Chapter 12: Trust
The Creators sent up another box for me, it was waiting for me on my bed when I got back from the showers. I sat down still wrapped in a towel and unpacked it and smiled, whoever was in charge of packing my box was awesome, they knew my style. It also must be a girl who packed my box. There were more hair ties, soap that smelt like vanilla, a big stack of milk chocolate a hot water bottle, and replenishments of deodorant, razors, regular birth control, toothpaste, shampoo socks underwear some more clothes. This time there was a journal and more pencils. I quickly pulled on the brand new underwear a pair of shorts and one of the shirts sent up. I loved it. Long sleeved, but had a cut out over he chest and wrapped around my torso in cut outs.
*pick of out fit bellow*
Once I was dressed I picked up the journal that was still in the box and thumbed through the pages. On the last page in small neat loopy writing was another note. This one looked like it was snuck in, like no one was supposed to know it was written or know it was there.
It's okay to trust them 🖤
I stared at the little note. The corners of my lips tugged down and my eyebrows pulled to the middle. The creators obviously knew everything. Maybe they heard my conversation with Winston in the barn, because I sure hoped they weren't watching inside the bedrooms. I was still staring at it when there was a knock on the door.
"Go away!"
It had become our thing. I was grateful he would knock, but me being me and standoffish I would yell at him to go away, even though it was technically his room. My ankle had healed after a week, and I was capable of climbing and running, I decided to stay. I told myself it was because I was now used to sleeping on a bed with a pillow and blanket and had absolutely nothing to do with my room mate. Minho pushed the door open and hung his towel up.
"How the shuck do you shower so fast?" He asked.
I just rolled my eyes, closing the note book and putting it back inside the box. I'd worry about it later. this someone messing with me again? A small part of me wanted to open up and trust, just a little. What Winston had said stuck with me, I was glad for Sonya for all those months, I wouldn't have stood a chance in the maze without her. It was the same here...Newt had talked me out of being reckless...well not totally, I still pushed limits, to the annoyance and frustration of everyone around me.
I stood up off the bed, and tightened my thigh garter, and slid a few knives into their homes. I straightened up and grabbed my black eyeliner, looking around the room for the small mirror Minho always had- he bugged me constantly about my eyeliner I bugged him about always needing his hair gel. He left me alone after that.
"What'da ya do with the mirror?"
"It broke, so gotta prop it up, it's also cracked now." He grabbed it off his bed and held it up.
"Meh, it'll do. Hold it a second." I stepped close, pulled a knife out, placing it by my eye, I used the back end to keep the cat eye sharp and straight.
"So that's the trick." Minho smirked down at me as I switched to the other eye. I glanced up at him, we were awfully close, I could feel his exhales fanning my hair.
"Emotional support, keeping my eyeliner straight, keeping the boys away, a good toy to play with when I'm board...what can't knives do?" I said while I did the other side.
"Hmm true."
"Also, I get to be up close and personal when I stab you." I grinned, I removed the knife from my eye, and looking up at him through my lashes. Spinning it, I brought it up, under his chin, at his throat. His smirk grew and his eyes darkened just slightly.
"Yeah...look them right in the eyes?" He asked, his voice was low and deep.
Shuck ...that voice. Damn you Winston. You got in my head.
The little note in tiny loopy writing came floating back. "It's okay to trust them" I hated how my strong walls where cracking. The foundation of my strong hold was starting to crumble. It scared me more than anything else. Because once I started to care, to truly trust and care, that's when I got hurt.
"I don't watch my targets face, it just means I'll see them in my nightmares." I whispered.
Shuck! I did it again! I said something that I shouldn't have, stupid comments like this slip out when he's looking at me like that.
"Targets huh?"
I just hummed. I didn't want to say anything more and dig my walled foundation out and have my walls crumble down on me.
"You're an interesting girl, Jessie."
"Hmmm. I'm the only girl, Minho." I whispered back. I still had the knife to his throat, but I wasn't actually holding it there anymore, he was slowly leaning forwards, tilting his head down to look at me fully.
"Doesn't change the fact you're interesting..."
"What every girl wants to hear...that she's interesting." I emphasized the word.
"You're not every girl, Jess. And that's why your interesting. Dark, dangerous, beautiful, strong, independent...and full of a trauma from your past."
"You know to much. I hate when people know too much. Know my secrets, I want them back. I hate getting close to people, getting attached to people. I regret it. Because you have ammunition against me. You can use it against me."
"Trusting me is your decision Jess." He whispered.
He slowly reached his hand up and took my wrist, moving the knife away, that was the only thing keeping her walls up, the only thing keeping him at bay. My stomach was feeling wild, my heart was beating wildly. Where his hand was wrapped around my wrist, it felt like it was on fire, sending electricity up my arm. He was toe to toe, I felt his breath now on my face. I could see the vein in his neck and the muscle in his jaw clenching. His eyes were dark and steady, the were looking into my eyes like he was trying to read my secrets in my soul.
"Breaking your trust that's my choice. And I want to prove you wrong."
"I...I'm scared...I've been burned before."
"I'm not them."
"How do I know you won't?"
"Live dangerously, Jess. Caring about something is the most dangerous thing you can do. What's life without a little risk?"
"It's reckless..." I breathed.
He was so close, even closer then before, I don't remember him moving even closer. I felt his hand move and then hesitate over my hip, like he was waiting, or unsure. I had told him last month not to touch me or kiss me again. And he had respected that. Even when I was having nightmares, he would wake me up and then just talk me out of it, he hadn't tried to hug me or rub my back. I guess in that way, respecting what I had demanded, he had earned a sliver of my trust.
"Live with a little recklessness, Jess."
Before my brain couldn't process it all. Winston's words from this afternoon, the conversation I had with Newt a month ago when I sat huddled against the wall, and that note in my all swirled around my head. Blinking the fog away, he still stood in front of me, hovering inches from my face, his hand wasn't touching my hip or waist, but I felt the heat from his hand. I swallowed my fear. I kicked the doors open of my walled fortress, breaking the barricade around my heart. I closed the distance, I got ride of the few inches of space that kept us apart.
My heart skipped a beat, my lungs forgot to work again. My eyelids fluttered closed on their own. Minho's hand finally touched my skin. His hand held my hip, pulling me closer. His other hand flew up to the nap of my neck, pulling me closer. He sighed into the kiss, deepening the kiss. I sighed deeply into the kiss, kissing him back. I melted into his chest, feeling all the muscles tense. I felt his chest rumble. Minho pulled me closer. his hand on my hip slid to my back; I felt the heat from his hand on my skin. He kissed me slowly and gently. He kissed me like their first kiss, desperate, hungry, needy and yet it was cautious, and curious. He kissed me making my head spin, pulling me even closer, his hand slid to the side of my face, wrapping from beside my ear into my hair; his thumb gently brushing the skin. He kissed me like he was drowning, but it wasn't aggressive. He kissed me hard until a moan escaped. My hands clenched his bare shoulders, I slid them up his neck and into the back of his hair. My knees felt weak and my heart forgot how to work.
He pulled away slowly, leaving me gasping. His chest was heaving. My world was spinning.
"That was a little dangerous..." He whispred.
All I could get out was his name, "Minho." It sounded like a whisper and a moan and a whimper. Everything else was stuck in my throat. We both didn't say anything for a long time, panting.
There was a knock at the door, making us both jump.
"You guys coming to the fire?"
"Yep." Minho called back, not looking away, "Be there right away."
His shocked, dazed look morphed into a smirk and his eyes sparkled. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. My muscles stiffened and my back straightened.
"Did the Duchess of Darkness just leap of a cliff? Flying into the unknown world of trust?" I heard the smirk and cockiness in his voice.
"I don't trust people. Ever. And I'm not gonna change in one kiss." I said quietly.
"I know. And I don't want you to change. I like Savage the way she is." His smirk slid into a more serious look, his regular look of stone.
Don't break it. Because there is nowhere on earth that I won't be able to find you. I will hunt you down and gut you like a shucken fish!"
"I believe it." He looked at me seriously. "I don't plan on it, I'd have to be incredibly stupid, on many different levels."
"Fucken right." I smirked now.
"You know...Jess we don't have to jump right in. I know how uncomfortable you are with other people and physical touch and shuck like that. So.. why don't you let me show you you can trust me."
"This a friends with benefits type thing, 'cause I'm out." I stepped back and crossed my arms.
"No." He said firmly. He crossed his arms across his chest. "It's a lets go slow so I don't scare you and I end up gutted on the floor."
I cocked my head to the side, looking at him. I chewed the inside of my cheek thinking. Sure he was arrogant and cocky, but dammit Newt, he was right. He was loyal and caring under his hair gel. He was also thoughtful and considerate... but I could still see the defiance and stubbornness, the twisted way his eyes darkened and he smirked when I held a knife to his throat.
Fuck. Am I really doing this?
With a small growl in my chest, my eyes narrowed I nodded very slowly.
"Okay. I can handle that."
"Good." He grinned at me, and then turned to the bed and grabbed a shirt, pulling it over his head, it stretched tight over his shoulders and chest.
"Now lets go eat. I'm starving."
"And avoid the Noob."
"And avoid the Greenie, agreed." Minho smirked. He held the door open for me and we left.
I sat on one of the logs, between Minho and Newt, Winston was there too. Gally was handing out the jars of his moonshine. Fry had his BBQ out. Some of the guys had their interments out. Newt somehow had convinced the Creators to send a guitar up, he was tunning it right now. Guys were yelling and shouting and just being wild after they consumed the alcohol. I had a jar in one hand and flinging my knife into the grass at my feet. Minho kept a respectable distance, I was thankful I didn't have to say something about PDA. No one would suspect what had happened in our room. Though Newt and Winston kept giving me side glances.
"Hey, can you hit a smaller target?" Winston asked randomly, as I flung the knife again into the grass again.
"Shuck yeah I can. Did you not see me fling the knife at Dug's hand?"
"Okay, Miss think your all that?" Minho sked, looking around at me.
"And a bag of chips." I smirked.
"Prove it."
I sighed dramatically. "I swear you guys are either blind or stupid, or both. Fine. Give me a target."
"Across the buggen' fire, the knot on the log." Newt said painting.
"Too easy." I flung the knife with out really looking. The knife sored through the air, twirling end over end and stuck into the middle of the knot.
"Okay, fine. What about a moving target?" Minho asked, cocking an eyebrow.
I rolled my eyes again. "You going to go collect my knives?"
"The beetle blade behind us." Winston pointed.
I turned my head, twisting my body to see where he was pointing. I smirked, drew a knife out of my garter belt around my thigh, I twirled the knife and chucked it. The beetle blade tried to scuttle up the tree. It didn't get far before my knife pinned it to the tree.
"Come on guys, give me a challenge."
Winston got up and pulled the knife from the log across the fire and tree where the beetle blade was still sparking. This had got the attention of some of the guys around the fire and they all started to crowd around.
"I dare you to throw it at Gally, hit the jar out of his hands."
A twisted grin appeared on my face. Minho snickered beside me. Newt chuckled, but cleared his throat.
"Now we're talking. A dangerous challenge."
I sat up straighter, Winston passed me my knives. I looked for Gally. He was still at his table handing out jars. He was about 40 to 50 feet away. I flipped the knife a few times, gauging his movements. The guys all around the fire were trying to hold their laughter in. I smirked, tossed the knife once more, catching it by the handle I reached back and let it fly. It spun through the air as Gally brought the jar up to drink. He had it at his mouth when the knife shattered the glass. Light brown alcohol exploded everywhere.
The guys around the fire exploded in laughter as Gally sputtered and then started cursing when he looked around at the explosion of laughter and whoops. I stood in the middle with a smirk. He picked up the knife and stormed over and up to me. I felt Minho tense beside me, but didn't do anything. Gally glared down at me, he was still dripping with his moonshine. I saw the anger in his blue eyes. I raised an eyebrow and smirked, and crossed my arms. I glared at him, he glared at me. The tension grew in the crowd around us.
He raised the knife in his hand, I didn't move, didn't flinch, and kept his gauze. I wasn't sure if he was trying to intimidate me, but jokes on him, bigger and scarier men had tried. He held it out to me,
"Nice throw."
I smirked.
"Than you."
"I'll give it back, only on one condition."
"I'm listening."
"Does some shank have the guts to stand and have knives thrown at them?"
"I don't know, you should ask them, not me. I'll gladly throw deadly weapons at any of you ugly shanks."
Gally turned to the crowd, it had gone silent, I crossed my arms and scoffed.
"After what I just showed you, no one trusts me?"
"I do."
I turned to see Minho already smirking, his eyes dark and boring into mine.
"You're either brave or stupid." Dug called from the crowd.
"Funny how those are interchangeable on the perspective." Minho called back, still locked in a staring contest. "How much have you had to drink?"
"Not enough."
Minho smirked again.
"Let the fuckery begin." I said with an twisted smirk.
Minho sauntered over to the closest wall, which was the Homestead wall. I followed and the crowd of Gladers followed. I slid a small knife out and twirled it, I looked up at Minho. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and ankles crossed, like he was bored. I flung the knife without warning. I thudded into the wall above his head.
"I think you can get closer." Gally shrugged.
I smirked, Minho had his dark eyes locked onto mine. I saw no tension in his body, he was totally relaxed. It baffled me how he trusted me so easily and so completely. I tossed the second knife. It whipped through the air, making a whistling noise and thudded into the wall, a few inches beside his ear.
"Closer." Gally challenged.
I raised my eyebrow at Minho, silently asking. His intense eyes never broke my gauze. He gave me a small nodded, and the sly sexy smug smirk grew on his face, his eyes were dark, I felt my stomach twist. Shuck that's hot. He was looking at me like he would rather step forwards and pin me to the wall. I almost let a growl out. I stood and popped a hip out, flung my hair over my shoulder, and looked at him through my lashes, and I bit my bottom lip a little. I saw his eyes darken a bit more. His jaw muscle twitched. I tossed the knife.
It whistled through the air. This time the knife sliced so close to him if he inhaled any deeper it would have sliced his skin. There was a wild cheer from the Gladers. I didn't join, my eyes were glued to Minho, who had pushed off the wall and was striding straight towards me with such dark eyes my stomach back flipped and my heart skipped a beat.
Shuck I was screwed.
*Another Fun Bonfire, and we're looking Badass as ever*
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