"Pirate Orientation"
Charles and Isaiah didn't return from work until late that night after everyone was supposed to be in bed. Supposed. The lamp on the coffee table by the armchair was on and Genesis was reading Hamlet while chewing on her nail. She looks up as the two men enter the doorway to see her still awake.
The look she offers her father is meaningful and demands time to speak to him alone. Sending Isaiah up to bed, Charles steps into the room and flicks on the main light to the room. Bookmarking her page, she places the book down and raises her glass of water to her lips. Charles couldn't help but notice the slight tremble of her hand. He steps forward but she holds up a finger to stop him. Silently placing the now empty glass down, she looks up at him with sad eyes.
"You're lucky I'm sat here." He frowns, eyebrows knitting together so tightly they formed an almost straight line. Ignoring her halting finger he steps forwards and crouches in front of her chair and places a hesitant hand on her knee.
"What do you mean?" Shuffling uncomfortably she pulls her knee from his touch and sits on her heels.
Hurt by her rejection, Charles stands and steps back slightly. He watches as she picks up Hamlet once again and simply fiddles with the page corners. After a moment she releases a shaky sigh and shakes her head.
"A man wearing a mask tried to take me away from Muma. He almost succeeded if Mycroft hadn't have intervened." A small flash of anger sparks in his chest. His daughter was upset because she has almost been kidnapped- that was entirely understandable; not only was he furious at the thought of losing her, he was furious that this man had had such a toll on her she was pushing him away. He couldn't console her as a father should. Genesis once again met his gaze, blue eyes sparkling behind the sheen of tears. "What did you do? He said you had wronged him. That you wouldn't see me again until you right your wrongs. What did you do, Daddy?"
Her voice was small and fragile, it cracked and she sniffled wiping her nose with the sleeve of her knitted jumper. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, to comfort her and protect her, he wanted to promise that she would never be hurt again but he knew that he couldn't. It wasn't just because she wouldn't let him but also because his business made their name one to be feared... but also one that meant weakness. His weakness was in his four children and his wife.
As he tried to approach her again she made a protesting noise and leapt to her feet. Cradling Hamlet close to her chest she backed away.
"Don't touch me." She demanded hoarsely before turning and pulling the front door wide open and running out into the night.
"Genesis!" He yells and sprints after her. Reaching the end of their driveway he looks left and right, finding the dark road masking whichever direction she had run in. "Genesis!" He screams out into the night hoping she would recognise her idiocy and return home.
"Charles! What's happening?" Holly rushes down the stairs her dressing gown wrapped tightly around her waist and eyebrows knitted together in worry. Joining her husband beneath the night sky she looks up at him, her face painted with worry. "What is it?"
Genesis ran through a series of gravestones and up to the front door marked 'MUSGRAVE MANOR'. Slamming her flat palm against the wood loudly she barely notices the tears falling freely down her face. The door swings open and Violet Holmes looks down at her tiredly, a pair of purple slipper poking out from beneath her silk dressing gown. Immediately, Genesis broke down. She fell to her knees and sobbed into her hands ignoring Hamlet as the book fell to the concrete porch.
Violet exclaims in shock and bends down to console the child. Wrapping her arms tightly around the ten-year-old, she picks up the book and ushers her inside. Sitting Genesis at the table in the centre of the dining room, Violet places a glass of milk and a box of tissues in front of her. Dialling the number Holly had given her earlier, Violet excuses herself and whispers quietly into the phone.
"Okay. Okay, thank you so much, Violet." Lowering her phone from her ear and cancelling the call Holly runs her hand over her face in relief and looks to her worried husband. "She's safe. She found her way to the Holmes' and Violet is happy to bring her home tomorrow once she is well rested. My idea obviously. She ran away because you tried to console her so... she'll need time." Noticing his far off look she places a hand on his shoulder. "Charles?" He hums and looks to her, his eyes still distant. Cupping his face in her hands, Holly smiles softly and runs her thumb over his cheek. "Just give her time." He nods and she presses a soft kiss to his lips before taking his hand and leading him upstairs so he himself can rest.
It was a feeling she had forgotten: peace. For the few hours she was submerged in the endless black abyss behind her eyelids she was calm. She wasn't restless like she was in her own bed and now she knew why- somehow, subconsciously, she knew her father's business put her in danger. A hesitant hand shakes her shoulder, as she stirs but doesn't wake two voices mutter quickly to each other and there's a scuffling on the floor before a heavy weight falls on her stomach.
Huffing loudly, she rubs her eyes and looks up at Victor Trevor. He sits crossed-legged on her stomach and smirks at Sherlock who was sprawled on the floor.
"Oh, come now, Victor! Leave her alone." Violet enters the room with a slightly bemused grin. "How are you feeling Genesis?" She smooths out the pillow on the couch as the ten year old sits up and looks around. She nods and suddenly remembers that she ran away from home. Standing to her feet as quickly as she could she begins rushing out of the room.
"My mum is going to be so worried!" Violet catches her around the waist and holds her back.
"She knows you're here, she's coming for tea later." Nodding and backing down Genesis struggles to run a hand through her hair ignoring that it was tied in a messy ponytail. Chuckling, Violet turns her around and guides the confused girl out of the room.
While Violet brushed her hair up into a ponytail, Eurus trailed into the room scowling down the hall at her father. Dropping the pile of dresses much too big for her on the ground she slumped from the room and looked up at her father standing down the hall with a dark glint in her eyes. Pulling a small plastic aeroplane from the pocket while maintaining eye contact with him, she raises the plane and with a whoosh runs down the hallway.
"These were dresses bought for Eurus from her uncle but he misjudged her size. It seems they'll fit you better. Here." She holds up a blue and white spotted skater dress and gives her space to change.
"It seems," Genesis whispered as she held the soft material in her hand, "that this family is making me softer." Twirling, she watches the material span out and fall gracefully. She couldn't help the small smile hinting at the corner of her mouths and sighs. Shaking her hand she pretends to whisper Sherlock and Victor Trevor's in disdain yet fails as she giggles.
"It fits you so well!" Spinning in shock she finds Violet grinning down at her, hands clasped in front of her in glee. Clearing her throat she raises the skirt slightly and drops it with a shrug.
"I... I guess. Where is Victor Trevor and Sherlock?" Smiling Violet motions to the door across the hall.
"They're having a 'meeting'." Nodding and pursing her lips she thanks the kind woman and skips across the hall. Knocking on Sherlock's door before twisting the handle, she hears hushed whispers and closes the door nervous to enter. Soon, the door flies open and Victor Trevor tugs her in after looking down the hall first.
"What's going on?" Sherlock smiles and sits up proudly with his pirate hat on and a wooden sword in hand. It was only when Victor Trevor sat down did she notice his fake leather eyepatch. "Am I interrupting your pirate convention?" She giggles and looks between them. Sherlock lifts his hand and removes his hat immediately making her smile drop and she fears she upset him. As she sits on the floor in front of him she places her hand on the hat. "Don't take it off, Sherlock, I didn't mean to offend you." He giggles and so does Victor Trevor.
"It's yours now!" Snatching the hat away, Victor Trevor places the hat on her head causing her to to laugh as it drops past her eyes momentarily. Lifting it up she finds Victor Trevor holding the hilt of a sword out to her. She accepts it and watches as he rests the flat edge of his sword on her right shoulder. "I, Redbeard, Captain of the Pearl, and my deck mate Yellowbeard dub dee an honorary crew mate and name you Bluepatch!" Raising an eyebrow, she laughs as his sword raises over her head and lands on her other shoulder before standing back.
"Bluepatch, really VT?" She stands and he steps back with a grin. They both hold their swords out defensively.
"It's Yellowbeard to you, mate!" Laughing loudly she lunges and they begin attempting to fight each other. Sherlock stand and blocks them with his sword.
"Mummy said no fighting inside!" Smirking, his friends laugh and take off for the back door. "Wait!" Picking his old hat from a chest next to his bed, Sherlock runs from the room while holding it tightly against his head.
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