(12) Quarantine (notes) (CH)
notice - America favoritism
also sovame again
"Hello, and welcome to the first UN Discord Meeting." UN said before making sure everyone was there.
"Hold on, where's America?" EU asked.
"He'll be on in a second." Canada said.
"Alright, thank you, Canada." UN said as America and Soviet popped into the voice channel.
"Sorry about that. Figuring out where everyone would go was a bit of a hassle, mx." America said.
UN sighed, "It's fine, but try to be on time next time."
"I'll try." America sheepishly replied, "But quarantining with a bunch of people who aren't normally here makes this a bit difficult."
"Yeah!" Palau piped up.
"Our first topic will be how to deal with climate change. Later, we'll also talk about how to deal with the pandemic." UN said, "Anyone want to go first?"
Some scrambling could be heard over the call.
"How many of you didn't even plan a speech?" NATO mumbled, sounding tired.
"I didn't." About a fourth of the world said.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't have the time to write one this week." America said, "Getting settled made me a bit busy."
"It's alright America, I can tell you just didn't have time, considering your paperwork is always super early and you normally have one." UN said, "As for the rest of you who didn't write one, I know most of you normally don't have one, and if you do normally have one, don't bother listening to this."
UN ranted for about five minutes on why they should be more responsible.
"You guys are the COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD for crying out loud!" UN finished their rant.
"S-Sorry mx..." They cowardly said.
"It's fine." UN sighed.
America muted his mic as he could hear yelling through the door.
"Sovi, could you go tell them all to quiet down?" America spoke.
"Mhm." Soviet grumbled before moving to leave the room, opening the door and speaking, "Could you guys please quiet down? We're all in a meeting with all of the other countries."
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