Chapter 22: You're a Girl?!
I stood in front of the little cracked mirror propped up on the dresser, using my knife for eyeliner when there was a knock on the door.
"Go away."
"Fine Winnie you can come in."
The door opened and closed, I heard him flop onto the bed. I finished and looked over.
"Can I help you?"
"Okay one, dang girl! Whoever is sending you clothes definitely knows what works on you! And two...I saw it!"
I frowned. And pulled my eyebrows together.
"Okay, one...thank you? It's black. Pretty much everything I have here is black. And two, saw what? Enlighten me."
"Well, the shirt is cute. Anyways...He FINALLY kissed you in the Glade!"
I rolled my eyes. That's all people were talking about. I left the supper table because they wouldn't stop. They weren't talking to me, they were bugging Minho. They knew to leave me alone. But I flipped a knife over and stabbed it down into a table as I passed and they stopped.
"Good job you have eyes."
"Oh come on. That's huge."
"Is it?" I rolled my eyes as I tossed the knife onto the dresser. "After what you walked in on last, a kiss is getting you all..." I waved my hand at him, "like this!"
"Yeah! 'Cause it's the Dutchess of Darkness and The stone faced Sas King! And they kissed! In public! Like you're one savage couple and you two just melt around each other. It's so shucken cute!"
"Yeah?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Shut up."
There was another knock, and before I could say anything Newt came strolling into the room.
"What is this a shucken sleepover?" I grumbled.
"No, we just bloody miss you. You've kept to yourself a lot the last little bit."
"Yeah well...Greenie day means another month. It's been almost three years."
Newt just hummed he came over and plunked down on my bed as well.
"So what were you twats talking about?"
"The savage couple and their cute little PDA this morning!"
I rolled my eyes again, as I grabbed my hair brush.
"Like they are the meanest fiercest people in the Glade...and they just melt around each other!"
Newt grinned as well, with a smug smirk.
Winston laughed and pointed at me. "Your blushing! Ah. It's so cute." He was just about squealing. "He fell HARD, and you fell harder."
"I knew my room sharing would buggen' work."
"Shuck you Newt! I knew you had a hand in it! And you too Winnie!"
He just gave me a sly smirk, and high fived Winston. I threw my hands into the air and rolled my eyes. I sat down on the bed. Winston's hand absently twirled a piece of my hair. I didn't mind him doing it. Three people were allowed to touch me without me getting angry, and two of them sat on my bed.
They both buzzed and tried to get me to talk about Minho and me. But I didn't tell them much.
"Anything as wild as when we walked in on?" Winston finally asked. "'Cause dang JayJay!"
"What? Really?"
My cheeks felt hot.
"Yes. Nothing has happened and I..." I stopped and looked away.
"I'm sorry Jay. I didn't mean to push."
"Too much klunk from my past. A lot of triggers." I said quietly.
I felt Winston sit up behind me with his hand on my back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been teasing. That's between you two."
"It's fine." I shrugged. "It's also impossible to do anything with you stupid shucks around constantly banging on the door. Like the other day some shuck slammed the door open. I was reading. Alone."
"Was that the day Nolan can tarring out of the homestead screaming?"
"I may have threatened his life when his shirt was pinned against the wall when I shucked a knife at him." I said, as I reached for the little bottle of black nail polish.
"That'll do it." Newt chuckled.
I shrugged. "Don't kick my door down and you won't get a knife thrown."
Winston chuckled, he took the nail polish from my hand and pulled my hand into his lap, doing my nails as we talked.
"Okay, are you almost buggen' ready? Fry has bacon going, and I'm hungry!" Newt whinned.
"Yeah yeah" I waved a hand. I pulled my hair trying to braid it. Winston sighed and smacked my hands away, and started to braid.
The door opened and Minho walked in, shirtless and with damp hair from a shower. It didn't phase him that Newt and Winston were sitting on my bed with me sitting between Winston's legs and he was braiding my hair.
"There. Done. Man, JayJay you suck at hair." Winston rolled his eyes.
"Not like I sit and do my hair on a regular basis." I rolled my eyes.
"But that buggen' cat eye is sharp enough to stab a shank." Newt pointed out.
"Priorities Newt. I can use a knife to do it. I can't use a knife to braid my hair. That's why I have Winnie."
Both guys rolled their eyes with scofs. Minho turned, with a smirk, still without a shirt, he walked over and took my hands and pulled me up, he was only a few inches from me, his dark eyes had me mesmerized, and stuck in place.
"And if it's up in this ridiculous thing I can't do this..."
He he let go of my hands and burried his hands into my hair, messing up the braid Winston just did. While Winston protested Minho pulled my head closer and kissed me roughly making Winston's protest cut off. Minho let one hand go from my hair and wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. His other hand just made a mess of my hair.
Newt and Winston whistle and whooped. Minho pulled back and smirked against my lips.
"Get it girl!" I heard Winston cheer. "Kiss him! Kiss him good and hard!"
"I like your hair down, messy with my hands in it." Minho whispered against my lips.
"It's too much work. Eye liner to kill and nails." I whispered back.
He just hummed.
"Okay, okay, we bloody get it. You're super buggen' cute. The shucken boy got the girl, the girl fell hard. Now can we go get food?" Newt whinned.
"I suppose." Minho said, still looking at me, "or I might kick you out and meet you guys later..."
"Well now. Newt I know when I'm not wanted, you coming?"
"Bloody hell yes!"
They left and Minho chuckled, pulling away. He turned and grabbed a shirt. He pulled it on and rolled the sleeves up.
"Is my shucken hot badass girlfriend ready?"
"Just need my emotional support knives."
I stood beside Frypan's BBQ, shoving my mouth with bacon. Minho had gone to grab drinks.
"So Fry...who's the Greenie?" I asked after I finally swallowed the mouth full of bacon.
"You don't know?" He asked shocked.
"No. I avoid being here for a specific reason."
"Well I dunno what the Creators are playing at...but they sent a kid." He pointed his BBQ tongs at me.
"We're all kids Fry. I'm pretty sure I was 16 or something when I was sent."
"No. I mean this kid is like 12! Like a kid kid!"
"What the hell?" I gasped and looked up. I twisted my head. "Where?"
Fry looked around. And then pointed his BBQ tongs, "that kid. Curly brown hair, shirt and chubby baby face kid."
"Yeah." Fry nodded and went back to his bacon.
I thanked him and slipped through the crowd towards the back in the shadows and went to take a closer look at the kid. Why would the creators send a kid? I almost got there when Minho slid up.
He had two drinks and handed me one and then slid a hand around my waist. I raised an eyebrow.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Holding my shucken hot girlfriend."
"How much have you had to drink already?"
He snorted, "Not enough, Baby."
"I think you've already had enough. Dammit Min, your gonna be a miserable running partner tomorrow."
He grinned. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed his arm and yanked him over to a log by the fire, where the other runners were.
"Watch your shuck face if a Keeper. He's already drunk. I'll be right back."
I turned and shoved back through the crowd and grabbed some food and water, I turned and crashed into someone because these shuckfaces didn't understand personal space. Food and water went everywhere.
"Whoa... you're a girl!"
"No shit. I've only been here for three months." I grumbled bending down to clean up. "Only took you how long?"
"'s my first day...and I haven't seen you!"
My head snapped up. The Greenie stood in front of me. My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped. His expression looked the same.
"Wow. You're really pretty."
I frowned and my eyes narrowed.
"Back off Greenie," Someone laughed. I looked up to see Gally. "The Dutchess of Darkness is taken, and I don't think your her...type."
"What? Funny and charming?" He looked at me smuggly.
Great one of these kinds of Greenies.
I slowly stood up, glarring at the kid, who had such a an innocent smile and his eyes were too pure. I had to cover the feelings. I could feel the panic rising. This kid looked like Her I swallowed hard and looked down at the kid.
"I like to sacrifice children and drink their blood. I also throw and play with knives for fun."
"Really? You throw knives? Cool! Can I see?"
I looked up at Gally confused, who looked just as baffled as me. This kid didn't seem to hear the first half of what I said and didn't get the leave me alone vibe. The kid looked at me with big brown dor eyes. His tight circle screw curls bounced with him as he bounced eagerly on his toes.
"Did you not get the whole leave me alone thing?" I snapped. I did not want the kid following me. My stomach was twisting weird, and my palms were sweaty.
I turned and grabbed a jar of Gally's secret recipe. The kid bounced around me like an over active puppy dog.
"What's that?"
"A drink."
"What kind?"
"What's that?"
"Can I have some?"
I raised my eyebrows, Gally smirked at me.
"Sure. Why not. It'll put hair on your chest."
I held out a jar, with a smirk. I clinked his and took a long big gulp. The kid watched me with huge eyes. He cautiously sniffed it and wrinkled his nose.
"Aww baby shank can't handle his drinks."
"I ain't no baby!" He huffed.
"Then drunk up."
Gally and I raised our glasses at each other and ripped my head back, and let there rest of the drink slid down. I felt the comfortable burning all the way down. It warmed my stomach and chest.
I watched in twisted ammusment as he took a cautious sip. He coughed and choked, spitting it out all over the place. Gally and I howled with laughter. I patted the kids chubby shoulder.
"Good try Baby Shank."
"This is disgusting! How do you drink it?"
"It's the only thing that warms up my cold dead heart."
"Truth..." Gally agreed. He tipped the jar and went back to his table. I grabbed another jar for myself and turned. The Greenie didn't stop.
"So you're the only girl?"
I growled in response.
"How come? Where'd you come from? With all the guys around must have a boyfriend..?"
I was growling already. I have a hard enough time with people my own age...this kid was pushing my limits already. I ignored him and shoved my way through the crowd back to the runners. Where I found Minho with another jar in his hand. He was swaying on the log.
"What the actual shuck!" I cried, "glarring at the guys, I said watch him not make it shucken worse."
They all shrugged, Ben smirked at me. "Relax Savage. Why don't you drink too. Then maybe you'll get some and chill!"
I knew Ben was also drunk, or else he would never have the guts to say that to my face. I had enough already.
"Fine. You two can run together tomorrow. Good luck." I snarled.
"Heeeey!" Minho grinned, his eyes unfocused. "I knoooow you!"
"Fuck sakes." I muttered.
He got to his feet and stumbled. He threw his arms out to catch his balance.
"Wow. Who made the ground move?!" It took him a second and he got his balance. He stood up with a smirk. "You're really hot. Like daaaaang girl."
"That's because I just clawed my way from hell." I rolled my eyes.
"You didn't fall from heaven?" I frowned, looking at me.
"No. I have a throawn in Hell."
He gasped. "You're a Queen?" He tried to cross his arms and point at me at the same time. Winston slid up at the right moment.
"Shucken rights she's a Queen. And she slaaaaaays!" Winston snapped in Minho's face.
"Shucken rights."
I nodded, and high fived him. Minho just stood there wide eyed and mouth open. Winston leaned over and whispered, "how dunk is he?"
"Apparently very." I sighed as I watched him stager over to the fighting ring. "This gonna be a shucken disaster. I really didn't want to baby sit tonight."
Winston nodded and folded his arms, "it's either going to be a disaster or one we won't forget..."
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