Chapter Three
Chapter Three
“Dad stop!” I shouted in pain. He grabbed me by my ankles and dragged me down the hall and into the bedroom. He slammed the door shut and locked it so I would be able to get out. He walked over to me and back handed me across the face. I pushed him away and ran for the window. He threw me back and I hit my head on the wall and I started crying. “Come here you piece of shit.” He grabbed me by my hair and slammed me on the ground. He took out his knife and took a swipe and my chest. I flinched in pain. “DADDY STOP!” I cried out. I kicked him off of me and crawled for the door. He took swipe after swipe at my back. He slid down my pants and started to ram me. “STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP!” I shouted.
“Lucas! Lucas!” Someone shook me. I woke up from my nightmare and was greeted by my mom. I jumped up and hugged her, crying into her shoulders. “Shh, it’s ok sweetie. It’s just a nightmare.” She patted my back. I just kept crying and crying. “Are you okay?” Nathan asked sitting down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. “Why won’t they stop?!” I asked. “They will. They will soon. You can beat this.” Mom whispered into my ear.
She handed me my medication after I started crying. I wish I could never go through those nightmares again. It happens once every week. It used to be every night after it happened. I was only thirteen when my dad hurt me. Five years later and still having nightmares. How is that even possible? It’s been forever ago!
“I got to get ready for school.” I said and pushed passed Nathan and mom to go into my bathroom. I shut my door and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were so puffy from crying in my sleep. I sighed and took a shower. I am so sweaty from my nightmare. I usually take showers before I go to sleep at night. But I guess I have to do them in the morning also. I stripped down and sat on my toilet, waiting for the shower to warm up. My mind couldn’t stop thinking about the nightmare. I just need to make it stop. But I don’t know how. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror again. I looked at all my scars from the knife. I shook the image out of my head and took a shower.
“Lucas, You can get a ride with Sean to school from now on until we get you a car.” Nathan informed. Sean looked at me and looked back at his dad. “But dad! He can get a ride from Emily!” Sean shouted. “She goes to a different school then you! You give him a ride to school and from school every day! And that is the end of the discussion!” Nathan shouted back. I guess I know what it’s like living with Sean and Nathan. Sean grunted and through the rest of his breakfast in the trash. “Let’s go.” He demanded. I nodded and grabbed my bag from the couch. We walked out into the garage and he walked over to his car. My eyes widen.
“This is your car?” I asked. I looked at the 2013 silver Ashton Martin Vanquish. It’s so beautiful! “YES NOW GET IN THE FUCKING CAR FAGGOT!” He shouted at me as he got into the car. I rolled my eyes and got into the passenger seat. The seats were red leather. Sweet baby Jesus this thing had to cost a bank load of cash. “If you are going to keep calling me a ‘faggot’, can I call you a homophobe then?” I asked sarcastically. He clinched his hands onto the stirring wheel. “I don’t think that is going to help your anger Sean.” I pointed out. He shook his head and grinned. “You smile? What is this shit? Mars?” I chuckled sarcastically. “Shut up.” He shook his head and continued to drive down the road. I looked at the radio and wanted to turn it on so badly. Ah, what the hell. I turned on the radio and browsed the stations. Sean glanced over at me. “Did I say you can touch that?” He asked. “Did I say you can talk?” I asked back. He chuckled and let me turn on the radio. The song The heart wants what it wants by Selena Gomez come on. Oh how I love go-go so much. I started singing to the music. “You got me sipping on something.” I sung and Sean looked at me. “Do you have a problem with my singing too?” I raised an eyebrow towards him. He just turned his head back to the road. I am so making things worst with Sean. I bet I am pissing him off to the extreme.
The drive to the school took about thirty minutes with the traffic. We arrived at Sierra Canyon High. I read in the news that Kendall Jenner went to this school. What other famous people went here? I wondered. There is so many expensive cars in this school’s parking lot. I wondered what they would do if they didn’t have money from their parents and they had to pay their own bills? I am guessing they would cry like a baby. I stepped out of the car, and so did Sean. A girl came walking up to him in her heels clonking on the pavement. She crashed her lips onto Sean’s. For some odd reason, I became extremely jealous and my blood started to boil. She glanced over at me and smiled. “Who’s this?” She asked. “My faggot of a step brother Lucas.” Sean rolled his eyes. His girlfriend slapped his arm. “Stop it! Don’t be rude!” She demanded. “Hi, I’m Katie. This homophobes girlfriend.” She informed, flipping he blonde hair back. I smiled and shook her hand. “You are so freaking cute?! Do you have a boyfriend? Because if not, there is tons of guys here that are gay.” She smiled. “No, I’m single.” I smiled back. “GREAT!” She hooked her arm around mine. This girl is like the fucking diva of the high school. What does Sean see in this girl? Other than her incredible features. But that is about it. “Please don’t set him up with any of the guys here. They are all faggots just like him. And I don’t want to see them kissing in front of me.” Sean said and grabbed Katie’s hand and they walked away. “Bye boo!” Katie shouted and ran off with Sean. Great…. Now who is going to show me this huge ass school? I sighed and looked around for someone to help me. I tried finding someone to help me but they are too busy texting and gossiping. This is just wonderful. I tried to find my locker and it took me about five minutes to do so. I tried opening my locker but it wouldn’t work. “Fucking stupid expensive locker.” I punched it. People turned and looked at me. Well…… This is embarrassing.
“Do you need help?” Asked a girly voice from behind me. I turned around and she looked just like Katie. “You look like this diva girl Katie….” I pointed out. She started laughing. “I’m her twin sister Kaylie.” She smiled. She is way different from her twin…. “But to answer your question would you please help me today, like showing me around. My homophobic step brother wouldn’t show me around. He just left with his loveyduby girlfriend Katie.” I rolled my eyes. “Oh yeah, Sean told me he was getting a step brother.” Kaylie smiled. “I am guessing your Lucas.” She put out her hand. I nodded. “Well I would be glad to be your tour guide.” Kaylie laughed. I laughed as well. She opened up my locker for me. “Just as easy as that.” She smiled and shut it. She showed me through the school and all my classes. Last was my first period class so I could go straight into Calculus. So many students looking at me so strange. I can already tell this is going to be a weird couple weeks…..
Kaylie waited for me at my locker so we can go to lunch. She hooked her arm around mine and we walked down the hall to the cafeteria.
“Do you play any sports?” She asked. “I used to play football, soccer, basketball, baseball, and swim when I was younger. But now, I am like fuck it. I don’t want to play sports anymore.” I informed. She chuckled and shook her head. “That’s the way I am now.” She chuckled some more. “Are you single?” She asked me. I nodded in reply. “I don’t see how all the hot guys are gay. I just don’t know why.” She shook her head. I started laughing. “I am anything but hot doll.” I giggled. She just shook her head and we made it to the cafeteria. We got out food and then sat down outside. I glanced over and seen all the football players talking and sitting at a table. And the cheerleaders were with them. Including Sean and Katie. Kaylie was talking at me but I was to busy staring at Sean. He is just so beautiful when the sunlight hits his skin. There is a bright glow that I never seen in anyone before. He glanced over at me and I looked away.
“Do all the football players and cheerleaders sit together?” I asked Kaylie. “Every single day baby.” She responded. I nodded and looked back over at them. Sean saw me and started walking over.
“Why was you staring at me?” Sean asked me. “If I was staring at you Sean, you would know. But if so you should know, there is tons of hot hunks on your team. Is any of them gay?” I asked sarcastically. Kaylie chocked on her food and Sean gave her the death stare. “Look, I have practice today, so if you want a ride home you are going to have to wait. Understood?” He asked and walked away. I stared at his ass as he walked away.
“Oh my god. You are so checking your step brother out!” She shouted. I covered her mouth so she would stop. “You like him don’t you?” She asked. “I don’t know what love is.” I lied. “I didn’t say love.” She grinned at me. Damnit Lucas! Why are you so stupid?! I rolled my eyes and started talking to Kaylie about where I came from and everything else.
The end of the day finally arrived. Today went by so slow. I asked Kaylie to sit on the side lines with me so I can wait for a ride home. I really like Kaylie. She is the sister you always wanted. I walked to my locker and there Kaylie stood. “Hey gorgeous.” Kaylie smiled. I smiled back and put my books into my locker. Besides what I have for my homework. “You ready?” I asked. “More ready than I have ever been my darling.” She said in a British accent. I chuckled and we walked outside and walked towards the football field.
“There is this party tomorrow, my sister told me to invite you over. So I guess you have to come.” Kaylie informed. “A party?” I raised an eyebrow. “Yes a party! You have to go or my sister will make your life a living hell. And that is for a fact.” Kaylie explained. “Fine.” I sighed. I really don’t like being around drunk people because of what happened with my dad when he got drunk. My mother was away on a business trip for a month. I couldn’t call her or anything. If I told her what happened, my dad would kill me. But finally after she came back, I told her. I wasn’t scared anymore because my mom was home. I knew she would protect me.
My eyes shot towards Sean and I spotted him glancing over at me. I hope he won’t be mad for me sitting here, waiting for him. A football comes flying towards my face. Kaylie ran away from the ball. I just ran for it and caught it. I used to be wide receiver when I used to play. The coaches gasped and so did the cheer leaders. What? Have they ever seen a gay guy catch a football like that?
“NEW BOY! THROW THE FOOTBALL BACK!” One of the coaches shouted. I stepped back and threw the ball straight at the coach. He jumped back as he caught it. Kaylie started giggling. “I had no idea you are that good.” She pointed out. I just shrugged my shoulders. “COME HERE NEW BOY!” He demanded. I gulped. All the football players are staring at me and so is everyone else watching. I walked over to the coaches.
“Have you ever played before?” The hot one asked. “I used to. But not anymore.” I responded. “ANDREWS! GO ALONG!” The coach shouted at a guy. Andrews started running far away. The other coach handed me a ball. “Show us what you got.” He smiled. God, what did I get myself into? I stepped back and made Andres go farther and farther. I stepped back and threw the ball. It goes spiraling up in the air and Andrews catches it. Everyone started cheering. The coaches smiled at me. “You should be on this team. What do you think?” He asked. I don’t want to play any sports. “I don’t play anymore Coach. Sorry.” I shrugged my shoulders and walked away. “COME ON! You are good! You have to play again!” The coaches begged. “The only think I play with is my own ball!” I shouted back. I could hear chuckles from the people watching. I walked back over to Kaylie and she was smiling so big at me. What is with this girl?
“What?” I asked nervously.
“You just showed everyone you got skills….. Then you said no….. Then you said the only thing you play with is your own ball.” She started bursting out laughing. I couldn’t hold in my laughter either. I just laughed with her.
“I think you made those coaches feel like shit.” Kaylie laughed harder.
“Oh well…. They will find someone better.” I laughed. We just continued to talk and waited till practice was over.
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