Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I woke up extra early this morning and was super sore. I haven't felt so much pain in my entire life. But it was the most pleasurable thing I have ever felt. The old man was right about this bracelet because I am really horny this morning.
I walked into the kitchen to cook Sean breakfast. I opened the fridge and realized I have no food. Son of a bitch. I whispered. I grabbed the keys and walked out of the house. I got into the jeep and headed to the market.
The view coming back to the house was phenomenal. The sun was just rising and I wouldn't change this view for the world. Well, I like the view of Sean naked. That is something I wouldn't change.
I grabbed the bags of groceries and walked into the house, hoping Sean is still asleep. I laid the grocery's down on the counter and ran up the stairs to see. Thank god he is sound asleep.
I started to cook Sean's favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. I love bacon and pancakes. Hell yes! I am so happy for bacon and pancakes. I hope they taste alright. I am not the best cook in the world. According to my mother that is. There was this one time that I burnt toast and I got so distracted that the house started to smoke. So when I went over to the toaster, the toast was stuck. So I shoved a knife in the toaster...... It exploded in my face. Thank god it was only just a scratch on my beautiful face. I guess you can say that I am not the smartest apple in the tree also.
I felt arms wrapped around me, interrupting my day dream.
"Good morning sunshine." I smiled and gave him a smooch.
"Whatcha' cooking beautiful?" He asked.
"Your favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon." I pointed out.
"Smell lovely." He kissed my cheek and sat down at the bar.
"Wait.... Did you go to the store?" He asked. I nodded.
"You should have woke me. The world is dangerous you know." Sean said, with anger in his voice.
"But I got to see the sunset. I wanted you to rest." I smiled and put the plate of pancakes and bacon in front of him. He sighed and nodded.
We finished breakfast and now we are walking on the beach. The water is so clear that you can see your whole body when you go in the water. I grabbed onto Sean's hand and pulled him down to the sand.
"I love you. You know that?" I asked and pinned him down in the sand. My knees was on each side of his waist.
"I love you more. You know that?" He asked back.
"How much?"
"More then I love football."
"That's a lot of love."
"I love you infinity times infinity."
"Is there anything bigger than infinity?" I asked.
His eyes met mine and he started to laugh.
"No." He responded while laughing.
"But how can I say that I love you more then?" I asked, with a confused expression.
He just shook his head and continued to laugh.
"You can't. Which means I win." He told me with a proud smirk.
I huffed and punched his arm playfully.
"That is not fair!" I shouted and got up, stomping towards the water.
I could hear Sean's footsteps coming after me so I decided to run as fast as I could into the water.
Soon as I hit the water, I felt his arms wrap around my waist, spinning me around in the water.
I started giggling and splashed water up at him.
"I'm going to get you for that." He told me and tackled me down.
I hurried up and got out of the water, trying to rush back to the sand.
But I failed.... Again.
His arms wrapped around me, turning me around so I would face him. He looked down at me with so much lust in his eyes it had my stomach going crazy with butterflies.
"Are you going to let me win?" I pouted.
He smirked and shook his head.
"Then no more of this booty for you mister!" I shouted and started laughing.
"Okay you win! Just don't take that away from me." Sean started to pout. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss.
I wouldn't change this for the world. This relationship, the love that we share, the life that we have, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
"One day, can we get married and have a big family?" I asked Sean.
He pulled away from me and then nodded instantly, looking me directly in the eyes.
"I wouldn't want anything more then to spend the rest of my life with you and have kids." He smiled at me.
"I love you Sean Woods." I said, looking up at him.
"I love you too, soon to be Lucas Woods." He winked the last part at me.
"Who said I would get your last name?" I asked and pushed him back where he fell into the water. I made a run for it and run back up to the house.
"Because it sounds better!" Sean yelled after me. I could hear his footsteps right behind me, making me laugh and run faster.
"If you don't catch me, you will not get any of this!" I laughed harder and ran up the stairs to the house. Soon as I hit the door, Sean picked me up and tossed me over his shoulders, running to the bedroom.
I love you Sean Woods.
Authors Message: AND THAT'S THE END!!!! I am honestly so happy you guys stayed until the end <3 I am honestly grateful for you guys! I am quite sad that this is the end, but you got to end it somewhere, huh? Don't forget to vote/comment and Share!!!! I love you guys! Let me know what you thought about this story in the comment section!!! XoXo
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