you."
He smirked, "It wouldn't be a love confession from my beautiful Dutchess of Darkness without a death threat."
"It's facts. Not a threat."
"I know." He whispered. He smirked, and his eyes lighting up with ammusment. He tilted my face up and kissed me.
Pulling away, he slid his hands down my neck and then down my arms and wrapped around my waist, pulling me close into his chest.
"So...what was bothering you back at the fire?"
I was quiet. I closed my eyes and placed my forehead on his shoulder. With my stomach turning and bile now rising in my throat and tears in my eyes I looked back up at him.
"You love me, right?"
He nodded.
"And you said you were okay with my past? You accepted it?"
He nodded again, I could see the confusion in his eyes, it was mixing with worry.
"You know the Greenie? The kid?"
He nodded slowly.
"I'm positive...I know who he is."
Minho frowned, waiting for me to go on.
"The teddy bear belonged to his little sister."
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