"Murder?" Alexis scrambled for her phone, her eyes on her date.
Chace grinned and sped forward to an old building. There were a few cars parked out front.
"Where are we?" Alexis asked.
"This place belongs to a friend of mine." Chace parked and ordered Alexis to get out. When she didn't move, he asked, "What are you waiting for?"
"I don't want to be here," Alexis whispered.
"I don't want to be here," she said in a stronger voice. "I want to go home."
Chace frowned and looked away, shaking his head. "I'm sorry but we need to do this."
"No, we don't. We really don't," Alexis pleaded
"Are you scared?" Chace asked before getting out and walking to her side of the car. She locked her door and he laughed, pressing the button on his keys that unlocked the car. He opened her door and she struggled against him as he tried helping her out.
"What's the matter with you, Alexis?" Chace asked, laughing.
"Get away from me!"
Chace suddenly let go and stepped back. "What's going on Alexis?"
"You tell me, Chace? Why are you all of a sudden talking about murdering people?"
Chace stared at Alexis in disbelief. A large truck came up the road with several teens in the back, disturbing their solitude.
"I love paintball. Get ready to die, Frank!" one of the teens shouted to the driver. They all ran through the entrance of the old looking building.
"Do you know where we're at?" Chace asked Alexis.
She shook her head in confusion.
Chace pointed to the faded paint on the side of the wooden building. It was barely noticeable but the purple letters caught Alexis' attention.
Killer Paintball
"Paintball?" Alexis whispered.
"Paintball," Chace answered. He shook his head in disappointment. "I brought you here because I know you've been stressed lately and I thought shooting people full of paint would make you feel better. Relieve some stress."
"Oh my God. I'm sorry, Chace...I just-"
Chace turned to face her. "You just what? Thought I really wanted to murder people? Why would you think that? Have I ever done anything to make you believe I'm some kind of psychopath?"
Alexis immediately became defensive. "Well, why did you say we were going to murder people? Sane people don't say things like that!"
"This place is called Killer Paintball. The slogan is murder by paintballs. It was a joke!"
"Well it wasn't funny!" Alexis fidgeted in her seat. She was embarrassed. "I guess we should just go home."
"You really don't want to try it?" Chace asked.
"The paintball? I don't know how. I've never played paintball before."
Chace sighed. "I'm not going to lie...I'm still offended that you thought I was a murderer but I can't let you live the rest of your life without experiencing a good round of paintball. Rule number one, it's just paintball. We don't say play paintball. Got it?"
Alexis giggled, causing Chace to ask, "What's so funny?"
"Lots of things. How dumb I was a few minutes ago, that you're way too into this paintball stuff, and that I almost called the cops on you."
Chace laughed. "Yeah that would have been bad. Funny...but bad."
"This is an interesting idea though. It's different for a first date." Alexis smiled.
"Different good or different bad."
"Different good. So, how did you know I was stressed?"
"Your brother called me. He knew we were going on a date and suggested it."
Alexis laughed. "My brother told you to take me out to paintball?"
"Well actually, he told me to take you to a bar in the next town that lets you do mud wrestling...but I told him it probably wouldn't be a good idea."
"Good call." Alexis laughed. "Either way, thank you. I have been stressed by a lot of things lately."
"Well, you're lucky enough to have a highly sought after psychologist at your disposal if you want to talk about it."
Alexis squinted her eyes as if she were in deep thought. "Highly sought after huh? How do I know you're really good at giving advice or not?"
Chace looked away and smiled. "Well...I do have my own radio show."
"Your own radio show?" she emphasized the word own.
"Fine, I share it with another doctor but she's just there to be eye candy."
Alexis laughed. "Didn't you say it was a radio show? No one would even see her."
Chace laughed. "Oh that's right. Well I guess she's only eye candy to me since I'm the only one that's lucky enough to see her."
Alexis blushed and looked down to hide her face.
Chace smiled and grabbed her hand to drag her inside the building. Alexis was in awe at what she saw. Teens and adults were dressed in dark suits and goggles.
"Are we able to play in the dark?" Alexis asked.
"Of course. It's more fun that way," Chace answered.
Alexis regretted not wearing flats but decided to make the best of it. After they were dressed, the man working at the counter handing out paintball guns told them. "Don't worry, it's a lot of fun and doesn't hurt a bit."
Alexis doubted that but took her paint gun. Chace taught her how to use the gun and the two of them prepared for paint battle. Alexis was happy that she had joined Chace. She was having so much fun, shooting strangers with paint and running behind standing boards to hide. It was exhilarating. She imagined each person she shot was her stalker.
An hour later, they were on their way to Alexis' house.
"My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Thank you, Chace."
"Are you kidding? I got to see the beautiful Alexis Reyna shoot strangers with a paint gun. People should pay money for that. You were vicious!"
Alexis couldn't help but giggle at herself. She was happy and she hadn't felt so relaxed in weeks. They reached her house and Chace walked her to the door.
"Normally, I would try to kiss you goodnight but after seeing you shoot people with paintballs, I'm not sure if I should risk it," Chace told her.
"Well that's too bad. I don't normally kiss during first dates but I was willing to make an exception."
"Is that so?"
Alexis whispered, "Maybe."
Chace began to lean in but they both jumped at the sound of a horn honking. They looked towards the street to see two teenagers driving past laughing. One of them stuck their head out of the window and shouted, "Get a room!"
Alexis and Chace laughed. "Talk about bad timing," Chace muttered. Alexis lightly pushed him back.
"Thank you for the date, Chace. I had a lot of fun." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and smiled at him as she unlocked her front door and went inside.
Chace was smiling up until she closed the door to her home. Alexis was fortunate that she had closed the door and was unable to see Chace's smile turn into an angry frown.
"Nicholas, I have groceries in the car. Go get them!" Alexis was carrying plastic grocery bags in her hands as she walked into the kitchen. Sitting on one of her counter stools was Luke, Nicholas' friend.
"Luke! What are you doing here?"
"I'm moving in," he casually answered.
Luke laughed. "I'm here to visit Nicholas. Why else would I be here?"
Alexis gave him the stink eye and answered, "Oh I don't know...maybe installing a security alarm."
Luke grabbed an apple from her groceries. "I told Nicholas it was scheduled to be installed on Monday."
"Really? He didn't say a word to me."
"That's Nic for you."
"Where is my brother?" Alexis asked.
"Taking a shower. His black eye finally faded enough that he wants to meet up with some women I know," Luke explained.
"Good luck with that but in the meantime, will you be a doll and get the groceries from my car?"
Luke looked surprised but did as he was asked.
A few minutes later, Nicholas came downstairs. "Sorry to make you wait Luke."
Alexis looked at her brother and his friend. "What time are you two leaving?"
"Are you trying to kick us out?" Nicholas joked.
"I have clients today, Nicholas. You and Luke have got to go."
"Kicking me out of my own home so that she can see some wackadoos." Nicholas shook his head.
The doorbell rang and Alexis looked at both of them. "Give me ten minutes and then leave." She ran to the front door and opened it to see Chace.
"Chace! What are you doing here?" she asked looking past him for Sylvia and Larry French who were her expected clients for the day.
"I'm sorry to show up unexpectedly. Are you expecting someone else?"
"Sorry, I'm waiting for some clients. Come in but don't stay long. Oh sorry...that was rude."
Chace laughed "Don't worry. I understand."
"Chace!" Alexis and Chace looked to see Nicholas standing behind them. "How was the date last night? Did you get to third base?"
Alexis punched Nicholas in the arm. "Stop being gross."
He laughed and all three of them went back to the kitchen. Alexis looked at the three handsome men in her house and told all of them to leave. "Seriously, you guys need to go."
The doorbell rang again. "That's them. I promise my clients their privacy so stay here and leave in ten minutes. Understand?"
All three men nodded and she smiled as she ran back to the front door.
Larry and Sylvia French were an odd couple but Alexis really felt she could help them. She opened the door and allowed them in.
"Dr. Reyna?" Larry asked as soon as he came inside. "Is it okay if I use the bathroom?"
"Larry! I told you to go when we were at home," his wife scolded him.
"I'm sorry, Sylvia, but I didn't have to go then," Larry fumed.
Alexis gave a fake smile. "It's not a problem. Larry, there's a bathroom down the hall. Sylvia and I will be in the study waiting for you."
Larry nodded and walked towards the bathroom while Alexis and Sylvia walked to her study.
"Dr. Reyna, I have the journals you wanted us to write in," Sylvia pulled out both journals.
"That's great. Let's wait for Larry to get back and we can begin reviewing them. Your first assignment was to write a letter to your spouse."
"Dr. Reyna, I'm paying for this hour, I don't want to waste it waiting for Larry. I'm starting now."
Alexis tried stopping Sylvia but it was impossible. She pulled out Larry's journal and opened it up to the first page and began reading.
"Kismet. Our love is kismet. There was a time that I felt so lonely I would pray the Lord took my life. I couldn't stand the loneliness anymore. Then I met you and my whole life changed. I felt alive again. My hurt burst with joy," Sylvia began tearing up.
"Dr. Reyna can you believe Larry is so...so sentimental?" Sylvia asked. "I'm actually surprised. We've felt so distant. This is incredibly sweet."
She continued reading, "My heart screams in pain when we're apart and I know that someday we'll always be together forever. You are my love for life...Dr. Reyna."
Sylvia looked up from the journal to an ashen faced Alexis. "This says Dr. Reyna. Are you having an affair with my husband?"
It was at that moment that Larry entered the study after using the bathroom. He saw an angry Sylvia and a pale Alexis and asked, "What's going on in here?"
Sylvia turned to him with an expression of pure venom. "How dare you!" She threw the book at him, which he dodged.
Sylvia ran towards Larry and began pummeling him. Alexis shouted for her to stop. Larry pushed Sylvia away who fell to the ground. She yelled, "You want to hit me? I won't let you get away with this Larry!" She jumped up and began picking up whatever was around her and tossed it at Larry.
"Stop it right now!" Alexis yelled only to get the attention of Sylvia who began throwing things at her too.
"I hate you! You're fired you husband stealer!"
Alexis shrieked when Sylvia tossed a glass figurine at her. Larry shouted at his wife. "Stop it, Sylvia. It's not her fault that I love her!"
"Love? You love her?" Sylvia was livid. She turned back to Alexis. "Let's see how much you love her when I disfigure her face!"
"No!" Larry ran forward and hit his wife, knocking her out. Alexis screamed and the door burst open.
"Chace!" Alexis was relieved to see her coworker standing at the door with his phone to his ear. "I'm calling 911 so don't anybody move."
Thirty minutes later the police had picked up Larry and the ambulance picked up Sylvia who would later be taken to jail as well. Alexis and Chace had both given statements. Alexis sat amidst the rubble of her once tidy study.
"Can you believe this?" she asked Chace who handed her a beer.
"It's not uncommon for a client to fall for his psychologist," Chace replied.
"Yeah, but I saw his journal. It was so disturbing. At least it should all be over now."
"What should be over?"
Alexis didn't want to elaborate. She hoped Larry would finally stop stalking her and this nightmare she had been living the past few weeks would be over. She had mentioned her friend's murder to the police and they told her they would check if he had an alibi for that night. Alexis was grateful to Chace for staying behind after her brother and Luke had left the house.
After Chace left, Alexis walked upstairs to an awful sight. On her bed were the roses that Chace had given her the night prior. They were cut up into small pieces. The red rose petals looked like giant drops of blood against her white bedspread.
It was almost midnight. Gabby sat in front of her computer with her cellphone pressed to her ear. She was browsing the Heartbreakers website. Pictures of psychologists Alexis Reyna and Chace Ryder were splashed all over the screen with the heading "Chalexis" above them.
Gabby sneered before speaking into her phone. "Don't tell me what to do. I have everything under control. Yeah, yeah whatever you say. Listen I'm busy. I'll call you later."
Gabby rolled her eyes when she hung up the phone and snorted as she read the comments about Alexis and Chace being called Chalexis.
Her face contorted into an ugly expression as she poised her hands above the keyboard and typed, "Alexis Reyna is a whore. She needs to leave Dr. Ryder alone. I HATE HER!!!"
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